Democratic Underground

Archives: January 29, 2011

Issa Watch -- Darrell Issa, Eric Cantor & the Koch Bros

Man, 83, found with narcotics, sales records

Egypt: Which side are you on?

On the rumors of Mubarak's whereabouts

Ok this is interesting... re egypt and security forces

Robert Fisk: A people defies its dictator, and a nation's future is in the balance

If we had not invaded Iraq, would the revolt sweeping the Arab world today toppled Saddam too?

Bank bust Friday: NM, CO, WI, OK

Is This A First For DU ??? - We Have A Double/Dupe Post On The Front Page !!!

House Republicans Consider Privatizing Medicare

Trying my hand at being a politician and tackling some issues:

Factcheck: GOP State of the Union response

Independent UK: Western hypocrisy towards the Arab world stands exposed

Man In Cairo Answers Mubarak: “It was never the government, by God, it is you that has to go"

Al Jazeera call on Egyptian authorities to allow them to freely cover the events unfolding

Oathkeeper Univ Police Officer: Order to remove abortion protesters ‘unconstitutional’

just attacked by pit bull

Selected tweets from Egypt

There's Another Problem That Is More Worldwide Than Egypt...

Cleveland man looks at street violence in Egypt where he taught school for three years

Cleveland man looks at street violence in Egypt where he taught school for three years

Suez rioters seize police station amid fear, jubilation

DEMOCRATIC state rep in MS wants Colonel Reb back as Ole Miss mascot

NBC Nightly News - "Mubarak on TV demands Cabinet resignation "

Egypt Internet May Return Soon; 3 Reasons Why - AOL

Dem Co-Sponsor Of 'Forcible Rape' Law Not Talking

Darwin's Nightmare

So, now that President Obama has single-handedly brought Democracy to Egypt (per CNN)...

BBC photos from Egypt

Glenn Beck, unhinged:

'The US is not so concerned with events in Egypt because the military is

We will continue to be seen as a waning power

People's Park tree-sitter charged with attempted murder

Oh Great... According To The Opening For 'The Last Word'

Goldman Sachs CEO gets triple salary, $12.6 million shares after net income plunge

Want to know why Ron Reagan and Patti Davis are liberals?

How much does Assange and Wikileaks have to do with the riots?

whats up with this guy anyway?

OOOPS - Nothing to see here. Accidental Post.

Mr. Mubarek, tear down this firewall

Mr. Mubarek, tear down this firewall

Egypt deploys Main Battle Tanks onto the streets

Inside State Department's Arab Twitter diplomacy

Governor LePage (R-Teabagger) to gut Maine environmental, labor and farm rules

The most subversive protest of all: An Egyptian protestor kisses a riot police officer.

They used expired tear gas in the demos

Egyptian Embassy in Venezuela Briefly Taken Over, Chavez Says (no worry,he nationalized it)

Joe Lieberman Wants To Be Dictator Of Egypt

I hope these "winds of change" blow into Saudi Arabia.

TeaBaggers don't know TEA...

My old computer bit the dust. does anyone have links to resources for

MSNBC has Ed on instead of Lockup! 10 PM Eastern n/t

pop quiz: What's this a pic of?

Mike Elk: Why Huffington Post ‘fired’ me

Juan Cole responds to Biden's "I would not refer to him as a dictator" comment about Mubarak

GOPers got a LOCK on Baloon Heads by 8 to 1 ....why is that? Its a crowd they got...beck,sean, billo

The House GOP's Plan to Redefine Rape

So... I guess.... the revolution WILL be televised

So... I guess.... the revolution WILL be televised

Watching Maher. He kept saying the R's are worse fiscally, and the two R's on the

World! Time has come to Galvanize! - Speed Caravan - Live in Cairo

Mubarak is 83. There's been talk of succession for years. Son was "supposed to" win fall elections

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF! & here's a new kitty gif

Perhaps it would be more efficient for everyone to move the revolution to Davos this week.

Al Jazeera demand freedom to report (in Egypt)

Internet's back up in Egypt - Richard Engel reporting from Cairo. nt

Ladies and Gentlemen...I present...The Balloonheads....

Is King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia a dictator?

Citizen's United question: If corporations are to be treated as people does that mean people get

I wonder what the Israelis are up to right now.....

Heated Backlash Over Limbaugh's Imitation

Communicate if Your Government Shuts Off Your Internet

What do you think the Quitter Queen's first Facebook/Twitter comments will be on Egypt?

Fish on Prozac, who knew?

"the guilty secret of those screaming, “It’s all about the kids!”

WaPo editorial: The U.S. needs to break with Mubarak now

How to shut down the Internet

George W. Bush joins 'presidential million book sales club'

"I am dismissing the government and will appoint a new one." Hosni Mubarak

Take a break - enjoy some political humor

Take a break - enjoy some political humor

i want to be THIS brave

So DL Hughley doesn't believe in evolution?

Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas

Ok according to Wedeman on CNN Hosni pre-recorded the speech

The inherent danger behind the anti-Mexican backlash

It is 06:26 Cairo time

How will Egypt end up?

"we will continue to be seen as a waning power."

