Democratic Underground

Archives: September 1, 2011

The Return Of The Giant Jesus

Want to revisit the FAA shut down?

Skip the speech. Meet them at the Republican Retreat again.

The Great Dismal Swamp is still on fire.

AL GORE: Tar Sands - The Dirtiest Fuel on the Planet

WikiLeaks: Guardian Journalist Negligently Disclosed Cablegate Passwords

Dear network schedulers

Dear network schedulers

MORE Shenanigans from Madison Wisconsin, GAB, and DOA

Super easy fix to the Boehner/Obama scheduling thing

Lawrence O'Donnell: "How far below zero should corporate taxes go?"

“Childish!” Dems, GOP Snipe Publicly Over The Timing Of President’s Job Speech

Melissa Harris Perry in for Rachel Maddow tonight.

It’s Now or Never - Tell Congressman Boehner to “Get Serious” About Jobs!

Maya Angelou criticizes inscription at MLK Memorial

Anybody remember the Rupert Murdoch/News Corp. story? Wonder why it disappeared?

Can Boehner prevent Obama's...

Pentagon Pays $720 Million for Storage Containers…in Late Fees

Record Breaking Poverty in America: 52.8 Million and Growing; 46 Million on Food Stamps; 34 Million


Hmm. Boner gets Obama to push his address to Thursday evening....

Will NBC break away from NFL Week 1 for Obama's speech?

WHY did Obama choose September 7th in the first damned place?

Mr President, please hold your JOBS speech

dreaming about the housing market

Vote on Should Obama have to change the date for speech to Congress?

Only solution, focus on Boner having already agreed to Wednesday

I long for the old days of the media

Do you think evangelical voters have an anti-Catholic bias?

Will Obama reschedule his Jobs speech?

Did Perry say the administration wants to pursue plans similar to those from the 30s?

I don't get the drama behind changing a date of a speech.

politics - deadlock lies from rethugs and a pres who bends to their every wish - upbringing

Email from President Barack Obama

Quessing there isn't any 'there' in the jobs speech

For America to prosper, we must create more Jobs..

I'll be watching football on September 8th. At least there will be

132,000,000 citizens voted in 2008. Optimistically, 1,000,000 pay close attention to politics

ThinkProgress tweet: Pro-Bachmann PAC running anti-Perry ad in South Carolina (video at link)

So we've turned a scheduling conflict into the latest drama?

Obama caved. Speech will be on Thursday the 8th! as per MSNBC

Burnt Orange Report: Rick Perry on the issues

What, exactly, would be the benefit of trying to stick with the 7th for the speech?

PLEASE President Obama, PLEASE tell us your staff accidentally picked the 7th date!

you petty ass mother fuckers - Go to Daily Kos

Dodged Ball!

So... "I don't want to hear another speech!" has turned into "Why was the speech moved?!"

Apple hires fake Viagra expert to stop counterfeit iDevices

How Soon After The President Speaks On Jobs On Thursday Night Will The Repugs Reject All His Ideas?.

I Stepped In A Bag Of Tea Today At Job Club

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!!

Seattle Gas Prices Up 15+ Cents in The Past Three Days

Thank you, President Obama. I can now watch the circle jerk next Wednesday on MSNBC at 8:00pm!!

God I hope "Heidi" isn't scheduled for Thursday night too.

boehner looks like the small man in date moving...

President Obama moving speech to Congress to Thurs, Sept 8. n/t

I don't know about you, but I want a f*ing macho dictator that will just whateverthefuck *I* want

Hey JVS...let me repay you in kind

Quite Telling - Cheney EVADES full reality of what HE sanctioned in order for it to sound defensible

IMHO, The 30's and 40's mostly mimics where we are today.

Hurricane Irene: It’s the rain


A fundamental problem is that one party is trying to make policy while the other is just assholes

I have a suggestion for the super committee:

Remind me *who* owns CNN & puts Piers/ SANTORUM obscenity on the air?!1

If the votes scheduled Wednesday are so important that they must delay the president's speech...

New Report Finds Growing Support For Gay And Lesbian Equality Among Religious Millennials

Wow... Col. Wilkerson not pulling any punches on Cheney - He's a Nazi.

You idiots!

Lawsuit Accuses Kellogg of Faking “All Natural” Products

Was just watching Steven and he called Anderson Pooper Anderson Pooper.

So, I'm guessing there is no such thing as "crooked" or embarrassed anymore?

If Obama really thought the pukes

Greenpeace blocks Brazil oil company office to protest exploration in whale breeding territory

For profit hospice centers fuck over Medicare budget

God...The Headline On HuffPo Is Just So Sad

It's a good idea for political activists to read the constitution of their country.

I love my state and I've never been prouder of it.

Obama didn't cave - Boner has to let Obama have the joint session.

Recovery plan for troubled Pennsylvania capital rejected

Recovery plan for troubled Pennsylvania capital rejected

Bad news for Kris Kobach

Sad thing is, a lot of greedy people will probably fall for this:

Oklahoma City on fire.

Ron Paul's federal disaster relief plan: Kill FEMA

Obama finesses small-souled RepubliCon Plutocrats

Have you noticed how little press on "bad" voucher news?

Ohio license plate - SB5NO

Iraq War Marks First Month With No U.S. Military Deaths

Religious Right Lipstick on a Reaganomics Pig

Fracking the IRS-A term to describe what the super-moochers like Koch do....

Virginia Anti-Abortion Lobbyist Married To Top State Health Official Who Helped Draft Regulations

AFL-CIO shifts strategy, emphasizes appeals to nonunion workers

Cycling for dollars: Strange but true – boosting biking is a city cost-saver

Cry me a bloody river...

