Democratic Underground

Archives: January 13, 2010

2 dead in Ga. shooting; suspect was ex-employee

Neb. PSC gets stimulus funds

Report: Nelson (D-Ne) no party player

When Will the White House Wake Up?

Union (SEIU) plans major ad buy for Coakley

Self delete. Repeat post glitch.

So Obama is going to meet with the GOP at a retreat. Maybe he can dialogue with

Hey guys! Wanna ask a woman out? Wanna not come off like a creepy stalker?

Many casualties expected after big quake in Haiti

President Obama Nominates Judge Timothy Black, Gloria Navarro for District Court Bench

Fred Barnes, William Krystal, an Alaska Cruise

OMG. Mods, can we keep him for a little while, please?

Laura Flanders: Immigrant Deaths Covered Up

Dinner with Rachel Maddow Auction

When it does occur, we need to reclaim the farmlands and water sources first, right?

Thief nets $1 million from singer's vehicle

I believe we should start calling C-list Faux news/right-wing radio host Mike Gallagher "Mr. Bubble"

Being under the bus is like being in Hell.

TV AD: Tell Sens. Warner and Webb THANKS for voting for "health reform". From PHARMA!!

As long as the rich make the rules

At what point do we ignore the haters and press on?

O'Liely and Palin doing nothing but attacking the 60 Minutes piece on her

Fed profits: $52 billion in 2009

Boston mom calls 911 over son's video game habit



CNN is giving extensive coverage on the quake in Haiti. nt

2 dead in Ga. shooting; suspect was ex-employee

Reid Quote Nowhere Near as Bad as Lotts Quote

"The Emily Latella of ex-governors"

Haiti Earthquake Appeal Issued By PADF

‘Substantial’ casualties feared after Haiti quake

Earthquake insurance worthless to most Eureka quake victims

Reporter from The Weekly Standard claims someone from Coakley campaign pushed him - story & pic

Obama's most recent US District nominations (bios, graphs, and other details)

Ok, what the hell is happening in Massachusetts?

I just watched Conan's show from last night on Hulu.

Why is it *now* I can knock you over with a feather?

UN Headquarters in Haiti HAS COLLAPSED!!

UN Headquarters in Haiti HAS COLLAPSED!!

Joe Scarborough (goat blower supreme) is a contributor to the Huffington Poo

Pine bark relieves hemorrhoid symptoms

Haitian Capital a "total disaster and chaos", likely thousands dead

I don't have a problem with educational rigor

Rachel Maddow fans: She's on Mike Malloy's show now.

Health care: No fireworks at Sen. Ensign's Reno town hall

Teabaggers not showing up should be good news, but why do I think they have "gone quiet"??

Here's my solution.

new york daily news headline & pic

Having American troops and CIA operatives...

In addition to the ICRC, Americares, Doctors without Borders

Police fight cellphone recordings

Palin said she skipped the CBS news show, saying, "I had been warned, you know, don't watch."

"...remarkable restraint..."

Republican Senate Candidate Scott Brown Posed Naked In Cosmo

Today is the 100th birthday of Luise Ranier, star of "The Good Earth" and winner of 2 Academy awards

Anyone else remember this? I think he is still crying....

Ok, with all the racial comments lately, how about OURSELVES?

Obama to Speak at Both Republican, and Democratic Conferences

Dear Obama Haters,

The only REAL "Cadillac health plan" I know of..

Could I possibly have heard this correctly?

How Long Till Critical Mass? Defcon 5?

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Texting $10 for Haiti?

For a brief moment (a poem and some music)

There is a death panel - great LTTE

There is a death panel - great LTTE

Beware of health care reform that holds up MA as a model: MA has highest per capita cost in WORLD

Bill O'Reilly and Sarah Palin: This is new analysis? (or political propaganda?)

Can government ban PAID lobbyists?

Sarah Palin has big brass ones.

Heroic 16 yr old girl saves cop from rampaging gunman

Kia supplier looking to fill 250 jobs in Ga.

Need Hi-Tech Hi-Powered Organic Battery plans for Science Fair

Scientists link plastics chemical to health risks

"The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not free to disclose details.....

Did some top GOP leaders arrange Sarah Palin's Fox News job to keep her from being Republican Dean?

The terrible harm that alternative medicine can do

Ann Coulter is mentally stable!

I hope rupert murdoch goes broke trying to hire....

Rachel is live @ 11PM Eastern talking about Haiti disaster

CNN's Anderson Cooper to go to Haiti...signing off shortly

"Van Susteren allowed Brown to falsely suggest health reform will limit mammograms, pap smears"

Google may leave China after cyber attack

Queen Anne's (MD) Conservation Association asks for QA training site inquiry

Former Guantanamo Prosecutor Sues Library of Congress over Dismissal

O'Reilly: Palin to Run in '12 on Tea Party Ticket???

Health Policy Experts Push For House Language In Final Version Of Health Care Bill

Don't Carry Condoms in D.C. -- You Could Be Charged With Prostitution look what we are expected to give up in return for them not taxing cadillac plans

91% of the $1.4T deficit was printed money....or "The Asians won't play anymore"

Would it be useful to have a list of legit charities & aid organizations that wil be helping Haiti?

You know, we can talk about the problems we face in the US 'all day'

Neo-Nazi Faces Death Penalty, Says Crimes Spurred by Gender Identity Confusion

Palin: Going to Sin City to promote Alcohol industry.

Like torture? -- George W. Obama (Village Voice)

Fat Butts May Be Healthy

Question on Personal Attacks:

Question on Personal Attacks:

Where is the outrage....

Lack of Medicare Chief Is a Strike Against Reform

Wyclef Jean - an important voice for the voiceless

I have a great marketing idea!

WTF: SEC SEALS AIG Bailout Details 'Til 2018

What time is the last bus?

We need a recall process for the Presidency

Using the Scott Roeder defense, it's okay to target climate change deniers

Obama To Wait For Next Bruce Springsteen Album For Word On Economy


Rachel posted NGOs ON THE GROUND here is the link

palin says new book tells 'a lie' about her

Divorce Rates Higher in States with Gay Marriage Bans

Three Million Affected by Haiti Quake: Red Cross

As of right now, there have been 12 Aftershocks in Haiti, 5.9 the worst and 4.5 the lightest

Guantanamo Reunion: He reached out on Facebook to apologize

"the current health care DEFORM monstrosity" -- pass it, and it becomes the gift

RE Haiti: Let's call on world leaders and religious leaders to put their money where their mouths

What's the abortion clinic situation in Mississippi?

