Democratic Underground

Archives: January 22, 2011

Re Gifford tragedy. For the record, as a proud member of DU since 2001, I am delighted with the

Re Gifford tragedy. For the record, as a proud member of DU since 2001, I am delighted with the


Jim McDermott makes scholarly plea for primary care

Bunga bunga??

BANK BUST FRIDAY !!!! ..... New Year, Same Sh*t Edition

Tony Blair to George W. Bush: I Would Catch a Grenade For Ya, Throw My Hand on a Blade for ya......

It's bank failure Friday!

Steve Cohen's comment demonstrates why bringing Nazis into the political

Will anyone here miss the crying about un-rec?

JP Morgan Gets Tax-Payer Dollars When Americans Go on Food Stamps but Sends the Work to India

Police consider graffiti about killing Jerry Brown a 'terrorist threat'

Montana bill would prohibit local anti-discrimination ordinances

NOW Giuliani calls himself a moderate.

Damn Keith... Are You Reading My Posts Again ???

Damn Keith... Are You Reading My Posts Again ???

Palin humor

How much more blatant can he be? Scalia to address Teabaggers in closed-door meeting Monday.

Low-tax states attract budget-conscious Americans

Our Government-Funded Mission to Make Haiti Christian: Your Tax Dollars, Billy Graham's Son, Monsant

Father loses son and daughter same day as wife's funeral

At least two others were faster than me on the Countdown news. Please merge or delete. n/t

At least two others were faster than me on the Countdown news. Please merge or delete. n/t

The last edition of Countdown?

PRIVILEGE - is affluence the ultimate indicator in the USA?

Keith sez: "this will be the last edition of 'Countdown'. I'll explain that next."

So Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly continue on while Keith loses his show

Maybe he has a better gig? What the hell. Why can't he just tell us WTF happened instead of


Breaking in Seattle and north - I-5 is shut down around Alderwood near the

Unrec was only another Shiny Thing.


So Comcast will cancel contracts

"Liberal Media" my ass!

OMG! What a terrible thing!

This will be the last edition of Countdown

Rachel appearing on her own show when she's supposed to be off?

Did Keith Just Sign Off ???

So which Teabagger will attempt to diss the President


If Keith Olbermann having his last show is related to the Comcast merger we need to get Bernie

If Keith Olbermann having his last show is related to the Comcast merger we need to get Bernie

Chris Hayes is nailing it!!!! n/t

Chris Hayes is nailing it!!!! n/t

Keith's last tweet on twitter:

Post over on MediaBistro....


Rachel Also ?

So, how many men are leaving the military because of the repeal of DADT?

You Don't Need Cable To Watch MSNBC

GOP’s State Of The Union Responder Would Set Higher Tax Rates On Middle-Class Than Millionaires

Chris Hayes in for Rachel tonight. Damn.

CNN, here's your chance to be relevant again....time to get some Ted Turner mojo going


What is Comcast & MSNBC's phone number I'm calling to bitch

Josh Marshall @ TPM: What The Hell Was That About?

What is Keith going to do now?

News Breaks, and I see it here first..reported within 5 minutes of the event itself..

News Breaks, and I see it here first..reported within 5 minutes of the event itself..

WTF? The man's seat isn't cold and they are running his Lean Forward commercial promoting M$NBC?

Josh Marshall: What The Hell Was That About?

MSNBC just ran

Murder, mayhem, mammal molestation, and mopery with intent to flaut are BAD THINGS

Olbermann - AC360 Discussion

Conspiracy Theory: Olbermann's Tweets


Resigned Equals BEING FIRED....

Resigned Equals BEING FIRED....

Honestly, how are people sleeping at night without Ambien and a stiff drink!

Well... I just turned the TV off, and turned on my IPAD

Alright I tuned in For Tyler and JLo.

I'm drinking Maddow's favorite cocktail, right now.

Lawrence O’Donnell will take his spot.

Lawrence O’Donnell will take his spot.

A programing note- Rachel is on Bill Maher tonight. nt

"Lean Forward" my ass. MSNBC just took a huge step backward.



OK I'm looking for a good side

OK I'm looking for a good side

What's the point of being bipartisan and civil w/ people who are hardcore partisan and uncivilized?

What's the point of being bipartisan and civil w/ people who are hardcore partisan and uncivilized?

What's the point of being bipartisan and civil w/ people who are hardcore partisan and uncivilized?

so, anybody else notice all the newbies in here tonight?

If a subject is taboo, like incest, wife-beating, Nazi techniques, does that

Rumor has it that Anderson Cooper will be discussing Keith tonite.

Keith Olbermann just announced tonight was his last show!

Fired Or Not, Comcast is to blame

ComCast Deal Passed by FCC WED..Keith Fired by Friday

Video: Olbermann Announces Tonight Is Final Edition of Countdown

Any more news on the Sex Scandal?

"Crosshair in the Crosshair"

We need a petition to get Keith back on like in November 2010

Well, shit fire!

Santa Barbara hope to realign benches so that pedestrians avoid encounters with the homeless

My god, I am hearing a conspiracy nutter on the Rhodes show

Breaking news at 10PM on ac360 re: Olbermann Fired

7 years ago, he was the only light of truth we had... those dark days in 2003

Keith Olbermann abruptly departs MSNBC

FOX stuck with Bill O'reilly during his sexual harassment scandal!

First Thing From Google Re: KO !!!


Onion News Network is debuting on IFC

Onion News Network is debuting on IFC

HBO - $5 a month through August, immediate activation, cancel any time.

AP had this keith story at number three at the top of the hour

If CNN's reporting is accurate, Keith Olbermann was FIRED - he did not quit

If CNN's reporting is accurate, Keith Olbermann was FIRED - he did not quit

Variety: Comcast not involved in departure; they were told Tuesday

Rachel on with Bill Maher

Do you feel safer yet?

Hello "visiting" Freepers!

It was comcast - watching ac 360

Am I the only one elated that Cenk is getting his own show?

And we have effectively crossed another marker

Donahue, Banfield, Shuster, Olbermann --

Keith, Oprah has a new Network [OWN] talk to her bring Rachel & Ed with you...