August JOBS Report???????

Weather Service Warns of High Surf on California Coast:

An example of what the repukes want to return to...

Barnacle learned that Cheney has a sense of humor

U.S. newborn death rate tied with Qatar. South Korea, Cuba, Malaysia Poland and Israel, Lithuania

MoveOn wants you to tell Tim Geithner "No sweetheart deals for Wall Street"

American Jennifer Simpson just won the 1500m at the World Champs for the first time

Almost 40 years since the unnecessary tragedy of Attica.

If Obama changes to September 8th, I think it will look horrible!

Religious Right dominates Presidential nominating process

boehners office raised no objections to wed. night when contacted yesterday morning.

People, it's called the separation of powers

Crossing the 20 Percent Mark: Green Energy Use Jumps in Germany

Rick Perry: Too big to fail? pic of guns

Bullshit, he didn't cave, he played them...

Bullshit, he didn't cave, he played them...


The notion of Britain as a property-owning democracy is in tatters

The notion of Britain as a property-owning democracy is in tatters

The President will speak before the football game.

AT&T Dealt Defeat on T-Mobile After $12M in Lobbying

Army and Air Force Approve Sales on Bases of Gay Magazine

Crash-Prone Hybrid Copter’s New Mission: Hauling the President???

Perry to Conservatives: My Past Will Not "Embarrass" You

Why Do Conservatives Get a Pass?

Cheney on Joe Scab.

Scientist 'speechless' at scale of ice melt on Greenland glacier

Cameraman Arrested by Suffolk County Police

Moammar and Dick - By Mike Luckovich

Hmmm. Interesting. Wall Street execs have been added into the mix of end time evil speculation

Obama bowing to Boner AGAIN pains me

Obama bowing to Boner AGAIN pains me

Official: 140 Acapulco schools close over threats

Saugus River pipe span damaged by Irene

Did Stimulus Dollars Hire the Unemployed?

So much for The Hague

Perry Donor Enabled to Leach Radioactive Waste Into 1.9 Million People's Water

We the people. Good idea by the prez.

A $2M headache: Farrell Avenue collapse costly to repair

How AT&T Got to a Standoff With the Government

US officials quit over Mexico gun flow probe


The Antitrust Battle Ahead

Sigh! Money entices Dean to take a walk on the dark side

Sigh! Money entices Dean to take a walk on the dark side

London Loses as Banks Book Trades Overseas

Minorities are majority in 8 large cities

Report: Muslim Americans Are Incredibly...... Normal

Has the Tea Party Set a Trap for Rick Perry in South Carolina?

GOLDMAN: The World's Going To Hell In A Handbasket -- Here's How To Cash In!

GOLDMAN: The World's Going To Hell In A Handbasket -- Here's How To Cash In!

How Dutch are you? TV gameshow for failed asylum-seekers

She really said that? Drill for oil in the Everglades? OMG.

Solyndra, Solar-Panel Company Visited by Obama in 2010, Suspends Operation

Californians, how to help in " Redwoods vs Red Wine" incident:

Help me outsell Christine O'Donnell.

T-Mobile Chief Says He Was Surprised by Justice’s Lawsuit

DeMint vows to block Obama's speech...

Drift smoke last night, beautiful fog this morning! (DIAL-UP WARNING)

Pima County Repubs Raffle Glock As Fundraiser; Same Gun Type Used in Tucson Shooting

Schultz: Republicans ‘don’t give a damn about you’

Anyone want to try to tackle this teaparty tripe?:

Disabuse yourself of the notion that there is any such thing as the "Tea Party"

AZ GOP raffles Glock; same gun type used to shoot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

Just picture this:

Where's Rachel Maddow?

WikiLeaks Says U.S. Obtained Order for Web Host's Records

Uncensored - A Survivor's Tale of Survival - I Survived

GOP raffles gun in Rep. Giffords' district

US Uncut

US Uncut

US Uncut

Haley Barbour relative defrauded FEMA after Katrina, judge rules

Goodwin Liu confirmed to Calif. Supreme Court

The speech "brouhaha."

Cheney Is Living Proof-If We're NOT Brave Enough To Enforce Our Laws-We LOSE

Bush official advised Gaddafi on how to stay in power as late as August

New term: "Chameleon Republicans"

Perry Toon-"I Am Not Gay"

Federal Judge Invites Lawyers To 'Kindergarten Party' To Teach Them Not To Waste His Time

Mike Thompson toon nails the Darth Vader book signing event

"The $43 Million Islamophobia Machine"

Food for thought

Food for thought

Has anyone here ever used Bascom Palmer Eye Institute?

Dutch deputy PM blasts far-right's anti-EU, anti-Euro stand.

"The Undefeated" is on my Dish PPV line up on channel 538 right between

Gaddafi's latest defiant message from hiding: 'We are not women. We will not surrender'

Nurses plan tax rallies at offices of lawmakers

The Known Unknowns of a public book signing

Becoming Human: 2 anthropology shows now on PBS

Kiva: 'Intercontinental Ballistic Microfinance': A Wonderful Visualization

From the mouth of babes, if you truly want to be enlightened

Highest-Paid CEOs Often Earn More Than Company Pays In Income Taxes, Study Finds

Obama vs. Boehner - Remember: Correlation does not imply causation

I believe Obama's speech date was an actual coincidence..

I believe Obama's speech date was an actual coincidence..

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

New York reaches $53 million agreement with Goldman Sachs on robo-foreclosure compensation

Fuckie Todd wants to know what the markets and corporate America

Obama speech apparently won’t conflict with Saints-Packers kickoff

Robert Reich: Obama's Jobs Plan: Will He Offer Policy Miniatures or Give 'em Hell?