Brown's daughters are cwying coz Matha is so mean

Banks say FU....We ain't car makers

51 years old and ready for a General Strike

We know where the POPE/catholic-church stands on abortion... but why the deafening silence on

AIG sells Stowe Mountain Resort- to itself. yep, that's selling your non core

White House Exposes Health Insurance Companies On Health Care Reform

Who's carrying the Bank hearings? n/t

UN Sec Gen speaking on CNN

Banking Commission Hearing Starting now on C-Span II

Is the REAL problem that the administration only uses "liberal dialect" when it wants to ...... ?

Haiti I'm Sorry

Palin disputes book saying she was unprepared for '08 campaign

New Gallup Poll

At least the bankers responsible for the crash got punished

Cougar Cruises

Will The Clintons Eventually Seek Revenge On Heilemean & Halperin?

Harold Ford tries out as a staff writer for The Onion

As the Bankers Testify look up their compensation

Over/under on Palin's Faux career.

Controlling Yemen Is Just Part of Obama's Power Game with China

Canada First To Assist Haiti, Team Arrived A.M.

We felt the quake in Jamaica

Up to 3 million in need after Haitian earthquake

"China enters its Bush-Cheney era": Fallows re. Google's China decision

"China enters its Bush-Cheney era": Fallows re. Google's China decision

Wow the head of the UN peacekeeping force in Haiti is missing

Good Morning Suckers!

Anderson Cooper is now reporting from Port-au-Prince on CNN

I find it amusing how the "Tea party movement" is its own parody.

PA State Senate will not consider potential House bill for legal medical pot.

PA State Senate will not consider potential House bill for legal medical pot.

Pictures of Haiti quake devastation (Some pictures are graphic)

Google prepares to leave China after attacks: No longer willing to agree to censorship

Anyone listening to On Point? They're interviewing two leaders of the Tea Party

There are better ways to hold HC costs down than the Cadillac tax.

Naked jogger nabbed after run near White House

My Mother was Pro-Choice every day of her dear sweet life, and yet here I am

Venezuelan consumers fear inflation, dump cash after Chávez devalues bolivar

Rumor, speculation: "Is AILES finished at (Faux)?"!1 (Lloyd GROVE, Daily Beast)

How much money will the Vatican give to Haiti?

Some Good Taser News

Dems picked up GOP State Senate Seat in Virginia yesterday in Special Election

I'd like to see Wall Street make some mega donations to Haiti right now

Credit card companies will start estimating your income

New Gallup and Quinnipiac polls published today - links:

Why doesn't thw WORLD adopt Haiti right now?


National Safety Council: 28% of Car Accidents Caused By Cellphone Use!

Hang Rachel Maddow on your wall!

Hang Rachel Maddow on your wall!

Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian

LOL! Run, Wolf, Run!

Elected Republicans are 100% united against the Bill, elected Democrats are 100% for the Bill

Anderson Cooper is above Port au Prince

Pandora is located in Central and South America and Africa.

Damn! A President who is organizing a co-ordinated effort

The banks not only need to be taxed - they need to be broken up.

Harold Fucking Ford: Same piece of lying shit he always was.

Has anyone else received a letter recently from Sallie Mae informing them of an increase in payment?

Mr Fish: The only funny thing to say about Palin's new gig

Faith Leaders & Labor Activists Threaten To Move Their Money Out Of BOA

Should government have the power....?

Robert Reich: "make your voice heard" Nat'l call-in day is Today (don't allow the Cadillac tax):

Announcement of my daily DU Activism Journal against Anti-Choice Groups Co-opting Susan B's Legacy

Announcement of my daily DU Activism Journal against Anti-Choice Groups Co-opting Susan B's Legacy

of all the things being discussed today this belongs on the greatest

of all the things being discussed today this belongs on the greatest

Tea partiers shell out big bucks for Palin

Al Franken Pushes Military To Offer Emergency Contraception To Soldiers Abroad

Al Franken Pushes Military To Offer Emergency Contraception To Soldiers Abroad

Mountaintop removal mining: EPA says yes, scientists say no

Haiti earthquake - the aftershocks

How to Reform the Government in One Great Leap

Senator Ron Wyden asks for review of Uganda's trade status if the gay genocide bill passes

Deadly Protest in Afghanistan Highlights Tensions

Google 'may pull out of China after Gmail cyber attack'

Telling Your Boss What You Think Of Them Is Good For Your Health - British Psychological Society

CQ: Obama's Winning Streak On Hill Unprecedented

CQ: Obama's Winning Streak On Hill Unprecedented

Mary Matalin probably already scripting new GOP revisionism - Bush handled Katrina faster than Obama

Elections alone don't bring about real change.

Photo: God's will shifts from a desk in the White House to across the desk from Falafel Boy

The Rude Pundit: The Degradation of the Media: Racism, Sexism, and Sarah Palin

CNN poll:How do you rate Obama's first year?

Guess who people MOST OBJECT TO marrying into their family (ethnicity, religion, etc.)?

Robert Reich: Why Obama Must Take On Wall Street

Salvation Army Rep. Bob Poff on phone with MSNBC right now (VERY SAD)

GOP pushes hard for Mass. upset

GOP pushes hard for Mass. upset

Health Insurers Funded Chamber Attack Ads

What we can do for the people of Haiti, we should do: aid organizations.

Experts say death toll may exceed 100,000 in Haiti

China's gender gap leaves millions of single men

It would be better if there was no health care bill at all

How will the Cadillac tax really affect you?

GOP getting very ugly in MA

Boston Globe: The Big Picture-Earthquake in Haiti

Pains in the ass, squealing like pigs

The Fundamental Unreliability of America's Media - By Glenn Greenwald

Single Payer Reloaded. 1 - Merge Medicaid and Medicare;

Quelle Surprise !!: AHIP Laundered Attack Ad Funds Through US Chamber of Commerce

Scott Brown (R) MA Senatorial Candidate Supports Waterboarding

Harold Ford on George W. Bush: "I love my President" Ann Coulter on Ford: "one of my favorite dems"

FOX NEWS decides that a MLK relative no one has heard of is relevant because she criticized Reid

Did anybody catch Jimmy Kimmel's devastating put down of Jay Leno last night?

Random Right-Wing Ramblings From Facebook!

Bye Bye 'Cadillac' Tax? (National Journal)

National Palace before and after

'Dinosaur-sized' shark eats tourist

'Dinosaur-sized' shark eats tourist

Drinkable water will be a major concern in Haiti.