Keith, Oprah has a new Network [OWN] talk to her bring Rachel & Ed with you...

Well, I know this is not progressive of me, but I will never again watch MSNBC..

Get ready for MSRNC

Dr. Laura Schlessinger speaks of betrayal and revenge

I'm boycotting MSNBC and will NOT watch Cenk Uygur on MSNBC until Olbermann comes back!

Whatever the "cover story," losing Keith is a loss of a voice of reason and sanity

Colleagues begin to weigh in on KO: Aaron Brown twitter below

I'm watching the State of the Union

Something to keep in mind with the Olbermann situation.

For Those That Thought I Was Too Harsh, I Feel Bad, And I'd Like To Explain...

I'm going to have to boycott political reporting until the grave dancing lets up.

MSNBC says it's ending contract with Keith Olbermann; last broadcast of 'Countdown' tonight

California gets shipment of drug for executions, $36K for one pound

wiki already says KO "was" the host of countdown--that was fast.

Looks like Anderson Cooper is going to be must-see TV tonight

Predictions re: Olbermann?

Network Statement from MSNBC about Olbermann

It's the PASSION folks. That's why KO scared them.............

It's the PASSION folks. That's why KO scared them.............

And in the meantime - this asshole gets to keep his job

Cenk Uygur will be filling in Ed's time slot. Cenk should tell MSNBC to SHOVE IT !!!

Cenk Uygur will be filling in Ed's time slot. Cenk should tell MSNBC to SHOVE IT !!!

Cenk Uygur will be filling in Ed's time slot. Cenk should tell MSNBC to SHOVE IT !!!

DU Dilemma

I've never watched Keith Olbermann

They don't have Keith Olbermann to kick around anymore!

Good night and Good Luck. nt

Doctor: Giffords heard cheers leaving Ariz., smiled

Rachel can hold her own

"these days the Obama team seems far more preoccupied with deficit reduction than job creation"

Is liberal-bashing acceptable?

What boils me is the idea of O'Liely popping open the champagne over this

Who had the Worst Week in Washington? Hu Jintao.

Doesn't Oprah have a network? I don't know how all this TV shit works.

Sam Stein from Huff Post just tweeted this re: Keith O.

Rachel Maddow on with Bill Maher shortly

Dear Mr. Olbermann, please start a "show" on the internet. Use a site or

Review "The Adventures of Todd and Trouser Snake"

We can (and will) whine and moan about Keith. it was Comcast!

Apropros Chomsky


If MSNBC was really dumping the progressives why do Rachel, Ed & Lawrence still have shows?

So... Not Only Are We Starting To Suck As A Country... And We Ain't Too Sure What Our President...

"The House That Keith Built"

Marriott says no to adult movies in new hotels

USA - USA - USA - USA - USA - USA - USA - USA (etc.)

A few of Keith's best special comments



As Gabby Giffords was in the ambulance on her way to the airport today . . . . .

When you hear the term "righteous anger" . . . . .

My FB friend just created "Ms-Nbc is the Worst Person in the World"

Rich people having trouble selling their yachts

Facebook Fights U.S. Pressure Over WikiLeaks

Don't miss the re-broadcast of Sargent Shriver's eulogy/wake @ midnight

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!

Rachel outstanding on Bill Maher.

HBO online stream Link

Olbermann picked up by Packers to block for Aaron Rodgers!

Olbermann picked up by Packers to block for Aaron Rodgers!

Keith Olbermann is history...Looks like he's been fired.

big news....

Even if Olbermann did "quit" doesn't mean he wasn't forced to.

Would Keith be an option for replacing Gibbs??

Keith Olbermann just resigned from MSNBC

Ironic... Keith Olbermann's Departure #1 Story On CNN...

Heads up: ABC Nightline has an Olbermann piece coming up

The Christine O'Donnell Hour starts February 7th on MSNBC at 8PM ET/7PM CT

Post your favourite Keith Olbermann Comments:

To KO: William Lloyd Garrison on using severe language 1831

AMERICAblog: I stand with Keith

Liberal Media

Liberal Media

Did Comcast Kill Keith ???

So... It looks like we are becoming "The Underground" again.

Remember Olbermann when the RW says liberal news does not sell, that's why it's not on


I really hope Keith will run for political office.

Boycott Comcast!!!!!

If not Comcast, then who else could have factored into KO's premature termination?

Keith Olbermann - how about Comedy Central for your new digs?

Salut !!!

Rachel is making Steve Moore look like dog poop on Bill Maher's show tonight

I just woke up from a nap and heard about Olbermann, I'm sitting here in shock

I just woke up from a nap and heard about Olbermann, I'm sitting here in shock

Christian Rightist's response to lesbian who was raped? Exorcise the gay demons out of her of course

New MSNBC schedule - includes Cenk.

Kurtz smears Olbermann on AC 360

Lou Reed is America

Ali Belshi said Keith's been shopping around for next spot for some time.

Is there any chance of some other network picking up KO?

Keith Olbermann's made one of his three contributions to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords last fall

Olbermann unemployed, Beck & his peeps still have their jobs even after "shoot 'em in the head".

Fatal hit-and-run accident leads to mob beating

Fatal hit-and-run accident leads to mob beating

Crass and craven... "Giffords’ GOP Challenger: So, Can I Run Again Already? "

There needs to be progressive version of Rupert Murdoch....

There needs to be progressive version of Rupert Murdoch....

DAMN! I am missing Keith already!! I hope he gets another venue soon!!

There is another possibility on Keith's situation....

What the Hell !

Saving Ears, Not People: 7 Cases in Which Mass Shooters, Incl. Jared Loughner, Used Ear Protection

Saving Ears, Not People: 7 Cases in Which Mass Shooters, Incl. Jared Loughner, Used Ear Protection

Voice your protest (212) 664-4444

++++ CAUTION ++++ DU Meltdown ahead

Keith's Birthday January 27 (1959)

So they wanted Keith out before the State of the Union and GOP response?

I have been impressed by the tribute to Sargent Shriver on C-Span.