I think this year, more than any other, is the opportunity for an Indy to run and do well.

From another perspective. Obama retains almost ALL his political capital.

I think the Boner owed one to Obama...

Rick Perry King of Porn? Say it aint so!

What is Congress?

How Much Can Change In One Day?

Obama approval swings 7 points to the positive in one day (Gallup)

Obama approval swings 7 points to the positive in one day (Gallup)

Obama approval swings 7 points to the positive in one day (Gallup)

Any reason for most of the State National Guards Adjuntant Generals to have same rank?

Any reason for most of the State National Guards Adjuntant Generals to have same rank?

Chris Christie: Send aid now; cut later

I think we have a new Possum Queen

GD Hurricane Hype Saved my Meat!

New Cheney Memoir Reveals He's Going To Live Full, Satisfied Life Without Ever Feeling Remorse ...

How soon until Chris Christie leaves the repub party and becomes a Dem?

Too bad it took this hurricane tragedy for some Republicans to learn the lesson

Why Are The Repugs So Intent On Sabotaging Obama?......

What I did on summer vacation: UCLA math major joins Libya rebels on 'vacation'

The Seduction of Howard Dean (Salon)

Four-year-old girl found home alone

Q: How many Americans will be planted in front of their teevees September 8?

Why does Tom Hartman has Seaton every week?

Isn't there anyone out there in the world willing to offer Gaddafi a yacht and some boat drinks?

Christie Sued by Unions Over Pension, Cuts

Photos From Around the World of Families and Their Possessions (1990's)

Population Up, Resources Lost in America’s Vegetable Bowl: Rural California

Buyers, Beware Of Irene-Damaged Used Cars Flooding Dealer Lots

Could we please stop calling him "Darth Cheney"? It's offensive.

AT&T Buys 700 copies of Rick Perry's book

On the ground in upstate NY, Republican praises Gov. Cuomo, federal gov't

GOP in Giffords’ district holds raffle for Glock

Who is this asshole defending the ATT-Mobile GSM monopoly on Thom?

Santorum hides behind Catholic Church when Piers calls him a Bigot

QUAKE in So Cal

Disaster relief in the form of low interest loans is not spending and reduces the deficit.

Courtesy of The Texas Democratic party-

Stand with me...

Get Dick Cheney's book ! (cartoon)

Ohio selling state prison to private company for $72 million

Lady, how are you not a hypocrite?

Tim Russert's kid says both sides look bad in speech schedule fight.

GOP in Giffords’ district holds raffle for Glock

GOP in Giffords' District Raffles Off Glock Handgun

Ex-NYC Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith arrested on domestic violence charge

The US has played a key role in the battle to end Muammar Gaddafi's rule over Libya.

Republicans have made a complete mockery of government. How can we recover? If they ever

No matter how far Obama tries to appease Republicans, voters will judge him according to the results

People, the GOP will permanently block John Bryson - Commerce Sec and GREEN Energy advocate

'Sextortion': 6 years for O.C. hacker who victimized women, girls

Illinois Sends 100 National Guard Troops to Vermont to Help with Irene

INFOGRAPHIC: Record Judicial Diversity, Record Judicial Delays

Alan Grayson letter worth reading -- Iraq: I Did My Part

Oil price differentials, not emissions, the key to Keystone

I think Joe Scab and Mika just laid out what the President should have done.

Idea - new monetary system based on electricity

Handy GOP Candidate Flow Chart

Oklahoma Supreme Court tosses redistricting challenge

Murdoch Empire Was Poised to Pocket 27M of Obama's RTTP $$.

Georgia State University bars undocumented student

Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation

With apologies to Paul Simon, I present "The Congressman:"

Georgia redistricting battle will move to the courts

A shout out to all our Vermont DUers

Say what you want about Obama, the guy is raising money from small contributors.

Stay classy, Richard Yanoski...

the right is going through something the left has already faced

Man on his first plane ride spots his home being burglarized

people living off the grid

So yesterday my local shit stirrers covered yet another anti stim story

Allow me to introduce you to Gov. Rick Perry's newest policy initiative.

Voting Rights, Property Rights and Original Intent

Man faces 75 years for recording police

UC Berkeley prof. sworn in to Calif. Supreme Court (on deck for SCOTUS)

If the President wants to "go big"...

WikiLeaks: Iraqi children in U.S. raid shot in head, U.N. says

Documents Reveal New Details About DHS Development of Mobile Body Scanners

(MI) Republicans plan to privatize teaching

Above The Law - USA

To those that think giving the speech an hour before the game will attract more viewers...

Red Wings sign multi-year deal with Amway as its presenting sponsor - Amway? Fucking Amway?

Mr President you stopped looking reasonable 6 months ago

What the H has happened to this country since 2001?

Boehner rehearses for next time

How many of you DUer's have applied for that BLACK VISA advertised on DU Front Page?

I Have The Answer... What Was The Question You Say ???

Cheney Formula: Rearranging tangled sheets of his nighttime fevers into semblance of well-made bed

If the President really does "go big"

AAAAAUGGGGHHH!!!! Just saw on TV an ad to promote tourism for the Gulf

Sue Lowden would have approved!

Ok, I am PLENTY Disappointed with Obama, but I'd *still* rather pick on THEM

The travesty of storing vast Domestic corporate profit hoards in their overseas subsidiaries

Bachmann believes people should pay their employers to work.

must see short videos from the Council on Renewal about the monetary systemic troubles & what to do

Kucinich trying to help Gaddafi stay in power?

