Democratic Underground

Archives: May 2, 2009

Michael Moore On Bernie Madoff In The 2009 TIME 100

Guests on 'Real Time' tonight...

Guests on 'Real Time' tonight...

Petraeus wants "wartime" control over funds appropriated for Pakistan

The Great Bank Robbery of 2009

The Goposaur

Capitol Power Plant to stop use of coal

I Think Jay Severin's Off The Air For Good In Boston!

A funny piece I read about the Reagan/Miller exchange on CNN this am

Glenn Beck - Laughing all the way to the bank

Glenn Beck - Laughing all the way to the bank

Africans give $400m to Zimbabwe (BBC)

barney frank and fareed zakaria on real time with bill maher tonight

[Streaming Video] Real Time With Bill Maher

Anti-abortion activist arrested at Notre Dame

Evan Bayh's central role on behalf of the bankers in blocking legislation

Glenn Beck Scares Me (New Song and video)

You all know, of course, that this was Spector's **second** party switch, right?

Can We Get Any Congress Person To Enforce The Law?

Can We Get Any Congress Person To Enforce The Law?

They died by the Thousands

San Diego Unified closes 2 school for 14 days for H1N1

Reading about the racist backlash the H1N1 flu scare is causing depresses me.

We had a Tornado Warning here today (Columbus, Ohio) - Was in the path of it's track

Mandatory Friday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! TGIF!!

Don't these clowns have anything better to do?

A Prompt and Impartial Investigation (torture)

Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor,, SOLD the working people of

"Keith Olbermann calls Carrie Prejean a “Nazi”": Wow how the right lies.

OctoMom for SCOTUS!!!

Just to mess with the bastards

quotable...(on torture)

Things that one learns readying the Universal

Germany: Thyssen-Krupp shareholders receive millions while workers face the sack

Ben Nelson (D/R) NE plans to vote against public health care.

A serious question asked overly simply

Ah this brings back warm and fuzzy memories, I AM AN AMERICAN you can't

Newly Released Memo: Government 'Minders' at 9/11 Commission Interviews 'Intimidated' Witnesses

The GOP Stand Up Comedy Tour

RNC Wants Out of Consent Decree Prohibiting Them from Voter Caging

Bank Lending Keeps Dropping (WSJ)

"Fight for Neal Horsley" now frontpage of GOP "Ideas to Rebuild our Future"

A question about Obama's selection process....

WHO says prepping for a bad pandemic has to be considered

College-bound students run into financial wall

College-bound students run into financial wall


Just saw Mike Farrell's ad on teevee for single payer health care!

The problem with Souter retirement

Fox News confuses me

Fox hauls out Judith Miller.... Fox interviewer, former local news anchor who

CNN In La Gloria, Mexico (re: Factory Farms)

WJ this morning - SCOTUS Nominee: Woman or Minority

Michael 'Snoop Dogg' Steele

Phosphorus explosive devices found on shore of Lake Ontario...

SCOTUS appointment - stating the obvious

I want the new supreme court justice to be a gay black woman

I want the new supreme court justice to be a gay black woman

A little note of Appreciation to AlterNet.....

New UN Report Shows the US Combo of Torture and Impunity Thrives in Iraqi Prisons

Facebook has shut down a Ku Klux Klan group set up by schoolchildren in the Isle of Man.

What about Dennis Kucinich for the SCOTUS position?

Yet Another Federal Labor Complaint (17 counts)Against Starbucks, Emblematic of a Company in Decline

Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) ...taking care of the well healed in Nebraska

More weapons grade stoopidity in Florida! Taze your kids at work day!

Why am I getting "Page Load Error" on DU this morning. Is traffic

Get ready: Arguments opposing circumcision are similar to arguments opposing abortion.

US Official: North Korean Nuclear Test Likely

Despite Taliban turmoil, Pakistan expands nuke plants

The Singapore way to get fired:

Best clip about prejudice ever:

sorry, dupe

Why deal with a transit crisis when Fox News beckons?

Has WJ been for high school student dial-in all morning?

A commercial about the mostly AMERICAN companies that support TORTURE.

Please respond to the freeper vermin in this article:

China quarantines tourists amid flu scare

Senator Ben Nelson to OPPOSE public health care!?

Senator Ben Nelson to OPPOSE public health care!?

Student wants to name UW-L mascot Colbert

Student wants to name UW-L mascot Colbert

"Stress tests" for banks was a wimpy excuse to give them more taxpayer dollars?

"Stress tests" for banks was a wimpy excuse to give them more taxpayer dollars?

