Democratic Underground

Archives: March 21, 2010

Kansas has been eliminated by Northern Iowa

Rock Chalk JAYHAWK!!!!

When OBAMA WINS and the Republican lose I think they should take comfort from a great American

Oooh. Basketball. n/t


Moderators do very important work. I think we should give them

Moderators do very important work. I think we should give them

Today's House Rules Committee meeting was thrilling, and I hope people watched it.

Bart says it for me.

Bart says it for me.

Chuck Grassley collected $1 million in federal handouts

Pardon my inquisitiveness, but do we have the votes?

Pardon my inquisitiveness, but do we have the votes?

Unions Threaten To Withdraw Support From Dems Who Vote No

The Homophobic and Racist True Colors of the Tea Party Movement

The Homophobic and Racist True Colors of the Tea Party Movement

WELFARE QUEEN: MICHELE BACHMANN'S Farm Received Over $250,000 in Federal Subsidies

Debunking Health Care Reform Myths In The 11th Hour

Time of the vote?

In the land of warship building they had a bake sale for schools

US corporations need to FIRE their teabag employees!

Thanks for the article. Wonderful read. I don't agree with a lot of it BUT...

South Africa's Sharpeville recalls 1960 massacre

I fear what is happening to our country.

Russian firm, EADS may give Boeing competition for Air Force tanker

I'm sick of the MSM showing the negative images portrayed by the Tea Party clowns

I'm sick of the MSM showing the negative images portrayed by the Tea Party clowns

What Emerged From Today's Rules Commitee Hearing: The Republicans voted for this same

WaPo: Historians speak out against proposed Texas textbook changes

Fox News is now more important than the Republican party. If ever the medium was the message!

Independent UK: The Pope, the Prophet, and the religious support for evil

Robert Bobb (Broad grad) pulls the good ol' bait 'n switch on Detroit Public Schools voters

When was the last time the GOP was struggling for every last vote and actually got something passed?

just fyi: there is no such thing as a fundamentalist atheist

DeGette Agrees To Executive Order Making Hyde Permanent On Behalf Of Pro-Choice Community - FDL

Lehman examiner's report puts 'face' on financial crisis and it looks like Fuld, Callan, O'Meara

Lehman examiner's report puts 'face' on financial crisis and it looks like Fuld, Callan, O'Meara

Video of Obama's talk to the House this evening - "I'm not bound to win, but I am bound ...

Not a big fan of the HCR bill but I want it to pass

Work Continues on West Virginia's 600th Habitat For Humanity House

Sam Brownback pocketing $500,000 in Federal Handouts

Sam Brownback pocketing $500,000 in Federal Handouts

Dem Rep Calls On GOP To Condemn Slurs Hurled At Frank, Lewis (VIDEO) - TPM

Caption this pic

Cindy Sheehan calls President Obama a war criminal...

Timing For Tomorrow's Votes - MSNBC's First Read

Freeper, Malia Obama basher & serial asshole Kristinn weighs in on Tea Party "N-word" incident

Thank You Mr. President!

I understand the average Teabaggers' mentality much better now!

Warning if Brown Can't Stop It a Browning(Gun) Can - Teabaggers signs

Rep. Tim Ryan (OH) calls on GOP to condemn teabaggers for using "N word", spitting (VIDEO)

Rep. Tim Ryan (OH) calls on GOP to condemn teabaggers for using "N word", spitting (VIDEO)

Words of wisdom from 60 years ago by Eric Hoffer.

Arrogant, corrupt, secretive – the Catholic church failed to tackle evil

Rule Committee moves healthcare bill to floor

No road block Republican admendments passed.

If Matheson wants to vote like a Republican every chance he can, let him run as one.

Marching toward Tax day April 15...a short note from my accountant

Church in Switzerland says pope’s letter enough

K&R if you think the GOP should embrace the racist Tea Bags and

Michele Bachmann 'Amaricas Congress Woman,' Her Website Declares

KS still trying to go back to the dark ages. Trying to ban Abortion

Michele Bachmann 'Amaricas Congress Woman,' Her Website Declares

Michele Bachmann 'Amaricas Congress Woman,' Her Website Declares

USW to mount campaign against Altmire for health care vote

If you get a chance, see "The Art of the Steal"...

CNN: Bill Clinton is making whip calls for HCR

CNN: Bill Clinton is making whip calls for HCR

TIME - "Conservative Talk Radio vs. Grieving 11-Year-Old" Re HCR

Immediately After This Health Care Bill Is Signed By The President......

John Hall (NY-19) is a Yes (Hold)

I think those racist tea baggers shouting epithets today did a world of good

I have seen the enemy, been shown the enemy - and it is you

An open letter to conservative "libertarian" blue collar idiots.

U.S. health insurers attract bullish options bets

Is physical violence directed toward one's political enemies ever justified?

F@&k the Tea Party AND the Coffee Party. I'm starting the Beer Party!

Stage set for historic health care reform vote

WHEN is the health care vote?

Keep Calling Congress on Sunday for Health Care Reform

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.21.10

Question Of The Day-Why Hasn't One Republicant Rejected The Racist And Homophobic Teabaggers?

Second Amendment Task Force leader Schaeffer Cox arrested on weapons charge

New Zealand media reports racial slurs and spitting at healthcare protest

New Zealand media reports racial slurs and spitting at healthcare protest

Boehner 3/15: We're Going to do Everything We Can...

Do you go to church? Care to share which one?

We don't pay premiums for police, fire, roads, schools. Why premiums for health care?

Teabag blogger threatens "librul" media

Your 'defense' tax dollars ($4.1 billion) at work, week ending 3.19.2010

Bawl ReTHUG bawl you lying scumbag

Funny, 'cept its not

Did you guys catch that motherfucker, yeah I called him a motherfucker, Devin Nunes (R-CA) on CSPAN?

Let Us Chronicle The Mendacity, Homophobia, And Racism Of The Teabagger Movement

FIRST: let me say that I am an adamant PRO-CHOICER ...

Any thoughts on the DCCC? Just got an appeal for $ from them, and

Rahm Emanuel: ‘Fringe group’ controls Republican Party

My attempt to contact (undecided Congressman) Brian Baird...

Appeals Court Orders Federal Reserve to Release Bank Bailout Records

What does the repuke party mean to you?

You need some Rude: The Rude Pundit

Glenn Nye from VA says he is voting NO today. He has forgotten who got him elected:

Spitting on a man & calling him a nigger over health care?

Racism Is Part And Parcel Of The Teabagger Movement

I don't even think this would have done it

I don't even think this would have done it

Skinheads Sentenced to Work at Holocaust Museum

You Cannot Regulate Evil

You Cannot Regulate Evil

The United States: A Failed Model

alex twit to comgressman on hcr 'yes' are you?

Slate Magazine's whip count page

Breaking on GEM$NBC - Dems have the votes

The real significance of today's vote to me is not HCR but

Robert Jensen: What White People Fear

Ethiopian Man Plants A Million Trees

It's time to pass health care reform

Dating brings demotion for married 2-star (retirement pay down to $129,500)

What are the odds that Obama can use signing statements to put in a public

If Acorn Falls, It's because the Media Believed Imposters

Why is PLOUFFE giving KKKarl a F***ing platform at this stage?!1

What living with no health coverage means for me

Why did hack Gregory mention Liz Carpenter's death and

HCR Vote expected about 3 PM

If Dems pulled what Rethugs did yesterday in DC there wouldn't be any Sanjay Gupta on TV right now

Livefeed: National Young Feminist Leadership Conference

Sen. John McCain Authors Bill to Detain Americans Indefinitely without Trial

GOP congressmen: Everyone agrees Iraq war a ‘horrible mistake’

A question and an idea as per health care

Any word yet re John Ensign from the Sunday hacks?

If/when the health care bill passes......

i know HCR is foremost, but are you aware that the FBI is investigating ENSIGN and the GOP as well?

So far, not one Republican has denounced the teabaggers racism

Today's Cartoon

How exactly would this mandate work for lower-income people?

When is the House health care vote? Any live feeds to follow? n/t

Fuck you Michael Burgess

Reform the Democratic Party

What is the latest on O'Keefe/Landrieu incident?

Where is all the video from yesterday?

Where is all the video from yesterday?

Wanda Sykes last night March 20

Rep. Lynch (D-MA) "Obama said that he'd be willing to consider inserting a public option next year"

Will there be any radio coverage of the session today? I may be stuck in my

Will there be any radio coverage of the session today? I may be stuck in my

America’s Real Dream Team

Stupak says Dems don't have enough votes. :( rop

Wizard of Id nails KKKarl, DicKKK MORRIS & many recycled political criminals!1

I know there are more important things, but I'd really like a Press Secretary that sounds less like

Sunday Talk Shows

Racist and homophobic teabagger anti-health care miscreants weren't the only people marching....