A luta continua - La lutte continue

While Muslim Protestors Prayed Today, Christian Egyptians Formed Human Chains To Protect Them

Elephant in the room: The loss of Mubarak = a loss for American hegemony in the Middle East n/t

How to Shut Down the Internet

Marines Ready for Egypt Rescue Mission

Richard Engel will be on Rachel. Man, has that man slept?? It's 4am there! What

LOL.....Michele Bachmann's State of the Union response

Deadly Attack by Taliban in Kabul Sought to Kill Head of Blackwater

Deadly Attack by Taliban in Kabul Sought to Kill Head of Blackwater

Who do you think is best able to govern Egypt?

"30 bodies taken to Cairo hospital on Friday, including children of 7 and 4 years old"

It's Now Up To Us. Our Grass Roots to Egypt's.

Al Jazeera says 95 dead so far with hundreds injured

Bombing of supermarket ends peaceful period in Kabul

Twitterverse claims confirmation that Mubarak has stepped down

Heads Up: Al Jazeera English's Excellent Live Blog Of Egypt's Protests Has Moved

The New RW Meme: Commentary: States should have the option of bankruptcy protection to deal with the

Mapping Egypt's 'day of wrath'

Egypt uprising in planning since 2008?

When you shut down the internet and cell phones

london: Students and TUC set to join in city protests

Redrawing the map of the Middle East.

Redrawing the map of the Middle East.

GOP consultant Frank Luntz gives Fox News a room full of Pres. Obama opponents and feeds them lies

Here for the big picture

Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Neede

don't know if its been thrown up here yet,

The trouble with supplements if you are diabetic, a list of potential drug-supplement

Breaking: Police firing on protesters @ Interior Ministry and Central Bank in Cairo

Self-deleted by member

American Charged in Pakistan Killing

The real hero of the Middle East - the man who woke them all up

WikiLeaks founder says enjoys making banks squirm

White House wobbles on Egyptian tightrope

Some of the soldiers are saying peace will only happen if Mubarak steps down

Wikileaks --> Tunisia -->Egypt. And we are still supposed to think there is "nothing new here"?

Nothing suspicious here, move along

High School Biology Teachers in U.S. Reluctant to Endorse Evolution in Class, Study Finds

Toon: Pests that refuse to go away...

Sad but true toon: Save my Job

Meanwhile..... .... in Davos

Egypt: Yet Another Iconic Photo Of A Brave Protester Smooching A Bewildered Cop

Rand Paul Wants to Ban Abortions and End Birthright Citizenship

Global Post: Confused about all the protests? Here is everything you need to know.

Disabled Child Tortured With Iron, 5 Arrested At Group Home

Detroit cuts funding for homeless warming centers

On FOX just now

This is why Newt and Jeb Bush are bad for this country...

32 workers to be replaced: Golden Gate Bridge going to all-electronic toll system

Making Business Succeed

Making Business Succeed

Check Out The POWERFUL RAW EMOTION In This Egyptian Protester's Voice At 00:45

Will Mubarak step down today?

The "watching the revolution on TV" thread

New York Conservative Party Unknowingly Nominated a Dead Person for State Senate in 2010

New York Conservative Party Unknowingly Nominated a Dead Person for State Senate in 2010

protests... BBC photos

protests... BBC photos

Medina HS Bans Dirty Dancing, Approves Breathalyzers

Which DUers should be immortalized?

Right-Wing Radio Host Tammy Bruce Compares Obama To Mubarak

Dennis Kucinich: Regarding Settlement of Dental Injury Law Suit

Fake Filipino nuns caught going to Lebanon

GEM$NBC is using Al Jazeera's feed

Omar Soliman named as Egyptian Vice President

Pentagon withholding half of separation pay for soldiers dismissed under DADT

Redux: The Coming Corporate Raid On The U.S. Treasury

Beware Virgo drivers, Allstate data warn

Good ol' bonus days are back for Goldman

bread, freedom and human dignity

Why try and equate the poverty here to the poverty in Egypt?

What's likely to happen to Egyptian/Israeli relations if there is regime change in Cairo?

(Gov.) LePage aide denies bid to politicize employees (LePage - Teabagger/lying sack, Maine)

Mubarak is a fool

By nothing more than luck, I am him, only not as brave.

The man to watch in Egypt is

Don't worry; the wealthy elite really DO get it

Hawaii making money off of birthers. LOL

President Obama Misses the Point in Egypt

ENJOY the CREEPY version! The one where Bachmann looks AT the camera, not AWAY from it!

ENJOY the CREEPY version! The one where Bachmann looks AT the camera, not AWAY from it!

Looking for cheap, private, easy to use web page forum for our Dem group

Find out who hates you on Facebook

How will lower corporate tax rates help?

Top Republican finally comments, weakly, on Egypt

Parade of Morons on CNN this morning

Fox Still Falsely Claiming That Snow Disproves Global Warming

Your parents: Left or right?

Is Mubarak a dictator?

Lobster in the mountains, riots on the Nile

Lobster in the mountains, riots on the Nile

Lobster in the mountains, riots on the Nile

NBC selling KO bobblehead dolls!