Here DUers - have at it - Part II

Repubs want to make drastic cuts across the board

Hate the thought of all the gloating that'll be on the Faux propaganda channel.

Bill Maher on Olbermann--Rachel Comments about it

Keith segment on Nightline in a minute

MORE WRITING...that freepers & the right in general DO NOT USE VIOLENT RHETORIC.

I'm late to the party, but wasn't Olbermann a good revenue source for MSNBC? Wasn't

Check out this James Thurber fable.

It might have absolutely nothing to do with Comcast and MSRNC...

Corporate contributions have surged for new Republican leaders in House

So Obama appoints GE's Immelt to a White House panel, and then GE cans Olbermann

Beck wants to take out another one

Beck wants to take out another one

Here DUers - have at it!

Justice Scalia set to address Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill

Damned Liberal Media

Katie Coric's contract is ending. How does "The CBS Evening News with Keith Olbermann" sound ?

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Pundits Don't Make Nazi References

Police alarmed over graffiti claiming Calif. Gov. Brown to be killed on Valentine’s Day

Why Keith leaving is a big deal vs. O'Reilly

Why would they give Cenk a show if they were going to put MSNBC

Why would they give Cenk a show if they were going to put MSNBC

US veterans help find Vietnam War-era mass grave

Air Force Academy should drop ‘Lord’s army’ speaker for prayer luncheon, religious freedom advocate

The involuntary commitment of the mentally ill scares us more than random horrid violence.

Do we have any evidence that Lawrence O'Donnell had anything to do with the travesty?

Do we have any evidence that Lawrence O'Donnell had anything to do with the travesty?

I told you this would happen...

We must continue what KO taught us

Script Flippers!

Script Flippers!

OK Does anyone have current who owns who in the TV bullshit game?

Keith Olbermann is gone but....

I knew the day Jon Stewart compared him to Beck but not Scarborough Keith was a short timer

Corporate contributions have surged for new Republican leaders in House

Was Comcast Behind Keith Olbermann’s Exit from MSNBC?

Ironically, last year, Olbermann said Comcast would make MSNBC more liberal

Democracy’s growth during the 20th century did seem to come in regional waves.

Ed is next.

Ed is next.

So Obama moves to the center, appoints Immelt to biz friendly post, GE cans KO same day

So Obama moves to the center, appoints Immelt to biz friendly post, GE cans KO same day

GEM$NBC/COMCA$TNBC was so concerned with not appearing to

Just getting in. Can't believe KO left. Question: Did he quit, or was he fired?

Comcast once fired a show host for criticizing Bill O'Reilly

The final Countdown

faux news feeds the birthers

faux news feeds the birthers

End of the world photoshop

I am a Keith Olbermann progressive, I don't put lipstick on a pig and try

Russell Simmons on Bill Maher

Tea party formulates strategy to unseat Lugar.

Catholic bishops, Protestant leaders: we need net neutrality!

I believe that KO's a strong survivor

Ugh: Former U.S. lawmaker assisting Duvalier (Bob Barr)

VA Joining Big Banks in foreclosures on veterans bringing a new wave of veteran homelessness

Salud and thank you, Keith. I love you, but the world needs less anger right now.

Yes, we are in a serious depression.. a psychological one.

Wow. Eloquent broadside against Glen Beck, Murdoch & Fox from Brit MP

Rachel's Statement on Keith's Departure...

Heavily armed blogger applauded Tucson shootings: '1 Down, 534 To Go'

"The Real Owners of America" - George Carlin

Phil Donahue, David Schuster, Keith Olbermann ... MSNBC Hits The Trifecta?

About that "schizophrenics are not capable of organized behavior" statement...

So when certain pundits on the right yell---they will not shut us up

General Electric Co. spent more on government lobbying than any other company in 2010

What Right Wing guys have been fired or disenfranchised by the TV Media?

Olbermann Leaves ‘Countdown’

Time for Keith to start his own Internet broadcast. Agree or not? Why?

Until the details of Keith's contract/severance package come out its tough saying what he should do

Christine O'Donnell forms GRIFTER-PAC, FR responds

What I'll miss about Keith

87% Of Congressional Reps Supporting Comcast/NBC Merger Got Money From Comcast

If hate radio and hate TV donot influence people

If hate radio and hate TV donot influence people

Petition on line - I Stand with Keith


Notice how MSNBC doesn't mention KO this AM

DU this Yahoo! vehicle for KO haters please

Why doesn't Olbermann run for office?

"Tyson Foods Becomes First Major Food Company To Join U.S. Immigration Agency's IMAGE Program"

Freeper bottom-feeder "PJ-Comix" plans to "harvest juicy comedy nuggets" from DU today RE: K.O.

30 years of financial deregulation

This 'take down' was a warning to all news/commentators

This 'take down' was a warning to all news/commentators

Would you have rather had a Keith neutered by Comcast or no Keith at all?

If there is another 9/11 type attack upon the USA, what do you think will happen ?

Brazil's star on the rise

Utility shutoff leads to three deaths in Oakland, California apartment fire

Answers to yesterday's Friday Afternoon Challenge Question: The City Envisioned.

Answers to yesterday's Friday Afternoon Challenge Question: The City Envisioned.

DUers please save this KO sign off

DUers please save this KO sign off

Justice Scalia set to address Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill

way past time to get corporate money out of politics

way past time to get corporate money out of politics

WikiLeaks lawyer vows to prosecute Palin if she goes to Australia

WikiLeaks lawyer vows to prosecute Palin if she goes to Australia

Damn Liberal Media

It is telling that competing networks are leading with Olbermann's firing. I

"When you make fun of Sarah Palin, you are making fun of me,"

Serious Question: Do I 86 Comcast for Verizon?

Vermont's nuke plant problems grow

Veterans Today Supports MRFF’s Demand to U.S. Air Force Academy

Guliani: I am more likely to run if Sarah does.

One of the more interesting points from Olbermann's statement

Organizers of Vietnam Veterans’ tribute to include anti-war rallies

If you have any doubt that we have no voice, they silenced Keith, who is next

If you have any doubt that we have no voice, they silenced Keith, who is next

Are the Republican and "Tea Party" SOTU responses at the same time?