Trudeau skewers the tea baggers (TOON).....

Was there any coverage of the anti war protests yesterday?

Pelosi coined a term to describe Emanuel’s scaled-down approach: “Kiddie Care,”

Why do Dems put all of the..

News anchors panic at the prospect of reporting an eruption at a place they can't possibly pronounce

Court dismisses Imperial Wizard from Jury Duty

Court dismisses Imperial Wizard from Jury Duty

New poll: Schwarzenegger most unpopular governor in modern Calif. history

New poll: Schwarzenegger most unpopular governor in modern Calif. history

Good grief, why not just say 2 million showed up in D.C. on Saturday?

Stupak Says Deal Close

VY Canis Majoris Is The Largest Known Star In The Universe, But It Is NOT The Biggest Entity...

Are Toyotas susceptible to cosmic rays?

Michael Steele wants to go back to what this county was founded on

I love how the corpse of Bob Shieffer....

Michael Steele Pays Deference To The Tea Party

I Have Had Quite A Day . . .

I don't get cable...When is the vote scheduled for today? n/t

I don't get cable...When is the vote scheduled for today? n/t

Hey, Repubs! You decided not to cooperate on HCR, to turn it into Obama's Waterloo.

Iranian doctors bring health care to rural Mississippi


I do not like this Bill at all.

Detroit Free Press: Urban Farming a cash cow in the Motor City?

I've got it-a sure-fire, can't miss, guaranteed Nov election winning strategy for ANY Dem candidate.

Getting Her Way: Pelosi's Powers of Persuasion

Michael Steele, John Boehner, you ignorant assholes ... no one uttered a racial "epitaph" yesterday

Coal's Toxic Sludge (Rolling Stone)

Steny Hoyer condemsn racist and homophobic attack by Teabagger protesters

Pat Boone uses autistic kids to stop health-care reform:

Pat Boone uses autistic kids to stop health-care reform:

Mariposa virus makes jump to mobile cell phones

Wash. Journal's worst host was at the table this a.m.

Appeals Court Denies Ashcroft Immunity in Arrest of Muslim American as Material Witness


A Hollow Victory, but a victory none the less

Hear about this?

Can anyone name a time when a single Naval ship returning from a normal mission

bart stupid announces 'press conference' again/CANCELLED again

US calls for 'YouTube' of government data

Are we headed for a huge explosion or a piffling deflation of all this pent up rage?

Toon....History of America ..Texas Board of Education

What is a Liberal

March for Immigration announces Speaker Lineup – No Speakers for LGBT Bi-nationals

Doonesbury on what teabaggers stand for.

Factbox: Details of final healthcare bill

The Female Eunuch Turns 40

You have to admit Repubs could not carry off such obfuscation without a Corrupt MSMedia...

I Just Read That 57,500 Are The Number Of Unisured Individuals In Lipinski's (D-IL -3rd) That.......

What's the point in having an "ignore" function if those on one's list show up on the Greatest Page?

Bill Clinton on HCR: "It may not happen in my lifetime, or Dick Cheney's, but hopefully by Easter."

Don't pee in my Wheaties. Don't pour cold water on me.

What is the rule that Pelosi wants for the debate today?

Save big on Health Insurance today.

And now for a Tea 'Bagger's Perspective: The President's Speech on Healthcare Today

Photo posted on Free-repugnant was claimed 2 b "liberal vandalism" (slashed tire) yesterday

Photo posted on Free-repugnant was claimed 2 b "liberal vandalism" (slashed tire) yesterday

Woman was told by a public defender to plead guilty to a felony that wasn’t even a felony

A Way to TRANSFORM Our Schools? Take a Look and Have a Say.

A Wave of Primary Challenges Against Health Care Opponents?

The good, the bad and the rally

When Are Those Bush Tax Breaks For The Rich Set To Expire?.......

Where are all the votes that passed the original House HCR bill?

Occupations Ranked from Liberal to Conservative

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

Business concept: an online store for Teabagger costumes

Congressman Dingell: Call Bart Stupak on His Lies about Abortion - EmptyWheel

Is anyone listening to these moran callers on C-SPAN?

Should Free Speach Be Limitied or Controled?

Faux News - HCR passes, bad news for Obama. HCR fails - bad news for Obama

Was the Repuklican party this bad on the verge of the Civil Rights laws?

Anyone remember what's Sen. Snowe's excuse was for not supporting the Senate bill?

Lots of pro health care supporters in DC right now

I never realized that Rep. Virginia Foxx was such a rational, level-headed person

Let's take the first step in dragging these teabaggers into the 21st Century

Stupak news conference in ten minutes. Any bets on whether he'll cross?

Truth about religion!

Who are the "two dozen democrats" who will vote against HCR?

Baienor on MTP

There should be language in the HC Bill so that

Steve and Cokie Roberts: " Beck worse than a clown". (Link to their editorial)

How many lives were saved today?

The contrast between parties couldn't be clearer

Every Call Counts

These RETHUGS have begun to make their noise already

"Who is your member of Congress?" Gotta love C-Span--of course,

Glad DU is getting more moderators, immigration reform is next and we all know

Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsburg speaks at Anti-war march in San Francisco

AP-LA Times: In impoverished Pakistan, millions of children forgo classrooms for hard labor

What's President Obama Up To?

San Francisco takes it to the Streets on 7th Anniversary of the WAR.. They still say NO!

AP: New York court says state can annul same-sex marriages from other states (also a poll on issue)

Majority is EVERYTHING

“Any movement in which the intellectual leader is Michele Bachmann is... going to be problematic"

CNN: Stupak Still A No

Sen. Bayh: Force should be on the table in stopping Iran from getting nukes

Sen. Bayh: Force should be on the table in stopping Iran from getting nukes

I'm tired of this "Free Trade" BS

Thanks to Obama and the Democrats - I'm getting a HUGH tax refund this year!

Fun With Medical Insurance: How Medco saves money by bureacratizing and slowly filling my script.

Donating to Veterans at the local supermarket

It's Superbowl Sunday for Political News junkies...

It's Superbowl Sunday for Political News junkies...

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Stupak says he's voting for the bill

"Parliamentary inquiry" "The chair will not entertain further inquiries" I just loving this...

need legal reference for abortion....illegal to use fed. funds

Historic parallel: LBJ invoking the memory of JFK at the time of

Kabuki theater

Oh Lord; Blackburn leads the way in screaming rhetoric in The House.

Kabuki theater

Kabuki theater

Ed Shultz, Lawrence O'Donnell, and David Shuster will anchor MSNBC's coverage this PM

Anybody see any dark-skinned teabaggers on C-SPAN's teevee coverage?

Brian Baird flips from No to Yes (Major Garrett, FNC)

As predicted here..a Republican (Nunes) blames the Dems, says that it represents only a few.

Has it occurred to anyone else that if the most extreme teabuggers get their way..

Marijuana has higher approval ratings than Congress, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

The wingnuts are claiming this video proves no one spit or yelled at African American reps yesterday

The wingnuts are claiming this video proves no one spit or yelled at African American reps yesterday


Once again someone demonstrates why the the first syllable in Twitter is "twit"..

I hear from some Repubs that Stupak is counting yes/no phone calls

My best Shaq impersonation..

The teabaggers' actions prompted me to keep my Glock closer...

Is it weird that I get choked up by the old "Look for the Union label" commercials?

On NBC president of freedomworks denies anyone was arrested for spitting yesterday

LOL! Freepers are starting to turn against FAUXNOISE!

Email from my friend in Sweden:

Who's the Congressman Chairing the vote today?

OMG.. Look at that Gavel

After watching the baggers, it's so clear that their abortion cr@p is just racism.

Why don't the tea baggers just start wearing their white hoods to their rallies?

U.S. Missile Strike Kills 8 Militants in Pakistan

Hey! That's my Rep! Inslee! Go Jay!! nt

"Memo to US: only fools rush in" on foreign trade treaty. Arbitration over SCOTUS

Good going mods!! You're on the ball today.