AZ Chamber of Commerce makes the case for socialized medicine

Study: More of today's US youth have serious mental health issues than previous generations

Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Prop 8 Trial Day 3 - new link to follow

Key Sponsor Pulls Out Of Tea Party Convention

Why don't the health providers appeal independently to the uninsured?

Diane Rehm WAMU/NPR will devote her first hour to the 'Cadillac tax'. nt

Obama Supports National Health Insurance Exchange

Haiti, Obama, and the GOP

CNN Haiti Twitter feed

Well just gave some money to Unicef

Some wacko from my hometown paper said that God caused the Asian tsunami to punish non-believers...

Surprising Sea Slug Is Half-plant, Half-animal - story with pic

Kirsten Gillibrand urges help for Haitians

On Haiti and a total disaster

"Aren't you glad your mother is pro-life?"

Blankfein's response on Role Was ‘Troublesome,’ Angelides Says

Blankfein's response on Role Was ‘Troublesome,’ Angelides Says

Blankfein's response on Role Was ‘Troublesome,’ Angelides Says

Blankfein's response on Role Was ‘Troublesome,’ Angelides Says

A lot of the entrenched establishment local and foreign in Haiti

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 4

Hundreds of Vermonters speak up for single payer at health care meeting at Statehouse

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 3

Egypt tombs suggest free men built pyramids, not slaves

A woman called CNN this AM to complain about the pictures from Haiti.

all this money and support for the Haiti.....where was it when we needed it here?

My heart goes out to the people of Haiti today

Turkey embraces role as Arab 'big brother'

Rec this thread if you stand with the rich against the excise tax on "Cadillac" health plans

text 'HAITI' to '90999' and a donation of $10 will be made automatically to the Red Cross

Smugglers caught trying to sell 36-year-old meat


A Landmark, but No Longer a Refuge for the Homeless

If there is a God, he is a cruel God. To destroy those with so little,

I tried watching Sarah Palis's debut on Fux last night

Brazilian humanitarian worker killed in the Haiti quake. She was 75.

It gives me Pride as an American when our Military responds to a crisis like the Haitian Earthquake

Why is it that legislators always go to citing law enforcement or the military as

OFFICIAL thread for Haitian post-earthquake Shock Doctrine/ Disaster Capitalism theories here.

Even if you plan to sit out the Congressional elections, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LOCAL RACES

Robert Reich: Will Health Care Reform Be Paid For By The Rich or the Middle Class?

What is it with the right in America and their attempt to demonise a whole religion?

Text 90999 and then Haiti in the message from your cell phone to donate.

Today's LA Times on Legalizing Marijuana: A Wrong Turn

Gupta interviewing Preval on CNN right now - Must see

Obama asks for $33 billion for Haiti. Oh, sorry, that was for war in

I think I've discovered the motto of some DUers

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 2

Please Let Us Have a Silent Thread for the Victims of the Earthquake in Haiti

U.S. to halt deportations of undocumented Haitians due to earthquake

Congress should nor be involved with the minutiae of the health care business!

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 1

DUBAI: Police dismiss Briton's rape allegations, arrest her on charges of premarital sex

MSNBC Just reported the UN Chief in Haiti was killed.

I was just on another blog, Ran across this:

Since SOME are still hyperventillating about "Negro"

Is Coakley as much of an asshole/dimwit as she is portrayed in the media?

About that so-called terrorist on Christmas Day:

Chineses run state press covers first gay marriage in China

Egypt's underground steel wall will 'strangle' Gaza

Conservatives arguing techniques 101

Sarah Palin: The Energizer Bunny of Stupid.

Woot! We win, we win!!!!!

13jan2010: note the phrasing (pro-abortion VS pro-choice) ... what the hell?!

Miep Gies has died

Fundies sign "Manhattan Declaration" to stand up for "life, marriage and religious liberties"

California downgraded by S&P, weighing on state's bonds

Stephanie Miller will be on Joy Behar tonight @ 9 pm EST.

They have got us by the balls. Pardon my language.

U.S. Military May Deploy Troops in Haiti

GOP Senate Candidate Marco Rubio Calls For Suspending Congress For Two Years To Fix The Economy

Harold Ford, you're no Bobby Kennedy, and you're no Hillary Clinton either

Guantanamo Guard Reunites With Former Inmates

Bankers walking a Fine Line at Hearings (look at the smug faces!!)

Charlie Crist is on CNN live

Proof that the Tea Party movement did not start off about the issue of race...

Bill Clinton Foundation on Haiti:

Obama Administration on Haiti:

Newly released picture of the Mars surface near its north pole

Yeah, we know Monsanto is evil and deadly, and evil.....

Haitian President thanked: USA, France, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Dominican Rep, Israel

Another progressive Senator for CT? Watch Susan Bysiewicz.

Unions stand with all workers.

If you want to make a donation to help out with Haiti - Red Cross link

International community rallies to aid quake-struck Haitians

In Haiti, American Red Cross Exhausts Medical Supplies

Channel your fears into action – it's time!

Harold Ford Jr. gets pedicures and other interesting glimpses into this new "New Yorker."

Sarah Palin reminds me of a flighty girl flitting about in search of her one true love.

Prop 8 Court TV blocked indefinitely

I need info on the cadillac plan tax

Sent a message to Robertson

Pat Robertson, a prophet for our times!

Check in if you're mad as hell that your windows don't open so you can't scream it from the rooftops

didja see this?

didja see this?

What do the Haitian earthquake and 9-11 have in common?

Oh look! The banksters say they're sorry.

Haiti: First case study in actually dealing with a failed state?

Glen and Sarah

I know we all know, but just a reminder to be on the alert for Help Haiti e-mail scams. nt

How Bush-Cheney Policy Screwed Haiti (Mother Jones)

Wednesday TOON roundup, part 5

Dylan Ratigan, I heart you for calling for a windfall profits tax!

To correct some misinformation about Haiti's airport:

It's the loony and loonier show.. Glen Beckkkk interview Sarah Palin..

Well have the Teabaggers come out

Well have the Teabaggers come out

MSNBC finally gets it...around 9 o'clock last night.

at last, "Turkey accepts Israel's apology" - al jazeera

Total number of companies that refuse to have ads run on Glenn Beck: 98

healthcare compromise of the compromise has been compromised

Tweety is interviewing someone in Haiti who said

If you can donate blood to the Red Cross now, that would help

Time to annex Haiti

Insurance companies liable for

If that Iranian nuclear physics professor that was killed was working on civilian research...

