Democratic Underground

Archives: August 17, 2010

What Obama ought to have added about the Islamic center...

Air Force seeks new nuclear command-and-control terminals

So Reid threw a bone to Republicans in hopes of getting the first responders bill passed? WTF?

Catering to the insensitivity of bigots and the willfully ignorant is a delicate process

Third-striker at center of sentencing debate is released from prison by L.A. judge

Angle Responds: "Nice of you to join us, @HarryReid."

So my brother asked whats up with the oil spill ?


UK: Christian Zoo approved for field trips

Joe Kittinger: The Man Who Fell to Earth

Mosque Opponents Leaving Ground Zero Shops Alone

Olbermann Special Comment, 'Mosque' Hysteria

Smiling Israeli soldier posed with bound Arab, posted pics on Facebook

Stimulus Money Unspent as Economy Struggles

Is the Pat Tillman movie on tonight?

Fly Fishers (shoes) Serving as Transports for Noxious Little Invaders

Some Collection Letters To Ex-State Employees Asking For Pennies

Back-to-School Standoff Risks Retail Profit Margins as U.S. Consumers Wait

I just got push polled and I feel dirty...

Mosque article from Daniel Ruth

Private Prison Corp Makes Huge Profits from Arizona's Immigration Laws

Gonna just toss this out for some ideas... need some help....

New benches are a pain in the ****

It is August Silly Season!

Hans Blix, British Inquiry into Iraq War, C-SPAN, now.

I recently asked what it would take to really piss us off. If this mosque mania doesn't do it,

They Should Poll American Muslims On the GZ Mosque

¿ A good "Mexican"-ized version of Emmanuel Goldstein ?

GIBBS is not the enemy. n/t

1/10 new yorkers w/ bedbugs

Activist Judges Are Out to Get You !!!!! (funny short cartoon video)

Many Americans Oppose Building Mosques; Many Americans Also Admit that They’re Bigots

Repuke ads ok, Dem criticism banned!

Dana Loesch Calls Victim of Alleged Assault a "Pansy" Who Should Be Slapped and Thrown Through Glass

They just got done confirming my suspicions on Rachel...

No more Red, White and Blue

So Can We Ban Churches And Conservatives From Oklahoma City?

Obama escalates secret wars

Fellow woodchucks: I find /The Cult of Done Manifesto/ to be a very chuckish document.

Toxic BPA found in 91% of Canadians

How low in the polls will Obama sink?

Challenge! Correct "the media"

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! Best of Malloy tonight!

Our Forefathers DIED for Religious Freedom; but We'll Sacrifice It to Spare Our Feelings.

Hey Gibbs - I'd be richer if I was Canadian

Bless you, Keith Olbermann and...

Tom Delay is still free to dance naked and howl at the moon. Feds wrap it up and go home.

We are asking Muslims to be tolerant people and not to join up with jihadists. Shouldn't

I heard on Hartmann's show today that Rusho, while fanning the flames of mosque fever said

Hernán Cortés, Republicans and the alto cu

The one thing I'd like to ask the right wing tools who are in hysterics over the community center,

Wall Street celebrates the destruction of workers’ jobs and wages

Tamils who "barged" into Canada say they are not terrorists

Walmart workers in the new post-bankruptcy GM:

OK, I just found the Tom Tomorrow Woodchuck Cartoon

Largest Swiss Supermarket Chain to Sell THINK City Electric Cars

Tweet tweet tweet: North Korea? WTF?

Soviet Legacy Lingers as Estonia Defines Its People

First they came for the Air Traffic Controllers,

Trouble For The Euro? Not In Estonia

Pre-trial hearings for Tom DeLay are due to start Aug. 24...

Krugman: Not Necessary to Make Any Changes to Social Security

New housing on site of former Navy base in RI

LOL! LTTE in Columbus Dispatch explains "why they hate us"

Pentagon Misuses U.S. Emergency Fund on Afghan Power Project, Skelton Says

When in doubt, stand by the Constitution.

Eying the Pentagon, Gates considers three changes

DADT discharges: mission-critical troops, women & minorities in disproportionate numbers

Aren't Islam, Judaism & Christianity pretty much the same thing?

Baghdad suicide bomb hits army recruits, kills 60

Dems pan Google-Verizon neutrality deal

AP Exclusive: Terrorist tapes found under CIA desk

SCAR Approved for ‘Full Rate Production’

China Unlikely to Satisfy US on Openness

Gates says he’ll leave Pentagon in 2011

Midterm Election Fact Sheet, 1962-2010

($10 million dollar) Lakota Replaces Huey at Belvoir

Do you think this issue about the Muslim community center will evolve

Green groups escalate online campaign to link senators and oil cash

Modernization Ahead for DoD Schools

Emily's List takes on Sarah Palin's list (of candidates)

MV-22 Osprey Or CH-53K As Marine’s Next “Heavy” Lifter?

MV-22 Osprey Or CH-53K As Marine’s Next “Heavy” Lifter?

About Late August Polling ...

Petraeus: Afghanistan progress will take time

C-span just reported that 3 of the CIA interrogation tapes were not destroyed

surge update: Suicide bomber targets Iraqi army recruits, kills at least 51

You can build a Catholic Church next to a playground---Should you?

LOL! Fair and balanced....

I promise to never again make fun of somebody's physical traits. Ever.

F*x Noose Corprat Parent Gave Repugnant Gov Assn. $1 M

george w. bush praises Islam

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown discusses proposed NYC mosque

About-Face: More States Accept Stimulus Funds

One of the most absurd lies we've been fed is that Wars can end via schedule

NAB and RIAA: Govt should mandate FM radio in all MP3, cellphone, PDA etc..

New Normal: Bankrupt nation. Deflation. Zeros. Junk. No jobs. Depression

Social Security turns 75, Tampa recipients celebrate

Fair And Balanced Fox News Gives GOP A Million Dollars

From PRwatch-more "Action" from The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons....

The Bush Administration Marred the Legacy of Pat Tillman With Their Lies -- New Film Shows Us the Tr

The Orangeburg Sheriff interview on MSNBC regarding the mother who killed her children is scary. He

the biggest gains in educational achievement for minority students occurred in the 1970s.

Where's Tom "bomb Mecca" Tancredo when the GOP needs him?

As The Economy Worsens, More and More People Will Have NO Stake in the System and That Means

Today's TOON to send to the RW'ers....

Anyone care that there's been a corporate co-opt of independent news stations live-streaming?

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. among biggest contributors to Republican governors

Class of 2014 Never.... You know you're old when...

Class of 2014 Never.... You know you're old when...