UN Reduces Kandahar Staff Over Security Concerns as NATO Troops Begin to Roll

UN Reduces Kandahar Staff Over Security Concerns as NATO Troops Begin to Roll

Phone calls helped sway Dem Rep Baird from "No" to "Yes"

Sen. Cornyn says they'll be offering hundreds of amendments if the bill passes

Holy shit. I'm listening to a repeat of WJ with this unbelievably vile repuke, Devin Nunes

O' Donnell sticks it to Pat Buchanan

McGovern on Storytelling at the House Rules Committee

For reference: NY Times ongoing Health Care vote count tally -

My current Congress critter Is Candice Miller, a Republican who's going to vote against HCR

CNN's tally of House Dems - they keep it updated, it's pretty good:

GOPher Rep Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) blames Democrats for Tea Bagger racism

Teabaggers... Literal future home grown terrorists in our midst

How much are these worth? 78 and 33rpm records from 40's, 50's, and sheet music from same era.

If "lying to Congress" is a crime like perjury, how are these asshats

If you can't think of anything to say except to call a fellow veteran DUer a

anyone hearing this lying pos on cspan?

Iranians Train Taliban to Use Roadside Bombs

a toothless mandate?

Jesus... Stupak: Still No Agreement (From 12 Minutes Ago) - TPM

What Happens When A Liberal Black Man Accidentally Ends Up At A Tea Party?!?

Tea Party / "Kill the Bill" Pics - Thread 2

Barney Frank: 'Mass hysteria' On Capitol Hill - TPM (From Today)

Could CNN BE any more blatant?

Virgina Thomas and Teaparty literally lifting quotes from Tim McVeigh and 1990's right-wing militias

I think Camp is lying

No, Christopher Smith, forcing women to have babies is exploitation

Am I the only one who is fed up w/ Lawrence O'Donnell's inside the Beltway Establishmentarian crap?

Will Stupak cancel another press conference? Another one scheduled for 4PM EST

My favorite C-SPAN caller: Leon from Boca Raton...

On this historic day this picture has me in tears

The Growing Income Gap: 1 million dollars doesn't mean financial security anymore

Democratic Leaders: We've got the votes

Stupak Likely To Vote For Health Bill, Executive Order On Abortion Pending

Who's the (acting?) speaker of the House right now? Anyone know?

Republicans Vow to Pass Universal Health Care When They Take Back Control

no president has had to endure a 24/7 'news' network dead-set on destroying him

What Republicans Said Back In The Day About Medicare, Clinton Deficit Reduction, And More!

Drier Slaughtered

Per Twitter Weiner is addressing the teabaggers. . .LOL

Under Panetta, a more aggressive CIA

Why don't they throw out the disruptive house members?

The Hypocrisy of the Right in full view... Anyone remember the Dixie Chicks

Bill Clinton Gridiron Dinner: Former President Jokes About Democrats, Republicans, And Himself

"Healthcare" when the nation's founders were alive

Is it sausage yet?

I wish I could set my TV to automatically mute every time a Repub starts talking. n/t

Dems: Leadership Is Telling Members They Have The Votes--But Abortion Still Threatens The Bill - TPM

Watching the vote now. 1 Republican voted yes.

Stupak holding a press conference at 4- per C-Span

Mob Rule? Barney Frank on the Republicans cheering when a protestor got rowdy

cspan reports white house & stupak made deal / link

give it up for Jesse Jackson Jr. He is just awesome leading the house

Shouts of "ni**er and fa**ot from teabaggers greet democrats

BREAKING: Pres Obama addresses over 200,000 rallying on the National Mall for Immigration Reform

Looks like the Teabaggers have invaded the House gallery

They're delaying and obstructing.

Latest breaking news on MSNBC - two more arrests

Stupak waiting for more Members to join him...

Curious: Is any Republican expected to vote Yea?

I Find It Hard For This Tweet To Be True...

I love how many religious fundies are now Libertarians (aka Sociopaths) and Ayn Rand'ers

Uh Oh... Here's An Exciting Tweet For Ya, LOL !!!


Caption this pic

The vile, ignorant, racist Republican base on display...I LOVE IT!

Breaking - Tea Party Member or members force way into the house chamber!

Stupak: "We have an Agreement"

Should be the official song....

MSNBC link to stupak's news conference on the health care bill: will vote yes

Statement from Dan Pfeiffer

The Stupak - executive order (Stapak: "We Are Well Past 216")

White House Statement On Abortion Compromise

dupe, pls. delete. nt

Kildee -- prolife for the born and the unborn --

If the health care/insurance bill doesn't pass tomorrow,

Congressperson, defined.

The ever-surging Peace Laureate and his War Machine: Afghan Atrocity and American Values

Plouffe (Absolutely) demolishes Rove

"Put me in the radical column"

I'm not a fan of the current HCR bill........BUT

Stupak Makes A Deal, Reform To Pass - TNR

ALCEE Hastings rocks

Is there footage of Teabaggers getting the Stupak News ?

"Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid---"

4 months.

"We'll look back in 50 yrs and wonder what this hullabaloo was about"

Thousands of immigrant rights advocates pack the National Mall at an immigration reform rally - pics

Saw a quote early on last year: "If HC bill passes, it would mark the end of the Republican Party."

I just heard Ed say that only 5% of wage earners will be affected by the 'Cadillac tax'

I am more convinced today.....

It's getting really ugly both inside the House Chamber and outside the Capitol

Executive Order Details Possibly Leaked - FDL

Executive Order Details Possibly Leaked - FDL

We should hold off on voting til every Repuke gets a say

Another health care bill poll...

LOL! Freeper Buzzkill.

Getting lectures on fiscal integrity from Rove is like getting lectures on hairstyling from Carville

"the dunes will reclaim the soaring folly of Dubai"

new tv game in my house

“Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

I want to know why there is a child in the house chamber???

I want to know why there is a child in the house chamber???

flawed health care bill robots. Lemmings they are

OK, now that it's clear that we have the votes,

OK, now that it's clear that we have the votes,

Somebody On Here Wanted Me To Shoot Them An "I Told You So" On The Executive Order...


Whose Waterloo?

Now on to Mickey's

NY times graph with voting for house dems and the 7 undecided

Overheard on FR: "I'll be exercising my 2nd amendment right this week. "

In deal with Stupak, White House announces executive order on abortion

Interesting show on BookTV Cspan2 now - "The Watchers: the Rise of America's Surveillance State

Arrest At Wal-Mart After Racial Announcement in New Jersey

Pat Buchanan is sure looking old these days

How a lawsuit over school laptops evolved

Mean Jean looked like shit today

The Republican leadership ponders their loss to the Democrats and President Obama.

Would you save a 5 year old's life, or would you rather a CEO buy another Lamborghini?

What the republicans are today is a disgrace. I only hope that Americans can see right through

who is that asshat Drier he is a motherfucking asshole

who is that asshat Drier he is a motherfucking asshole

What's this Floored Elf Pill

This flawed health care bill

You gotta hand it to the Republicans...

The Parade of Nuts on C-SPAN now!

The Parade of Nuts on C-SPAN now!

Boy, does Jesse Jackson Jr get combat pay or anything for this grueling

Republican welfare Queens and Kings:

heeeeeeeeeeeere's stupak

**PICS** Healthcare reform not without a sense of irony...

A serious question?

Craziest Bullshit being Passed For An Excuse Around Here

Sorry, Republicans and some Democrats, the so called Louisiana purchase does not even mention the

Can they name this bill after Teddy? The Kennedy Health Care Bill?

what a government takeover of healthcare looks like

Does Boehner have a dog?

Bachmann credits Hannity with providing forum for her to organize health care reform protests

Anyone know how stupid pecker is going to vote on this? /nt

What will happen once these assholes finish "revising and extending" their whining of HCR? nt

i so wish I had started a drinking game where you down a shot every time someone says "flawed"

White House Said to Have Short List Ready for Justice Stevens' Slot

LUngren says executive order is not law? Then all bushes crap can be overturned

The vile Teabagger protestors today are quite enough to push me to the "yes" column

NYT vote tally: yes votes 217, 6 votes still in play

Stupak Caves bill will pass

GOP Learns to Love Dissent

dear david dreier

dear david dreier

Rep Ciro Rodriguez Targeted With Ethnic Slurs

GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’

Dennis Burke's Eulogy for Granny D, Doris Haddock, 1910-2010

So, if Abortion was not an "issue" what woudl this debate be like?

REFORM: Newt Gingrich on "Free Riders" and the Individual Mandate

Who is this idiotic congressman echoing the "IRS Gestapo" lie?


So Who Else Had To Go Under The Bus To Pass This Thing ???

Remember where you were at this historic moment.

If the Republican uprising looks like a mini-revolution to you please consider this

Any other "Cold War" Veterans in the house?

I have placed a curse on the Republicans - anyone who says "flawed"

One GOP just voted yes... edit, mistake? took it off

We've nothing to gain from US trade deal (Australia)

pro abortion?