The next logical development: Abu Ghraib guards want to appeal their conviction


GOP takes burning issue of College Football Playoff head on

Vomity Town Meeting:

Will Karl Rove EVER appear before the Congressional Committee he was subpoenaed by?

David Shuster Tells The Truth About Fox News - Again

NEW Stephen Colbert Song and video (Just for laughs)

GOP town hall on GEM$NBC now

Reclaiming the Swine -- 10 Pigs We Will Always Love

Burr (R-NC) on encouraging run on banks: I'd do it again

The pig that never flu.

State pageant paid for Miss California's implants

Any recent figures on how much in interest payments/year the U.S. makes to foreign creditors?

Severe Space Weather Events--Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts:

Buffett says government is doing the right things

The Rent Is All Paid Up, but Eviction Still Looms

Mexico: no new swine flu deaths, cases up to 443

Project For an Old Amerkin Century

Can anyone wait for the Stormy Daniels- David Vitter race?

CDC has isolated H1N1 and work on a vaccine has begun.

Washington Prepares for Fight Over Any Nominee

"Hi and Lois" (yes, stodgy Hi and Lois) looks at fences/walls and wingnuts

Perdue furloughs state employees (NC)

Forest Service to Close Caves in 33 States to Halt Bat Fungus (bats are the new bees 500k dead)

Without a doubt, greed is what will bring this country down.

Without a doubt, greed is what will bring this country down.

Robert Fisk’s World: Right to the very end in Iraq, our masters denied us the truth

"We've begun to end the war in Iraq."

It's dark today my friends

so, Mr. Rove, howzat thousand year republican reich thingy working out ?

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

Wanna see Geithner's Ethics pledge/letter he signed?

Need some help. I need people to talk me down.

look what Vilsack said:

Ben Nelson: Govt. Health Care Works Better, Therefore I Must Oppose It

We MUST MAke Sure Mitt Romney Is Nominated In 2012 By The GOP

We MUST MAke Sure Mitt Romney Is Nominated In 2012 By The GOP

Bad parking

Is a grass roots movement to outs those 12 senators who killed the housing bill possible?

Withholding sex for a new Kenya

If I wanted to kill a union, here's a plan I'd consider ........

If I wanted to kill a union, here's a plan I'd consider ........

Have you seen The Wrestler?

Florida Eliminates State Funding For Libraries

Heart-rending tale of Sri Lankan refugees

What states would you kick out if you could?

Stephen Baldwin is a stupid piece of shit

Chrysler + Fiat = Bankruptcy

A 6th Anniversary Look Back at Media Coverage of 'Mission Accomplished'

Florida deregulates rates of 15 insurance companies, keeps regulations for others.

16 Cattle Drop Dead Near Mysterious Fluid at Gas Drilling Site

Republicants flock to N. Virginia to try and 'remake'....(Caption please)

U.S. May Revive Guantánamo Military Courts

Two U.S. soldiers killed in northern Iraq

Extreme Sheep LED Art

Malibu residents tell The Edge to walk away, walk away...they won't follow his green mansions pitch

Malibu residents tell The Edge to walk away, walk away...they won't follow his green mansions pitch

An Eisenhower Quote that Republicans should remember; especially now.

Dropping the AIPAC Spying Case

Republicans are counting on the country to fail...

Do we need to change the top down construction

Must read this unbelievable! - Time Magazine 100 Most Influential Leaders Paul Kagame By Rick Warren

Hate Crimes Legislation/Joe Donnelly reply to my email.

The Republicans seem to have officially adopted a Small Tent theory

Give your input on new Health Care Bill

Attn Costco members - Aug 11, 2009 deadline to opt out of Class Action

To the Nut Case Secessionist crowd: remember this one?

Who's gonna win the Kentucky Derby today?

What Are The Requirements to be A Supreme Court Judge?

When Trader Joe's comes to a Whole Foods town...

Anyone else having trouble accessing HuffPo this morning?

Prison Guard Tazes Kids On "Bring Son/Daughter To Work Day"

Angela Merkel appears in a lingerie ad

Anti-terrorist bra-mask to fight swine flu?

So are those DUers who were criticizing Aretha's inauguration hat

Is it time to increase the size of the supreme court?

Keith Olberman's Ratings vs Bill O'Reillys

Guess what? People aren't as stupid as television news would make you think.

White House 2.0

Oh, The Humanity!!1! Wash State Porta-Potty Disaster.

Whether you believe this is hooey or not, Influenza and Reye's syndrome

WJ: Is the US overreacting to swine flu?

OMFG! Palin opens Twitter we can receive her tweets! Alert the media right effin' NOW!

Primer on a Chrysler Bankruptcy

Have any US car companies come out in support of universal health care?