Alvin Greene (SC) definitely needs professional help

Oh, irony, thy name is John Bolton.

Breaking on BBC - Karzai has given orders that all private

VA explains where $6.3M meant for brain injury research went

This is $100...

Matthew Roy Simmons - Obituary from my local paper

Dean takes shot at 'sell-out' Lieberman

AMC's Rubicon John Ritter look alike.

What if a Gold Star Mother wanted to worship at a Mosque near Ground Zero

Racketeers for Capitalism

Virg on fire!

Animal lovers -With one little click of your computer, you can help the ASPCA

The Assumptions of Capitalism.

The Guns of August: Lowering the Flag on the American Century by Chalmers Johnson

When oh when is this administration going to cease and desist from buying into all RW mantra,

A quote from wal-marts chinese web site

A beautiful story about a little girl & a soldier.

Mike Luckovich: Latest Ground Zero Controversy

Reality of G.O.P. Rhetoric

Freedom & Innovation in the Tech fields.

hoa's and freedom of speech

Meanwhile in tranquil pacified Iraq: suicide bomber kills 57 Iraqi Army recruits

Judge strikes down Missouri funeral protest law

"GZ Mosque" replays a familiar and cynical tune

Situation update #1 Ill. nuke plant

Boehner bashing President for defending mosque but will raise money for Republican who backed it

This is kinda handy

Bill Clinton leads South Florida rallies for Kendrick Meek

Liberal group to launch attack on Palin (Emily's List)

The Guns of August: Lowering the Flag on the American Century -by Chalmers Johnson

My newly designed liberal platform. Oh, the places we will go. Repubs., hear me ROAR!!!!

If your ultimatum fails, you cannot use it again.

Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens in Attack on Iraqi Army Recruits

Chalmers Johnson: Lowering the Flag on the American Century

Ben Qualye's List of Why Obama is the 'Worst President Ever'.

The Social Security Crisis

Israel has '8 days' to hit Iran nuclear site: Bolton

Since Islam is now an enemy of all of America....

Conservative Muslim-Americans Don't Bring Mosque Debate Into Elections.......

Deleted dupe. n/t

Deleted dupe. n/t

Can you hate that you agree with something? Westboro Baptist Church Wins Right To Picket Funerals

Howard Kurtz, WaPo: Making of a mosque mess

Have you seen NOAA's new mission statement?

I stand against bigotry or...

So how "sacred" is the ground that you use for crass political and economic gains?

So how "sacred" is the ground that you use for crass political and economic gains?

Hooray for short memories!

It's just a game, right?

We are fighting a losing battle

Why the Shock Over Newt Gingrich's Nazi-Muslim Comparison?

Stand Behind Wikileaks and Against Secret War

Newt: No Japanese monuments near Pearl Harbor. Christian churches are not allowed there?

The President knows what the Constitution says, republicans know what they want it to say

Update: Haaretz story about abandoning the plans for Islamic community center is false!

Something to read before discussing "death panels":

Rushing for the Exits: Public Employees Take Retirement Over Retrenchment

When we talk about our aging population are we expecting to be a smaller nation?

When we talk about our aging population are we expecting to be a smaller nation?

here's the cnn take on President Obama upholding the Constitution

Timeline of the "Ground Zero mosque" fear-mongering

It's an embarrassment that Democrats don't know how to make the Constitution as American as WTC

Barney Frank sez: go after consevadems in PRIMARIES

It is Ramadan---It is a holy time & Muslims Are Facing A Flood---America's Response: Kill The Mosque

DC Politicians Beware: Voters Want the Employment Crisis Fixed -- If You Mess with Social Security o

The mind is a terrible thing to erase. Please come CAPTION Sean, almost-toilet-trained, Hannity!!!!

Non Sequitur TOON: The economy explained

Does Wi-Fi make you sick?

10 ways Conservatism is like drug abuse.

Nuclear Inspection of Israel sought by Arab League

Sarah Palin's "hallowed ground."

Right now - corporate takeover of viewer supported news station livestreaming broadcasts!

WH and Defense Chief on Petraeus: “The (Afghan) date is the date . . . the date is not negotiable.”

Glenn Beck On 99ers: 'Some Of These People, I Bet You'd Be Ashamed To Call Them Americans' (VIDEO)

Protesting parents bring NYC school board meeting to a halt: NYC test scores

Grizzly in maulings near Yellowstone was stressed, had parasites

Thank God

How refreshing: A Democratic candidate in a tough race with courage...

House Dems: FCC Must Reject Google-Verizon Deal To Ensure Net Neutrality

House Dems: FCC Must Reject Google-Verizon Deal To Ensure Net Neutrality

TPM - "New Right-Wing Meme: Education Spending = 'Money-Laundering' For Dems"

Tom Tomorrow 8/10 cartoon

Is Owning A Gun a Civil Rights Issue?

Suicides Among the Unemployed: A National Humiliation

Tuesday TOON Roundup 4

If The Dems Do Not Retain Control of Congress, How Will UE Benefits Get Extended Or Will They?

Should Virginia Tech suspend its Korean Student Association?

Tuesday TOON Roundup 5

Labor: Holding the line against Honeywell

Spiriva COPD add in the middle of Michael Douglas' throat cancer story?

Islam Wins; Large Mosque now in D.C. Area, Presidents have gone there too

Republican Candidate Paid $ 4K per OSU Lecture while calling for College Cuts

Republican Candidate Paid $ 4K per OSU Lecture while calling for College Cuts

The Rude Pundit: Shit the Imam Says

Please tell me how you evaluate the information you get--

Bill Press on "Sacred and hallowed ground."

The Left is looking very good in the polls.

Goethe-Institut near Ground Zero!!!

Goethe-Institut near Ground Zero!!!

Work Harder on Governance, John Kerry Tells Afghan Leader

Work Harder on Governance, John Kerry Tells Afghan Leader

Does News Corp’s Donation To The Republican Governors Association Violate Its Own

Anybody in Seattle invited to the Obama fundraisers for Patty Murray today?

McCain approaches $20 million in campaign spending

Here it is: Birther Queen going to International Courts! LOLOL

Here it is: Birther Queen going to International Courts! LOLOL

Okay, who did the bud sticky?

Where Should I Build A Mosk?

Miami Herald: Immigration debate sinks to new low (revisiting the 14th Amendment a distraction, not

Israeli Ex-Soldier Defends Her Facebook Snapshots

"Experience is not what happens to you - it's how you interpret what happens to you."

I love being out of the loop. I dont recognize a single member of "teabagger takedown"

CREW: The Hammer belongs in the Slammer

In all fairness, We've been building ground zero's near Mosques...