This health care bill will benefit me. The pre-existing clause will be necessary when I a teacher

As I read all these posts from you make-believe Democrats...

Breitbart's Big Gov: "Media Lying About Racist Attacks on Black Reps by Tea Party Protesters"

Hey, DeMint! Open WIDE for that hot Beef (Duke of) Wellington!

Where are the "majority of Americans"

Bachmann speaks. Ed Shultz says, "You've been listening to a reactionary press conference."

Iraq’s Election Commission Rejects Nouri al-Maliki’s Demand for Vote Recount

The Vote on the Rule will be coming up in a few minutes - the final vote should echo it

what a bunch of whlny, lying losers...

Are You Glad The Health Care Reform Bill Is Passing?

For Lurking Freepers And Teabaggers

Congressman Anthony Weiner coming up next on MSNBC.

Watching the Congressional Circus on C-SPAN. So how damn EMBARRASSING is it to be a Pubbie today?

"Any plan I sign must include an insurance exchange... including a public option" - PRESIDENT OBAMA

Credit card company now ready to settle for original amount: sign of desperation?

who are the 21 dems voting Nay?

I can't wait for the side-by-sides of the RW talkers

Need advice from friends about my dog.....I want to do what is best for her...

So far 27 "Democrats" have voted against the Rule to let HCR go forward

100 years of nothing but talk...


DONATE to ACORN!!! They are on the verge of bankruptcy!

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Sunday called for a manual recount of votes

A first for me today.. Gallup polled me

Republican logic apparently now is against govt funding for religion

I've gotten into way too many fights on facebook today

How much time did the Rule allow for debate before the vote?

have republicons deluded themselves into believing abortions are illegal?

Romney Shill Tries To Explain How Romneycare Is Not The Same As Obamacare, But Fails Hilariously

Sarkozy's conservative coalition receives setback in French elections

222 fugging votes

"These are not the droids you are looking for" LOL

Steny is speaking - He's taking no prisoners!

Once single payer was gone, I was out of the HCR debate...

Once single payer was gone, I was out of the HCR debate...

The God solution

can someone explain to me - why are there so many stupid people in this country?

Mitt Romney was for universal healthcare before he was against it.

Mitt Romney was for universal healthcare before he was against it.

You know how you feel when you see the civil rights demonstrations

RIP Mrs. Margaret Moth , what a beautiful soul.

How will this legislation change health care for government workers?

How will this legislation change health care for government workers?

Republican Frum says HCR passage will be republicans Waterloo

Republican Frum says HCR passage will be republicans Waterloo

And Awaaay We Go... NOW Unhappy With Abortion Compromise: 'Obama Breaks Faith with Women'

KIll The Bill Toon

GOP (Kern Co., CA) group's former treasurer admits 'terrible mistake'

As a distinct non-expert on health care I found it hard during the past weeks

Report: Insurgents years ago obtained U.S. systems used to stop IEDs

****Unofficial HCR Thread #! ********

A lesson was learned today in rightdom.

KUCINICH WEEK Kucinich Predicts Health Care Will Pass by One Vote

I ask unanimous consent for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest the protesters disrupting the House

I ask unanimous consent for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest the protesters disrupting the House

don't forget to send Rush a farewell card.

When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

When drug makers' profits outweigh penalties

Just what is in their mind when they say "Abortion on demand"

Just what is in their mind when they say "Abortion on demand"

Just what is in their mind when they say "Abortion on demand"

Just what is in their mind when they say "Abortion on demand"

Genial !!!! France balance vers la gauche.

Michaud To Vote Yes

Goin south on 75 thru Marietta, Ga, traffic was acting weird, someTEABAGGER was screwing things up

Memo to the Texas State Board of Education: America isn’t a theocracy

Oh goody. Now we have to listen to Stupak

Does listening to Republican negative rhetoric for too long a period shorten ones lifespan?

Does listening to Republican negative rhetoric for too long a period shorten ones lifespan?


First Term Democrat Nye voting against health bill

The politics with the passing of this bill...

The teabaggers should be more concerned with the excesss beer tax.

The teabaggers should be more concerned with the excesss beer tax.

Secrets of the Tea Party: The troubling history of Tea Party leader Dick Armey

I was asking myself the same question!

I have developed a grudging respect for politicians - anyone who can stand to be

How politically popular is this health care vote? Obama up 7 points today at Gallup

Health Care Reform vs. War funding

Fox Flubs at Suspending Disbelief

Well, now that thats done...

How long will it be now before a TeaBagger goes postal?

Which Republican will say the most outrageously over-the-top thing tomorrow?

Which Republican will say the most outrageously over-the-top thing tomorrow?

Interesting, Health INSURANCE Faux Reform Vote by John Russell on Daily KOS

Waterloo Bounces Off Us, Sticks to You

Waterloo Bounces Off Us, Sticks to You

Here it is! The N word on tape right out of a teabagger's mouth!!


Obama "would not shy away from a debate about single-payer." When was that debate?

What is the POINT of all this meaningless debate on C-Span right now?

Teabaggers are distraught

Oh Shite Bush's Frum (p) turns on the ReTHUGS

Oh Shite Bush's Frum (p) turns on the ReTHUGS

Donna Edwards takes over the chair!

2 IL dems haven't decided on HC reform both re: abortion with opposite reasons

Jesse Jackson, Jr. at the helm --

Is Michelle Bachman Insane

What time is the health-care vote? And other critical questions.

Just wondering - R's I see are saying we need real HCR to bring down costs, etc

Rep. Hoyer just thanked the "little punk staffers" - cspan feed

Will someone please tell me the answer to this question

Will someone please tell me the answer to this question

Manic depression...

NARAL issues strange statement on Obama's executive order on abortion

Caption Bachman

OK.. can someone briefly explain what Stupak thought he could get out of going against the Party?

National Journal - "Health Insurers Funded Chamber Attack Ads"

New Swiss Law Bans Violent Video Games

New rule: You can't drive on socialized roads to attend rallies protesting socialized health care

Bachmann "heartbroken" over Stupak deal

The Republicans always care about the children

The Republicans always care about the children

Have you noticed? These folks love their Creationist bibles and curse the name of Darwin...

Tyranny Response Team - pic

Deep down, what are white racists so terrified of?

Mr Speaker I have a question......

That "Hopey-Changey stuff" is working GREAT!

They Didn't Need Stupak's Vote And Still Decided To Throw Women Under The Bus Anyway

Obama has secured his place in history with this bill

Obama has secured his place in history with this bill

Nancy Pelosi is turning 70 next week, March 26th

My mom, who grew up in the 30's-40's and 50's said things have never been this divided

The Freepers And Teabaggers Are Evil People And We Need A United Front Against Them

After HCR, Fairness Doctrine????

After HCR, Fairness Doctrine????

I'm a little teapot

Barney Frank rips GOP 'clowns'

Barney Frank rips GOP 'clowns'

So what happens now, re: HCR?

200,000 People Marched On Washington Today!!! Rightwinger Math?

Pro Choice and pretty liberal, but...

Why can't we just take it as a given that the vast majority here

US may expand use of Bagram prison for terror suspects, as is done at Guitmo

Mmmm, schadenfreudelicious! Freeper freakout!!!

Mmmm, schadenfreudelicious! Freeper freakout!!!

For god's sake!!! How did the vote go today?!?!?

A Handy Graphic that Shows You How to Survive the Drama Today ((PIC))

Over did you say over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Over did you say over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

My company is applying for my Green Card , WOHOO , finally !

I am so confused about the vote today. When exactly does the

Obama blocks single-payer at the state level

23 years after Oliver Stone's "Wall Street" was released...

23 years after Oliver Stone's "Wall Street" was released...

Obama keeps talking about the average american family

Tell me I shouldn't be worried about today's outcome.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi carries the gavel used when Medicare passed - pics

Would someone please tell me

In Memoriam

Millions of Americans CAN'T BUY Insurance Today (And Therefore Can't Get Health Care)

Healthcare poll

House votes to exempt TRICARE from health reform bill

I keep waiting for a point where the Right Wing responds to a loss by moderating itself.

I keep waiting for a point where the Right Wing responds to a loss by moderating itself.

I keep waiting for a point where the Right Wing responds to a loss by moderating itself.

I keep waiting for a point where the Right Wing responds to a loss by moderating itself.

I keep waiting for a point where the Right Wing responds to a loss by moderating itself.

New York schools' ban on homemade goods at bake sales has parents steamed

So now what about Joseph Cao (R-LA)?

CSPAN Caller: "I wan't all people to have what I had and I am willing to contribute my share"

Bon voyage Rush! When's the next plane to Costa Rica?