Concerns About the Religious Right Are Not Overblown

Huntsman proposes new tax on seniors and vets to pay for tax cuts for the rich

Santorum Says Criticism Of His Views On Homosexuality Is ‘AN ACT Of BIGOTRY’

BUSH On Cheney Book: "...I also follow baseball."

IN Rep. Andre Carson feuding with the Tea Party.

Appalachian "Mountain Dew Mouth"

Move On. org Petition to Obama: Stop the Keystone Pipeline:

Alaskan woman punches bear in the face to save dog snatched from backyard

Sad News for Election Integrity: Demodonkey's Mother

Al Jazeera uncovers evidence influential Americans have been trying to help Gaddafi cling to power

Well shit. More flash flooding today in Vermont

Obama just wanted to be sure everyone watched the GOP debate 9/7

Obama just wanted to be sure everyone watched the GOP debate 9/7

Horseback Rider Delivers Medicine After Flooding Closed Road in VT (video)

Once again, Obama shows himself to be a weak politician

Five GOP Presidential Candidates Have Proposed Eliminating Capital Gains Tax, A $1 Trillion

Tonight on Countdown

Hurricane Irene, Fukushima, Deep water Horizon. What do they all have in common?

Feds: Abramoff Associate Kevin Ring 'Not Entitled' To Leniency

Pima Co. Pukes defend "right to keep bear and prefer bad taste in fund-raising raffle of a Glock"

KFC: First US chain in E.Africa's untapped market

KFC: First US chain in E.Africa's untapped market

Slapshot Twin gets no Bux

The Scheduling Kerfuffle: Let's Play Role Reversal

The scheduling of the jobs speech is not a big deal, but it is a microcosm of Obama's Presidency


Cantor Strikes Deal on Cuts to Allow Emergency Spending

Customer Service Tricks: How to Escape Voicemail

Customer Service Tricks: How to Escape Voicemail

1st Grader Handcuffed For Misbehaving In Class - What next, tasers, waterboarding?

Dear America

Wanna fix the economy? Look to Martin Luther King.

Actor Steven Seagal Sued for Driving Tank into Arizona Home, Killing Puppy

I predict that a HUGE number, if not ALL of the GOP 'thugs...

OBAMA ON JOBS: 'There’s work to be done-workers ready to do it-I expect Congress to act IMMEDIATELY'

OBAMA ON JOBS: 'There’s work to be done-workers ready to do it-I expect Congress to act IMMEDIATELY'

Who would be better than Obama as Pres.?

Tea Party Rep. Walsh Skipping Obama Jobs Speech ...this asshole needs to go

Bystanders grab pot that spills from truck in SJ

RE: POTUS Address... Chris Van Hollen Says "We've Now Moved On."

I'll be the first to criticize Barack Obama for being conflict averse and unwilling to fight

U.S. Future Still Grim: WH Announcement Downgrades Jobs Forecast, Expect 9% Unemployment in FY '12

God I Love San Francisco !!! (Wish I Could Afford To Live There... Like IN The City)

Obamacation meets reality: NYC school system.

Why Obama didn't cave on his speech (and why it doesn't really matter).

Jeezus.....Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Shows High Contamination Levels on West Coast

Chomsky: "Students should be Anarchists"

19% increase in the risk of cancer for WTC firefighters - Lancet

make every government service pay per use

QOTD: "You see, if you're playing rope-a-dope, at some point you have to actually swing."

Normal people don't give a shit about the fucking speech date

Adult Industry Prepares For 2012 GOP Convention

Adult Industry Prepares For 2012 GOP Convention

Markos Moulitsas: I hope Boehner doesn't ask Obama for his lunch money. The president would go

Plea goes to get Portable Toilets for the Homeless in Fresno, Ca cause the City won't help

Which Party, Democratic or Republican, has the strongest values and principles?

Will President Obama get more independent votes by

Oops! US court case reveals CIA rendition details

Fifteen Differences Between Democrats And Republicans

What will Apple think of next? Five ridiculous predictions

My Turn: Vermont climate scientist sees Irene as turning point

Where do Whoopie Pies Come From?

Rep. Jean Schmidt found guilty of accepting $500,000 in ‘indirect’ Turkish lobby payment

Petition AT&T to bring back 5000 call center jobs from Asia regardless if they get to buy T-Mobile!

Where were all the bean counting republican deficit hawks when...

Is Obama going to go big in his speech? That's all I care about.

"Exposed: Keystone XL Pipeline Will Export Energy Security Overseas"

Danziger toon: The Republican Response to the Hurricane

New York Republican threatens to withhold hurricane relief from her own district

toon: If it wasn't for Obama

I'm trying to imagine Speaker of House McCormick telling LBJ to schedule his speech on another day

If I stood on your lawn every day in protest, would you notice?

Are Rush Limbaugh listeners capable of independent thought?

Endgame: When Debt Is Fraud, Debt Forgiveness Is The Last And Only Remedy

Unmarried? Living together? You're breaking the law in Florida

Condoleezza Rice fires back at cheney memoir

Guilty until proven innocent....

More fucking up of AZ and your food supply.

Somebody Here Asked A Valuable Question... My Response...

Jon Stewart: 'F_ck The Poor'

What If the GOP Was the Climate Change Party?

Toon: Irene Overhyped?

Eric Cantor can go fuck himself, John Boehner can go fuck himself,

Fuckers at work in AZ! Who approved a $300K taxpayer-funded salary?

Flood plains and flood insurance: Can someone give us info on this?

Generation Limbo: Young 20-something graduates waiting for real careers to begin

Another Oil Spill.