There are 45,000 Americans in Haiti

Oh shite the prison collapsed as well

Gimme Shelter

Daily Kos Diary: MA-Sen Ground report: Dems in trouble

Limbaugh: Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with "light-skinned and dark-skinned blacks

Where is M$Greedia on Pat Robertson

The Democrats should run an ad of Rush Limbuagh making those statements about Haiti

Peter DeFazio: “We Can Play the Same Game as the Senate”

Chinese run state press covers first gay marriage in China

There is enough wealth in the US to rebuild a small country.

A different take on Scott Roeder (murderer of Dr. Tiller) defense

Peter DeFazio: “We Can Play the Same Game as the Senate

Senator Centerfold... Contender for Kennedy's Seat (Caution! Mostly Naked Rethug)

Dear Pat Robertson

Haiti a time line of a disaster

Prisoner escapes from private extradition service: manhunt under way

Obama to request $33 billion more for war

Limbaugh blames it on Democrats: check. Robertson says God was punishing victims: check.

Whose side of the Tonight Show brouhaha are you on?

Vancouver librarians are told to cover up non-sponsors' logos during Olympic events

Luke Russert looks like a potato.

You can donate $10 to the Red Cross by texting "HAITI" to 90999

100 Catholic priests, seminarians on retreat in Port-au-Prince killed in Haiti quake

I remember the 7.0 earthquake in Northridge, the destruction, and we had excellent building codes

Please Donate to the International Medical Corps

Limbaugh says, "We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax"

Fox News (Shepard Smith) Rebukes Pat Robertson on Haiti

Wanted: volunteer to become mummy on TV

International response

I figure, it's impossible to pissed when you're dancing...

Breaking: Supreme Court Blocked Cameras from Prop 8 Trial.

People are under buildings being crushed to death.. Time to pull together for their benefit

Pentagon Briefing on Haiti Response MSNBC live now (est. death toll now at 500k)

Democrat for MA senate seat support.

Video of Secret Service Visit to Man Who Confronted Bush Senior

Ford sets the record straight "I don't shoot children".

My Union, Right or Wrong

My Union, Right or Wrong

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked to Organ Failure, Study Reveals

The Red Cross needs your money for Haiti: Text "HAITI" to 9-0999 to donate $10.00

Israel apologises to Turkey / Turkey rejects Israeli 'apology'

Heard some rethugs talkin bout Haiti. They complained that now they will ask for help.

Since we are all thinking about Haiti... did you read COLLAPSE?

Haitian Prime Minister saying on CNN now that "hundreds of thousands" could be dead.

I went to Google news to find stories about other Christian Leaders

Sarah Palin is queen of the pro-actively ignorant

Donate 5 bucks to Haiti via one text message!

Long term solution to save Haiti? Legalise marijuana in the US!

Bill Clinton was totally choked up when he talked with Blitzer about Haiti.

Haiti Earthquake Problems will compound beyond the initial quake.

Haiti tweets, articles, videos, and photo all in once place

So What Are You Doing On The MLK Day of Service?

Democrats’ Mission Impossible: Selling Vague Promises of Future Health Reform (Jon Walker)

Are The Dems Prepared To Pull Out All The Stops To Save Ted Kennedy's Seat?.....

King Day Without Sharpton?


Goldman Sachs = crooks

The Bogus Flight 253 'One-Way Ticket' Meme: Anatomy Of A Myth

Dennis on Tweety says he thinks the House won't go with the excise tax on

Picture gallery from Haiti

I have a political delimma

Katrina Survivor's comment on Haiti

Silent thread for earthquake victims.

Haitian Flag Avatars

Just how dumb do you have to be to be a Republican?

Without wishing anyone ill just a simple question, would the world be better off without Limbaugh?

Conservation groups said four species of native bumblebees are close to extinction

What are other first world nations (particularly European) doing regarding the Haitian tragedy?

Doctors Without Borders has sustained a lot of damage in Haiti

There but for the Grace of God go I

Why has no one mentioned that the island

Just spoke to someone who got through on the phone to Haiti

Dear Mr. Robertson:

even the Freepers think Pat Robertson is an idiot

Obama's mobilized help for Haiti THREE DAYS FASTER THAN Bush did for New Orleans?

HEADS UP: Big Dawg on CNN Right Now!

Massachusetts DUers - Questions regarding next weeks election -

Stupid fucking racist asshat AZ legislator: Obama isn't a citizen and neither are Muslim Americans

The personification of evil: Pat Robertson on Haiti

Al Qaeda linked to rogue aviation network (Drugs and "Al Qaeda" again, Oh My!)


StyleForum at it again.

If there is a hell, surely Pat Robertson's soul will burn for eternity in it!

PFAW Condemns Pat Robertson’s Comments on Haiti Earthquake

Ever have a sarcastic remark taken literally?

Ever have a sarcastic remark taken literally?

Ever have a sarcastic remark taken literally?

Disaster in Haiti - some pics are getting posted in a Facebook group

Haiti Earthquake Was the 'Big One' Says Top Seismologist

Can you spare $5 for Martha Coakley's campaign?

Songs about the Vietnam war

Privatizing Our Rights; Calling BS on "The USA is a republic, not a democracy"

Navy Times: Carrier VINSON rerouted to Haiti.

Bangladeshi cabbie in NY returns cash left in taxi

I have three Haitian employees

November 24, 2009 a day that changed my life.

Media Matters - "Fox News provides MA Sen. candidate Brown a forum to raise funds and misinform"

The homosexual recruitment argument

I am taking a moment to recognize the good work of CNN

per the State Department, easy way to donate for Haiti

Putting Palin's real talent to work--it has been staring us in the face all this time

On the ground Haitian relief organization

Democratic COWARDICE in addressing HC COSTS will cripple Middle Class & US industry - -& enable GOP

Pregnant African Tourist Gets Support, Costly Treatment (over $1 million) From US Health Care System

How did the Democrats win such a big victory in 2008?

Obama To Push Tax On Being 'Too Big To Fail'

Obama To Push Tax On Being 'Too Big To Fail'

Haite quake: the shaking reached a 10. Wow.

Youth Indoctrination: Young Americans take the Pledge

President of Haiti, "I have no place to sleep tonight."

Dear Rachel: Disappointed with Last Nights Weakly Researched Reporting

Dear Rachel: Disappointed with Last Nights Weakly Researched Reporting

***William J. Clinton Foundation HAITI RELIEF DONATIONS***

Skinner? Mods? Would it be possible to pin this website link

Woman holds sign to apologize for crime

Navy, Coast Guard deploying forces to Haiti

Limbaugh really is the lowest form of life alive

I'm waiting for Limbaugh to start bashing Obama for helping Haiti.