Pelosi steeled Obama for health care push

If (when) this HCR passes, the Dems have to blitz the media and EDUCATE

Planned Parenthood statement

Just got back from Hell......

More Than 20 Major Amendments were Made to Improve Social Security between 1935 and Today

More Than 20 Major Amendments were Made to Improve Social Security between 1935 and Today

Calling All DUers, Calling All DUers, ALL DUers. I Need Your Help/Suggestions

Have We Democrats Forgotten so Soon ?

Open Letter to FreeRepublic: You are Scott Tenorman, and mmmmm, your tears are so yummy and sweet!

You wanted CHANGE? You got it.

"Pyrrhic victory"

Hume predicts Obama's presidency could be crippled by passage of health care reform

Babysitter beats 11 month old like rag doll out of anger at parents - caught on tape

My oldest friend no longer speaks to me.

Frank Rich: Obama, Lehman and ‘The Dragon Tattoo’

Another day, another horrific death threat on Twitter

NOW (The National Organization for Women) "incensed"

Is John Boehner orange all over? I get the tanning bed face, but ...

James Fallows: If There Is Any Further Question About Whether Fox Is a "News" Operation

Three-dimensional chess anyone?

Dean: "I don't think this is reform"

The Congressional Republicans tonight remind me of a joke:

Freepers going Galt!!!!

I don't want to be petty, here...

On the day that General Lee surrendered, Lincoln ordered the WH band to play Dixie

I just got a chill - Teddy is watchin and approves

Army trash syndrome

15 state have tried to regulate health care costs by mandating specific MLRs

Let me be honest here, if you are a guy who took PE and had to shower, you showered with a gay

plea for help: my Big Brothers/Big Sisters little sister's family lost everything in a house fire

James Randi Coming out statement

After thoughtful consideration of more than 5 seconds, Rep. Devin Nunes is

Repukes just can't help themselves. They don't get what they want they act like babies


Is it possible to still be a Democrat and disagree with the Obama Administration?

Next for the Obama Administration: Cutting Social Security benefits?

Hey Rush ... Need a ride to the airport?

Text of pending EO re: Abortion - from the White House

Michaud D-Maine wavering on HCR

Any info on Torrington, CT??


If you are against THIS HCR bill, maybe it's because you want a BETTER ONE

Of Becks and Men

I got into it with a teabagger today

G'night, Nancy, Steny, James, Barack. Sleep well, you've given it your all. nt

G'night, Nancy, Steny, James, Barack. Sleep well, you've given it your all. nt

OK, the GOP's playing the conga-line game to delay the vote.

Fuck you, Karl Rove

Check In If You Support the Passage of This Historic HCR Bill!

Check In If You Support the Passage of This Historic HCR Bill!

Obama renews call for Iran dialogue

Is Something Better than Nothing (Health Reform Part 4 of 4)

Rep. Virginia Foxx

Teabaggers SPIT ON my favorite congressman today. Yes they spit on him!!!!

Gingrich: Civil Rights Laws Weren’t Worth the Political Price

Glenn Greenwald: "to pretend that this bill is some sort of great victory is just propanganda"

Glenn Greenwald: "to pretend that this bill is some sort of great victory is just propanganda"

farming inside Detroit city

National Organization for Women (NOW): In Stupak deal, "President Obama Breaks Faith with Women"

How GOP Talking Points Will (Ironically) Help Pass The HC Bill

I'm sorry, but if you are against this HCR Bill, you really are against HCR in our lifetime

SPYCAM: Long Philly Inquirer Summary Article

"It's unconstitutional to require people to buy insurance."

What a clusterfuck.

That invisible TelePrompter inside the President's head today was distracting...

What would have been the level of outrage if abortion rights advocates tried to pull a Stupak?


Obama's bracket (and mine) - BUSTED!

Capuano, Yes

""I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have""

What a day! But the real question remains unanswered...

WOW and you thought it was the "news" people piling on

Switching from "yes" to "no" on HCR. Am I missing something?

McClatchey Article: Tea party protesters scream "nigger" at black congressman

McClatchey Article: Tea party protesters scream "nigger" at black congressman

Any good Twitter feeds for HCR that aren't full of pollution?

NYT article shows we have plenty of people to thank for HCR's revival

André Carson is my congressman. Good thing the tea baggers didn't know he is a Muslim.

Teabaggers will benefit from health care reform

This was a call out to Stupak and all the other Democratic politicians who forgot

Obama's speech is being replayed on C-Span Now!

Remember right before the LAST House vote? They were ALL saying (in the MSM) that Pelosi STILL

Here is the Fox News photo of the 25,000 Tea Baggers today....

Democrats Close In as Health Vote Approaches

Barackotology Update

Remember-Beck plans to hold a"March on Washington"at the Lincoln Memorial onthe anniversary of MLK's

Hmm. Tea Party gets 24/7 coverage ad nauseum - but tonight, hardly a word about them

I am thinking we should be bombarding Boner's and McConnell's phones demanding an apology from them

Black Representative Says He Was Spit On By Anti-HCR Protestor Today

Transcript of President Obama's non-prepared remarks today...

CNN's list of where house dems stand

Is this thing getting passed or not?

Black support high for Obama's race-neutral stance

An open letter to Congressional Democrats:

Vote on Health Bill Today Caps a Journey Back From the Brink

So Our Local NBC Affiliate Out Of West Palm Beach...

My Personal Note This Morning to My Neighbors Here in Bart Stupak's District, By Michael Moore

I Want To See Some Dems PAY If They Don't Vote For This

Closing Arguments

Democratic defector: Vote no quickly or get treated 'like a piñata'

Remember Waterloo?? Recommend if you agree with my idea ...

Relosi Pushed Obama to Back Comprehensive Reform, Rahm Wanted Incremental Approach

DEMOCRATS HAVE THE VOTES-216-per m$nbc-will post

Eraser Duty for Bart?

This is what I'm looking forward to tomorrow

Why I love Nancy

Pelosi yesterday: ‘We Are on the Verge of Making Great History for the American People’

An open letter to the guy who called my congressman the "N" word

What if the vote is tied? 215-215? Sanchez of CA is not there?

It's Bigger Than Any Of Us

Was "deem and pass" a decoy?

Marcy Kaptur (OH) just announced she's a YES!

Timing For Today's Votes

If for some unknown reason.. we do not get HCR passed.. the no votes will

"It may not happen in my lifetime, or Dick Cheney's, but hopefully by Easter"

GOP leaders disavow 'Tea Party' activists' epithets toward lawmakers

WTF? Loretta Sanchez (D-Cal) might not show to vote or might vote no per RollCall

WTF? Loretta Sanchez (D-Cal) might not show to vote or might vote no per RollCall

When is the bill going up? I hope this will be televised - just don't know when....

NPR says... "The Democrats have 216!"

Are Democrats Now Releasing Vulnerable Democrats?

Durbin: Dem leaders met face-to-face with senators to lock down votes

Rep. John Larson, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus: "We have 216." Stupak: "Not yet."

The Danger of Assuming the Chickens have Hatched Already

Wait, why is there now an effort to call and pester dissenting Dems to get them to vote 'yes'?

Breaking.....Stupak, "We are close to a deal on HCR!"

Stupak will hold presser at noon per Alex on MSNBC or maybe cancelled according to the Corner.

WTF!! All of a sudden Rep Klein (FL) is showing up on the undecided list!! HELP!!Must

When is the vote scheduled?

Who's this woman on MSNBC saying the Democrats are 2 votes short

After recent Teabagger's time the GOP denounce them

great website for up to date count......

Health reform bill's success would be historic

Teaser makes a point of which all should be aware

Why is the media outlets interviewing so many RETHUGS!

Cspan is showing the protestors outside the capitol.

The ‘Kristol Ball’ predicts that ‘the bulk’ of health care reform will be repealed by 2013. (VIDEO)

Freeper spin on the racial and homophobic slurs cast at Frank and Lewis

U.S. May Expand Use of its Prison in Afghanistan (No Different Than Gitmo)

GOP Congressman says Tea Party protesters have the right to use racial epithets.

Krugman: Throwing Around Epitaphs

ezra klein: House leadership shooting for final vote at around 9pm. 17 minutes ago

Stupak to vote YES per MSNBC Breaking now

Unions Write To Altmire: Flip From No To Yes

Rep. Baird (WA) flips from NO to YES!

media trying its best to help the Republicons..

If HCR passes, the narrative on Obama shifts DRAMATICALLY

an irony of the republican framing: obama will now look STRONG for having passed health legislation

As a African American I want to know where are the black Conservatives on the use of the N word

Why do the CNN commentators have such Dour looks on their faces?