Disney bloated CEO pay while the unions denied living wages or ask for concession

History is critical in our "race to the top"

Socialism. What's good enough for Einstein is good enough for me.

Hot New Education Trend: Segregation (Lancaster, PA)

"For 6 decades I've been pretending to be the honest broker-but I'm here to tell you-It's all lies!'

Dying to start a thread

The mark of the Beast?

So what of Jordan, Yemen?

Iran hangs two activists

true dat

Mesa man makes eco-friendly plastic bottles, runs into opposition

No longer caring about democracy, Bolton disparages protesters and defends Mubarak

Repubs Abusing Power: Reform turns into screaming match in Pennsylvania House

Saudi King calls Mubarak - assured all under 'control' (and a WTF?)

Holy Shit... 'In Alexandria, Battles With Police' - NYT

Holy Shit... 'In Alexandria, Battles With Police' - NYT

The Egyptian demonstrators are smart -- winning hearts and minds

I think Jim clancy is my favorite news person

There is great and mighty humanity in the DU community.

Joe Lieberman wants to be dictator of Egypt

The 'Liberal' Media: Obama at fault for Economy and Bush is responsible for Egyptians rising up

Fox News Suggests Rabbis Protesting Beck Are In the 'Vast Soros Conspiracy' Too

More than 100 estimated dead so far as Egyptian protests resume for a fifth day

Judge: No More Plastic Surgery or Tattoos

Huckabee says that wage inequality made Egyptian revolution inevitable.

Huckabee says that wage inequality made Egyptian revolution inevitable.

John Kasich was just being anti liberal/democrat not a racist asshat. O.K.?

Sigh.. comment on article in my paper on the conviction of a child rapist

Al Jaz reporting "looters" had police ID cards and gov't issued weapons...

I need to know if there was this much to-do on say, FDR's 100th Birthday?

I need to know if there was this much to-do on say, FDR's 100th Birthday?

Egypt's Military Deployed Under Night Curfew

Egypt's Military Deployed Under Night Curfew

What does the MS stand for in MSNBC?

My Father's Egyptian Story

Comcast takes control of NBC Universal

Democrats: Maine Medicaid head wrongly fired (by Gov. LePage - R: Teabagger)

Has anyone heard from Hepburn lately?

Davos: Two Worlds, Ready or Not

Davos: Two Worlds, Ready or Not

Revolution is in the air but US sticks to same old script (addicted to propping up tyrants)

Revolution is in the air but US sticks to same old script (addicted to propping up tyrants)

'Jerry Springer: The Opera' comes to Lakewood; controversy follows

Egypt's example should kill ''internet kill switch'' bill in US

Egypt's example should kill ''internet kill switch'' bill in US

El Baradei speaks: "We are talking about taking down the Pharaonic dictatorship."

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

Some in Army Appear to Side With Demonstrators

"I am flattered that they think the skits on me are totally inconsistent with my personality"

Al Jazeera is the "Fox News" of the middle east .

Egypt's uprising unites society in rage (AP)

EGYPT NEWS: Egyptians React To Mubarak Speech

Some folks are reporting the Internet is back on in Egypt

MSNBC ratings dip without Olbermann

Glenn Beck Explodes At Chris Matthews About Bachmann (VIDEO)

GOP Conference chairman: America must stand with Egypt

GOP Conference chairman: America must stand with Egypt

We actually had a pleasant discussion in my paper about funding of public libraries

Moscow airport bombing: why a terrorist mastermind is sending chills down spines

Audio: Phone call update from Cairo

That Al Jazeera lady is tearing this moron a new one

Iranian opposition leader hails Egypt protests

Student off hook for Facebook insult of teacher

Israel watches Egypt uprising with fear

Obama Administration Cut Funding To Promote Democracy In Egypt, Disappointing Human Rights Activists

Just out of morbid curiosity

Just out of morbid curiosity

How does Egypt's stock market and economy affect the United States?

A Very Fine Thing: The Egyptian Revolution

Headline on CNN:31 dead in Alexandria.

A Fizzy Ocean on Enceladus (w/pic of what a fizzy ocean looks like on a moon near saturn)

EPIC FAIL! Bachmann's call for batshit crazy benefit cuts angers head of Veterans of Foreign Wars

The narcissism of the neo-cons, Egypt edition

The Telegraph claims WikiLeaks cables show US government backed dissidents who have planned 'regime'

Double-Speak: Praise the Troops, Then Pick Their Pockets

Glenn Beck gets undies in bunch over Tweety's "Ballon Head" remarks, has a drama queen hissy fit

Lebanon's tension abates as eyes turn to Egypt

Lebanon's tension abates as eyes turn to Egypt

So how do Egyptians afford access to facebook anyway?

Feb. 1 National Call-In Day to Fitzpatrick, Holder and Obama: Stop the FBI & Grand Jury Repression

Washington needs a friendly regime in Cairo more than it needs a democratic government

Washington needs a friendly regime in Cairo more than it needs a democratic government

"...bill that would require the U. of Mississippi to bring back Colonel Rebel as its mascot..."

"...bill that would require the U. of Mississippi to bring back Colonel Rebel as its mascot..."