Reid: Lieberman double-crossed me (Snow was a "waste Of Time:)

Contrary To RW Talking Points - Massachusett's "State’s health system popular" Per Globe

Amish, others who have "religious" objection to insurance can opt out of mandate

I am a Southern Baptist, and I strongly condemn Pat Robertson's comments.

Trying to choose a charitable organization?

God, Jesus Announce Boycott of “The 700 Club”

$33 billion more for the record defense budget while states face severe cuts in education.

$33 billion more for the record defense budget while states face severe cuts in education.

Huffington Book Club: 'Shadow Elite': Outsourcing Government, Losing Democracy

DONATIONS FOR HAITI: Earthquake relief efforts.

Who makes the most despicable comments?

Steaming Orders - Just a part of the fleet heading for, or already at, Haiti

Haiti earthquake: How to help

Obama Demands: The Bill I Sign Must Include Public Option

German ‘Fleshmob’ Protests Airport Scanners - Wired

Haiti: How you can help. Comprehensive contact list

Saturday, Feb. 6th 2010. Nationwide Candlelight Vigil for LGBT Youth (Scouting For All)

Well, I expected change. Stupid me.

Pat Robertson: Haiti cursed since pact with Satan.

"People don't eat every year or two, they eat every day" --FDR

"People don't eat every year or two, they eat every day" --FDR

Please check in if you've donated to Haitian relief efforts

Bash Obama for the "record $708B military budget" if you want.

Link for donating to UNICEF relief efforts in Haiti.

Been a lot of "God Blessing" going on the TV today about the Haiti tragedy

Why are we not demanding the repeal of

according to chuck todd democrats are in PANIC MODE over mass. election

America's War Criminals - Where are they now?

America's War Criminals - Where are they now?

Schakowsky Prepares Legislation to Ban Blackwater

You got your bloodless revolution, right here.

I'm telling you DUers

Nuclear reactor shutdown in NYC suburb

Americans Keep Going Postal




I have a YUGO plan

I have a YUGO plan

Teacher union head hires fed pay czar to develop plan to get rid of teachers.

Teacher union head hires fed pay czar to develop plan to get rid of teachers.

Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon) "I think the Senate bill is a disaster"

What to wear to the Apocalypse Mark Morford

Why do we listen to cops about marijuana policy?

Why do we listen to cops about marijuana policy?

PBS has cancelled Bill Moyers Journal & Now

Dear Mr. Obama

National air wars heat up in Mass. Senate special

Poll needs help

Michael Bloomberg is the man behind Harold Ford's challenge to Kirsten Gillibrand

CT-Gov: Bysiewicz Will Drop Out of Gube Race, Run for AG Instead

Charlie Crist's home county GOP prefers Marco Rubio for senate

NC-08: Kissell in Good Shape

Saturday, Feb. 6th 2010. Nationwide Candlelight Vigil for LGBT Youth (Scouting For All)

Corroon's guv bid: 'Utah's best days are ahead'

"O'Reilly uses poll showing 57% approval for Obama attack response to claim Americans "not thrilled"

What have YOU done today to help bring down the Democratic party?

Call Congress to Oppose Any Reform That Taxes Health Benefits

Is President Obama 1866.8 millimeters tall or 1868.3 millimeters tall?

Guess who showed up today at Biden's mother's funeral?

Many say U.S. race relations have improved under Obama, but divides remain

White House: "Thoughts and Prayers for Haiti"

Quayle Endorses in NH Senate Race

Remember when McCain was surging in PA?

**President Obama will speak to the Press** at 10 am EST

POTUS on now speaking on Haiti

MA-Sen: Coakley Lead Down to 2 in Rasmussen

of all the things being discussed here today this deserves to be on the greatest

Who will be the first Republican to say Obama reacted faster to the Hati disaster than Katrina?

Specter says he'll back Obama choice for Justice Dept. post - Dawn Johnsen (WaPo) - "President Obama’s Vacation Days"

CNN has a poll up, POTUS's first year. Please vote...n/t

What we can do for the people of Haiti, we should do: aid organizations.

Just when you thought the Birfers couldn't be any more batshit crazy

i have a few questions.

Hickenlooper enters governor's race

Health Insurers’ Duplicitous Campaign Confirmed...Covertly Gave Millions To Fund Anti-Reform Ads

If you're a progressive in MA, go and vote for Martha Coakley

Krugman: If our financial system is so high-strung, so manic-depressive...

"Sarah Palin's Fox debut: Prime-time propaganda!"

Email from President Bill Clinton re Haiti:

Just when you thought the righties couldn't get any more idiotic

Don't Throw Us Under the Bus

TPM: Vicki Kennedy Pens Fundraising Email for Coakley

Should Obama Make a Statement about Haiti?

Bill Clinton is United Nations' special envoy to Haiti

Bill Clinton is United Nations' special envoy to Haiti

Kerry's statement on the earthquake in Haiti

Changing the game

Globe endorsement: Martha Coakley for Senate

Great report by Rachel

Great report by Rachel

If the RW sees Reid's comment as carte blanche to scream 'negro' at everyone, good.

I told you so .... (the GOP will turn to Thune to save them)

Kerry calls for support for Coakley - No time left for excuses

Regulating Bubbles

Some information on helping Haiti from Kerry's site - some are MA, but not all

Rep. DeFazio: "we don’t feel like we need to be jammed by the Adm, who is just in a hurry to get so

DOD Announces Casualties 13-Jan-10

Will Pres. Obama serve 252455408 seconds or 126227704 seconds?

Steve Schmidt's war against Sarah Palin

Obama wants record $708 billion for wars next year

"I am for gay marriage. Or same-sex marriage. I don’t want to say it the wrong way."

Should health insurance companies be taxed

Well, so much for the Republican Backlash. :-)

Please DU this Seattle Times poll on Obama's first year; needs help.

NYT: Ford to Challenge Gillibrand against party wishes.

RW on Whitehouse youtube video on the Haitian Earthquake

Haiti: First case study in actually dealing with a failed state?

When can we celebrate the end of Bush's depression and his foolish wars?

Grijalva On Exempting Union Health Benefits From Tax: Close, But Not Enough

Yep, just like Bush

Just remember folks if we loose Massachusetts in the coming weeks heathcare is DEAD!!!!

Breaking: Obama makes a birdie with a two-iron!


AP: The First Lady Has a New Hairdo

CBS News: President Obama prepares $ 120 billion levy on banks

Harry Reid: "He double-crossed me. ... Let’s not do what he wants. Let the bill just go down,"

Will Obama be a 1 term or 2 term pres?