"Man ejected from House gallery before health vote"

Pomeroy (ND) is a YES vote!

From a 30 year old work of fiction: good or bad advice for Obama?

My theory on ACORN and why Obama isn't making congress backtrack...


C-Span: I'm done...

So if Stupak can get an Executive Order then why can't the Public Option?!?!

Any news on if Loretta Sanchez showed up and how she'll vote if she did? nt

Stupak press conference at 4:00 EST...

Oh Lord, Stupak has called ANOTHER presser at 4PM. We'll see if this one is cancelled too. nt

Just in -- Stupak holding 4pm news conference.

Tanner votes no - but that suggests the bill is MORE LIKELY TO PASS

The Stupak Watch Thread

Barbara Lee on MSNBC spoke for me!

Inciting a riot?

I'll be working tomorrow when the Insurance "Reform" bill passes.


Barbara Lee was just on msnbc..

Oh boy! Stupak has scheduled a 4:00 pm (ET) press conference to enlighten us all.

Props to Jesse Jackson, Jr. on running this difficult floor debate.

C- Span: Rep, Becerra (D) said new numbers for bill!!!

When in doubt...check Intrade.

So the heart of the Stupak deal is that he gets to showboat one more time

At the end of the day, at least we ain't Republicans!

BREAKING: An Ugly Scene

The Race to Sanity is reaching new one wants to hold the OBSOLETE BAG at the End of

What Frum said

I'm sorry, but why on earth are some of these House "no" votes even Democrats?!

My Feelings about STUPAK

Douchebag (D-Michigan) on now...

BREAKING: White House, Bart Stupak reach abortion agreement

I couldn't think of a better day to shread 3 years worth of statements.

How Bart Stupak could improve himself.

Text of the President's Executive Order (Stupak)

So when WERE community health centers going to start performing abortions?

I hope Obama didn't agree to back Stupak in the primary as part of the deal

I cannot hear the Stupak statement because CPAN is getting very high traffic

All of the TV's in the Dublin, Ireland airport are playing the #hcr debate live

The Hill: Abortion Deal Struck; 8 or 9 Stupakers will vote YES!

Ezra Klein tweets: Remember when Reagan said Medicare was going to be the end of American freedom?

Stupak: We are well past 216!

** Heads Up: Stupak FINALLY gives a News Conference to Announce his Vote, Live! 4pm **

Marsha Blackburn R-Tenn is crazy as a shithouse rat

Lewis, Frank, and Wiener too


Rep. Ryan (Douche - Wisconsin)

If you want to watch the personification of morbid fascination....

C-Span: The Cops are suffering...

HCR passing--84 at Intrade right now.

One of the big losers today...

FOXX is speaking now..

INTRADE now at 97.8%! Close to the 99.99% I was waiting for!

Okay... enough with the cutesy marketing names for the Senate bill compromises.

HCR - To Paraphrase...

White House Statement On Abortion Compromise

To all you motherfucking trolls....

Alert: Infamous nutjob Virginia Foxx (R) is speaking on the floor right now.

A parade of morons

C-Span: HCR Debate-- You guys have to watch this...** Discussion Thread**

Ezra Klein: Health Care And Freedom

Stupak is still going to be attacked on the abortion issue.

There's still drama going on on CSPAN if anyone wants to watch.

What is this, the march of shame?


Democrats celebrating 'sanctity of life' language in HCR battle

Does anyone have a link to a minute by minute blog?

Take a nap. Make some coffee. POTUS to make a statement from the East Room after final bill passage

WOW! Watch MSNBC NOW!!!!!!!!!! He said it is actually the Pukes own waterloo!

Did anyone just listen to Santorum on Fox? He gave this convoluted

"Mr. Speaker, I rise today to extend and amend my remarks in opposition to this flawed health care..

One would think Lundgren would have known not to drink today

What do you think would happen if...

So this is about to become Law right? Why is the media so fascinated w/ the senate

The CELEBRATION thread: Health care passage is finally clinched!

Loretta Sanchez Comes out of Hiding to say...... YES!!!!

Stupak....this is not an Oscar acceptance speech!

Gingrey R-GA just said no Democrats who voted for the 1993 Clinton budget are in Congress today?


Have you seen who the teabaggers are running against Stupid?

Cartoonist on the ground for tea-party protests.

Marsha Blackburn's voice makes my ears bleed.

An executive order would be a win-win...

November Voting...

Report: Netanyahu To Ask Obama For Weapons To Strike Iran

Obama vows commitment to immigration reform

TPM: The House Begins Vote on the Rule

Hurdle #1 - PASSES! (for real this time)


OMG! I just cannot believe Stupak said. . .

Palin says Obama is "without the experience" to "get policy through" -- "it's a bit over his head"

Now at 222 yes votes according to MSNBC. nt

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" -- It is going to be a Great Day!

It is sooooo much fun to watch the repukes crying like the fucking crybabies they are!

Photo: NOT watching basketball....

He needs to say this "My name is Barack Obama and I AM the President of the United States"

Call Rep. Mike Ross!

You mean the vote on the bill isn't done yet?

Jessie (the original one) "aint scared of your jails" and he AINT scared of your teabaggers!

Congratulations Mr. Frum for firing the first shot in the Republican Civil War

Dingell on Taking Care of Family Business

Has Cao said he wants Unanimous consent?

PHOTOS Nice people

N-Words and Spitting, The Right Finally Drops The Mask

ObamaCare Coming to America

I finally get what the anti abortion crew hates about the bill

Go on Nathan Deal

don't forget to send Rush his farewell card. He promised to leave

Radio station for a Brit to listen to on Health Care vote

Obama Approval Jumps Back

NYT's vote count page updated - 217 YES, 208 NO - 6 still in play

Disposition of Executive Orders Signed By George W. Bush (284 issued):

Is it me, or does Walley sound like Ross Perot?

Did anyone just here this talk show host say this

Is the recorder making balloon animals between speakers?

Sen. Grassley thought Stupak was going to Kill Bill.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz says Dems are "very close"; to final agreement with Stupak #hcr

Krugman: Nancy Pelosi - a Speaker for the ages

Not to be a killjoy but

le punk rock


Bang bang!

Howard Fineman:This thing is still going to be very close

FX just censored a comic penis (Simpsons Movie)

Help with Microsoft word

Food for thought from, of all detestable people, David Frum.

Mixed up- when is the house vote on the Senate bill? I thought 5:30 eastern. Thanks. nt

What a day! But the real question remains unanswered...

Hand in hand, fighting for historic change - Steny Hoyer, John Lewis, & Nancy Pelosi

Woo Hoo! going to Cabo

Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - Llama

OK DU Do you still want to primary all these Dems?

Uh oh, this Freeper is feeling very, very emotional - in a sing-song kind of way

I'm looking for a Jamie Gumm, AKA Jame Gumm...anyone here know him?

Stravinsky - "The Rite of Spring"

Hey gang. Just wanted to let you know that "The Ruling Class"...

Sugar - If I Can't Change Your Mind

I realy love this pic of POTUS from today

Bob Mould - Sunset Safety Glass

I had an uneventful St. Paddy's Day

She's my Lady. (pic)

My fool-proof plan to destroy Al-Qaeda once and for all:

The difference between this one and the last one

Please make her stop

NCAA schedule today, EDT

Step Right Up to the Birth Order Poll!

things like teevee and bad food

This is one of the baddest of badass albums

Nancy Pelosi: Heroine of the Hour

Is there a real difference between GD:P and GD? Anyone?

A public service announcement:

Puppehs for Dummehs

Reminder: Michelle Obama (not really her) on The Simpsons tonight!

Doug Flutie playing drums for Boston

I have a question about posting a link?

Thanks Northern Iowa

NPR White House Vs.Fox News Poll needs help!

Why is it that when Pink Floyd made music videos they were always nightmare fuel?

"Tea party crowd is waning"

um, I think I caught a ghost on camera

The worst Saturdays to be alone are NOT the ones following a week of solitary ennui...

I have a question about posting a Klink

Masha Qrella - Hypersomnia

Dead Air has Janis Joplin right NOW

Favorite Classical Music Period

I have a question about posting a Kink?

My first pet picture, my doggy playing by the bayou.

Stravinsky Conducts Lullabye Suite from Firebird.

How much are these worth? 78 and 33rpm records from 40's, 50's, and sheet music from same era.

blue dog melissa bean votes yes- "why wait?"

Max hatched! Molly is hiding him!

Stupak just let it slip on MSNBC that the vote count in the Senate is 52.