MSNBC is going to Shuster Olbermann -- NYT

Ind. lawmakers consider repealing alcohol ID bill

are you willing to cancel your Comcast cable if Keith Olbermann does not come back ?

Just saw a commercial on CNN touting Hillary for Prez

graphic on industry giving to gop leader - increased a lot

New MSNBC Evening Lineup Cenk 6pm, Lawrence 8pm, Rachel 9pm, Ed 10pm

Earlier today this phone call happened....

Comcast: Today's WORST "PERSON".... IN THE WORLD!

Toon: Deregulation (One of the best toons this year IMHO)

Toon: Deregulation (One of the best toons this year IMHO)

DU: I need your help in finding a thread...

Do pets pose another threat to safe driving?

Commercial for Hillary 2012 on CNN paid for by William DeJean

If Keith Reads this, or anyone knows how to reach him, he is wanted in Pittsburgh this weekend!

Amnesty Appeal for Action: Concern for health of judge

Amnesty Appeal for Action: Concern for health of judge

Amnesty Appeal for Action: Concern for health of judge

Where Keith is going!

Comcast: "Get rid of the insolent one. What the &%^* other station will Liberals watch?"

Logic dictates that KO quit, and was not fired.

Why Do People Who Work in Finance Earn So Much More Than the Rest of Us?

Keith Olbermann Resigns From MSNBC (Updated)

Saturday FAILblog funnies

Saturday FAILblog funnies

Massive Democratic turn out at the Shriver funeral

Massive Democratic turn out at the Shriver funeral

Senator Gillibrand: Giffords Moved by Support

Keith Got Fired Because He Targeted Congressmen With Crosshairs Of A Gun Sight.....

House GOP introduces 2 anti-abortion bills

The ousting of KO is a victory for O'Reiley, Hannity, Beck and the Right

The ousting of KO is a victory for O'Reiley, Hannity, Beck and the Right

How a company received $8 million only to go bust 4 months later

If you have Comcast, move to another provider

If you have Comcast, move to another provider

If you have Comcast, move to another provider

MSNBC: "Lean Forward"...

New York Times - Olbermann Leaves ‘Countdown’ on MSNBC

Should Keith Olbermann run for Senate?

Documents raise questions on treatment of detainees

Documents raise questions on treatment of detainees

Not having the making work pay deduction next year is going to be brutal.

Big Eddie on MSNBC now

Big Eddie on MSNBC now

Rapture Services, Inc.

CBC: G20 officer: 'This ain't Canada right now'

Hey Liz Lemon... Now that Kabletown owns you...

Maddow Reacts To Olbermann Departure; Bill Maher: ‘That’s Always Bullshit’ - DailyCaller

Ed Schultz just now on MSNBC seemed surprised at his new program time

Ed Schultz just now on MSNBC seemed surprised at his new program time

Ed Schultz just now on MSNBC seemed surprised at his new program time

SEC Commissioner Wants Investment Advisors Overseen by Group that Paid Her Millions

SEC Commissioner Wants Investment Advisors Overseen by Group that Paid Her Millions

Comcast = SCUMcast!

Rachel on Real Time - cuts down Steve Moore (neocon) on Reagan & Star Wars

Verizon's Net Neutrality Challenge Claims It Violates Their Licenses

Colbert: Limbaugh ripped off my offensive Chinese impersonation

Obama administration keeps new policy for terrorism interrogations secret

Coke pubes AND tax fraud? "Clarence Thomas Didn't Report Wife's Income For Several Years"

Coke pubes AND tax fraud? "Clarence Thomas Didn't Report Wife's Income For Several Years"

this is what scared the shite out of me tonight

Danziger Toon: Joe Lieberman's Retirement Party

Danziger Toon: Joe Lieberman's Retirement Party

Comcast's local-news pledge rings hollow

Would You Boycott The Comcast Owned MSNBC Even If It Means Not Seeing Rachel?

Where do we go from here?

It was a force-out!!! KO had contract thru 2012!

It was a force-out!!! KO had contract thru 2012!

Re: Keith resigning/ousted/whatever just doesn't matter.

If Repugs/Connies claim there is a Liberal Bias to the media...

Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show

Strange Bedfellows ~ Breitbart Is Throwing an '80s-Themed Gay Party

Conservative Republicans Propose Eliminating Arts And Culture Funding

"Mommy! Mommy! Come look! I can see Sarah Palin from here!"

"Mr. Boehner -- where are the jobs?"

"Mr. Boehner -- where are the jobs?"

An odd coincidence, take a break for a min

An odd coincidence, take a break for a min

Sorry For The MSNBC Link, But I Thought Some Would Like The Heads-Up

Planned Parenthood Federation of America Statement on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Nazi references are useless as public rhetoric.

Sorry For The MSNBC Link, But I Thought Some Would Like The Heads-Up

Paul Ryan to deliver State of the Union response, Bachmann to deliver her own rebuttal

Unrec feature gone too late to undo damage it caused

Double barf: Gingrich (R-GA) now appears to be on track for a presidential run.

Rupert Murdoch on Olbermann: "I fired him. He's crazy"

Olbermann’s abrupt departure from MSNBC should be another wake-up call to American progressives

9ui11iani may decide to run in 2012 if Palin chooses to run...

Class War and Violence Belie Obama's Tattered Unity Myths

We're doing this wrong: instead of debating cutting services vs raising

Keith for HBO!

Anyone here ever try Byki *free* language software?

Toon: He can't be a natural born American!

Just got a mailing from Comcast.

Urinal Games Being Tested In Japan

Discovery Bay, CA voted to ban cash transactions for all services

Comcast COO big donor for Bush in '04, Olbermann only person speaking out against Bush in Ohio in 04

Comcast COO big donor for Bush in '04, Olbermann only person speaking out against Bush in Ohio in 04

I come to praise Keith, not to bury him.

A couple of weeks ago, Keith...

A couple of weeks ago, Keith...