In all fairness, We've been building ground zero's near Mosques...

Are Handouts For Billionaires More Important Than Feeding Children?

LA judge frees thief who got 25 yrs on 3rd strike (he stole food)

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993)

The 'Principled Left' Obama Needs

Does anybody else remember a time when the President determined what was important to

For Japan comparisons in the mosque debate, there's a more apt example...

For Japan comparisons in the mosque debate, there's a more apt example...

Thunder Lingerie and Peep Show just blocks from Ground Zero - infuriating

'I BELIEVE HE WAS KILLED-It was never suicide'-says Dr Kelly's cousin

Things over which you have absolutely no control

Israel has '8 days' to hit Iran nuclear site: Bolton

Birthers heads explode in 3...2...1...

2,600 D.C. Voters Switch to the Democratic Party Ahead of Mayoral Primary

Reports focus on lingering effects of Gulf oil spill

'If Obama Opposes Ryan’s Social Security Plan, Why Did He Appoint Him to the Catfood Commission?'

Who Pays the most in taxes? The poor.... anybody surprised? Anybody? Bueller? Ferris Beuller?

Judges crack down on inappropriate clothes in court

National Socialist Party of America et al. v. Village of Skokie

Rand Paul's solution to unemployment and drugs: Rich people?

Which Party Poses the Real Risk to Social Security's Future? (Hint: It's Not Republicans)

Pawlenty calls State Dept use of Imam "Disgusting & "Dangerous". Hmmh...

Glenn Beck: The government saying who can get married more of a threat than gays getting married

For those of us in the Hurricane loop - here comes the real season

What the base of both parties fail to understand.

I'm confused here. Didn't O'Reilly say we should just repeal DADT?

Montana teenager sues family of the woman she kills.

New monkey species discovered, automatically endangered thanks to us.

This mosque mess is not new - the story first broke in 2009

The reason people choose to be a Republican is because people believe they are the only ones

The right-wing media machine instigated the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering

Dear John Bolton, please f**k off and take your silly moustache with you. Thanks, Humanity.

Another gutbuster is unveiled

National Parks Infinite Photo

Aerial photo of proposed 'Mosque' site and WTC

"...there's always context, Mr. Patel . . . this is an extraordinary circumstance..."

BP plans to borrow £3bn to shore up their balance sheet

Self identified "liberals and athiests" have higher IQs than conservative/religious...

Poor, PooR Tom DeLay! Can he whine any louder?

So what is hiding under the ground zero flap?

So Ratigan is another selective 'Libertarian'

Governors associations boast record fundraising totals

'Lance Cade' DEAD: Lance McNaught, WWE Wrestler, Dies At 29

I just got a "please give us money" call from Michelle Bachman's cronies.

!George Washington Speaks For Me!

Daily Kos - Petition to End the Filibuster

I heard Barnicle the plagiarist describe Gingrich as

Can someone tell me about Lee Fisher..running in Ohio??

Duplicate...please delete.

Duplicate...please delete.

Reid gave White House a heads-up on mosque

“Banana wielder arrested for disturbing the piece.”

Proposed 28th Amendment: Mass e-mail from Local Freepers

Beck and crew take offense to Stewart's "boring, lazy, tired effort" pointing out Beck's hypocrisy

To Ratigan: You are full of it re: the mosque issue. Reid does not a split on the left make.

Retrials are nothing but jury shopping, the feds need to drop the Blagojevich case

Former IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich guilty of making false statements

Sounds like the Government is going to retry Blago

I wish I could say what I'm thinking about Harry Reid this morning

Bubye Mosque controversy

Cost of War----Just a Reminder

DNA Test Is Said to Prove Bobby Fischer Was Not Girl’s Father

USF scientists up to it again

HuffPo - So Radical He's FBI Approved: 'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Advised FBI On Counterterrorism

HuffPo - So Radical He's FBI Approved: 'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Advised FBI On Counterterrorism

What climate activists need to learn from the NRA and the gun-control wars

Where we're at (expression of thoughts, not propaganda for or against) poll needs some DU help

Jon Stewart at his brilliant best last night -Mosque-Erade

If you think there should be limits on where people can build things you are not a Libertarian.

My sticky is the "Al Franken in 2016" one.

Sandra Day O'Connor's New Judgment: Judicial Campaign Reform Is Necessary

Let's hear the excuses for why the dems need to cut social security now

Let's hear the excuses for why the dems need to cut social security now

Insane is the new norm

Obama: "What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war."

In case you didn't know, today is International Homeless Animal Day.

Are We Bidding Farewell to Advocacy Journalism?

Do you REALLY think that ANY framing of the Mosque story will change minds?

"The Giants win the pennant, the Giants win the pennant"...RIP Bobby Thomson

The ever-growing Military Industrial you REALLY think we'll leave?

Repug suspends campaign against US Rep Doris Matsui (CA-5th)

Pirate Party (of Sweden) Strikes Hosting Deal With Wikileaks

Subject: Floods? China,Pakistan,Niger River, Sothrn US{Repub Cntry} WHY?!?!!!

Dear Randi: It's News Corp. (as in corporation) not Corps (as in Marine Corps).

I don't want you building your church near the Oklahoma City Bombing site!

what do you think about conservative editorial re "Obamacare" in my paper today?

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Helped FBI With Counterterrorism Efforts

The BEST Glenn Beck rant you will read this year, from Crooks & PERSONAL guarantee.

Cenk hit Faux News hard, entire Republican Party about to be hit next on Ed Show!!!

Blago: Lying to the FBI

WTAE-TV Pittsburgh just played Toomey ads three times in a row. He seems to have bought most



quote of the day

Should we ban or restrict campaign commercials? ...

Should we ban or restrict campaign commercials? ...

Cenk states the obvious: Fox Nooz is a money laundering operation

So where did all the oil go? And, no the Federal Science Report did not say 3/4 of it "disappeared"

"The Jewfication of Germany." "The Islamonifization of America."

Yale got a $50M bequest and is bringing in Gen. MacChrystal to teach a grad course.

Sanders: A way to make Social Security solvent for the next 75 years

Domestic Terrorist Sniper Fires 100+ Rounds at TX Police Station - IED Trailer

Domestic Terrorist Sniper Fires 100+ Rounds at TX Police Station - IED Trailer

Breaking: Two Dems back "mosque," sky remains in place

Some defense on attorney on CNN on Blagojevich

Motel 6 not leaving the light on for Dr. Laura

Want to be 70 & still doing these jobs?

FISTBUMPS for religious tolerance! But remember, it's still "the system, stupid."