I found one of my first favorite toys....

i ran into this smoker named sally from the valley

President Obama to deliver remarks from the White House, after the vote tonight.

Today's Premier League Fixtures

Today's Premier League Fixtures

Would this be a bad name for a new line of convenience foods?


Anybody for a UNI - Cornell final?

So - if Obama wins the DU NCAA pool

As a woman said to me today, "There is no code of professional courtesy among photographers."

Time Has Come Today- Chambers Bros

My baby was a 73 Pontiac GP... just like this one but with classic rims

Hawk picture, damn thing is looking at me.

Lost Abbey = Happy

I'm going to New York in April!

East Bay Beer Drinking DU'ers - Lost Abbey available at EB Bev Mos!

Have you ever been called a 'passerby'?

"baby, i got a time machine in my pants"

Can't remember when I've been this bored

it's like when you're on a road you don't know

need advice for preparing cats for travel

What is this I hear about FB and MySpace being full of worms and

This is a great song in honor of this historic day. "Seal" A change is gonna come

I have a bracket dilemma....

Have you ever been called a 'predator'?

Naughtius Maximus of The Klingon Empire! K'Pla!

How much are these worth? 78 and 33rpm records from 40's, 50's, and sheet music from same era.

i am paying a choreographer to teach me every dance sequence in saturday night fever

Too racy for *AUSTRALIAN* Television, 'Man plums' beer ads pulled from the internet

Let's go Pitt!

CNN Breaking....H&R Block shut down for not paying their taxes.

PHOTOS More nice people

who in the fuck is fucking with shit around here?

Rep Ciro Rodriguez Called “Wetback” By Anti-Reform Protestor

Can someone help me identify a city by a photo? (It is definitely foreign)


Oh, Grandma, why didn't you tell me??

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Bringing the Spring Edition

Why it's difficult for me to do my homework......(pic)

Hey DU, what's for Sunday supper?

Did you just see CNN? Facebook worm "HFWTEYEO"...

Where are the counter teabagg protesters?

i've been to port arthur texas

i've been to port arthur texas

They yelled at Barney again today, but today he brought his partner w/him AND a video camera!

***HEADS UP*** Health Care Vote in US House of Representatives

It's "racial epithet", People...not epitaph!!!

Post a random picture of anything random!

Ideas for observational research?

Anybody have a long-suffering dog?


Hey Jim DeMint, this was Waterloo, you were Napoleon, Obama was Wellington and Pelosi was Blucher

Need advice from friends about my dog.....I want to do what is best for her...

Of Mice and Men makes me cry. What work of fiction makes you go all blubbery?

Rolling Stone: Following success of "Avatar," James Cameron plans to remake his remake of "Titanic"

Cheerleaders car wash

A mini rant

Sudden paranoia: This teabagger blather about states sueing against HCR is a non-starter, right?

Awesome Song ! Now that is REAL music

Have the liberals in the House read Stupak's executive order?

When Obama wavered and Emanuel recommended against health reform, Pelosi

saw my sons midterm grades in college

Who's a little giddy now?

Favorite Rock-And Roll Song Featuring the Pedal Steel. Not a poll; an opinion.

Sensenbrenner: "Executive Orders are not part of the president's power"

Stupak Is Not A Hero

Admit it. You still have an AOL account

The GOP NOPERS..lost their argument...America WINs The People have SPOKEN

“We will go through the gate........."

Hey, kids, let's post a photo of our first cars!! Gee, that sounds like fun!!

Antique (or other very old photos) thread

Plouffe demolishes Rove

****BREAKING HARD**** Gallup has Obama up 3 to 50% approval

Without Pelosi's leadership, there would be no healthcare reform. Let's ensure she remains Speaker!

If (and when!) this bill passes, what CAN'T we tackle next?

A question for single-payer only folks

Are ya'll fired up? nt

Fear Of Socialism

Listen up Boehner... I do not want to hear one more complaint about the size of the HCR bill

My Priest at my Catholic church this morning...

NYT Admits Getting Duped on ACORN

The Republicans are still not Sane enough to Govern

David Frum: "This is the GOP's Waterloo"

The health insurance industry is a parasite that serves no purpose

'Pub heads exploding on MSNBC...

Breaking: Troops amass on Costa Rican border to stop Rush Limbaugh from entering country

For Teddy.



Clinton Kills At Gridiron Dinner...An Excerpt...

South Africa's Sharpeville recalls 1960 massacre

Would you save a 5 year old's life, or would you rather a CEO buy another Lamborghini?

duplicate thread..sorry.....please delete

No road block Republican admendments passed.

D.C. antiwar march draws thousands on seventh-anniversary of Iraq invasion

BA calls up 5,000 strike-breakers

'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Netanyahu caves in to US

Under Panetta, a more aggressive CIA

(Transportation Secretary) LaHood's Japan Trip to Focus on Toyota Safety

Soccer (MLS) league, players reach labor deal

Marsha Blackburn R-Tenn is crazy as a shithouse rat

Stupak still a 'no' vote on healthcare bill

Foster (IL-14) a yes on health care

Israel: East Jerusalem construction to continue

Louise Slaughter is Wonderful

General David Petraeus tipped as Republican 2012 presidential candidate

Unless a deal is struck with Stupak, Dems appear to be short on votes

Dems: 'We have the votes now' for health bill

Some Michigan Republican candidates vow to repeal health care reform after election

U.S. may expand use of its prison in Afghanistan

"Put me in the radical column"

This flawed health care bill

Aruban divers to inspect site where couple says they saw human remains (Natalee Holloway?)

Pope Benedict accused of ignoring abuse allegations against Hullerman

MSNBC: Stupak Voting 'Yes' On Health Care (& Confirmed)

Stupak "We have an agreement"

President Obama plans health care statement Sunday night

Toyota Shareholders Sue Over Fallen Stock Price


Iraq Inquiry asks to question George Bush's senior officials

Volcano erupts near Eyjafjallajoekull in south Iceland

House Democrats have 216 votes needed to pass health care reform

Sarkozy's party loses regional election - exit polls

Insurers, doctor-owned hospitals get late help

China warns U.S. that 'trade war' will hurt Americans even more

White House Statement On Abortion Compromise

China denounces Google 'US ties'

(CA) State Fund reformer was paid a salary of $450,000 a year, plus perks

Health Care Rule Passes, Clearing Way for Final Approval

Thousands rally for immigration reform in DC

GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’

Caption it?

Statements from Reps. Cleaver, Hoyer, RE: Slurs, Spitting

Anti-teabagger rally

Pete Seegar. Where Have All the Flowers Gone

President Obama Addresses The House Democratic Caucus (Full Video & Transcript)

President's Weekly Address Leaps Past Healthcare to Banking Abuses

Citizens visit Rep. Betty McCollum's office about Health Car

Young Turks: Abortion & HC Reform - Lies Exposed

One Man, One Million Trees For Ethiopia

Peter deFazio takes Mr. Rogers to the woodshed


Health Care Rally in Royal Oak, MI 3/20/10

Geraldo Criticizes Bret Baier, Compares Him to Olbermann!

Health Care Reforms 11th hour....

The Big Melt

Teabaggers Laugh About Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Being Spat On

Cao Health Care Rally

Lyndeborough New Hampshire bans computerized voting

Kid ask his Congressman to support the bill

This Week / Rove vs. Plouffe (Part 1)

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson stuffs the anti-Obama crack pipe while addict Hannity blissfully sucks it in

Rep. David Nunes Justifies Slurs, Insults Of Tea Partiers

GOP Ringleader Michael Steele is easier to understand when you find out who's coaching him

Video of internal Republican leaders and teabag protestors health care strategy meeting released

Rep. Nunes On Epithets: When You Use Totalitarian Tactics, People Act Crazy

This Week / Rove vs. Plouffe (Part 2)

maxkeiser - 'goldman sachs/gov't 'shenanigans' justifies regime change in Greece.'

Immigration Reform Will Obama, Democrats Tackle Another Hot Button Issue

Rep. Tim Ryan calls out teabaggers and demands the GOP denounce them

Teabaggers Attack Latinos

BUSTING the Myths/ A Physician Rants in Favor of REAL Health Care Reform -

Minneapolis march against the 7th Anniversary of the War in Iraq

The youth in MN bring "Funk the War" to the 7th Anniv march. "Obama Don't LIe to Me!"

Spoiled brat drama queens sing..........

Pelosi walks with 1965 Medicare gavel

Jesse Jackson confronts Tea Partiers

Iraq War Anniversary Protest Washington DC encapsulated

Congressman DeFazio Goes Ballistic: Don't Tell Me Republicans Are The Great Defenders Of Veterans!