Big Paydays Return With Big Profits at Wall St. Banks - NYT

I give Rachael Maddow Six Months

25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map

President Obama and Bill O'Reilly - Link

Slain carver's family asks that officer be charged (Seattle)

Why is Michele Bachmann giving her own SOTU rebuttal?

Olbermann-- Newton Minow's Worst Fears Play Out

Dan Balz: Who can win the 2012 GOP nomination?

Progressive Change: Sign the "Thank you, Keith" statement

GOP Introduces Insane $2.5 Trillion Budget Cut Proposal, But Stumbles and Mocks Specifics

Now is the time for Rachel, Ed, Lawrence and Chris to come to the aid of their country

Officer suspended for giving 7-year-old a ticket

Marry a Muslim or die' threat to Harry Potter actress revealed as brother is jailed for beating her


Indiana state senator (D) introduces measure to make pseudoephedrine available by prescription only

My ears still work!

Fire Keith Olbermann and pick up Wonder Woman

Alternet: Why Do People Who Work in Finance Earn So Much More Than the Rest of Us?

Rabid Beck Supporters

NPR Media Correspondent David Folkenflik talks about Olbermann departure

Pope: Not everybody has the right to marry. (USA causing too many annulments!)

Pope: Not everybody has the right to marry. (USA causing too many annulments!)

Our Brooks Bros. Sopranos

Why I hope KO is going to CNN

So M$NBC hired Martin Bashir and fired Olbermann...

Who gets the first TV interview with Olbermann?

Great article by Greg Sargent @ WaPo about Olbermann's Ouster

School "Reform" Rolls On; Liberals YAAAWWWWN. Then snooooze.

Keith on Comedy Central?? Just a thought. His format already had a lot of humor in it.

Keith on Comedy Central?? Just a thought. His format already had a lot of humor in it.

I'd like Keith to be a guest on various Sunday morning chat shows.

Keith Olberman should be hired by Fox News.

Ok, time for a little humor.... latest KO rumour from Gawker... (edited)

NYT: Olbermann's Exit was Weeks in the Making (Media blog)

Forget Comcast..... You need to be blaming MSNBC TV

PHOTO: "All your Tea Party am belonging to us"

David Brock's Statement On Keith Olbermann's Final Countdown Broadcast

Corporate Super Bowl Spending Way Up - Thank you taxpayers for the money

Going thru the range of emotions about Keith - now I am at anger.

TMZ: Olbermann cut a deal. Look for him on the internet 'soon.' edit: DUPE

Browkaw and Keiths departure

College Athletes Should be Allowed to Major in Football: Dan Treadway


Burlington H.S. (WI) bans (temporarily?) backpacks

Burlington H.S. (WI) bans (temporarily?) backpacks

Obama marks anniversary of abortion rights case

Non-Sequitur: CEOs To the RESCUE!

Olbermann’s MSNBC Exit Was Weeks in the Making

Olbermann’s MSNBC Exit Was Weeks in the Making

In support of Keith watch and encourage others to watch the SOTU on CSPAN

I've got three words for Keith: Subscription Based Podcast

I've got three words for Keith: Subscription Based Podcast

I've got three words for Keith: Subscription Based Podcast

Unofficial Olbermann 2012 Pledge Thread!

There is no Lib, CON, Dem, Repub, etc..

How Keith Olbermann Will Save CNN

Equity CAR loans?

The whole media complex is going to LIE to protect Comcast!

This just in on Keith's exit......

Still think Mass Bird Deaths are normal

New NH GOP Chair Jack Kimball: Glenn Beck is "an American hero"

Tell Me I'm Wrong?

Mystery surrounding $190 million lottery winner

DISH Network

Rick Santorum: 'Remarkable' That Obama Is Pro-Choice, Considering He's Black

MSNBC's Flat Tire

Can a Supreme Court Justice be impeached by Congress?

Maker of anesthetic used in executions is discontinuing drug

Boomers need to rally behind some leaders who will save Social Security

***MSNBC TV is a SLIVER of the NBC Universal PIE***

When Comcast moved MSNBC to the 2nd Tier in Pgh, I was assured it was not political…

News wise - Who can we trust?

Franklin Graham...Tucson memorial needed a little more of something, and he's not talking cowbell

High-ranking members of US military part of ‘Knights of Malta,’ ‘Opus Dei,’ reporter claims

Many have correctly pointed out that we don't really know all the details of just why Keith Olberman

Neb. bill bans open alcohol containers in boats (except wine)

Who's watching "Big Brother?"


Tea Party Activist Takes Over New Hampshire G.O.P.

Serial Killers of America

Oh, how ADORABLE! It's "Ronnie & Ralphie's Excellent Progressive-Libertarian Alliance Adventure."

My editorial about the effect Shriver had on my life... as tears well.

Oh and I don't have much respect for Matt Taibbi either....

If Tampa bans panhandlers, where will they go?

Corporate Media Loses a Progressive Voice - HuffPo

Comcast's lies, opportunity and timing

Todd Palin story hitting mainstream press

Nobel Economist Hints NYT Propaganda Against Public Pensions Can’t Be Trusted

As the dust settles...

When I voted for Barack Obama in 2008, in all ways, I knew I wasn't voting for JFK.

Oprah's a liberal - but hasn't she said that she wants no politics on her channel? nt


A Special Comment...

Gallup at 51% to 41% Approval for President Obama Today (1/22)

If we have to wait until the set up the death camps.................

Bernie Sanders Wants NBC-Comcast Merger Stopped Following Olbermann Suspension

China to replace U.S. as top economic power, says GE CEO Immelt

Another infamous shooting of a nine-year-old girl that is making headlines this week in Tucson.

Bachmann's Magic Schtick: Repeal, Repeal, Repeal

Ohio 2004 and Keith Olbermann

TMZ has inside stuff on Keith's exit. Talked to insiders and they

Ahmadinejad Forms 2012 Exploratory Committee

Need a laugh? Prairie Home Companion doing its joke show

CNN has lots of great clips of eulogies from today's Sargent Shriver funeral

Does anyone have something more than a fervent belief that Comcast fired KO?

Imagine if Monday morning you woke up, and there was no DU.