Terry Allen - Truckload of Art


Giant Budgies save man from quicksand pool.

Those damned music critics!

Why is it legal for companies to use "simulated screen images" in advertisements for video devices?

I have some financial news for you.


Kerry Fights for Home Health Services in Final Health Care Bill

I have a New 2010 Blue Elantra Blue

GOD & Sarah - Part I

Erykah Badu - Soldier

Billy Paul - Let The Dollar Circulate

natural selection

natural selection

can someone photoshop Statue of Liberty in a jailyard? It's a picture in my

Now this is a cool tattoo

Used To Love U

Is it REALLY true that sometimes owners start to look like their pets?

2010 Buick Regal GS Concept

Ping Pong

Who's missing from this picture?

Conan Leaving Would be Good for NBC

A blond joke (safe for blonds)

I'm a man in my 40's and I've decided to grow my arm pit hair down to my waist

Hang Rachel Maddow on your wall!

Click here.

Sick of winter yet?

I am looking for a software application that matches human and pet faces

Did you know that "The Dogs of War" was based on a true story?

Another adventure out of the Lounge, another couple of name-calling idiots to ignore.

Hold me back!

Look out -- the computer cops are on to you

"A-Team" trailer now officially out

How cool is Stephen Colbert?

Keep your balls clean with the Axe Detailer

How come nobody told me that Eric Woolfson died?

Ugh puking all night

Doomsday clock to be moved by world's top scientists tomorrow

Doomsday clock to be moved by world's top scientists tomorrow

Well, I'm a man in my 50's, and I have decided to try to grow my hair down to my waist.

Just finished Series 1 of Torchwood...

Well I'm a woman in my 50s and I have decided to try to grow my breasts down to my waist

I just applied to graduate school, wish me luck!

10 year old LeftyFingerPop is working on a difficult project with his Dad.

Hey guys! Wanna ask women out? Just follow Bucky's patented "How to Get the Babes" method!

Oh Noes! Now Jay Leno has struck Jimmy Kimmel!!!

Good morning Lounge

Megan Fox's bikini ads for Armani steam up the internets (pic)

Wyclef Jean "M.V.P. Kompa"


Dsire "Bal la pap kraze"

So a guy walks into a bar with a dog....

Konpa Creole

Zenglen - "Sexy Love"

Sarah Palin's private jet has engine trouble and the pilot gets on the intercom...

D'Angelo - Lady ft. Raphael Saadiq, Ali Shaheed & ?uestlove

Cross Posted from GD: What are you doing on the MLK Day of Service

"American Idol" showcases the depth of American historical awareness.

The Clash - Guns Of Brixton

So, by pat robertson's own twisted logic,

Fuck my life.

The kids from "Willy Wonka" all grown up!

With the focus of GD's attention away from the troubles of Conan O'Brien, I'll just leave this here.

Kids, Your Mother Is Ready To Start Fucking Again

Breakfast tonight?

Just the PUNCHLINE! (guess the joke)

WTF are people so cranky in GD?

Advice please! One of my clients sent me a bottle of wine yesterday

Which is more irritating?

this looks like a GREAT movie trilogy

Was Higgins really Robin Masters? What do you think?

Photo of our new dog: (Awwwwwww...)

My 2004 Camry's windshield wiper fluid dispenser doesn't work. Is there

easy text donation to Haiti, per the State Department -- cross posted from GD

My new client, as of today...a very well-known local Japanese restaurant. YEAH, baby.

Stories from the Road: Memories

Priest gone wild

Labrador bolts from U.S. office before earthquake tremors strike building (VIDEO)

Why the US prohibits re-importation of Canadian drugs - incompatibility

A possible Palin/Lady Gaga 2012 ticket

Anyone have comcast home phone service?

My First Tattoo!

What sort of blasphemous alchemy occurs within a cat's vile bowels?

Adobe GoLive vs Dreamweaver.

Celebrity boxing matches you'd like to see?

Does anyone know of a free internet translation service that is better than Babelfish?

Fuck you, Tom Otterness. I hope you die in pain and alone.

Solution to high cost of checked baggage:

Wyclef Jean Yéle (song and non-profit for earthquake relief fund)

Anyone else remember this? I think he is still crying....

Lizards, please send a good thought to our dog, Peanut who is having

How long will it take TV preachers to blame the earthquake...

You must have been high

OK, need some advice...

Ever dream you were in college and didn't know when/where your classes were?

Unusual space object, possibly man-made, approaches Earth

7.0 quake hits Haiti; could be 'catastrophe,' official says

Bomb plot against ministries in Baghdad thwarted

2 dead in Ga. shooting; suspect was ex-employee

Ex-Investigator Admits To Witness Tampering

Chile repatriates remains of Indians from Europe that were displayed in 'human zoos'

Google ‘no longer willing’ to censor Chinese searches

Dan Rather exhausts legal appeals in lawsuit against CBS (Legal fight with CBS came to end today)

Haiti earthquake feared to have killed many

AP sources: Employer health mandate may be dropped

Tea partiers shell out big bucks for Palin

Vatican says Avatar is no masterpiece

Swiss parliamentarians against accepting more Guantanamo inmates

Spain willing to receive two Guantanamo prisoners

Former Guantanamo Prosecutor Sues Library of Congress over Dismissal

Lack of Medicare Chief Is a Strike Against Reform

Honduran Congress postpone amnesty debate

Palin disputes book saying she was unprepared for '08 campaign

Iran Speaker Accuses Obama of State Terrorism

Iran regime struggles with continuing opposition

Health Insurers Funded Chamber Attack Ads

Supreme Court hears arguments on detaining sex offenders

Former Haitian president sends condolences

Israel apologises to Turkey / Turkey rejects Israeli 'apology'

Cash for saving energy? California considers this and first statewide green building code

Korean car maker to make electric vehicles in U.S.