Policial Crisis in Egypt: More Mischief from the West

Guardian UK: It's time for parents to stand with their children at the student protests

How do you make elites stop protesting

The Bush Legacy Strikes Out American Justice

Interesting article removed from Washington Post

Opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei accuses U.S. of dropping the ball

Saudi King must be uneasy re Egypt “American Mamelukes In Saudi Arabia”

Are DUers watching the protests at the UN

EGYPT: Opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei accuses U.S. of dropping the ball

What do you think is this weekend's main topic of discussion at Georgetown cocktail parties?

David Bollier: The Decline of the Commons, 1760 to 2000, as Plotted by Google

72 hours of reckless speculation, interspersed with moments of clarity

Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein gets $15m pay award

Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein gets $15m pay award

If Mubarak is 82 years old, and he and his son are unpopular isn't a change inevitable?

Yikes. Look who Mubarak has made Vice President

Glenn Beck might cut a bunny in half with a chain saw today

Virginia House uses Jim Crow anti- Brown v. Board measure to nullify Obamacare

MSNBC: A guy was saying there are four million people living in the City of the Dead

Egypt-like protests can't happen here despite what some nutters would like to believe

How do we let the Egyptian people know

Protests "taking place in american cities"

Are any Americans disgusted with the possibility that much of the riot gear

Watching Bill Maher last night something struck me

Eugene Robinson: "60% of the population under 30 & FORTY PERCENT unemployment"

Wikileaks Cables Shed Light on Egypt's New VP

John Boner is NOT alone. The orange people are invading our country.

Obama administration: Gay DADT victims will only get half their separation pay

State Farm wants to raise average rates by 28 percent

Egyptian regime sponsoring vandalism and thugs according to eyewitnesses.

Huckabee said this on FOX this morning.

Will the administration EVER break with Mubarak?

I can't wait for the small government folks to attack

Egypt TV is reporting that Muslim Brotherhood members arrested for looting

Reverse Emancipation

Costs per student

Hosni Mubarak's Gulfstream Jet Fleet Paid For By U.S. Military

See images, videos, and articles of Nationwide Protests in Solidarity with Stop the FBI on Jan 25th.

Go figure - a 1cent tax helps community and businesses grow...

Breaking CNN: Ben Wedeman reporting that the Suleiman appt in anticipation of Mubarak resignation

Kentucky judge faces misconduct charges (donated to McCain and helped Rand Paul)

Court won't hold 'Don't ask, don't tell' lawsuit

Question on COMCASTM$NBC

A post Mubarek Egypt - secular/democratic or religious theocracy?

A kid goes to a baseball game...

Govt. funding allowed only for abortions due to "forcible rape"

Dem Rep Opens Up On Abortion Bill That Redefines Rape

Mubarack is preparing to leave

MSNBC begins booking Comcast guests (former Santorum aide)

Egypt Rising: Washington Dithers as its Factotum Faces Downfall

What is happening with Americans in Egypt?

A Picture From Egypt Is Worth...

And Comcast takes over NBC without a shot being fired

Infographic: Mad Billionaire’s Disease

SEATTLE: Rally to support Egyptian People @ Westlake Park, 3pm today (from Seattle Times). nt

LA Times Cairo photojournalism page

If Mubarak leaves, should we pull our $2.5 billion aid package?

Understanding EXACTLY How The BANKSTERS Are STEALING Trillions From US

Montana - new abortion proposals:

Tensions rise on worldwide surge in food prices

Jordan is protesting their Prime Minister!!!

Jordan is protesting their Prime Minister!!!

Dinosaurs survived for at least 700,000 years after meteorite collision

The world is turning even shittier right in front of our eyes.

Will The Revolution Is Egypt Result In More Freedom Or Less Freedom?

I wonder if Sarah Palin knows...

Audio: Phonecall With Protester in Egypt Just Recorded

I'm not worried about Obama shutting down the internet.

I'm not worried about Obama shutting down the internet.

Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Legislation Back in Play

A Region in Turmoil: How Far Will the Unrest Spread?

Fugitive surrenders to get cancer treatment; sheriff doesn't want to pay

Did Oregon Republican Party members raffle off an AR-15 assault rifle at the state fair?

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

Well well, and we finally hear from the Tea Party

Totally Shameless GOP Scrambles to Take Credit for Economic Uptick

Richard Engel

Would someone be kind enough to post a map of the middle east

Understanding Technical Analysis

Some things the U.S. needs NOT to do regarding Egypt

Translation Of Flyer Being Distributed By Nat'l Egyptian Coalition: "Accountability For Torture..."

Arab Nations Evacuate Their Citizens From Egypt

Non-theists organize Secular Coalition for Alabama (Huntsville Times)

CBS news just said blocking internet and cell phone access in Egypt backfired.

CNN: 1000 Prisoners have escape. They are on the Road to Cairo looting/raising havoc

Dutch freeze contacts with Iran over hanging

In a nutshell, what the hell is happening in Egypt?

Dr. Michael Yussef...CNN invited guest..

Dr. Michael Yussef...CNN invited guest..