Check in if you support and appreciate Keith

So how do we fight them now?

Keith, Dan Rather, Phil Donahue, David Schuster, Aaron Brown - what other voices have been silenced?

"President Barack Obama will call for new government spending on infrastructure, education..."(SOTU)

Me and MSNBC...

Do you think that maybe Keith engineered his split in order to create

With all due respect... to hell with Matthews, Rachel, Schultz, Lawrence, and Cenk...

Dearest Keith - I know you read DU:

"Your lies killed my son..." Blair fails to pacify critics in torrid inquiry session

anyone else writing M$NBC to complain?

Ed Schultz statement on time change for The Ed Show to 10 p.m. est.......

re: Tucson mass shooting, Bill Maher said "The problem isn't the first amendment, it's the second"

Is it true that GE...

The Comcast dog that didn't bark

New Msnbc logo from Comcast

Punishing Bradley Manning for the Crimes of Others

Interesting Take On KO's Firing...

Just cancled Comcast!

Under the Radar: U.S. Congress prepares to renew Patriot Act

Tom Tommorow: ....a look back at the Independent Thinker.

All bow before your corporate masters

Does anyone know the new MSNBC lineup?

Sounds like there needs to be a serious boycott of Comcast.

In 2007, a mentally-ill 23 year old got a gun and killed 32 at a school in Virginia

Obama’s jobs fraud

Wait... what if Olbermann and Jeff Zucker are starting a Liberal network

In response to KO's "situation", here's what John Prine would do

Breaking: Keith Olbermann's Secret Deal

War Protesters, Where Are You?

Longtime ACORN operative to be executive director of the DNC

Wow. The 13 top threads on the Greatest page

self delete, dupe

Whew! What a relief! There will NEVER EVER be a group of people or a government like the Nazis!

Whew! What a relief! There will NEVER EVER be a group of people or a government like the Nazis!

On history and the sacred and the misuse of the sacred

'God's Army': Louisiana Locals Train To Protect Their Churches With Guns

Countdown: 1 Day since I dropped MSNBC off the

I'd love to see them give KO a show on Current TV

Amnesty International to Sec. Gates: Manning's Detention "Unnecessarily Harsh & Punitive"

Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire GOP Straw Poll

A sad day with what happened to Keith but again the right is currently winning the battles

We, The Spiteful

Pope: Marriage is not an absolute right

It’s always easier to focus on a person than on an issue.

"sources inside the network say it came down to the more mundane world of office politics"

"sources inside the network say it came down to the more mundane world of office politics"

I thought the "unrec" feature was a contributing factor to incivility here

NYC teacher holds Cathie Black's feet to the fire on choices she made for her own children:

NYC teacher holds Cathie Black's feet to the fire on choices she made for her own children:

On The Silencing Of Olbermann

NorCal dog owners howl over proposed leash rules

LA Judge Rules Teacher Layoffs Should Not Be Based On Seniority

MSNBC insider told this to Deadline today about Keith Olbermann's departure Friday:

Images of "Fresh Prince" character popping in small town Louisiana

Wow. Bill Maher's closer seemed to leave his audience stunned.

"We Want Olbermann Back" FB page

Case of jailed union leader in Venezuela draws condemnation from human rights groups

Sign the Petition In Support Of Keith!

How about this: FUCK TV NEWS, PERIOD.

Poll Question: What will Keith Olbermann do?

The new evil, fireplaces. Next up BBQ's, Camp Fires, Cooking (wood fires = smoking )

Vermont to Strike a Blow to Corporate Personhood

Vermont to Strike a Blow to Corporate Personhood

Driver’s wrong turn a lifesaver of kidnapped 4 year old girl!

Fake blueberries abound in food products (LAT)

Reich - American Competitiveness, and the President’s New Relationship with American Business

Loughner is NOT mentally ill

Special Comment: Uppity liberal who dared raise his voice is shown the door

I miss Paul. I miss Russ. And I will dearly miss Keith.

I miss Paul. I miss Russ. And I will dearly miss Keith.

So rumor has it that FR is goin' down, down, down

Is ths FB page REALLY Keith's?

My reply from Comcast (I posted complaint to their general email)

Alas there are no coincidences under the sun

Artist Could Face 15 Years In Prison For Recording His Own Arrest

Is MSNBC the "Liberal Channel?"

Senator Sanders: Obama's jobs panel head closed 25 U.S. plants and outsourced thousands of jobs.

Remember, there are dangerous extremists on both ends of the political spectrum.

Cancer 'is purely man-made' say scientists after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mumm

Ron Paul, Ralph Nader agree on ‘progressive-libertarian alliance’

TMZ: Olbermann was fired, will be paid $14M

"It began with a father, and a Special Comment"

When MSNBC fired Phil Donahue in 2003 we had no other anti-war voices.

When MSNBC fired Phil Donahue in 2003 we had no other anti-war voices.

Anti-choice Says “Women Not Human”

Can anybody here defend Obama's choice of Immelt

BREAKING: Doctor determines Locomotive Breath's "shuffling madness" was just a bad hair day

Any song by Ke$ha flowchart.

I just barfed Christmas cookies - Ask me anything!

Formed of Clay, Fire, Soot and Bone

Who Could Be The Next Kardashians?

THANK YOU!! Thanks for sharing your trashy reality-show wannabe melodrama with me!!

Cowboys are notoriously lonely, but on Kali's ranch it's taken to extremes. MOO MEANS NO, DAMMIT!!!


I was so happy to be in SF...then I found out Keith O. is out at MSNBC


SCREW the flying cars!!! Where the hell are the waterproof household goods?

Tobin's "old" mudflap -- I hope he's taking it off now that he's closer to home.

Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith Keith

self-delete n/t

For Keith - By Keith - Sorry to see you go, maybe to a better place...

well...ayyyyyy....i donwanna beea soldier i donwanna ...


Kittythinkers -- I think they think deeper than many think they think... ... ... ... ... I think.

the dude and the scottish conan are talking sharks

Mods, please move this thread to the Lounge.

New episodes of Spartacus...

Isn't it refreshing...