Media Matters: Right Wing Media Relentlessly Attacking Workers And Their Unions

"Worst" Political Crime Ever? Lying to Fitz

OK. Let's settle this Cordoba House Park 51 thingy and move on

Guess it's up to us, woodchucks.

Ensign Seeking Funds For Defense In Ethics Probes

Retry Rod Blagojevich or Feed the Homeless?

In Support of the Cordoba Initiative / Park 51 / Muslim Cultural Center

Protest draws dozens at UC Berkeley for John Yoo's first day of classes

Attacks on ER Nurses on the Rise

Attacks on ER Nurses on the Rise

Jesus Christ! It's like battered wife syndrome. We just do what they want. "Mosque" moving?

Gore calls for major protests on climate change inaction

Blagojevich is in court for the verdict

Ron Paul's Two Sons - Rand, Tea Party drop antiwar stance

So John Ensign is begging for money to cover his legal costs

When mortgages backed by Freddie or Fannie fail YOU pay the bill.

The saga of depressed America: Unemployed and suicidal

Baseball Legend Bobby Thomson, Who Hit 'Shot Heard 'Round the World,' Dies

"An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only partisan information........

Obama says recession recovery to take few years

Rhee to join Los Angeles in releasing personal evaluation info on teachers.

Jimmy Carter: Worst. American. Ever

Greta Van Susteren: Glenn Beck 'Should Move' Rally From Martin Luther King Spot

Banking execs say gov't needs to back mortgages

I think whoever came up with "pre-existing conditions" should be arrested and charged

A CNN Anchor Reveals Truth - About America & The Mosque Opposition

Interesting Articles on Why People Vote Republican

G.M. Recalls 243,000 Crossover Vehicles for Seat Belt Problem

A little dose of truth to Fox Fans

Scumbag Maggot Glenn Beck Attacks the 99er's!

If terrorists "hate us because of our freedoms," then failing to respect those freedoms...

Place your bets: how many Blago-related posts will find their way onto GD?

Patrick Fitzgerald to announce within 24 business hours that he will be retrying

The Bugs that Bit New York

Latest NutMeg Whitman ad funded by birfers!

Bev. Hills plastic surgeon killed in car crash (over the side on PCH) survived

Bev. Hills plastic surgeon killed in car crash (over the side on PCH) survived

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: “I Actually Support Gay Marriage.”

Will Republicans Now Call For The Repeal of RLUIPA, Which They Sponsored, To Fight Islamic Center?

It was never suicide, says Dr Kelly's cousin as family finally breaks silence

Rush likens NYC Islamic center to building a Hindu temple next to Pearl Harbor

Today's Smile: Levi Johnston Ad For Mayor of Wasilla

Not great photos, but subject matter worthy of posting: Hawks and Starz (DIAL-UP WARNING!)

Wouldn't the Mosque be a huge target?

Obama Weighs In – The Mosque at Ground Zero

I read once that they used to pay the Native South Americans in coca leaves...

Public summer school, religion, the DeVos family, and *free* laptops

New Edition Of Bible Specifically Mentions Second Amendment

Blagojevich loves the sound of his own voice - PHEW

Irresponsible Republican Statements on New York Mosque Endanger American Security

Tall, Grande or Venti........OR ELSE !!!!

Man dies in attack on police station, official says - McKinney, Texas

Fred Thompson flip flops on Tea Parties

For-profit colleges: 10% of students, 25% of Pell Grant & Stafford Loan money

The New Republic: The Unnecessary Fall of the Obama Presidency - A counter-history

••• Okay, I'm pissed. Who is to blame for our loss of Capitol Hill? Whose heads should roll? •••

••• National Cardiac Alert: THE COMING. DUCT TAPE. SHORTAGE •••

Students at for-profit colleges least likely to repay their loans.

Deadliest for Walkers: Male Drivers, Left Turns

Republican Talking Heads Claim No Republican Wants To Privatize Social Security

••• More nuts headed to the Senate - Angle, Rand Paul and now Fiorina widens lead over Boxer •••

What did YOUR letter to the White House say today?

The reason the Dem leadership looks weak and cowardly.

Christians Set Off Two Nuclear Bombs in Japan

Thank God for Alan Grayson....

Obama's motorcade brought LA rush hour traffic to its knees!

**Truly** Breaking - Blago Verdict in - they're heading for the court room.

The Hallowed Ground Argument versus Reality.... you choose

How do you fix stupid?

Voices of the Gulf - Fishermen battle the Gulf's oil-stained image

If the Democrats dare to make ONE cut to social security

Reviving America's Dead Malls

How to increase employment in a time when there are few new jobs.

Does Washington care about unemployment?

Rachel Maddow To Get Cronkite Award

The Mosque "controversy" is proof that much of our population lives via TV

Fitzgerald - as effective as a fart in a windstorm

BP clears itself over oil spill disaster...(isn't that special?)

Defend It: Reducing Social Security Benefits

Corporate Educators "Tape their mouths shut"

Someone needs to tell the Catfood Commission that Fancy Feast is ALREADY unaffordable......

America Today: An Unemployed Mother Kills Her Kids

are the admins paying attention to what is posted on the $10 donation stickies

Hubert Humphrey's Unity Pledge

Hubert Humphrey's Unity Pledge

Fuck Harry Reid for opposing the community center near Ground Zero

"Change that to 'hetero-sexual non-immigrant Christian white people'."

Could Alan Grayson become President ?

Why We Can't Raise the Social Security Eligibility Age

The First Amendment

BP Oil Spill: locals swim in condo pools while tourist swim in toxic Gulf!!

White House frustrated with gay bloggers

Why No Outcry About The Pussycat Lounge near Ground Zero?

Who remembers when a poster ripped Robert Gibbs a few months ago?

Dear Mr. President...

Do you believe in freedom of religion?

Witnesses: Woman slapped baby on plane

Witnesses: Woman slapped baby on plane

Enough Flaming of Arne Duncan!

Should we "get over" 9/11?

KFC is hot on grilled chicken but customers aren't buying it

Called for an interview for a job I applied for in February today!

New Lefty/Hippie Democratic Party slogan:

Really? Well, not surprised. Now the "Big Dog" is telling us to stop our "belly-aching"

Wall Street inflated the housing bubble, but quietly "walks away" as it bursts.........

Conversation at the hair dresser's re: mosque

Gates Foundation money behind LA Times hit-piece & "effectiveness ratings" of individual teachers?

I'm going to the dentist today, because of you guys.

I had to go to the ER a couple of months ago. Holy moley, I just got the bill.