We are the proud parents of a Glenn Greenwald puppy...she was born early this morning

Tea party Republican Joe Walsh plans to boycott President Obama's jobs speech

Student activist to fight discipline by Fresno State

Keith Olbermann’s ‘Countdown’ Gets Highest Ratings Since Current TV Debut

Can Coffee Prevent Military Suicides?

Don't draw attention away from your opponent when they are

Romney: SHARIA Will Create ‘Jobs Mecca’ in U.S.

I don't really care about this scheduling thing.

The Audacity Of Weakness - Cenk Uygur/Salon

Downing Street forces U-turn on Nadine Dorries abortion proposals

It's become very apparent...

Iowa Democrats ‘embarrassed’ by progressive group

Former FL GOP chair speaks out. GOP right wing told him "we eat what we kill, chairman."

The most effective tools the GOP uses to hurt Obama...

Do People in DU Hate

Should Hatteras residents be compensated if the government decides not to repair the NC 12 breaches?

Rush Limbaugh is training wheels for the mind

CIA lawyer: Obama ‘endorsed’ nearly all Bush-era programs

May want to watch the responses to this GOP columnist breaking the news global warming is real?

Thurs. SEP 8, 2011 "Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States"

The U.S. Constitution gives the SPEAKER, NOT the President the power to schedule addresses!

So called "moderate" Rethugs are now openly discussing abolishing the vote for the poor.

If you don't think this relentless assault on our individual rights

Focus On The Family Warns Of The Dangers Of "Emo-Porn"

Why is hosting a petition for Michelle Rhee's group, Students First?

Toxicologist: Oil spill far more toxic than admitted

It is very clear to me. The rethugs campaigned in 2010 on being able to create jobs. That was what

Libyan Revolution Week 28 part 3

I just realized that I am much happier and enjoy the GD at DU again now that I utilize

Interesting reverse racial slur situation.

We're about to get clobbered by this monster in Japan

It is treason to buy and sell new foreign made goods?

The Ballet of Purgatory

California bill to fund college for illegal immigrants advances

How Global Investors Make Money Out of Hunger

The Tar Sands project is sheer insanity

A few comments on Allan Lichtman's never wrong Keys to the White House model

Crash witnesses make off with spilled marijuana

Krugman Blog- Iceland Leads The Way Out

I can't believe fucking Florida

I can't believe fucking Florida

Perry Revives Social Security ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Rhetoric

Perry Revives Social Security ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Rhetoric

Alligator jumps out, eats 90 year old's leg.

Juan Cole: NATO Refuses Ground Troops for Libya as “Friends” Conference Opens

"we’re going to experience far more global warming than our current models predict"

Obama just might have played this rescheduling thing perfectly

Obama just might have played this rescheduling thing perfectly

The Beetles!

I've got mold under carpet in basement from the storm...anyone ever cleaned this before?

I'm confused. So the CWA union supports the T-Mobile/AT&T merger?

Stiglitz: Even if Bush could be forgiven for taking America & the world to war on false pretenses...

(storm tip) Many of you are smarter than me and probably thought of this already

(storm tip) Many of you are smarter than me and probably thought of this already

Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation

Paul Krugman warned early on that Obama's "stimulus" was too small and would be seen as a failure.

There is a thread you should check out in the Lounge.

FRONTLINE: Top CIA Official: Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush’s Controversial Programs

Does anyone else get those sales phone calls, the ones with the ship horn sounding off and telling

need a computer question answered. Can't find another forum for it

So I met these people...

so....anyone else addicted to masturbating?

Not a diet question, nor a food pyramid question.

Anybody here on Yahoo: Linked In?

Yakimova Sharapova

Looks like you CAN do Julius Caeser with an Aldis lamp

Does this look legitimate to you?

Drum Sulu week on Letterman.

Hey JVS...let me repay you in kind

What did Dick Cheney say when asked to pose for the photo for his book?

Remember this?

Why do they call Wednesday "Hump Day" when most people get laid on the weekend?

What did you have for lunch today DU? I had a chocolate milk, a skim milk,

I congratulate our President on tonight's bold victory.

it's September! time for a September song

Help wanted: professional spellchecker

Fellow Du'ers who live where the soil is red clay, such as in the Atlanta area or upstate SC, I need

Daily Show or Colbert Report?

Any Hunger Games fans out there?

White Fang, jr.

Library Cat

What is this for $1000 ....(or less)

Absolute worst Internet browser

There is a whole world out there . . .

Germany lifts Doom sales ban after 17 years

Good morning. I have electricity!

Question about growing and canning tomatoes.

I don't want to work; I just want to bang on the drum all day.

Red State, now available on Video On Demand


What is your favourite breakfast?

Fox on the run

Damn how many times do I need to tell them... NO

Woman Charged For Masturbating, Watching Porn While Driving

90,000 plus

HOLY CRAP! Have you looked at the top right corner of the "Latest" page lately?

Star Trek: The Inner Light

My kitties have been busy

Need a little splaining about the movie "No Country for Old Men."

Quick question for North Carolina residents, please...

If you hear someone in RL using outdated slang, do you figure that person

Generally a superior athlete, Katia was bored with the balance beam

Songs in which someone whistles. Post 'em here!

This guy is nuts.

NYC DUers - need some directions from the Major Deegan

My new favorite math teacher of all time....

Movies that get better with repeated viewing?

I Just Watched Three Seconds of Toddlers and Tiaras

My dog is guilt tripping me.

Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed...

House Hunters International


Post a quick cooking tip. If you put cheddar cheese on a piece of bread, sprinkle it with a tiny

Scariest movie scene?

Post your dream vacation here. Who cares if it will ever happen!

A Cure For Ladies With Smelly Poop

What is the deal with the Universe?