If you missed Bill Moyers last night - the Torture debate

Bankruptcy reality sets in for Chrysler, workers: Automaker warns of likely trouble ahead

Republican kick off campaign... Jeb to save the GOP

YIKES !!! - The Next Michelle Bachman ???

Office of Special Plans under neocons Feith and Abram Shulsky and participated in the Rome meeting

The Purell is flying off the shelves

Ok I just got the e-mail, I know it's a scam but I've never seen

Stand with Dr. Dean, Emergency online briefing Monday, 9:00pm - Eastern

The first GOP'r who has the courage to speak out forcefully against Limbaugh

Why do you watch Sunday morning political shows?

Bob Barr: GOP in ‘very deep trouble’

Charities forced to axe thousands of jobs

Should the Supremes be appointed for life? How about 10 years?

The straight dope on N95 masks and the H1N1 virus.

AP - Dems: Opportunity as gay marriage acceptance grows

This is really confusing.

Zombie Oligarchs

Condoleezza Rice meets with some students (YouTube)

Homeless Team Roots for a New Life Through Soccer

Lieberman Pays $50,000 Fine for Passing Out Street Cash in 2006

Need advice from lawyer re: home repossession

Brazil: 60K homeless, 14 dead in floods

US families rely on handouts in world's richest country

Help me out

Today's right-wing nutjob LTTE (from the Philly suburbs): Democrats are ignoring the Constitution!

Swine Flu Ancestor Born on U.S. Factory Farms

Kentucky: HS assistant principal allegedly bans gay students from restroom

As Chrysler shutters its factories Workers denounce UAW concessions

Gingrich insult rankles RNC members.....this is fun to watch!!!

Mysterious superhero surfaces, strikes fear into hearts of no one

Rich Lowry: Economic Collapse under Bush Administration was Devious Left-Wing Socialist Plot

Mysterious late-night military flights headed for San Jose

Citigroup to need more of our money. But no mortgage relief for you!!!

What do you think the REAL unemployment rate is?

Breaking: Next GOP Rebranding Meeting to Take Place at Taco Bell Drive-Through

does pat buchanan own m$nbc ?

US families rely on handouts in world's richest country

Marijuana: An alternative medicine

Gingrich insult rankles RNC members (CNN)

"Passage" through humans can lead to higher virulence in new flu strains.

Do You Live In A WalkScore Walkers' Paradise?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Join Me In Stopping Mountaintop Removal

Don't want to be mean to our busy congress people - but WHEN are we getting national health care?

Dave Matthews Band NOW!!

Derby. Who came in 2nd and 3rd?

‘Last hurrah’ hooker warned

Will Any Of You Miss the Pontiac Brand?

Astronauts pay respects to 'space chimps' (CNN)

UAW Says Won't Control Chrysler

Don't spread my wealth , spread my work ethic


GOP gathers for pizza party in strip mall to discuss their "image." MITT! JEBBY! WOW!

On the 6th Anniversary of "Mission Accomplished", Let's Remember What a Lying Liar George Bush Is

When an internet user visits any website containing a Google ad....

When an internet user visits any website containing a Google ad....

Swine flu deaths ebb, but could come back strong

Who needs libraries in Florida, seriously.


God-Man: The Movie!

Rentier economies = declining living standards for the masses.

Chelsea Clinton's Vineyard Wedding

Bob Barr: the GOP is in 'very deep trouble'

*** DUzy Awards for week ending May 1, 2009 ***

We are too gullible. It's precious actually, that we blindly allow ourselves

"Mine That Bird" wins the derby at 50-1 odds!!!!

CNN Headline: "Bush, Calderon huddle over flu"?

Steele: Americans don’t trust the GOP because we were ‘getting high’ ‘drinking that Potomac River

Todays Clay Bennett toon...the party who won't change

OMG...have you ever heard of Mark Levin? (radio talk show host)

GOP Get Ready for a Supreme Court Nominee Fight They're Going to Lose

More on that gallows humor circulating south of the border

Please DU this poll

Hans Holzer, 'Amityville' writer, dies

Health Benefits And Pensions For Chrysler Retirees, What Happens?

Medical experts cast doubt on the actual danger of swine flu

Medical experts cast doubt on the actual danger of swine flu

Evil overlords to flaccid clowns in the blink of Jesus' eye. Adorable!

Miley Cyrus said what?

Can they make the Swine Flu go away by calling it HINI?

Could someone more liberal than Ben Nelson win in Nebraska?