There is an episode of Tales from the Darkside.

Ok, I'm just lurkng in the lounge. Don't expect some kind of avant-garde kind of

I think I figured something out.

Hot water turned to snow:

Haiku theatre review:

Haiku theatre review:

Most asinine steampunk story I've ever seen.

My Blackberry isn't working..

keith just had his last freaking show...

Should this car be in a museum?

New Zealand woman partially paralyzed by hickey.

Joan Jett LIVE with a surprise guest from New Jersey - "Light of Day"

What music/station do you have on right now?

When was the moment you first bonded with your pet? I remember bringing

Check-in if you've been overcome by a wave of nostalgia for the former Zuider Zee

Post em if you gottem

A Countdown thread for Keith:

WTF? Gourmet artisinal ICE?

Lets do the Mash..Lets do the Mashup mash.(Post youtube Mashups)

eBay Sellers: Please don't use dirty diapers as packing materials

Stupid Questions... Do they exist?

Leave hickeys to the teenagers.

what is dinner

Here in Tucson, we have a 10% chance of precipitation next Monday. Jan 31.

PICS: William Shatner looks like GOP Mississippi gov, Haley Barbar

Michele Bachmann to deliver her own State of the Union rebuttal

Tips on making movies less traumatic for a kitteh?

Immigration reform needed for economic growth - Bloomberg

Republican hopefuls lay groundwork for 2012

Keith Olbermann Resigns From MSNBC (Updated)

Special Needs Puppy...Cute Overload!

Former Park Police chief to resume duties January 31

Norwegian Icebreaker heads up the Mississippi River

Fatal hit-and-run accident leads to mob beating

"Your lies killed my son..." Blair fails to pacify critics in torrid inquiry session

I just set my beta's bowl in a sunbeam.

Marriott says no to adult movies in new hotels

Tiny, squirming baby doll

Rupert Murdoch set to arrive in UK with News Corp mired in crisis

Bank of Asheville fails

Can I stay in here?

Tunisia's Sudden Press Freedom

Compromised Government and Military Sites for Sale

Shareholder groups press gas drillers on fracking

I shouldn't be munching on these "Chicken In A Biskit" crackers, but I am.

For-profit college group sues to block federal rules

Albanian PM Berisha defiant after three die in clashes

Corporate contributions have surged for new Republican leaders in House

Florida's public universities shut out of move to loosen Cuba travel restrictions

Company to stop making drug commonly used in executions

Todd Palin Scandal: National Enquirer Alleges Shailey Tripp Affair

Comcast's local-news pledge rings hollow

Shocker: Obama's Less Trusted Than Bush On Social Security

The Life and So-Called Times of MiddleFingerMom (Chap 4)

Post a picture of your wrasse.

Amnesty International to Sec. Gates: Manning's Detention "Unnecessarily Harsh & Punitive"

Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show

Furnace is out... again. It's 9 degrees out. Hopefully the repair guy can get it

Quebec warns it might slap ban on shale-gas development if industry isn't clean

25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map

Olbermann’s MSNBC Exit Was Weeks in the Making

Albania opposition vows protests

Shirts found with Wash. MLK parade bomb are local

Shirts found with Wash. MLK parade bomb are local

Phone-hacking scandal could dog the government for months

Justice Scalia set to address Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill

Thousands of Tunisian police, security forces protest

Ok, Ramsay is tearing apart another hapless restaurant.

Crackdown on Illegal Workers Grows

Congress to investigate Pentagon decision to deny coverage for Brain Injured Troops

Spotlight From Glenn Beck Brings a CUNY Professor Threats

'Unruly passenger,' mechanical problems delay flight to Denver for 13 hours

G.O.P. Grants Reprieve to House Ethics Office

Olbermann Out At MSNBC

Lawmakers in Many States Pushing for Abortion Curbs

Cuba not accepting mail destined for the United States

Pay Doubles for Bosses at Viacom

Ex Chicago Cop Gets 4 and 1/2 Years in Torture Case

A (band of) brother and a hero dead at 94

'Prince of Mercenaries' who wreaked havoc in Iraq turns up in Somalia

Saudi man dies after setting himself on fire

Just say NO to The PHISH!

I was captured by terrorists and forced to watch all seven seasons of Sex and the City in one week

Westoboro Baptist to pickert Ozzy Osbourne (did I spell that right?)

What's your favorite car you've driven more than a few times?

Obama pushes trade agenda ahead of big speech

My Mom wants me the read the bible again.

Tunisia’s Inner Workings Emerge Online

Let it be known far and wide... DYSON vacuums are NO JOKE...

What is your favourite dvd marathon? I once rented Sex and the City, all 7 seasons, in one week.

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says

Irish PM Brian Cowen steps down as Fianna Fail leader

WikiLeaks, the Internet and Democracy

Charlie Brooker: Who is Sarah Palin?

Movement For The People Rally at US Capital - CampaignAccountabilityWatch

Papantonio: Michele Bachmann - The New Voice of the GOP

Around the Dial (thought of this when I heard about KO)

The Headlies Tonight - 01/21/11

Glenn Beck Only Cry's When He's Sad or He's Hungry

TDPS: Illinois to repeal death penalty after wrongful convictions reversed - perfectly logical

9/11 Commission deals

Ad targets Lindsey Graham on raising retirement age

Chris Hayes: Senator sides with big coal against EPA

Anderson Cooper: Olbermann Had TWO Years Left On Contract

Keith, Please Don't Leave Us

Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher React To Keith Olbermann Leaving MSNBC

Hundreds Of Dead Seals Washing Up On Canada's Northeast Coast

I Can't Stop Crying because i'm so happy..... or U ...ok?

De WikiLeaks code (dutch subtitles) FIRST 1:30 in DUTCH - hang in there.