What is the deal with the Universe?

it is too fucking hot outside!


Lafayette: "Oh shit! Marnie just puked a bitch out!"

Big Brother: What Kalia should do . . .

Anyone know how the wild horses of Rodanthe fared during Irene?

Be careful out there! Got hit by a car/pinned between two cars in Houston today

***NEW FOOD PORN*** 9 BRAND-NEW PICS from today's photo shoot @ the Mexican Restaurant

Patrick Stewart has it all

*&*&*Official Xemasab Appreciation THread #$$#

After 8 months of unemployment I have a job offer!

Has Anyone Ever Negotiated A Major Hospital Down To Almost NADA..

Surfing USA, something to put a smile on your faces

Countries of the world FAIL:

What to do in Vegas if you are not a gambler...

SEC proposal would disclose political donations by public companies

Idaho Abortion Lawsuit: Jennie Linn McCormack Challenges State Fetal Pain Law

Greenpeace blocks oil company's office in Brazil

WikiLeaks Says U.S. Obtained Order for Web Host's Records

War's forgotten: Tripoli Zoo animals suffer, lacking food, water

Legislature in California Set to Pass a Dream Act

Oil firms start U.S. Gulf evacuations due to weather

Three Pakistani soldiers killed in Indian border force firing

Perry Revives Social Security ‘Ponzi Scheme’ Rhetoric

Ron Paul's federal disaster relief plan: Kill FEMA

Moscow recognizes Libyan rebel council - Foreign Ministry

Syrian city's attorney general resigns in protest at government crackdown (massacres & mass graves)

U.S. Wasted at Least $31 Billion in War Contracts

First Fatality-Free Month For U.S. Military In Iraq

Computer Files Deleted in Fairfield Election Case

N.Y. Billing Dispute Reveals Details of Secret CIA Rendition Flights

How AT&T Got to a Standoff With the Government

The Antitrust Battle Ahead

Obama Rolls Out a Jobs Plan That Doesn't Need Congress

Perry Proposed A Bi-National Health Insurance Plan With Mexico In 2001

Ministers plan emergency law to move terror suspects

Ministers plan emergency law to move terror suspects

T-Mobile Chief Says He Was Surprised by Justice’s Lawsuit

Iraq War Marks First Month With No U.S. Military Deaths

Iraq War Marks First Month With No U.S. Military Deaths

Report: Condi rejects Cheney’s ‘attack on my integrity’

Apple criticized for China supply chain pollution

Jon Huntsman unveils jobs plan in New Hampshire

Ohio voters may face anti-abortion amendment in 2012

Adult Industry Prepares For 2012 GOP Convention

Iran Concerned West Will Benefit From Arab Uprisings

Taking on a Veteran Antitrust Judge in the AT&T Fight

New York Republican threatens to withhold hurricane relief from her own district

Initial Unemployment Claims Post Above 400k For 20th Time In Last 21 Weeks (last week # revised up)

EU reaches deal at Syrian Oil Ban

Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report (09/01/2011)

New ATF chief B. Todd Jones joins an agency shaken by guns scandal

Britain and European governments helped US commit 'countless’ crimes colluding with torture

Rights chief: Countless crimes in counterterrorism

Guardian denies releasing WikiLeaks passwords

Guatemala STD tests 'may have infected 2,500'

Documents Reveal Secrets of CIA Rendition Program

The US has played a key role in the battle to end Muammar Gaddafi's rule over Libya.

(MI) Republicans plan to privatize teaching

Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation

Toxicologist: Oil spill far more toxic than admitted

Tea party Republican Joe Walsh plans to boycott President Obama's jobs speech

Officials: Virginia quake shifted nuclear plant's storage casks

More Britons face questions over links to Utøya killer Anders Breivik

President Obama Agrees to Address Congress on Sept. 8 (instead of Sept. 7)

Panel confirms (Goodwin) Liu to state Supreme Court

Iraq War Marks First Month With No U.S. Military Deaths

Man gets 40 years for false positive murders

Muammar Gaddafi urges followers to turn Libya 'into a hell'

4.2 Quake in the Newhall Area of So Cal

Infrastructure bank could be part of jobs package

Pima County GOP sparks national controversy with gun raffle (Loughner/Gabrielle Giffords)

Fox News, Google To Hold Presidential Debate In Florida On September 22

Rupert Murdoch's daily paper angers Australian government

Row between Wikileaks and Guardian over security breach

Perry sought to sideline nuclear waste site critic

State lawmakers head to Cuba next week on trade mission

Italian businessman arrested over Berlusconi blackmail

Rebel military chief says he was tortured by CIA

Chrysler has best August in 4 years with 31% rise in sales; GM up 18%, Ford 11%, Nissan 19%

National Grid prez slammed over vacation

NOM's $100K Fundraiser: $98,000 Short

Alabama Student’s Pro-Gay Shirt Censored Out Of ‘Concern For Her Safety’

The US Federal Reserve has launched a probe into investment bank Goldman Sachs .

China is "seriously dealing with" hazardous waste

Christopher 'Dudus' Coke tells US court: 'I'm pleading guilty because I am'

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday, September 1, 2011

S&P Just Rated A Bundle Of Subprime Mortgages Higher Than The U.S.

WikiLeaks prepares to release unredacted US cables

100-plus former Obama workers to protest tar sands pipeline at White House

Tobacco firm demands university's research on children and smoking

20 inches of rain? Gulf coast warned for weekend

Back-to-School Shopping Lifts Many Retailers

Federal Judge Invites Lawyers To 'Kindergarten Party' To Teach Them Not To Waste His Time

American college kid joins Libya rebels for vacation

WikiLeaks: Iraqi children in U.S. raid shot in head, U.N. says

Newspaper editor turns himself in over Hugo Chávez slur

OBAMAS JOBS SPEECH is why the campaign season.....