Kentucky: HS assistant principal allegedly bans gay students from restroom

Veteran Swears He Isn't Dead Yet

S. Idaho middle school's soap ban angers parents

A glass-bottom Skydeck for Sears Tower

HIV patients at higher risk from flu, WHO says

Mr. President, how about some unifying? Backs Down on Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Citizens: We have been told that the banks own congress by a member of Congress

Correct me if I am wrong (I know you all will) BUT, wasn't the GOP mantra

ACLU Director Favors Prosecution, Not Impeachment, Not Committee Hearings

THROW THE BUMS OUT - ALL OF THEM - Senate Millionaires Kill Mortgage Assistance for Citizens

Teens acquitted of murder in immigrant's fatal beating

Michael Steele agrees that President Obama is 'the Magic Negro'

When does "old age" begin??

It's Official! Marcy Winograd to challenge Jane Harman!

"She Always Knew There Was Something Wrong"

Spread the word: Ben Nelson in the pocket of the insurance companeis

Wow - just wow! Fascinating photographic representations of our waste.

Who gets your vote for the craziest politician in America today?

Why is Domino's advertising on DU? First Marco Rubio and now Domino's? WTF?

The pigs' revenge: The intensive farming of animals is at the heart of the swine flu pandemic

Shelby's MO (before he lost his security clearance): used NSA+CIA+FBI to go after political enemies

I'm very impressed at how effective this flu pandemic threat is at pacifying a population.

US Soldier Who Helped Rape Iraqi Girl And Murder Her Family Now "Regrets" It

Words fucking fail me....

Interesting to see Pakistan 'expanding' their nuke weapons program

Gawd I Love Bob Herbert !!! - Re GOP: "It’s not a party; it’s a cult."

EARTHQUAKE! SoCal ... stand by for details ... (LINK ADDED)

Bill Moyers tonight -US Torture and Consequences? Bruce Fein and Mark Danner

Round 2! Vote for YOUR favorite SCOTUS nominee.

Anti-semetic muslim gang in France accused of torturing Jewish victim to death.

Nadine Strossen for Supreme Court

Miss CA's implants and the sick mentality of beauty pageants


Arlington VA in a perfect example of nanny-statism

Your tax dollars at work: America's new "Abstinence clown"

I continue to advocate a five point alternative to the Wall Street bailout giveaway:

Women have come how far now?

Obama Smile v. Bush Smirk & Cheney Snarl

The marriage name game

Hannity: “We’re Going For That Perfect Blend Of Stupidly and Sadism.”

A budget cure: Marijuana taxes?

Prevention does NOT save health care dollars

My letter to our new Senator Bennett

Why is no one talking about this?

My son's junior high shut down by Swine Flu. Holy shit!

Decorated swine flu surgical masks in Mexico

How about an avowed athiest in the Supreme Court this time around?

Interesting - The Kindle Really DOES Have A Market

Health Scare/Health Care/Economic Health/Governmental Health- Top Issues of the Day All About Health

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) opposes public health ins. "Would be too attractive"

First Lady MichelleObama steps out in Lanvin sneakers and they're only $540!

Caller on Thom Hartmann show this week: Sustainability = "stop helping people live longer"

What will happen to Condoleezza Rice?

What will happen to Condoleezza Rice?

Why isn't there a strong and well established left wing version of AIPAC

Conservative columnist calls for GOP to remember Reagan. And this response is priceless!!

Conservative columnist calls for GOP to remember Reagan. And this response is priceless!!

Indiana Criminalizes Dissent

A glass-bottom Skydeck for Sears Tower

‘Cash for clunkers’ plan draws fire from critics

No Social Security Benefit Increase in 2010 for the First Time in 30 Years

Why, of COURSE Jay SEVERIN will be back on the air!1 Why WOULDN'T he?!1

The Swine Flu Crisis Lays Bare the Meat Industry's Monstrous Power

What ever happened to John Edwards?

Check out your Rep. Report Card

WATERBOARDING: Its Not Torture!! Hannity, Coulter, Rush, O'Rielly ~ Time To Fess Up!!

Troxler: Jesus is to be mass-produced, imprinted on metal, given a reflective coat, sold for money.

Another great reporter gone... John R. Wilke

And Then They Came For Me

****** DU May 2009 T-Shirt Slogan Contest: And The Winners Are... ******

Stuff from the tea baggers - federalism amendments


4 UMC employees fired over 'inappropriate' photo of patient

I'm a pig yesterday and today and always and went out in public today

I took a typing test today. 644 words per minute.

How are you productivity improving computer?

DUzy Awards for the week are up on GD:

I don't care what anyone says. I love Charlie Harper and his ridiculously funny show.

Why aren't there more threads about Enya?