Protesters across U.S. support Egyptians

Walk Like an Egyptian

Looters rip heads off 2 mummies at Egyptian Museum

What about Libya?

NIneteen private planes just arrived in Dubai

Being sentenced to ‘hard time’ instead of nursing home

Inequality In America Is Worse Than In Egypt, Tunisia Or Yemen

Arizona bill would ban kids from truck beds

Happy 150th to Kansas! Neat pictures

I almost feel sorry for Mittens

Music for the Rev: Rock El Casbah (Rachid Taha) (Add yours)

I almost feel sorry for Mittens

Soros was Hitler's right hand man

Why do talking heads on Fox...

Egypt Thread #1 (1-29-11)

Supporting abortion rights only in certain cases is like opposing the death penalty except

Why do we have so many different democratic orgs?

This Is Our 'Capricorn One' Moment

“Nobody 'won' the Cold War - Not even Reagan

“Nobody 'won' the Cold War - Not even Reagan

Speaking Of Those "Made In The USA" Tear Gas Canisters...

Local Mom Has Son Studying In Cairo: 'Why I'm Tracking Egypt, Second By Second' - SacBee

What do you think the CIA bureau Chief for the Middle East is telling his agents now

California mayor wants to broadcast bird songs (and grow the town into a Christian Community)

How many DUers live in a Gated Community

Giffords’s Husband Faces Decision on Shuttle Flight.

Tiger Parents and Chopper Parents

Nat'l White House call-in day to support Bradley Manning, Thursday, February 3rd

Model predicts 'religiosity gene' will dominate society

Al Jazerra has become like the 'new' CNN (the good one of days gone by) -- Up to

Al Jazerra has become like the 'new' CNN (the good one of days gone by) -- Up to

Katie Couric And Bryant Gumbel Struggle To Understand 'What Is Internet' (VIDEO)

When they say middle class Egyptians make $100 a month what does that mean lifestyle wise?

When they say middle class Egyptians make $100 a month what does that mean lifestyle wise?

Guy on MSNBC just said "People ask why can't it happen here? The people in

Egyptians using Vancouver-based website to bypass Internet blocks

Does anyone have a Forkboy update?

Obama and Hillary Clinton Embarrass U.S. by Backing Mubarak

Military: We won't guarantee repeal of DADT in 2011

Egyptian Secret Police Thugs Are Rampaging Across Cairo In An Attempt To Discredit The Protesters

Which TV News Network provides the most informative English language international news coverage?

-=[ Walk Like An Egyptian ]=-

Looters destroy mummies in Egyptian Museum

Bill Maher: The scary, socialist NFL

Well, abortion is okay in instances of "forcible" rape...

Just saw on CNN, a child of a wealthy Egyptian family, at a protest

from 2003 on DU - "Egypt is the prize". The sweet irony that the neo-cons must be in fits of rage

Al Jazeera Opinion Article: President Obama, say the "D-Word" (democracy)

Caption conversation between Hosni Mubarak's wife and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy

Got an email this a.m. from the NBCUniversal store trying to sell a KO bobblehead .

Pres. Mubarak steals 40 billion dollars

Exclusive: Inside the White House's Egypt Scramble

Bush says he is through with politics, fund-raising

Fucking Wolf Blitzer!!!!!

The Jewish Daily Forward: Coming Full Circle on Triangle Factory Fire

Richard Engel reporting on MSNBC: Looting of gated communities

On the airport at Cairo... I will not be too shocked

Jerry Brown orders California agencies to halt new car purchases

When is Rape Not Rape? When the GOP House Wants to Limit Your Right to Choose

What's left of The Beach Boys to assemble at the Zombie Reagan altar to wish it a happy birthday

Government healthcare: If it's good enough for Ayn Rand, it's good enough for me!

Will Egypt's Army Side With The Protestors? Key Thing To Watch Say Observers.

Question. What is the Egypt uprising a reaction to?

Rumors rife with reports of at least 60 rape cases during the days unrest

I had my property surveyed about 10 years ago (potential neighbor dispute) ad: 'Born a slave, died a businessman'

Still fucked up after all these years

"I don't need your people."

Police: Mom Kills 'Mouthy' Teens

Ellison, urges Egypt to stop using violence (too bad he didn't say the same during RNC in 2008)

Jane Mayer: Mubarak's New VP Suleiman Coordinated CIA Torture/Rendition Program

A little over a month ago, I posted about a neighbor shooting & killing the dog next door. well

Social Security will rally progressives

I just saw a man shot to death.

Michelle Rhee is a BIG FAT LIAR

If you had to choose between owning a video camera or a gun, which would you choose?

Egypt Thread #2 (1-29-11)

Skin In The Game... (Dial-Up Warning)

People jumped all over one poster for wondering what living on $2 per day meant

Flashback: Beyond That Memo - Bush Wanted Al Jazeera Gone (Jeremy Scahill)

College educated, no jobs, must live at home with parents a long time, no money

"We Stand with Bradley Manning" - Have u signed the new statement yet?