Speaker Boehner claims September 7 is inconvenient because the House has votes scheduled

Demint (Racist-SC) will object to POTUS speech on September 7.

Bachman "Doubles Down on Everglades."

Allan Lichtman: The 2012 election is OVER!!!

Obama to speak Thursday now instead

About Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan

Wow......I see what is important in the larger scheme of things!

I congratulate our President on tonight's bold victory.

Which is more predictable and annoying?

I just unsubscribed from Obama's mailing list. I'm tired of his whining. n/t

Say Hello to Co-President John Boehner!

Article 2, Section 3, Clause 2 -- US Constitution

An ugly truth: Some DUers more interested in scoring political points than addressing jobs crisis

Statement by the Press Secretary on the President’s Speech to a Joint Session of Congress

Nan Hayworth taking cue from Cantor want to hold back disaster funds...

BREAKING: Obama agrees to Boehner's demands, will speak Thursday instead of Wednesday

I just got this off Facebook. This is what the Koch Brothers are doing, quietly........

President Obama's Thursday Jobs Speech will NOT conflict with the football game

Do you think Obama will cave into Boehner's pressure and reschedule the jobs speech?

Nicholas D. Kristof: ‘Thank You, America!’

E. J. Dionne: Obama's Paradox Problem

Anyone see any more confirmation of early stories that the White House had checked

Chuck Todd just made an interesting point: Boehner did the President a favor by moving the date

POLL: What's your view on the dust up between Speaker Boehner and President Obama?

Is there some strategic move I'm missing with the debate scheduling?

Tell the truth: Are you more interested in addressing the jobs crisis or scoring political points?

President Obama Calls on Congress to Pass Transportation Measures to Protect Jobs

When is the President's speech and the GOP debate

Why President Obama was smart to reschedule his jobs speech

Mr. President.... I Have To Work Thursday Night So....

Why doesn't President Obama just go on national tv Wednesday night

I could care less when the president gives his speech.

I'm looking for something positive about all this.

Justice Department’s suit to block AT&T’s deal w/T-Mobile = "forceful antitrust move by Pres. Obama"



Rush Limbaugh is still the leader of the Republican Party.

If Republicans stand their ground and refuse to allow the President to address a joint session

Why are we arguing over something that no one cares to watch anyways?

Jobless claims down; no US Troops death in August

If the President rescheduling a speech by a day to avoid an unnecessary fight inflames you.

‘The Bart Simpsons of Congress’

Obama appears to be allergic to specifically criticizing the GOP. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Obama’s fight: ‘Go big or go home’

Putting the speech off was a good idea.

GOP raffling off gun in Giffords's district

The Republicants Don't Give A Shit About The Jobless

Oh, I love it!!!

OBAMA CAVES........Again...

No U.S. Deaths in Iraq in August first time!!!!

It's not even POSSIBLE that Obama "caved" on giving the speech to Congress.

There is another way to frame this


Gallup daily: a 7-point swing, President's approval up 3 points, disapproval down 4 points.

Scarborough: Rick Perry isn't a real CONSERVATIVE!!!!

Another Republican Rebukes Cantor: Chris Christie Demands Hurricane Aid Without Offsetting Cuts

is obama saving his "fight" for the campaign?

No soldiers died in Iraq last month due to new strategy aimed at Iran's proxy war against U.S.

Just Got This E-Mail Message From The President - The Subject Line Was: "Frustrated"........

WORST HEADLINE: Obama bows to Boehner on jobs speech

I'm sick of people saying the President needs to fight more

How Much Do You Dislike John Bo(eh)ner?

PPP: Obama keeps hitting record lows

GOP = GROUP OF PROJECTIONISTS....seems to me ...a whole lotta that going on from the Far Right..

The GOP War on Voting

This business about the speech date change is part of a really depressing pattern.

No one asked me, of course. But I think it's a simple mud fight.

"Each petty slight by Boehner is one more chip away at respect for the presidency."

"This wasn’t just another partisan dispute; it was a scandal for the ages."

An Observation On The Speech Scheduling Kerfuffle

Obama just put the Republican response in the middle of football.

Should President Obama Have Moved His "Jobs" Speech?

"Some Fights Are Worth Fighting Even If You Lose"

The President reacts to accusations of "He caved again" > > >

One of the most important commentaries on Speechdategate. Cenk:

Why President Obama was smart to reschedule his jobs speech - Did Boehner bail out Obama?

And so it starts. . .Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) has just declared he will not attend Obama speech. . .

Democrats distancing themselves from Obama

President Obama did NOT cave. He was held hostage again by the GOP terrorists.

Let me get this straight. President says, "I'd like to give a speech on jobs to a joint session of

Is Obama Gaining from Being Reasonable?


Today, I caved and I'm so ashamed

Traitor Carville - White House "out of bounds" on speech scheduling

The Hill: Gore urges President Obama to block pipeline for ‘dirtiest source of fuel on the planet’

Binary Thinking Is Stinking Thinking

NY-09(Anthony Weiner's) Seat is in serious jeopardy

Perry-Gate: Illustrated Holiday Weekend Edition (Includes categories of transgressions w/ links!!!)

NLRB issues three decisions, two of which overturn Bush-era decisions

So what do you have to do to be popular around here?