Egypt's underground steel wall will 'strangle' Gaza

100's of thousands die in Haiti quake

Afghan blasts kill 2 U.S. soldiers, 4 police

Bernanke Challenged on Rates' Role in Bust

Uganda President Museveni wary of anti-gay bill

Guantanamo Guard Reunites With Former Inmates

STIMULUS WATCH: White House changes job-count rule

Historian: Prop 8 Played on Anti-Gay Stereotypes (Yale Professor Testifies)

Iraq says it can prevent coup attempts

Obama wants record $708 billion for wars next year

Fed: Recovery spreads but doesn't spur hiring

Barons of Wall Street to face crisis panel

Reports: Al Qaeda leader killed in Yemen

SC House rebukes gov, Senate sidelines censure

Afghan President Karzai Grateful to U.S. for 'Little Help'

Illinois Governor Confronts Budget Woes ($5.1 billion debt second only to California)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday January 13

House subpoenas AIG documents from NY Fed, Geithner

Seating Mass. Senate winner could be delayed

Afghanistan: 4 US troops killed in attacks

Official: Haiti death toll 100,000-plus

Lobbyists aided Alaska's Murkowski in writing EPA limits bill

Paterson Does Not Oppose a Ford Senate Bid

Taliban Condemn U.S. Bagram Prison Handover

Poll (McClatchy-Ipsos): Most Americans would trim liberties to be safer

Brown's daughters call for Coakley to take down ad

Healthcare Stock Index Breaks Record - Tops 6,500 Mark

Economy Improved in 10 of 12 Fed Districts, Signaling Recovery Broadening

Rescue team 'cannot afford Haiti mission'

Pat Robertson Blames Earthquake on Pact Haitians Made with Satan

Supreme Court indefinitely blocks YouTube broadcasts (of Prop. 8 trial)

Reid: It Was A Waste Of Time Dealing With Olympia Snowe

US husband saves wife trapped in Haiti rubble

Archbishop of Port-au-Prince dies in Haiti quake

Haiti president describes `unimaginable' catastrophe after earthquake

Unions Tentatively Strike A Deal Regarding Excise Tax

9 Vt. state office candidates favor secession

GM to halt Hummer production

AP Exclusive: Obama wants $33 billion more for war

//Was Harry Reid Right?//

Dollars & Sense: Economic Rights, Then and Now

Foreign Policy Experts: Sarah Palin Should Be Split Into 'North' and 'South'

Apocalypse in Haiti: Havana Predicted Massive Earthquake in Port-au-Prince in 2008

Elizabeth Edwards Was Abusive, Says New Book

The Blackhearted Ethos Of 'Game Change'

Spin doctor Campbell takes centre stage

Bankruptcy could be good for America

Don't jump when Republicans say Booooo!

When we overreact the terrorists win

Mark McGwire's Steroid-Aided Tears Almost Drown Bob Costas

Solar cells made through oil-and-water 'self-assembly'

‘Scammy’ Tea Party Convention Plans Media Blackout

Quelle Surprise! Health Insurers Pretended to Play Nice, Lobbied Against Reform

Avatar is real: Pandora is located in Central and South America and Africa.

Kill or Tax Wall Street Bonuses?

The 'Real Unemployment' Needs Real Solutions

Sarah Palin has become eye candy for Tea Baggers

A Black Panther in Beirut

Monsanto GM Corn Linked to Organ Damage in Animals

The Tea Baggers: Repackaging America’s Right Wing

Devaluation Sparks Chaos in Caracas

Obama wants $33 Billion More for Wars + Record $708 Billion in 2011 for DoD

Stenography 101: How the press let Palin and Cheney rig the system

The Fundamental Unreliablity of America's Media

AlterNet: How Factory Farms Are Pumping Americans Full of Deadly Bacteria and Pathogens

File this one under 'No Shit, Sherlock'

Blackwater in Somalia?

Voice From the Past: Marx

Army prosecutes single mother for refusing to deploy and put her son in foster care.

T-Mobile user greeted with X-rated image while instructing daughter on the importance of going green

The Perp Walk at the Financial Crisis Inquiry Hearings

Bring Back Glass-Steagall

"Looting Social Security, Part 2" Wm. Greider (Why the Petersen Foundation and Peter Orszag matter)

Why Does Republican Senate Candidate Scott Brown Hate Rape Victims?

Illegal, inevitable – Chilcot inquiry casts new doubts on Iraq war

Footage Just After the Haiti Earthquake

"There Is Power In A Union"- Billy Bragg

CNN: Anderson Cooper Interviews Heilemann & Halperin

Young Turks Interview Dean Baker On Fed & Treasury Secrecy On Bank Money & More

Rachel Maddow: Latest Poll A Sign Of Afghan Optimism

Evolution Revolution

Bill Moyers Essay on Greed

Chile opens memorial to dictatorship victims

Rachel Maddow speaks with Ted Olson and David Boies, attorneys in Prop 8 trial

Special Report: Obama on Quake Relief

David Letterman - Dave Discusses Conan, Leno & NBC

President Barack Obama on Haitian Earthquake

Remember Ray Stevens?

We Need More Terrorist Jokes

Fleshmob - scanner protest

Chris Matthews Interviews 'Game Change' Authors Heilemann & Halperin

Papantonio: The Fearful Fringe

Rachel Maddow- McCain put campaign over country w/ choice of Palin the idiot

Peter DeFazio: “We Can Play the Same Game as the Senate”

Sarah Palin joins the Fox Infotainment crew

60 Minutes 'Game Change' [Palin Edit]

Rob Reiner Challenges Prop 8

Oxfam Haiti emergency appeal

Bill Maher On Ending Abusive Relationships - With Your Bank

Rachel Maddow & Michael Beschloss get a jump on GOP spin on Obama's first year

Obama signs new Excutive Order...

Palin's Debut on FauxNews

George H W Bush's Secret Service Visit

Robertson: Haiti had pact with devil

TYT Invite To Tea Partiers - Join Us Incredible Rant Must See Video!

Flashback: CNN's 2004 Presidential Primary Democratic Debate - Phoenix, AZ - Dennis Kucinich

TheRealNews: Brzezinski on the Afghan war Pt1

Celente in 2010 the collapse will hit the ground

Thom Hartmann - Is 2010 the year of the Tea Party?

Bill O'Reilly interview with Sarah Palin (with sound effects)

A note of appreciation from the rich Let's be honest: you'll never win the lottery.

Rep Grayson: "The Reason Why Republicans Hate Government So Much Is Because They're So Bad At It!"