MrScorpio's Friday Night Video Extravaganza

Swine flu vs Winnie the Pooh

Post a friday night,the week-end is here tune.

Best Power Ballad Ever

The Five Worst Tweets Ever


The St. Louis Cardinals

You like sake?

I'm The Operator With My Pocket Calculator

Why am I so afraid to see my father tomorrow? It's the last time I'll see him for

What's for dinner tonight, DU?

Driving my Cosmic Car

Driving my Cosmic Car


Under what circumstance(s) is it ok for a guy to wear a professional sports jersey

*** Screw thread ****. {pic}

If Fox Mulder ever showed up at my home, I'd automatically move, change job,

We are Mafia

Seattle DU'ers: You are SOOOOO lucky to have Elysian Brewery there!!!

Cute thing a child in your life has said. My brother got diagnosed with

HAHAHA! Proof that conservatives really DON'T get Stephen Colbert..

Art Van Furniture Shoppers

Free The Marijuana

666 Mark Of The Beast Apocalyptic End Of Days UPDATE: Creed reunites for album & tour

Bruce Campbell enthusiasts: have you seen "My Name Is Bruce" yet? If so, did you enjoy it?

Ravi Shankar pt. 1

Da Brooons win!

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like...

Irie Warrior

The chicken cutlet bosom?

Have you ever been at a concert that was released as a live album? (In whole or in part)

Sorrows Go

Sure is boring in here without any tension.

Some people do NOT need pets! EVER! My stupid ass brother

Steppin' On The Green Grass

So what kind of May Day presents did your get?

Who Kill Him?

Any video editing gurus here?

Spring cleaning!1 Bookcase!1

I just wrote Skinner a 10 page letter of apology.

Epic battle in GD:P Didja see it?

The Day I Built My House

Babylon Falling

I have back pain all of a sudden. Anyone have any home remedies?



Piano, typing, juggling...

Did you all get your tickets for the MegaMillions?

Carlos MENCIA is being a TOTAL a-hole about Gays-in-the-military.

Whats everyone drinking tonight?

Do you know about the Coriolanus effect? It means that, in the Southern hemisphere,

Twitchy's pitching!!!

YouTube: Denise Richards sings "Take Me Out To The Ballgame"

Stupid TV Stations Slogans

I sent the hubby out to get Children's Claritin. What will he bring home instead?

for my twelve-thousandth post: Cephalopod gang bang

Anyone else tired of obnoxious passive aggressive "know it alls" at work?

What would Jesus do? He would FREE THE DUCK!!

Watch them both boys and girls....and turn it up

If you wanted to sell pot for the first time...

Don't know if this will get any responses...but post your favorite Grateful Dead songs/jams.

Oh man, Steve Urkel is performing at Berlee Performance Center in Boston on May 29

Well see, I have this thread in GD.....

If you have to hold one eye closed to see the screen...

Cool experience watching the Canucks game in Beijing

Okay, who's seen Wolverine....good or not....

Anybody here remember May Fete events in school on May Day.

Okay, who said that Rastas and Polish folk singers can't jam together?

Big screen tv questions

Hand washing deniers? WTF?

Where's Lil Missy ?

Listen to this idea I have for a screen play.

Friday night jams... starting off slow, steamy, and southern

Oh boy,I'm burned out ! Good night everybody !

Which TV show is better?

Sorry, for my absence, I have been too busy reading subtitles to porn.

Favorite Type of Beer?


PUI rant on argument against government spending

Free Comic Book Day is today, Saturday, May 2, 2009.

Well, I liked it, the movie Wolverine - Origins, that is. It's getting some

Which event is more enthralling to you?

I did a poverty simulation today, Everyone should have to do this.

Anyone else having problems accessing Journals this morning?

stupid cats have a mouse cornered & haven't a clue what to do

Has anyone seen my dog, Ginny???

Which is the highest honor?:

We think Willie will live..

Interactive map of library cats:

why don't smilies work in private messages?

How many dirty looks will I get if I light a cigarette during a cancer prevention race?

Oh, shit. It's the Kentucky Derby today...

I'm thinking of moving to the United States.

I am going to go to the Living Green Expo, who wants to come with?

I predict The Stoopid

OK - where are the best posts for the last 24 hours

Weight Watchers circa 1974: Apparently, the food itself was an appetite suppressant

You cannot define "Cool" with can only point to it...

I have often wondered this myself, what is a good price when you

Some fool is in GD dissing libraries! and librarians.

I just installed a new toilet at my place

Vibes for Scoobie

Cool. Buffy Sainte Marie explains how she wrote Universal Soldier

The Jesus Christ Sponge

It doesn't matter if we all die

Is flvegan moonlighting for ESPN?