Where Was The “Professional Left” A Year Ago?

You and I can't yield -- not now, not ever. - Shirley Sherrod

The tales of three entrepreneurs who launched companies — for less than $150

"I'm voting TEA PARTY!" T-shirts; funny stuff!

Indianapolis auto workers drive UAW executives out of meeting

Grand Theft America! Banksters Take Sledgehammer to Social Security “Locked Box." Call It "Ideology"

Are Americans Stupid?

Flashback: In 2008, German far right groups competed with Neo-Nazis to be the most "anti-Mosque"

Ever wonder why the health care law is considered a major progressive achievement

Ever wonder why the health care law is considered a major progressive achievement

Ramen Noodles May Lead to Chronic Illness

Thoughts from Another Second Class Citizen on the Edge

Want a baby? (104 "tries" is the norm)

Want a baby? (104 "tries" is the norm)

From +$236B . . . . to . . . . -$1.2T

What is Obama doing about jobs ?

BartCop is incorrigible

BartCop is incorrigible

Barbara Ehrenreich: the Corpo-Obama-Geithner-Petraeus State

Tom Tomorrow: Afghanistan-We must stay the course-Only a frivolous nincompoop could disagree.

The real reasons why corporate America wants to destroy Social Security and Medicare

Tuesday TOON Roundup 1

Tuesday TOON Roundup 2

Tuesday TOON Roundup 3

Tuesday TOON Roundup 6

Jack London: Working Class Hero or Monster

Winner of the 19th International Children's Painting Competition on the Environment - (Wow) pics

Toon: The Difference

"A Nation That Spends More Money on War Than Life is Approaching Spiritual Death"

Arne Duncan thinks it's great for L.A. Times to release teacher data publicly.

Obama Fundraiser - No shows: Streisand, Spielberg...

Food Stamp Cuts Proposal Is Unprecedented

Great. Just fucking great. A whole week of stickily lies being posted at the top of DU!

10 solid minutes of F-bomb Team Fortress 2 rage

Neil Patrick Harris And David Burtka Expecting Twins

How many of Connery's Bond movies were actually good?

Anyone seen "Outrage".. the secret lives if closeted gay politicians?

The Best Pun That Ever Punned

Online Shopping

Hey, Shakespeare fans - I just realized something.

Repost from awhile ago: This song is sheer joy for me.

I'm pretty sure this interviewer is a Teabagger.

Al Di Meola - Ritmo De La Noche


Django Reinhardt - Deccaphonie

Birth of a star. But "birth" also means "immature." And one hit might be a one hit wonder.

You need some fat pants to ride a narwhal

My NEWEST Haiku - "Eggs Over Easy"

Jaco Pastorius and Sam and Dave - Come On, Come Over

I watched Saw VI..(spoilers) and was surprised...

Sometimes I see such hateful, MONSTROUS behavior...

Trash talk!!!!!

Silence of the Dogs...

Why free shipping takes five days

Maybe if I hit the AC switch instead of the fan switch

See that Boston Terrier in the Stickeys right now? That's my Basie.

I too love Seneca. n/t

Exhausted, can't think straight -- What would you do... ?

Just so you know - I'm the reason Manning needed all those stitches!

What if "those people" wanted to build a video shrine next to all the radio stars?

what? No Mad Men thread ?

The most worthless night for TV

DU Gamers who is excited for Fable III? I know I am!

It's 2am and I can't sleep. What's everybody up to tonight?

Speaking of ice, does anybody know why some nightclubs put ice in the men's room urinals?

Is there a NYC Bagelry that ships to CA?

Wear wristwatch? Use e-mail? Not for Class of '14

Moe. - In a Big Country

Have you ever ...


Hit me with your best shot

2 Fails Cancel Each Other Out

Please join me in my jacuzzi....

Nesquik Cake

Data recovery companies, any recommendations?

I found out what old W is up to...

Who owns Michelangelo's David - Italy or Florence?

just got home from seeing Richard Thompson.

waaaaahhhhh! my star expired ... and DU looks nasty!!!

Janis, "Ball and Chain," Monterey Pop Festival 1967

Rehoboth's Poodle Beach named best in Northeast for gays

I just got a letter from the insurance company requiring me to send in pre-extraction xrays

Fire Department Seeks Help In Gaining 'Pet Masks'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello DUers from Cabo

Basil for President!


Where Should I Build A Mosk?

No one here can love or understand me.

A little melodramatic, but still moving; a liberal call to action from 1940:

Bat in my apartment!

Does anyone here know how to get Cheez Whiz out of thick chest hair?

I don't understand the "building 7 collapsed into its own footprint" sticky

Movie... you would... LEAST... like... to SEE... starring... William... SHATNER?

Cavatina - Ana Vidovic

Pick your all time favorite movie and post the best line from that movie.

Howdy from the my Aunt's farm near Austin, I really needed some time in the country.

The "I don't love or appreciate anything or anybody" appreciation thread

Bat in my belfry!

What should I do today? No work

Fellow Cold War Kids: Did you ever feel as if you were fighting against "Ivan"?


Anyone seen "Date Night" with Steve Carell and Tina Fey? Was it any good?

Y'ever wonder why EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MUMMY is so pissed off?

This is why we can't have nice things.

Warning: Children and dogs..

yea me! I passed MOS Word 2007 certification today.

George Stephenopoulos and Mr. Snuffleuppagus. Separated at birth?

Hit me with your pet shark!

proof we are actually having a wet summer!

Real story of the song "Big Rock Candy Mountain", now considered a childrens song...

Which is your favorite fried chicken?

A couple pictures ... and some more

Legendary Rarely Heard Jazz Bootleg Collection Donated to Museum

Do you want me to come back there?

Just got home from the Presidential Motorcade

Man Arrested for Putting Semen in Co-Worker's Water Bottle

How much of your 1440 minutes a day do you enjoy?

7 reasons why a zombie outbreak would fail...

Dimanche prochaine: Soixante neuf. Moi.

What would be your one indulgence if you could afford it?

Favorite Showtime Series

Forgotten Movies of the 80's

Just had two Sonic bombs shake the front of the house I am at.

The Beloit Mindset List always makes me feel old

My nephew is going to be a dead colonial soldier at Knott's Scary Farm

Laura Ingraham To Co-Founder Of Ground Zero Mosque In Dec. 2009:‘I Like What You’re Trying To Do'

1. kick up dirt 2. report on "dirt storm" 3.blast anyone who dares say "there is no dirt storm"

Target won't make it right

Obama as "Fallen Angel"?