Shep Smith Condemns Pat Robertson's 'Devil' Comments

Cenk Interviews The Nation's Katrina Vanden Heuvel On Acorn Smear

Howard Stern: Rush Limbaugh is a whore

TYT Reviews 'War On Kids' (Kids Over-Drugged, Over-Worked, Over-Policed In Schools- Who's At Fault?)

duplicate post, please ignore

ecoquest products

Detroit Zoo helps in Texas animal rescue

Corn farmers achieve record yields and total production - with less than ideal conditions - USDA

"Industry's Secret Chemicals"

'Greenroads' rates sustainable road projects

Drumbeat: January 13, 2010

Carbon capture pilot results

Bomb blast cuts gas supplies to 214,000 in Russia

3rd Wet,. Windy UK Summer In A Row Brings Unsettling Changes To Marine, Bird Life - AFP

Sydney Utility, Uncertain Of Future Runoff, Wants Desal Plant Up Whenever Reservoirs Under 70% Full

US cult of greed is now a global environmental threat

Climate scientists convene global geo-engineering summit (in California in March)

ExxonMobil Announces TX EOR Project - 40 Million BBL Projected Over 25 Years

NSIDC - Arctic Sea Ice 350K SM Below 79-00 December Avg. - Much Of Region 10-15F Above Normal Temps

Cash for saving energy? California considers this and first statewide green building code

Gasoline GHG emissions not counted - Iraq War military GHG emissions

Texas town welcomed (NG) drilling, now fears pollution

Feds delay protection for endangered Manatees:

Caging, Capture, Slaughter & 42 Tons Of Poison - Last-Ditch Attempt To Free Oz Island Of Rats

Some photographs of the grand wind energy future.

Venezuelans Brace for Rolling Blackouts as Power Output Falters

Wind power takes a blow around Minnesota

Why are so many TV weathercasters denier douchebags?

Tony Romo and the Dallas Cowboys: Can They Achieve a NFC Divisional Title?

Congratulations pour in on Wade Phillips first playoff win

Riots in Knoxville? Srsly?

Ohio State beats Purdue @ Purdue

So now that a confirmed Cheater is allowed back into the game,

More on Kiffin....

AP NFL Players of the Year: Titan's Chris Johnson, Packer's Charles Woodsen

Sources: Kiffin to USC

I'm in shock over this, truly, it seems like something from The Onion...

Kentucky 17-0

Muschamp to Tennessee.

ESPN crawl: Fulmer contacted

Joe Bugel to announce retirement today.

Is Lane Kiffen the Sarah Palin of NCAA Football coaching!!

K&R this if you want "Name Removed" granted immunity for today!

Colts To Rest Starters For First Game Of Playoffs

Interesting NY Times story about Kiffin and how USC approached a Tenn recruit

Which of these Cheaters are you most likely to forgive (and why)?

Canseco: McGwire and La Russa are lying...

Vindicated- McGuire no HOF

Nick Saban bolts Bama to go the Vols!! Trumad is now a Vol fan!

Hilarious BoRev on Latter Day Saints' elder's meet w Honduran gang leader; + DOOM in Venezuela (WSJ)

Just So We Don't Forget...

Chile repatriates remains of Indians from Europe that were displayed in 'human zoos'

Apocalypse in Haiti: Havana Predicted Massive Earthquake in Port-au-Prince in 2008

McCain & Lieberman undermine US policy while in Israel - MJ Rosenberg

Iran: We had information Israel, U.S. intended to attack us

Hamas to Gaza militias: Stop firing rockets at Israel

Israel to send rescue team to earthquake-struck Haiti

The Tel Aviv Cluster

Pro-Hamas media bias and Gaza activists block peace (Ray Hanania)

Jordan demands return of Dead Sea Scrolls 'seized' by Israel

OFFICIAL thread for Haitian post-earthquake Shock Doctrine/ Disaster Capitalism theories here.

Haiti: head of UN mission dead, 100+ UN staff missing, Catholic bishop dead, thousands trapped

Labor Urges Health Care Reform Phone Blitz On Congress - 01/13/10

Today in Labor History Jan 13 Constitutional amendment endbrutally overworking children in factories

Schwarzennegger Wants To Slash Wages For California State Workers By Five Percent

Workers Rally In New York In Solidarity With 400 Who Took Pay Cuts

UPDATED: Intruder killed during home invasion

Clerk Shoots Robber, Pair Of Armed Juveniles Arrested

Man On Trial For Fatal Russian Roulette Game In Maine Sex Dungeon


Shouldn't there be a movement to abolish alcohol and tobacco?

Daily Transcripts of CA Prop8 Federal Trial

DADT Repeal: Dems Move Forward With Plans

Italy 'to open first prison for transgender inmates'

Scottish parliament apologises to trans woman searched by male guard

Frank: Committee Vote Irrelevant to DADT

Japanese trans man told that son is illegitimate

Saturday, Feb. 6th 2010. Nationwide Candlelight Vigil for LGBT Youth (Scouting For All)

OMG...I can't believe this is online. . .:).

Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian

Entry ban on anti-gay US 'shock jock' to stay in place

Gee, how convenient! Harold Ford, seeking Senate, flips on gay marriage


ready to land

Solar scientists use 'magnetic mirror effect' to explain galactic ribbon

A boreal sunset...

If you have 12 minutes and 28 seconds, treat yourself to this film.

river edge ice

After dark


FEBRUARY CONTEST - suggestions please.

Astronauts' urine clogs space station water recycler

The Next Great Step In Human Evolution

Identifying Thoughts Through Brain Codes for Nouns Leads to Deciphering the Brain's Dictionary

Musings of a Solo-ist Astrophysicist: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Just when you thought Mars couldn't get any stranger

Anyone watching the Banker hearings now?

Questions for the Big Bankers

Cheap yuan fuels China's hot economy

Brooksly Born now questioning banksters on Cspan...worth a watch.

I don't care who you are, this is funny.

Why the hell can't Peter Solomon (on CSPAN 2 now) be Treasury Secretary?

CSPAN jsut cut of coverage of the Bankster hearing...

"Bubbles? We don't got no stinking bubbles....."

Banksters defend high salaries at hearing this am.

delete. Sorry. :) n/t

Elective cesarean sections are too risky, WHO study says

Despite FDA Warnings, The Monitoring Of High-Risk Medications Remains Unchanged

Pine bark relieves hemorrhoid symptoms

Cobra venom may ease arthritis symptoms

New stroke therapy successful in rats

You can't bank sleep: researchers (making it up on the weekend doesn't work)

homeopathy =/= herbal remedies

The terrible harm that alternative medicine can do

IMPORTANT information for those with unresolved health issues

Diane Ravitch: New York City charter schools need to focus on the neediest

Union Chief Seeks to Overhaul Teacher Evaluation Process

What Makes a Great Teacher?

How nice. God spared some missionaries in Haiti.

Pat Robertson: Haitians Brought Earthquake on Themselves

So, God could have prevented the Earthquake and didn't?

Fifth grade autistic boy charged with a felony

‘Baby Einstein’ Founder Goes to Court

If there is a God, he is a cruel God. To destroy those with so little,

New Peter Renhart bread book "Artisan Breads Every Day" - Biscuits