Alex Rodriguez would be more popular if he changed his nickname to A-BatterBatterBatter

Have you seen The Wrestler?

I've got the worst style ever. Any advice?

the most moving child abuse song ever written

A message that the Yahoo Spam-filter had automatically placed in my Spam folder

Come next election, who ya gonna vote for?

Won't that be a happy time

My doggie Muffin has a big honkin' tumor on her belly. Vibes please!

Who is Leon Redbone?

Let's try something a little bit new: Yankees-Angels "liveblog", anyone?

The Pilgram chaptrer 33 -Willie Nelson

Wow, two sporting events I'd like to follow tonight: the Reds game and the Bulls/Celtics game

I'm bidding on this sculpture at Merv Griffin's estate auction tomorrow

Ayatollah Assahola

another sign of the Apocalypse?

I have the magic touch of starting what I think are perfectly innocent

"Our manager's crazy, he always smokes himself a room at the back of the back of the bus"

Puke In My Mouth

How's the coupon flame war going?

Favorite XTC number?

Oh my, I think my blood pressure went up a notch

Stupid bible question

Sigh. I guess assholes will park like assholes no matter what they're driving.

Morris Day and the Time

Cleveland: Fuck yeah!

I just sneek bought a Roomba 560 iRobot vacuum cleaner..cause

I just got a call from my drunk mom

Why Having Wolverine's Claws Would Suck (video link)(nsfw language)

Good can come from bad

Carrie Underwood and heart?

My favorite Bea Arthur quote

This ain't rock n roll...... this is......

A bee in my room this morning

Oh, wow!! I am a COMPLETE dipshit! My license stickers expired in March!!!

champagne taste, light beer means n/t

I'm a Rock Star baby!

Just because you CAN pay for 8 items with 18 coupons...

Just remember, lounge. No good deed goes unpunished.

"Take Your Kid to Work Day" Yup, that's a tasering.

and its Mine That Bird

To everyone who sent my friend (and me) good thoughts and wishes the other day...

WipeOut is the BEST "game show" ever created.

$443 for a 40 minute doctor appointment

I love Janis Ian

Lou Reed - Heroin - Rock N Roll Animal

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sat 5/2/2009)

"Hey, I'm not PREGNANT!" my 15 year old daughter shouted in the Korean restaurant.

Where can I find a Drug Store that will mix me a nice ice cream soda?

OMG. I actually got 1st Place

Have you played "The Sims 2"? If so, is it worth the money and time?

Uh oh! I forgot to renew my license plate stickers.

Your favorite word for "terrific." Mine? Bitchin'.

A tornado hit the Dallas Cowboys practice facility

So, the newest Metallica CD is actually pretty good.

What crazy things do your parents do (have done). I am reminded of this

Post your GOP image makeover campaign slogan

Why is "won't" contraction for the words "will" and "not"?

*** OK Lounge, who do you like in The Derby??? ***

So I just got done watching 'The Mist'....

Keith Morrison's voice is sexy.

I've got the worst sty (stye?) ever. Any advice?

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle! Jesus and Mary are showing up in unusual places!

Holy pancakes! Virgin Mary seen on griddle! Jesus and Mary are showing up in unusual places!

Kill Me, if You must but, I think Now is the time to praise and laud

Kill Me, if You must but, I think Now is the time to praise and laud

If we're so advanced as a civilization, how come no one has invented diet beer?

Well Hello, Clarice

Happy Birthday, ThomCat!!

Sometimes it is not so much What is said, as How it is said.

I went golfing the other day and man have my skills gone downhill

I'm baaaaaack ... did anybody miss me?

Rat Face came home last night. The little brat.

Meet Maru, the amazing and amusing Japanese cat

If you wanted to buy pot for the first time...

Here are videos of seriously underrated bands (Post 'em if you got 'em)

Do you think that "O Brother Where Art Thou?" is appropriate for a (bright) 9 and 11 yo to watch?

OMG WANT!!!!!!!

Swine Flu under an Electron Scanning Microscope

Mushroom hunting finally paid off!!

When I was a child...

Obama Versus Aliens

Ice Warrior

'Jon and Kate plus 8' dad in cheating scandal - report is he's living in garage

12000 posts in a little more than two years


We are meeting the puppy we hope will be our new family member tomorrow night

What is the worth of a Human? Is any One Human worth more than

* A little Earthquake*

Rove and Miers were supposed to testify-on their own terms.

Kava-Kava root baby

I get the feeling the But Tutcher dislikes school

"Is it safe to fly during the swine flu outbreak?" Maybe Biden reads the NY Times?