Cows With Guns

The Voice of Generation Obama (Kasper Verkaik, VPRO 2009)

TDPS: Olbermann Leaves MSNBC, Comcast makes bogus claim they "couldn't be involved"

A State of the Union Preview

Cop Tells G20 Protester 'This Is Ain't Canada Right Now'

Toxic West Virginia: Mountaintop Removal

Weekly Address: "We Can Out-Compete Any Other Nation"

Young Turks: Cenk on Glenn Beck's Dangerous Gun Rhetoric

Rachel Maddow Gets Her Point Across on Real Time

Conservative Radio Hosts says Teens SHOULD get pregnant

Keith Olbermann: 'This IS the Last Edition of Countdown'

Evidence of an American Plutocracy: The Larry Summers Story

New rule

Thanks for electing me, and I'm keeping my old job, too.

If Keith Olbermann's ego would be any bigger


Keith Olbermann just announced tonight was his last show!

Video: Olbermann Announces Tonight Is Final Edition of Countdown

Any more news on the Sex Scandal?

Obama: "Raising the retirement age

BREAKING HARD: Olbermann to replace Gibbs!!!! (OK maybe its the Bacardi & Coke I'm drinking)

Rep. Paul Ryan, Budget Committee chief, to give GOP's State of the Union response

DAMN Big Ed moving to 10:00pm

Democratic Underground, Front Page, June 5, 2008

What would be your "bridge too far" for President Obama?

The ascendency of white power

I am a Democrat because of programs like Social Security, Medicare and the GI BIll

Perfect choice to host Countdown replacement: Kenneth Lambrio!

Obama approval/disapproval in today's Gallup Tracking Poll:

How about Keith Olbermann to replace exiting Robert Gibbs as Press Secretary?

Obama to Push New Spending in SOTU Speech

President Obama defends Roe v. Wade on its anniversary

Immelt In on Economic Board

Release: Vermont Leaders Move Forward on Health Care

GOP Talking Point::: "We were sent here to clean, restore, our Nation: We have a mandate"

TMZ: Comcast wanted Kieth out saying he was a loose cannon

The simple act of NOT tuning into Morning Schmoe, is an excellent

Obama: "Raising the retirement age

Shocker: Obama's Less Trusted Than Bush On Social Security

Predict the Promises of 2012 Campaign Pres. Barack Obama

Conway files to run for second term as Attorney General

President Obama has flaws

Cheerleaders and whiners unite

MSNBC should phase out its all-white lineup and have all its primetime shows hosted by blacks

Nice company, Arianna. You are the real voice of the true progressives

Hey! Here's an idea ... MSNBC can replace KO with a person of color!

Are these 33 Congresspeople "Obama haters" because they're concerned about Social Security?

Will you still support President Obama if he raises the retirement age?

"World of Jenks Guy Speaks Out!" Millenials finally Get their Voice?

Immigration reform needed for economic growth - Bloomberg

Has Obama Assumed the Position of Salesman-in-Chief to China?

Tony Benn: 'Protest is vital to a thriving democracy'

Olbermann Fired by MSNBC: Today's WORST Network in the Woooooorld­!

MLK to Obama

An Extremist for Love

Nobel Economist Hints NYT Propaganda Against Public Pensions Can’t Be Trusted

WikiLeaks points to US meddling in Haiti

Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. Get a Pass

Verizon's Net Neutrality Challenge Claims It Violates Their Licenses

GE: Bringing good things to life but not here

The Week's Best Late-Night Jokes

Olbermann Departs, as Media Consolidate Further

Friday Talking Points (152) -- A Palin-Free Month?

Olbermann - a casualty of "civility?"

Olbermann fired immediately after approval of Comcast purchase of NBC. Comcast CEO Big RepubliCorp

Franken Assails FCC, DoJ Approval of Comcast-NBC Merger

I'm declaring February a Palin-free month. Join me! (Milbank | WaPo)

Remembering R. Sargent Shriver in Words and Pictures

Salon: "He didn't burn bridges here. He napalmed them."

Comcast: Taking Out Liberal Voices One at a Time

Creationists have gotten clever, but there's still no debate over evolution

Robert Parry: The Disappearance of Keith Olbermann

Vermont Is Gearing Up to Strike a Major Blow to Corporate Personhood, Ban It Statewide


2011: Year of the flood (already)

Hackers Steal Two Million Tons Of Carbon Credits

Two forms of world's 'newest' cat, the Sunda leopard (BBC)

I've changed my mind and now agree with, and support, gun control advocates

Wyoming concealed weapon bill wins first Senate nod (Would copy AK, VT and AZ)

Rep. Ellmers Plans To Carry Handgun (R-North Carolina)

McCarthy Bill Would Ban Common Self-Defense Magazines (More than 10 rounds? Fuggetaboutit)

Protesters Picket Open Carry Night Out

Utah - Arrested for openly carrying his "assault rifle" to the mall

Gun Dealer: 'ATF Approved Sales to Mexican Gun Runners'

Will Obama mention gun control in his State of the Union?

Connecticut's Push For Gun Control

Cuba not accepting mail destined for the United States

Florida's public universities shut out of move to loosen Cuba travel restrictions

Duvalier breaks silence

Facebook censoring Cuba's cubadebate FB site over David Rivera Carriles love vid

Dutch take Venezuela to court over Fama de America coffee compensation

Happy New Year -- from Pablo Escobar

US revokes visas to pressure Haiti on election

Case of jailed union leader in Venezuela draws condemnation from human rights groups

Browns to hire Jauron as DC

BREAKING: Jays trade Vernon Wells to Anaheim...

Olbermann picked up by Packers to block for Aaron Rodgers!

Ohio State v Illinois .... great game!

Loving my PItt Panthers! This is a great men's b-ball team

Red Sox South? Rays sign Manny and Damon

Tigers to retire Sparky Anderson's number


Holyfield: 'I just believe that I can'...

The Jet's will annihilate the Steelers!

So now that Olbermann is no longer on MSNBC, will he become a Yankee announcer??

Palestinian charged with insulting leader online

I've been saved. Sing the praises of the lord

The Intolerance of the word Atheism

NASA in Huntsville confirms first solar sail is now circling Earth (Huntsville Times) {visible ?}

Net Adresses In Short Supply

Weightless Cats - I Can Has Gravity?

NASA is examining beamed energy propulsion for space launches.

Mars Express close flybys of martian moon Phobos