The ones they woo vs the ones they take for dinner with Mom & Dad

The ones they woo vs the ones they take for dinner with Mom & Dad

Superintendent tells teacher to quit when she asks question at public forum

Sydney Morning Herald article on Egypt: Washington appears addicted to propping up tyrants

Jon Stewart "I respect Bill Oreilly and I like him"

9 New Members to the Democratic Party's Wall of SHAME

The guy across the street threatened me this morning.

Where are the women in the crowds of demonstrators.

Words/phrases that cause Edward R Murrow to whirl in his grave

Now the Saudi's weigh in......

Now the Saudi's weigh in......

Great Article on the Undcover cop who spied on MN's Peace Activists who are FBI victims

A quick guide to British Media sources for Americans: Broadsheet Good, Tabloid Bad.

Ninth Circuit Court Denies Obama Administration Request To Suspend Log Cabin's DADT Lawsuit

Al Jazeera News Reports: Mubarak's Wife Leaves For London. Elbaradei Under House Arrest

Chemicals used in Gulf spill have not broken down. Scientific report differs from EPA findings.

Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs- By Robert Parry

The World's Economic Problems Can Be Summed Up In One Sentence

Why would the "news" stations be posting times and locations of Egypt solidarity marches?

Need HELP assembling survival kit for constant power outages!!

An analogy of Egypt and here.

Note to Sarah Palin: Your Miraculous Free-Market Donuts Wouldn't Exist Without Public Dollars

What's the ALTERNATIVE to letting the Egyptian people overthrow Mubarak?

If you didn't catch it The Ed Show was on last night & the coverage was fantastic! Check it out....

John Bolton blames the radical "Muslim Brotherhood" for the growing protests in Egypt

John Bolton blames the radical "Muslim Brotherhood" for the growing protests in Egypt

Senator favours cutting US aid to Israel

Wes Clark or Joe Sestak for Sec. of Defense

KC Star: MSNBC ratings dip without Olbermann

Lesbian teens shake up Champlin (MN) Park pep fest

Gas Taxes Don't Cover the Costs of Our Roads: Cars get public subsidies the same as transit

I talked to a homeless woman the other day..

Liberals plan to ‘uncloak’ the Koch brothers

Why Bacon Is A Gateway To Meat For Vegetarians

Who else is watching Al Jazeera English right now?

Stoopid Murican tourist on the phone at CNN

When did Hillary seize power from President Obama?

Spain sets deadline for US to investigate TORTURE

New World Order

Powerful picture once a year plea

Rogue Pug

In case anyone's interested: My recap of last night's Real Housewives Reunion

Was excited that we had another pubic hair thread in the Lounge.

Oh, Internet...


An iPod through Linux can be annoying

Biking in Reducio

My cat walked across my keyboard again and changed the size of the font. How do I get it back again?

There are personnel working aloft on board...

Adult Swim Mongo Wrestling Alliance

i hate this game

it's me you need to show

baby baby baybay, you shake just like a willow tree

a new career in a new town

every chance, every chance that i take

WCGreen has been busy writing his newest blog post...

My nomination for best actor- the most versatile Ted Levine!

Bacon: A "gateway meat" for vegetarians?

Figure No. 30.

"I would like to get the playing on about 1900 hours, if that's satisfactory..."

My big bottom has become comfortably numb??? David Gilmour sits in with Spinal Tap.

Hey, Seal...where you goin' with that Gilmour in your band? "Hey Joe"

"Comfortably Numb"...David Gilmour & Kate Bush LIVE

David Gilmour: "Marooned" LIVE @ the "50th Anniversary Fender Stratocaster" concert

the secret life of arabia

i can see beyond forever

Would you do me a favor?

This lump..

Yay. I just wiped out my System Partition by accident

Did anyone see the Willem Dafoe movie "Anti-christ"?

Has anyone heard from Hepburn lately?

Today's College Football Tailgate thread

Nativity in Black - - by Black Sabbath...................your thoughts?

Mark your calendars!

I just heard the Saudi Common family reported as having said something about infiltrators,

Boxer question advice please... My angus is 8 months old

Settle a debate in the Sand house: Correct pronunciation of Audi

Ok, remember when you were kid and your Mom wouldn't let you use the good scissors.

Dear Abby

Missed BIll maher last nite..

Why Working from Home is Both Awesome and Horrible

female dog delimna

best online job search for an executive secretary?

Anyone else getting a weird DU3 pop-up box?

I Gotta keep rockin while I still can

Do you know why the RW is after our teachers, policemen, etc

Best overacting moment?

True or False...Bacon makes anything taste Better?

Look what found me tonight...

****It's a boy****

She had an aura of RUIN; she was can't hide "beat".

Speaking of grammar...

Me and my sweet Chocolate Lab, Lacey

A whole bunch of pictures

Sometimes the Grand Poo Bahs of music miss the mark here on DU

Al Jazeera demand freedom to report (in Egypt)

Revolution is in the air but US sticks to same old script (addicted to propping up tyrants)

33 Ex-Mayors Accused of Corruption in Mexico

Diddy sued for 1 trillion, blamed for 9/11

Education secretary: 'No Child Left Behind' has led to a 'dumbing down'

Student off hook for Facebook insult of teacher

US investigates Deutsche Bank in foreclosure case (Allegations Deutsche Bank filed false documents)

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

WikiLeaks founder says enjoys making banks squirm

Bush says he is through with politics, fund-raising

30 bodies taken to a Cairo hospital (2 of the dead are children, one aged 7, the other aged 4)

Parolee arrested in congresswoman threats case

Students and unions staging fees and cuts protests

Canada in bid to expel Tunisian Belhassen Trabelsi

Sudan Facebook group calls for protests

Michigan sues countrywide for 65 Million in pension losses.