King: Obama’s ‘A Marxist’ Who ‘Doesn’t Have An American Experience’

Last Sunday's local Miami TV debate between Meek and Greene (video)

Administration frees funds for health insurance oversight

Biden to speak at Stevens memorial service Wednesday

Judge rejects Citigroup's $75 million settlement with SEC

Joe Klein: The Soft Bigotry of Soft Bigotry

The biggest media weasels LOVE Robert Gibbs

Next possible Defense secretary: Hillary Rodham Clinton?

On Facebook: Israeli soldier posed with bound Arab

Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization increase in July

Storm over Israeli 'abuse' photos

Public Policy Polling (for Daily Kos): MO Senate--Blunt 45% Carnahan 38%

Muslim leaders to abandon plans for Ground Zero community center

Harold Lewis: The people wanting to build the center want it to be like the YMCA

California Gay Marriage on Hold as Case Is Appealed

LA Times Editorial: The Obama administration's attacks on the media

AP IMPACT: Border Patrol sees spike in suicides

DUers, Can you really love America and want to modify the constitution?

How do Independent voters feel about Republicans cutting Social Security and Medicare?

Stay of Prop 8 Jilts Equality

Bush ducks media requests to comment on mosque furor

Suggesting Muslims should be tolerant also suggests...

Urgent cry for help as death toll rises from Pakistan flooding

Like it or not, there's a mob and they have an enemy in the Manhattan cultural center

Kerry is in Afghanistan

1st Amendment changes

If You ARE Not Going to Vote...Make it a Movement

Public Policy Polling--IL Senate: Giannoulias (D) holds small lead over Kirk (R)

Joe Klein: The Soft Bigotry of Soft Bigotry

Heads up: The president rally for Murray live:

Obama administration tightens drilling oversight

Woman hits Senate Armed Services chairman with pie

Public Policy Polling: Dems need to make bailout issue in MO & NC to win

Howard Dean takes early shot at Lieberman

India ready to give more aid but Pak silent

House Election Strategies Emerge (plus DCCC 2010 Races Map)

NJ Gov. Christie, political hack who doesn't understand the Constitution, comments on Mosque

2012 Poll: Obama vs. Palin, Romney, Pawlenty, Huckabee & Barbour

Top Senate Democrat Kerry presses Karzai on corruption

Baghdad suicide bomb hits army recruits, kills 51

TV Ad From Liberal Takes Aim At Target For Corporate Political Donation In Minn.

The GOP's Real Money Problem

Obama: Great Quote!

Toxic BPA detected in 91 percent of Canadians: study

Jazz photographer Herman Leonard dead at 87

Obama rallies for Sen. Murray as voters hit polls

Suicide bomb kills 41 in Iraq army recruitment centre

Meet Ron Johnson, Russ Feingold's competition...

US says China's military has seen secret expansion

Public Policy Poll--PA Senate: Toomey: 45% Sestak: 37%

KY Sen: Paul leads Conway by 5 among likely voters, but ties among registered.

10 killed in Afghan bomb attacks

No fun intended: Brazil forbids election spoofing

Judge orders release of Guantanamo detainee

Feingold Statement On President Obama's Visit to a Wisconsin Business

Kerry op-ed on war crimes tribunal in Cambodia

Australia's Gillard backs republic after Queen's death

Obama's Deepwater Oil Drilling Bans Sent to New Orleans Judge for Review

LA fuming over Obama traffic, demand for an investigation

First big stimulus project completed-Mo. Opening Bridge Funded By Federal Stimulus Funds

Dozens killed as Baghdad bomber hits army recruits

(Blackwater)Security contractors charged in Afghanistan killings to be arraigned

Are the banks buying off Obama's SEC, continuing a decades-long practice w/ the WH?

Conservative Muslim-Americans tell rethugs DO NOT use this issue as an election issue

G.O.P. Seizes on Mosque Issue Ahead of Elections

Obama's approval ratings by numbers

Obama boasts of most 'progressive' political triumphs in decades

A Telling Change of Tune

Ford, GM brands top customer satisfaction survey for first time ever

Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Jack Conway

Judge Rejects Citigroup $75 Million Settlement

Communists: 'Jackal' should return to Venezuela

Conservative Texas lawmaker admits he double billed for travel

Let market decide on H1B numbers: US Chamber of Commerce

Police: Body of 9-Year-Old Pa. Girl Stolen From Grave

Man shot after breaking into Tel Aviv Turkish embassy

36 killed, hundreds injured in new China flooding

Photos of accused 9/11 plotter surface

Factories aid bumpy recovery, housing still weak

Drilling Permits for Deep Waters Face New (more stringent) Review

News Corp Donates $1 MILLION To Republican Governors Association

Suit Claims Celebrity Haunt Used Facebook, MySpace to Weed Out Minorities

It is time to put the GOP on the defensive

N.Y. governor to discuss relocating Muslim center

“Disclosure of Obama's aunt status was reckless, illegal and expose her to great risk"

Blagojevich Jury Might Be Close To Wrapping Up

Scientists Say as Much as 79% of Oil Remains in Gulf of Mexico

House Dems: FCC Must Reject Google-Verizon Deal To Ensure Net Neutrality

Woman accused of hitting (Sen. Carl) Levin’s face with pie in Big Rapids

N.Y. governor may propose relocating Muslim center

Former President Bush won't comment on Ground Zero mosque

Feds: Alaska couple had 20 names on hit list

Mexico City mayor demands cardinal apologize

Charges Dismissed Against 6 Somalis

Crash in Huntington Beach, pay a fee

Jury reaches verdict in Blagoevich trial....

Bobby Thomson Dies at 86; Hit Epic Home Run

Mississippi attorney general disputes BP's rosy claims report

How Would DU Have Responded to Jimmy Carter's Presidency

Some 9/11 families support Mosque. Some NY Dems fold

Average Americans would've opposed Japanese "anything" near Pearl Harbor in 1942

Once again, the press obsesses over a topic and then blames the President for "creating a firestorm"

Study Says Brain Trauma Can Mimic Lou Gehrig’s Disease

Gunman dead after opening fire in McKinney

Obama says GOP hindering efforts to help business

GOP announce the Hit List for November (40 Dems) Is your rep vulnerable?

Rand Paul: Keep EPA out of Ky. affairs

Monsanto spent $2.18 million lobbying gov't in 2Q

Feds fine Enbridge $2.4M over fatal '07 (pipeline) accident

The reaction to the Mosque at Ground Zero is nothing short of appalling

Israel has 'eight days' to hit Iran nuclear site: US envoy

Protest draws dozens at UC Berkeley for John Yoo's first day of classes

Mob burns bank in Colombia

Would anyone else be okay with Harry Reid losing; just to get a new leader?