Young Turks: RNC Chairman Lies On CNN - Suggests CBO Corrupted By Obama, Dems

DESPICABLE: Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) won't denounce racist & homophobic slurs

Protest Sign 101 - Tea Bagger Edition

Independent UK: Cut off the cash and Israel might behave

Detroit Medical Center to be sold to for-profit hospital chain

Making the Iraq war disappear

Anne Frank remained storyteller at Nazi camp

What if Ted Had Lived?

Why Teabaggers lie about HCR (and everything else)...they have to.

‘The Enemy of My Enemy’

Nicholas Kristof: Is Ay Illness Covered?

Cussin,' Spittin' Tea Partiers Oppose Federal Funds for Tourette's Syndrome

Tea Party's Health Care Opposition Turns Racist, Violent

Tea Party Bigots Seek Out Gay Black Paraplegic to Insult

Bishops Dismiss Other Catholic Groups: We’re The Only Ones Able To Understand Health Care Policy

Stoopit Fux Newz - Social Security

Obama Continues Bush's Iran Policy

I have two words for Republicans

The Power to Serve

The New American Jesus

It's still real and it's still a problem (BBC) {GW}

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), bucks GOP disinformation campaign to vote for health-care reform

The most racist “democracy” in the world

Joan Walsh:Too much tea party racism

Tea Partiers Blame Eddie Haskell for Their Spitting on Cleaver


Lisa Murkowski: Climate Change Double Agent

Two of the Three Little Pigs Would Have Trouble Getting a Loan (house is made of 17,000 old tires)

NYT: An Apology for Selling Whale Meat (Sei whale, an endangered species)

Automakers stab Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) in back on climate bill

Ore. town uses geothermal energy to stay warm

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service Budapest, Hungary

NASA: new record 12-month global temperature will be set in 2010

Oregon scientists seek defense against crop-destroying fruit flies

Nuclear Energy Institute spent $460,000 lobbying in the fourth quarter

(Excelon) Cooling towers positions unyielding (Oyster Creek nuclear plant, New Jersey)

A Bill that makes Indian lives cheaper: Nuclear Liability Bill totally tilted against Indians

Safety Issues Linger as Nuclear Reactors Shrink in Size ("green" Russian sub reactors)

On the market: Solar homes (Calif.)

Flextronics Opens Module Manufacturing Facility; Plans 1 GW (per yer) Capacity in Two Years

More Firms Join Desertec Solar Project ($550 billion solar project, N. Africa)

N.J. environmental coalition urges Oyster Creek nuclear plant to stop damaging Barnegat Bay

European, Asian sturgeon numbers dwindling: Report

Advances in global sustainability technology on parade at ACS meeting

Energy Storage's Quiet Revolution

Designer nanomaterials on-demand: ... Report Universal Method for Creating Nanoscale Composites

Lebanon's liquid treasure is just trickling away - "could even run dry within four years"

Living in defiance of a drying climate

On the last day of winter in Maine, I finished SPRING cleanup & watched the lake ice go out

In tough times, Delaware farmers give solar a shot

Nuclear "SpinCo" (truthout)

Climate change debate now a one-man show (Lord Christopher Monckton to speak in Orem, Utah)

EPA to Spend $1.9 Million to Study Impacts of Fracking

Flat-headed cat of southeast Asia is now endangered (BBC)

Throwback mission: Eye in the sky in NJ a tribute to Navy's past (US Navy brings back the blimp)

Demise of coral, salamander show impact of Web (Trade in Endangered Species)

IPCC got it tragically wrong.

California Tribe Hopes to Woo Salmon Home

Monarch butterflies suffer population loss (50% - 60% maybe higher)

The case for mandatory composting - It works in San Francisco. And it could work in Boston.

Study Finds Many Africans Blame Themselves for Climate Change

Sheffield Forgemasters (UK) To Install Press Suitable for Nuclear Forgings.

Chevron is putting solar technologies to the test

Earth Hour 2010 - March 27 8:30 pm (Local Time)

Oyster Creek nuclear plant kills endangered sea turtles and millions of marine organisms

Pleasures of Desertification: Having Drained Owens Lake, LADWP Proposes Dried Lake Bed As A Solar...

I had Northern Iowa beating K.U. in my brackets ....... honest

Rock Chalk JAYHAWK!!!!

Please, dear Goddess, someone beat Puke

Brent metcalf vs lance Palmer in the 2010 NCAA wrestling finals

How many upsets in BB today?

Oooh. Basketball. n/t

I'll adopt little brother for the Tourney.

doug flutie playing drums for Boston

NCAA schedule today:

Nice shot Michigan St

ZAGs v. Orange on NOW.

Canes' McBain Turning Heads. Scores winner in overtime at Pittsburgh with .09 seconds left.

Joe Mauer, Twins, agree to eight-year $184 million contract extension

No upsets yesterday



Maryland and Michigan State on NOW.

Woof Woof!

Kentucky winning by an average 29.5 ppg in the NCAA's

Soccer (MLS) league, players reach labor deal

Cuba Hunger Strikes Stir Ire Protests Bring International Criticism of Island;

Cuba's Operation Miracle Benefits Thousands of Salvadorans

Colombian journalist gunned down

Press group says Latin American leaders silencing critics

1 boy killed, 1 hurt in West Bank violence

Netanyahu caves in to US

Conversion Bill Sparks Unusual Push Back From Diaspora Jews

Palestinians shot dead by Israeli troops near Nablus

Independent UK: Cut off the cash and Israel might behave

Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC

Squeeze Israel by cutting US aid? Not likely

AIPAC opens conference amid US-Israel tension

Tensions rise as Israeli soldiers kill 2 Palestinians

Israel: East Jerusalem construction to continue

'Current Knesset is the most racist in Israeli history'

Israelis Are Behaving Like Spoiled Rich Brats

The most racist “democracy” in the world

Netanyahu caves in to US

Unreality TV: If the Boss Only Knew, He Would Do Something

Thousands of BA flights canceled as crew on strike

Today in Labor History 21 Mar MLK, some 3,200 people began their march from Selma to Montgomery, Al.

Democrats vie for union endorsements

Union Group Pushes Kan. to Dump Drug Plan Manager

AP: Union protests rep’s no vote on health care

Calif. lawmakers take up tough anti-sweatshop bill

Labor groups join to urge Lynch to reconsider 'no' vote on healthcare

CLUW Honors 11 Union Women for ‘Extraordinary Achievements’

For teacher pay, unions and union-haters should compromise

James Randi comes out

Th JR Chess Report (March 21): Nepo, Pia win Euro Championships; Chuckie leads Amber Rapid/Blind

Burglar Shot, Hospitalized And Then Jailed In Marianna

Prosecutor: Fatal incident to go to grand jury

Woman shoots, wounds ex-boyfriend

Man Turns Tables On Would-Be ATM Robber

Cop's Wife Shot, Dies Sunbury, PA

Modesto store clerk shoots and kills robber

Man shoots himself after killing wife, son

Ohio considering changes in concealed carry law ...

Glad to know they don't have a gun problem...

Deputy kills suspect in Clearwater triple shooting (Teenager in a fight over a girl at a party)

4 Shot during argument at Uptown Charlotte restaurant

Man who shot wife at counseling held on $5 million bail (didn't like what he heard)

Vigilantism turns to tragedy, shooting unsettles Utah neighborhood

Man choking his ex-girlfriend shot by her dad

Bill Would Take Away Public Access To Gun Permit Database

First butterfly of the season

Early Spring

'Hobbit' island's deeper history (BBC)

For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature

Species struggle for 'Life' in astounding 11-part Discovery series

Runaway truck ramp

Team's quantum object is biggest by factor of billions (BBC)

If you are a true Democrat, should you own "Assault Weapons"

L-Glutamic Acid.

Hey friends, anyone ever taken Prednisone?

Why I'm an Atheist, part 2 from DarkSyde's diary at DailyKos

Do you go to church? Care to share which one?

The Agony of Long-Distance Runners: Coronary Plaque

The God solution

just fyi: there is no such thing as a fundamentalist atheist

Considering an idea "possible" vs. seriously entertaining that idea

Here's Why Lehman's Accounting Was Completely Bogus -- And Why The Rest Of Wall Street's Still Is

Public Education Defenders Win Detroit Teachers Union Election

A volunteer instructor at Mountain View Elementary School has been arrested for assaulting ...

Eliminate history classes all together?

Go to this link and click "neither" on a merit pay poll. It'll take only 5 seconds.

Okay, I found something on the incident...Man arrested at School