Protesters back on Cairo streets (and Alexandria/Suez)

In Dubai, the state of The World is in dispute

New protests erupt in Yemen

Soldiers shoot at university students in Nigeria

Kabul suicide attack slays prominent Afghan family

Lawmakers tweet Egypt protests, urge activism

At midterm, Obama tries can-do slogan, details TBD

Egypt protests supported at Canadian rallies

Wikileaks Cables Shed Light on Egypt's New VP

Three protesters killed as Egypt Interior Ministry attacked

Six UK students arrested during protests

Mother Kills Son And Daughter For Being 'Mouthy'

Comcast takes control of NBC Universal

Tunisian minister: Egypt must chart its own path

Alpha Natural reaches $7.1B deal for Massey Energy

Lawmaker says race played role in GOP's 2010 wins

Liberals plan to ‘uncloak’ the Koch brothers

Some in Army Appear to Side With Demonstrators

Afghans Plan to Stop Recruiting Children as Police

Mubarak swears in intelligence chief as Vice-President

ElBaradei says Mubarak must go

Qaeda warns of 'Christian-Shiite pact' on Yemen

China blocks the word 'Egypt' on (the country’s wildly popular) microblogging service

Racial tensions arise at vote-by-mail debate at Montana Legislature

Pentagon: Training on end of 'don't ask, don't tell' to start in February

Does it seem like children used to be more formal in their correspondence with adults?

East Coasters: Los Angeles is our NYC

Iran hangs Iranian-Dutch woman Sahra Bahrami

Jordan's Muslim opposition warns that Arabs ready to topple US-allied leaders across Mideast

US threatens $1.5bn ‘aid sanctions’ against Egypt following political unrest

Saudi Stock Market Falls 6.4%.

Egypt needs 'free, democratic' 2011 vote: US senator (Kerry)

US demands release of diplomat in Pakistan

Egyptians form human shield to protect museum

Do you pee in the shower when you are taking a shower??

Protesters swarm Egyptian military tank

Raw Video A city on Fire Cairo, Egypt Suez Angry Riots Leave 10 dead 1,000 Injured

Do What I Have To Do-Phil Ochs(in solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution)

Weird Liberal Head Show #275: Pyramid Revolution in Egypt!

Egyptian Uprising and the Middle East

AJE Egypt picture slideshow

Al-Jazeera morning report from Egypt

Exclusive -- Egypt protest at White House

Old Fart Rants: Common Sense Conservative Solutions

Egypt unrest - El Baradei says he's ready to lead a transition government

[Egypt] Revolution In Progress

Bogus Dowsing Rod 'Bomb Detector'

San Francisco 1 26 protest in solidarity with the anger revolution in Egypt

The Egyptian Army and the Uprising

Hidden Fractals Suggest Answer to Ancient Math Problem

Egyptian REVOLUTION Video!!!

Glenn Beck Stars in "The Caine Mutiny"

Inside Story - Egypt: The youth perspective

Young Turks: Plot To Undermine Planned Parenthood Fails


Hundreds mourn Egypt's dead

Listening to the Ghosts of Hope


OpenLeaks 101

Egypt and the Power of Social Media


Egyptian Revolution THEME SONG MUSIC VIDEO

Prisoner 345

Manipulated TV: 'Good news - bad business'

Cenk with Senator Harkin - GOP HC/Medicare Repeal & White House Killed Filibuster Reform

How Would You Function Without Google? A Backup Plan

TYT: Sarah Palin WTF Moments - 'Spudnut'

Bill Maher Debates Climate Change w/ GOP Rep. Jack Kingston, Turns It Into Heated Evolution Debate

Sarah Palin meets Thomas Jefferson

TDPS: Do NOT confuse spending less on Iraq & Afghanistan with cutting "defense spending" & military

Weekly Address: Out-Innovating, Out-Educating & Out-Building Our Competitors

Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran Foer

Morgan freeman solves the race problem.

Post a song about revolution or action for freedom.

EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION - TAKE WHAT'S YOURS! [HQ] [150K views and growing] - (a must watch video)

Bill Maher- football and baseball - classic (5:03)


TDPS: "Pro-life" pharmamcist refuses bleeding girl medication on abortion "suspicion"

Bill O'Reilly elaborates on his "tides go in, tides go out" argument for the existence of God

Tell Philips: Don't Pull the Plug on American Jobs

Today Show 1994: What is the internet?

LOL Matthews gives it away

GOP pushes to dismantle health law, Obama shoves back

Christwire: As Egypt Descends in Chaos, Should Sarah Palin Support a US-Led Invasion?