Poll: Opposition to Iraq, Afghanistan wars reach all time high

World Bank to loan Pakistan $900million

Obama boasts of most 'progressive' political triumphs in decades

Some businesses are backing out of the Tea Party Exchange program (Dayton, OH)

'He can't buy forgiveness': Fury as Blair pledges to donate book proceeds to British troops

Objects you noticed as a child that aren't around anymore...

Reports of gunfire at campus near Dallas

Taliban commander condemns Karen Woo murder

GOP calls Obama insensitive over stand on mosque

Sheriff Arpaio Will Not Turn Over Records To Feds

Plumes of Gulf oil spreading east on sea floor

US breast cancer drug decision 'marks start of death panels'

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday August 17

Justice Dept. threatens to sue Ariz. sheriff Arpaio in civil rights inquiry

Target: No donations planned for gay groups

Do Democrats scare anybody?

Denver Requests Federal Review in Police Beating

Rebuilding after Pakistan floods could reach $15 bln

SC police: Mom killed children before sinking car

DU this CBS Poll!

Gulf oil spill still a threat to seafood, JAMA study indicates

Obama wants new model for Fannie, Freddie

So where IS Anthony Weiner on the Ground Zero Mosque debate??

Murdock Lied

Gray Davis lauds Schwarzenegger, calls for pension reform

Man dies in attack on police station, official says(Texas-Truck full of ammo)

Want Republicans to take over the Congress? If not, work and vote for Dems. It is that simple.

Yelled Dumbass at a LaRouche Anti-Obama Supporter this morning

Obama to Ease Cuba-Travel Ban

Judge Frees Homeless Man Serving Life Sentence for Stealing Food

Terrorist tapes found under CIA desk(interrogation tapes that were not destroyed)

So how many blocks from Ground Zero is acceptable?

Don't look, birthers: Obama's passport

Does our party have a propaganda machine (where is it?)

Why doesn't Obama stand up to Republicans instead of being so weak and bipartisan?

(NY Gov) Paterson seeking to relocate mosque

Fox News takes heat for News Corporation's GOP donation

Pimco's Gross Urges `Full Nationalization' of Housing Finance

U.S. said to plan easing rules for travel to Cuba

F-16s were scrambled in response to a security scare involving Pres Barack Obama's visit to Seattle

Breaking: Verdict in Blago Case ~~ Guilty One Count of Perjury ~~ Jury hung on 23 other counts

I'm unemployed and just found out I need a root canal. Any suggestions?

Four point economic turnaround -- Why can't this be Democratic Platform NOW??

Confederate War Memorials

Does Anybody Else Find This Commercial Highly Ironic?

LOL! Where Is John Boehner?

GOP Muslims Fight Islamophobia

Local 23 sends International UAW Packing!

Thom Hartmann - President Obama caves in to the far far right wingers...

JFK Speech on Religion and Politics

Gingrich - More jobs have died under Obama than any president since Herbert Hoover. LINK???, Newt?

Midweek Politics: Crazy email from Orly Taitz supporter, 25% of Americans think Obama a foreigner

Marcy Wheeler Tips for Covering Congress

Boycott Target!

Turn me on, dead man: GOP hauls out black and white Reagan footage, scary music to attack Dems

The Top Vlog: The Family Values Song (Andy Cobb)

Keith Olbermann's Extra Special Comment: There Is No Ground Zero Mosque

Lilith Fair 2010 - Indigo Girls "Chickenman" - Justice Through Music Project

Lilith Fair 2010 - Indigo Girls "Galileo" - Justice Through Music Project

Papantonio: Obama Must Show Strong Leadership on "Mosque" Issue

Sarah Doesn't Speak for Me

Rachel Maddow: Fed's money policy negative effect explained

Thom Hartmann - GOPers - Guns. Ass-kicking. Worshipping idols. Oh My!

Seafloor covered in oil 40 miles south of Panama City, FL - HEADING EAST

Nancy Skinner on Fox News 081610 talking about Dems Losing Support from Independents

Batshit Crazy Teabagging Michele Bachmann says desperate Democrats are turning to dirty politics

"Terror Babies" - No, It's Not National Inquirer, It's National Republican.

Rupert Murdoch Lied to Media Matters

Peter Schiff talks about unemployment and unemployment compensation

Solitary Fracture's response to the Schiff Report

The Geography of a Recession

Dayton Says GOP Trackers BlockingTrying To Provoke Conflict

Dr. Laura uses N word 11 times and gets away with it.

Al-Andalus : The Mezquita (Cordoba Mosque)

All that rich hoarders need to start creating jobs is a tax cut???

Ed Show: Cenk Takes On Republican Strategist After Nazi/Mosque Comments

FOX News: 'So mad, all the time'

Rachel Maddow(Show) - Americas Periodic Paranoia

Glenn Beck Can't Count Then Fakes Crying

Two Hundred Teabaggers Show Up For AZ Boader Rally, And Flea Market

MSNBC's Chris Hayes - America, driven again by Right-Wing insanity, is losing its freaking mind

Mildly Relevant News: Obama and the Ground Zero Mosque, Gingrich Goes Nazi & Republican Reagan Boner

Senator Al Franken: Why Net Neutrality Is Important

Talking Heads Claim No Republicans Want To Privatize Social Security

The Majestic Plastic Bag - A Mockumentary

Ed Show w/ Cenk: Mosque Rant

Weird Liberal Head Show #134: Following Up on My Mosque Comments

Van Hollen refuses to answer direct question on Social Security by Cenk.

Keith Olbermann (Monday, 8/16): There is no Ground Zero Mosque

More Signs of (Probably Futile) Labor Pushback in China

Afghanistan war logs: Secret CIA paramilitaries' role in civilian deaths

Ground Zero Islamic Center to Recast Itself as 'MosqueDonalds'

Who are the real Cordoba House provocateurs?

About one million green jobs will open up in India over next two years

After Another Close Call, Transocean Changed Rules

Oracle: The new Darth Vader?

ENVIRONMENT: Treasury Dept. Subpoenas TransOcean About Myanmar Operations

Honk If You Love Caviar (Joe Bageant)

Stay of Prop 8 Jilts Equality

Norquist: Attack on Mosque Will Undermine Past Republican Political Gains

The Mythical Recovery, Redux (UrbanSurv)

Christian Science Monitor: Mexico court upholds gay adoption law. Is Mexico more tolerant than US?

The Muslims in the Middle

Death and Joblessness-Suicide Dogs the Long-Term Unemployed. What Can Be Done to Help Them?