Former G.O.P Senator Alan Simpson: My Party is Full of 'Anti-Women' Homophobes

Files: Americans Aid Gaddafi In Rebel Fight

Rogozin:'NATO used UN resolution as chewing gum'

Vermont Flooding and Destruction After Hurricane Irene 8/28/2011

If I Only Had a Bank--California Public Bank

Young Turks: Superintendent Volunteers For $800,000 Pay Cut To Help Students


over 200 peace and enviromental activists 'educate' Obama at American Legion Convention in Mpls 8/30

Thom Hartmann: Police at Bill O'Reilly's beck and call - except for loofahs

Thom Hartmann: Nurses vs. Wall Street! Oh, it's on

Bill O'Reilly's Wife Having an Affair With NYPD Detective

Thom Hartmann: CEOs rewarded for tax dodging?

Papantonio: John “Boo Hoo” Boehner – The Republican Man-Child

Thom Hartmann: D-O-J says N-O-T to A-T-&T

Police remove Eric Cantor protesters from a hotel ballroom they rented

Trying to reason with a (far left) non-voter

What happens when you mix ODS with Speech-Schedule-Gate?

USA: The Best System In The World?

Ghosts With Shit Jobs

Reboot the Washington DC Universe

TNGA Public Hearing: Outlawing All Now Legal Abortions Via 2014 State Ballot Question

TYT: Tea Party Wants Blacks Lynched - Rep. Carson

War in Iraq over: US soldiers still dying

Pete Seeger, Dar Williams, David Bernz & Rivertown Kids sing SOLARTOPIA! Wind & Solar Power

Papantonio: Republicans Want Climate Science Removed From Textbooks

20110830 - OWOC Gulf of Mexico flight

NV-03: Congressman Refuses to Meet Constituents... So They Do "Town Hall" Without Him

Ray McGovern: Cheney tortures history

If we can change Walmart, we can change America for all workers.

Obama's Visit to Minneapolis - Free Speech Zone Outside

TDPS: Nexium, Prilosec, & acid reflux meds dangerous, dependence forming & overprescribed

Lies, War, and Empire: NATO's "Humanitarian" Imperialism in Libya

Thom Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election

TYT: Republican Will Lead Super Committee

Whatever happened to the American dream?

Obama Caves on Joint Session, But Tries a Hail Mary

CCR Appeals Warrantless Wiretapping Ruling

Jake arrives in England

Jake likes the food but their stove is a joke

Top 25 Corporate Tax Dodgers

Guardian UK: As Libya shows, our military shrinks but Britain's crush on war does not

Is Your State Stealthily Privatizing Medicaid and Putting Patients at Risk?

World will witness anxious times as US power declines and China's rises

American labour laws The incredible shrinking agency

6 Unexpected Places You Can Be Tracked With Facial Recognition Technology

Migration after the crash Moving out, on and back

Minister Faust: War Destroys Everyone It Touches

Less Work, More Living

Toxic dust legacy of 9/11 plagues thousands of people (BBC)

The Link between Infrastructure and Growth - ThinkProgress

House Majority Doesn’t Have a Jobs Plan—Just More Attacks on Workers

Margaret and Helen are back

Wis. Justice Gableman Issues Correction -- Says Bradley Hit Him In Sept. 2009, Not 2008

Goebbels was a coward: former secretary spills wartime secrets

Tucson Republican Leader Slams County GOP For Giffords Gun Raffle! Just saw this on CNN

The Deadly Labor Behind Our Phones, Laptops and Consumer Gadgets

Best Cartoons Mocking the GOP Presidential Candidates

MUST READ: North Dakota's Economic “Miracle”—It's Not Oil

MUST-READ Amazon review of Cheney's book by "Gen. JC Christian, patriot"

Megan's Law May Actually Encourage Sex Offenders

Tasmanian tiger's jaws were too weak to kill sheep (BBC)

Developers threaten animals in Croatia's cave network (BBC)

Rasmussen poll on global warming

Over 700 people arrested at White House

8/30 Drought Monitor; Cotton 60% Poor/Very Poor OK; 92% TX; D3 Returns To GA, AL

9/1 8:00 EDT: NHC/NOAA - 70% Chance Of TS Forming In Trough Over Central Gulf Of Mexico

Al Gore: "Congratulations Joe Romm"

Better hurricane intensity forecasts threatened by budget cuts

Forests under threat from exotic earthworm invasion

Grading the forecasts for Irene

Mental Illness Rise Linked To Climate

Organic Farming Profitable Long-Term

EPA Administrator: Telling the Truth About the Environment and Our Economy

August’s heat in Houston was a 1-in-10,000-year event

Gene sleuths trace tree-killing pathogen back to California

GE Developing New Generator Designed For 10+ MW Wind Turbine (uses superconductors))

Warming streams could be the end for (Spring-Run Chinook) salmon (in California)

Lockheed Martin radars could unlock 8 GW of wind energy

NRG Solar Begins Operations at New Mexico’s (20 MW) Roadrunner Facility

Rooftop Solar Could Power 20% of D.C. and Save Ratepayers Money

Hillary Clinton's State Department Oil Services and the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline [VIDEO]

It's Time To Kill The Electric Car, Drive A Stake Through Its Heart And Burn The Corpse

Volkswagen Investing One Billion Euros in Wind Energy

Solyndra's Exit: China Not To Blame

Bill McKibben: "Tar Sands -- Gore Says What Needs Saying"

Toxicologist: Oil Spill in Kalamazoo River Far More Toxic Than Admitted

As Texas Withers, Gas Industry Guzzles

Lancaster, CA to Become One of World's First Net Zero Cities Aided by Beautiful Earth Group


9/1 NHC/NOAA -2:00 PM EDT 80% Chance Gulf Of Mexico System Will Become Tropical Cyclone w/i 48 Hours

U.S. Solar Company Bankruptcies a Boon for China