Looking for some thoughts...

Obama: Swine flu may run course like other flus

What Senator on the Judiciary is going to be the one minority Senator to cut off debate now?

Virginia Linder for SCOTUS

Would you want an aircraft carrier named the USS Obama,someday?

Each SCOTUS Justice comment on the retirement of Justice Souter

I'll take Arlen Specter over Ben Nelson anyday and twice on Sunday.

Republicans Threaten To Filibuster Obama Judicial Nominations They Don't Like

Republicans Threaten To Filibuster Obama Judicial Nominations They Don't Like

Number of Senate seats held by Dems each Congress: 1981 - 2009

Our Second Lady in photos

George Dubya on Torture (From speech in 2003)

Say hello to the next likely Senate Judiciary ranking member for the minority:

We must stop those Republican filibusters that only exist in someone's imagination!

One of the best headlines I could ever see on Drudge

Minorities Nearly 25% Of Voters In Nov, most diverse election ever fueled by black women & Hispanics

Ben Nelson trying to kill any potential public healthcare plan

Steven Shapiro for SCOTUS

Guests for the Sunday TV news shows

One of the best things about President Obama and the first lady is the obvious fact...

Results of stress tests to be released Thurs.

OMFG Fox News Website. The Obama Change Index

I want Liberal radio to succeed.

Obamas attend school recital

A Gun thread that won't get moved to the Gungeon...

A very good way to blow the righties minds!!!

Unions prevail over Wall street in Chrysler deal.

Bob Barr: GOP in ‘very deep trouble’

100 Days On Obama's Facebook Page

On Rachel: Bush V Gore decision devastated Souter


Why the Obama Administration Claims Cuba Is A State Supporter of Terrorism

Republicans Critical Of Obama Supreme Court Nominee - Vow To Fight

Lawyers credit Obama team for dismissing AIPAC case

Just received a disgusting Robo "Survey" call from Mike Huckabee on Abortion, FOCA and Pres. Obama!

Rove Hypocritically Argues Right Should Oppose Potential Obama Court Pick Just Because She’s Liberal

Obama may revive Guantanamo military courts

Listen to Justice Souter rail at the majority conservative bloc in Zellman

Fox News Headline: "Critics Say Obama's Torture Ban Undermines Vow to Protect America"

Civil Rights Redux; Change we can believe in?

So howcum nobody's suggested Michelle for...

Richard Wolffe: Supreme Court Kingmaker

So...the Republicans want to purify their party?

Obama is up to 67% approval on Gallup today. I guess the press conference impressed America.

The Good, Bad, and the Ugly on Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People of The Last 5 Minutes:"

About Specter and a Primary opponent

GOP Rebranding kickoff draws 100 attendees at a pizzeria; paking lot full of Obama bumper stickers

You are invited to attend the long awaited first meeting of the President's Economic Recovery Board

U.S. presidents are above the law

Lets be honest we have 48 Democratic Senators

New book says FDR tried to save Jewish refugees

My short message to the President about his SCOTUS decision

NC-Sen: Burr burned on bank comments...again

100 Days in the Footsteps of F.D.R. and L.B.J.

Bachmann Uses Fake George Washington Prayer To Bash Obama

You know who we should draft to run for president in 2012?

Condi's weird "I was just giving orders" defense.

NYT on Obama: "As a Professor, a Pragmatist About the Supreme Court"

Supreme Court Nominee Compromise with GOP? Never

Here's some real "change we can believe in"

Sickening-supreme court set to strike down Voting rights act

The language being used here about a SCOTUS appointment suggests the default is always a white male

Gallup: Obama Approval High Among Muslims, Jews, and Catholics

While folks are speculating, here's a wild suggestion: "For the Supreme Court? Al Gore"

Ben Nelson to oppose public health plan. Guess why...

Obama Administration Gets High Marks on Swine Flu So Far

The only way to have a SCOTUS that looks like America is to increase it size to say 15 members

The BEST for the Court NOT the most young, ideological, politically advantageous. PLEASE

NYT Magazine interview with President Obama

Obama says: “Now, the Freedom of Choice Act is not highest legislative priority.

Her rival now her boss, Clinton settles into new role

16 Senators sign onto Public option for health care reform...

I am learning more about potential Judges to replace Souter and Kim Wardlaw is sounding good to me

Our President has got some serious basketball chops

White House signals it still wants some version of cramdown passed

Let's get Ralph Nader as Souter's replacement

I think this is the best clip of President Obama and his family...why don't we see this in the MSM

Inside Obama's Court Deliberations: Sotomayor Most Mentioned (Stein at HuffPost)

I wonder who "suggested" that Biden take the train home to Delaware, after

Freepers fight back....with photos (DON'T click if you have a weak stomach)

Chelsea Clinton to Marry in August.