ReThink Review: The Kids Are All Right -- On Gay Parents, Divorce and Marrying Murderers

Undermined: Hitler's image as WWI hero

Reverse the Revolution of 1963

"Which Party Poses the Real Risk to Social Security’s Future?"/ Hint--Not Republicans

Social Security Fearmongering

Lou Gehrig may not have had Lou Gehrig's disease

US Embraces Honduran Thugocracy

Confessions of a recovering environmentalist

The Guns of August

Drumbeat: August 17, 2010

S. Asian Coral Bleaching "Among Most Rapid And Severe Ever Recorded" - ENS

All-electric rental cars are on their way

60% Of Federal Species Recovery Plans Name Global Warming Among Extinction Threats - ENN

Bird Heatwave Study - Only 2F Increase In Temperature Can Double Water-Loss Rate For Small Birds

Up To 5,000+ Moscow Residents Likely Died Because Of Heat, Choking Smoke From Forest Fires - Reuters

91% Of Canadians Carry Bisphenol A In Bloodstream - Kids' Levels Higher Than Adults'

What May Be Last Indonesian Glacial Cores Arrive In US - A Few Years Left For Formations

Oz Opposition Leader Claims Global Warming Trend Over, Despite Reality - The Age

Bosch Rexroth Unveils Super-Fast Solar Racking System

Scientists Find Klamath Sediment Non-Toxic; Key Discovery May Speed Removal Of Four Dams

Photo Memorial - The World's "Top Ten Lost Frogs" - Mongabay

17 Nations Match Or Beat All-Time Record High Temps In Past Seven Months; One Records Lowest

LDK Solar to Construct 1 GW per year Solar Cell Plant (China)

Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidate - Global Warming Theory "Lunacy" - It's All Caused By Sunspots, Y'see

Top Five "Biggest Losers" Among Greenland Glaciers - Stunning Graph For Petermann, Zachariae

Flood-triggered fuel shortage cripples life in Pakistan

UK: Rising price of hay drives rise in theft

BP Oil Spill: Independent Scientific Report Claims 90% of Leaked Oil Still Floating in the Gulf

Patrick, rivals clash over Cape wind farm

Water Levels In Lake Mead Approaching Official "Shortage" Status - At 40% Of Capacity - NYT

In Russia, World's Oldest Seed Bank Faces Destruction Thanks To Private Housing Project - Guardian

In Niger, 2 Baby West African Giraffes Poached - Among +/- 200 Individuals Remaining - AFP

Old-style coal plants expanding

JAMA: Health Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill

Tip Off Classic Game 2/ Kentucky 96- Western Ontario 68

Eli Manning... ouch

Scientists discover link between athletes' head injuries, ALS

Former Pirates GM Joe L. Brown dies at 91

Bears Spend Entire Day Waiting Around For Mike Martz To Install High-Powered Offens

Bobby Thomson Dies at 86; Hit Epic Home Run

Bobby Thomson Dies at 86; Hit Epic Home Run

Vikings send three to visit Favre

Concerning Ryan, ‘hire’ a four-letter word to Dungy

Tip Off Classic Game 3 / UK 53 UW 35 @ half/ on now

Shot heard 'round the world: Bobby Thomson dies at 86

File this under: "We Knew the Arrogant SOB Just Wanted More Attention"

Wearing Florida hat to press conference gets Arkansas radio host fired

President of El Salvador to visit Cuba

High in the Andes, Keeping an Incan Mystery Alive

Protesters in Bolivia end their strike

No fun intended: Brazil forbids election spoofing

U.S. said to plan easing rules for travel to Cuba

American apologizes for aiding rebels in Peru

Communists: 'Jackal' should return to Venezuela

US Embraces Honduran Thugocracy

Mob burns bank in Colombia

“La Tramacúa”: Colombia’s Abu Ghraib

BREAKING: U.S/Colombia bases accord ruled unconstitutional

Mexico City mayor demands cardinal apologize

"Chavez-Santos Summit in Colombia: UNASUR-brokered peace breaks out"

The Ruud heat pump water heater

Hartford Police: Dog Attacks Man, Man Shoots Dog

Georgia minister sues to be allowed to carry a gun in his own church ...

Is Owning A Gun a Civil Rights Issue?

Firearms Training a Sobering Lesson

“Banana wielder arrested for disturbing the piece.”

‘Can You Imagine Working Until 70?’ Congressional Republicans Think That’s OK

Today in labor history Aug 17 Year-long Hormel meatpackers' strike begins in Austin, Minn. & more

Mower accident puts worker in ICU

Indianapolis Auto Workers Shout Down Proposal From GM And UAW To Cut Wages Nearly In Half

Roofer is electrocuted

So I'd like to know if those who granted the stay are Mormon, and if so,

Fehrenbach won’t be discharged…for now


First day back to school and I move my work room this year

10 Dumbest Maggie Gallagher (NOM) quotes

Anti-Gay Bigots in Red Capes Re-Write Their Poll to Change Results

The White House Takes Aim at Gay Bloggers For Complaining Too Much

Thoughts from Another Second Class Citizen on the Edge


Never ever boring - casual imagery of my environs

Street candids

Smiling Israeli soldier posed with bound Arab, posted pics on Facebook

What Hamas is really afraid of

Storm over Israeli 'abuse' photos

Israeli Ex-Soldier Defends Her Facebook Snapshots

Beirut synagogue restored to glory, despite tensions with Israel

CAMERA to hold conference with Dershowitz, Cotler

'I don't see anything wrong with Facebook images of Palestinian detainees'

Israel: Attacker has hostages at Turkish Embassy

(Lebanon's) Parliament grants wider work rights for Palestinians

Israel has 'eight days' to hit Iran nuclear site: US envoy

20 new ideas in science

Step 1: Post Elusive Proof. Step 2: Watch Fireworks.

A new source of CP violation?

Saturn's moons, Raw

High in the Andes, Keeping an Incan Mystery Alive

The Muslims in the Middle

I'm starting a new religion.

Aren't Islam, Judaism & Christianity pretty much the same thing?

The "Straw Vulcan"

There is an interesting thread in the Lounge.

Mom's computer exploded last night. 1st thought: MFR TIME

If any of you are proficient with WordPress...

Narcissistic Personality Quiz

Got a couple of options from my Neurosurgeon today.

Please check out Oak2004's Artfire store!!!!

Pears, pears, pears

Microbes and Mental Illness ~ National Institutes of Health - August 13, 2010

Coping With Crises Close to Someone Else’s Heart

1 in 5 U.S. Teens Has Developed Hearing Loss

On Autism Prevalence