"Obama's handling Egypt pretty well"

Obama should have thrown his support behind reform

U.S. says Mubarak can't just "shuffle the deck"

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

Mubarak is certainly NOT a dictator...

Statement by the President on the Killing of David Kato

TEXT-Obama urges Egypt's Mubarak to enact reforms

Secretary of State Clinton to appear on all five Sunday news shows.

During President Hu's visit, WH connected live with bloggers in China

An estimated 800,000 people were chanting "Count Every Vote"

Obama's handling of the crisis in Egypt and the potential consequences

President Obama on the Situation in Egypt

Should the U.S. provide foreign aid?

Bush Says He’s Done With Politics

Wesley Snipes is in prison. Cheney and Rumsfeld are not.

"Wanna see Obama's birth certificate? Ok, give us $100!"

U.S. more open on detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan: ICRC

Why is our Democratic leadership so spineless?

"Biden renews vow to repeal tax cuts for rich"

Mubarak refuses to go and Obama is backing him up.

Why are some on the left calling for the President to proactively pick a side in another ME affair?

Oh my my: With his father’s passing, young Paul collected Social Security benefits until age 18

Does Jon Huntsman really think he can win a republican primary?

Am I a liberal or not?

MSNBC ratings are DOWN!! without Olbermann

Egypt protests: America's secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising

Implementing Health Care Reform — An Interview with HHS Secretary Sebelius (New Eng Jour Med)

Egypt's protests: How to tap the tweets, pics and breaking news

The Wrath of Grapes

Robert Fisk: A people defies its dictator, and a nation's future is in the balance

America's History of Intolerance

Lobster in the mountains, riots on the Nile

Egypt's Prez Vows to Reform, as Hosni More-Barack

Steve Clemons -Omar Suleiman: Egypt's Own George Mitchell

John Boehner Cries Over U.S.-Made Tear Gas in Egypt

Robert Parry: Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs

Rage Against the Regime

Netflix, Egypt, and the Case for Net Neutrality

Arundhati Roy: India's bold and brilliant daughter

Opinion: Meanwhile, Iran is hanging one person every eight hours

Egypt: End Use of Live Fire at Peaceful Protests (HRW)

We've waited for this revolution for years. Other despots should quail

Professor Juan Cole's View on UPRISING in EGYPT. Many DU'ers Respect his Opinion...So:

I got some revolution in today

Ayn Rand Railed Against Government Benefits, But Grabbed Social Security and Medicare When She Neede

The Egypt Protests : When the people awake

Obama calls for restraint, reform in Egypt

The Democratic Party's "Far Left" Used to be Considered Just Common Sense

New Rule: Americans Must Realize What Makes NFL Football So Great: Socialism

Federal judges are getting older - and more senile.

Cheap, Clean Ways to Produce Hydrogen for Use in Fuel Cells?

Weekend Economists' Whole New World January 28-30, 2011

When Do We Hit The Streets?

Why You Can Now Kiss Organic Beef, Dairy and Many Vegetables Goodbye

Jon Stewart had T. Boone Pickens on thurs. Pickens idea to fuel cars with Natural gas is half right

Hunting in the Sahara - Michael Palin for BBC

Rehberg Fights to Protect Veterans from Federal Gun Control Prosecution - (Montana Representative)

Airport bans toy soldier's three-inch rifle from plane... because it's a safety threat

President Is Likely to Discuss Gun Control Soon

Arizona Shooting Case Moves to Tucson for Now (Tucson/Phoenix/Tucson)

Debate ramps up on limiting ammo clips - La. (Louisiana) delegation is mostly skeptical

Lawmaker takes issue with OKC police chief's remarks about weapons (Oklahoma)

Mother Kills Son And Daughter For Being 'Mouthy'

Understanding Laymen's Firearms Terminology

Hondurans Protest Government Policies

USW Files Complaint Over Union Official’s Arrest in Mexico

Colombia deficient in mine inspectors

The time has come today

What was really going on at Iowa? Where is the coach?

Hunting in the Sahara - Michael Palin for BBC

"Ten thousand fans were hospitalized after the game with middle-finger frostbite."

Americans Must Realize What Makes NFL Football So Great: Socialism

Angry Yankees prez to Rangers: Stay off welfare

Boxing: Alexander vs Bradley

how about local sports?

This NHL All Star Draft is Pretty Cool

Opinion: Gun Control Emotions vs. Gun Control Facts

It looks like Mass. Transgender Lobby Day has been rescheduled to April 7th

Naval Academy Honors Gay Marine's Burial Request

Too Butch For Asylum - American Immigration officials denying request if 'don't look gay enough'

Palestine papers reveal MI6 drew up plan for crackdown on Hamas

"For 6 decades I've been pretending to be the honest broker-but I'm here to tell you-It's all lies!'

Egyptian security: 12 killed in Bedouin skirmish at Gaza border

In Egypt, protesters and soldiers declare: The army and the people are one

"For 6 decades I've been pretending to be the honest broker-but I'm here to tell you-It's all lies!'

Is improvement of religion as important as improvement of laundry detergent?

The seven seals (6:1)

Vatican to reach out to atheists

The Secret of Stellar Youth (space pic)

Double whammy on the sun today. Great pic.