Mystery Justice: 6 women likely to become the next SCOTUS Justice (graphic w age, profession)

Is claiming Obama isn't a "progressive" exclusionary?

NYT: Thanks To The Obama Administration, "Union Takes Rare Front Seat in Deal for Chrysler"

Grade President Obama's 1st 100 days

Question: Why should NINE straight people make decisions

OK, I Might Be Wrong About Obama Trying To Break The UAW

Dutch parade attacker driver dies

Chinese billions in Sri Lanka fund battle against Tamil Tigers

Symptoms of Ignorance and Bigotry

Clinton wants renewal of ties to Latin America


Al-Qaida Used Hotmail, Public Phones In Planning

Cuba May Day All About Energy & Efficiency

Curfew in Shangla as troops take positions

Paterson's Black & White Photog Flip Costs NY State $300K

Uniformed Iraqi kills US soldiers

Swine flu may be less potent than first feared

Carol Ann Duffy becomes first woman poet laureate

Australia plans military build-up

Sri Lankan army 'shells hospital'

NATO thwarts hijack off Somalia, seizes dynamite

Eighteen Missouri Couples Wed In Iowa City

Berkshire’s Munger Says ‘Venal’ Banks May Evade Needed Reform

Brazil clears Indian reservation

Bubble that covers Cowboys indoor field collapses

Drug smugglers allegedly move into New Mexico town (U.S.)

Iraq's al-Sadr visits Turkey

Morales nationalises fuel supplier

Alberta hogs have flu virus

Appeals Court Wants Federal Government to Explain Involvement in Paul Minor Case

First US swine flu victim was born to wealth

Iranian jets 'hit' Iraqi Kurd areas

Yale, Halliburton, Gates Foundation Listed as Chrysler Lenders

Granholm to order deep cuts in Medicaid

Chrysler workers, public upset over plans to shutter local site

U.S. May Revive Guantánamo Military Courts

Union Takes Rare Front Seat in Chrysler Deal

DVD (included with today's newspaper) spreads positive Islamic image

Biden to appear at AIPAC

.Social Security Is Not Expected to Rise

Iran hangs woman convicted of murder as a minor

Millions Potentially at Stake in Illegal Immigrant's Child Custody Case

Citigroup said to need up to $10 billion: report

Pakistani Singer Ayman Udas ‘shot by her brothers for TV sin’

No murder conviction in Mexican immigrant's beating death

Majora Carter - Earth Day 2009 - JTMP

Howard Zinn's Philosophy

World's first recycled plastic cellphone! How Univ Drummers - Earth Day - JTMP - ONLINE!

Hardball: Did Obama & Dems play King-Maker on Specter, forcing candidate on PA

FLASHBACK: Ryan Phillippe played gay on a soap, 1993

Bo Dietl on FauxNews: What If Al Qaeda Kidnapped Sasha & Malia? Do We Torture Now Mr president?

Rev. Yearwood - EarthDay - JTMP - Presidents speaking about environment!

FEMA 9/11 Coloring Book? Color your own attack on TV and out the window

Countdown: Studies show Right Wingers think Colbert is one of them - on their side!

Democracy Now Headlines - Fri. MAY 1

Joy Behar Host Gay Marriage Debate

Black Violin - Unique music group form Earth Day 2009 DC - JTMP

Bill Maher - REALTIME Opening Monologue & New Rules

David Schuster wipes his A** with Nat'l Org for Marriage's Brian Brown -Excellent!!

Karl Rove paints Supreme Court nom Sonia Sotomayor -first 'Puerto Rican' uh 'Latino'

Sarah Palin meets Paul Sr. from OCC Choppers

An Appeal To Republican Women And Their Decency

100 Damn Days by Red State Update

FOX & Friends Torture Infant For Live TV Segment!


Exposing FauxNews and Repugs: "Do Republicans Want A New Terrorist Attack On America?"

Oprah Tackles Same Sex Marriage- Hugh Jackman, Nate Berkus & New Couple

MOE ! - Earth Day 2009 - "Captain America" - JTMP

Rep. Sestak May Run Against Sen. Specter

Sen. Whitehouse on Justice Souter's Retirement

CIA "Architects of Torture"

We already have healthcare rationing...

FLASHBACK: Obama on This Week, circa 9-11-05, regarding Katrina, judicial philosophy (Roberts nom)

Re: Do Republicans Want A New Terrorist Attack On America?

Listening Post - Obama and the media - 2 May 09

New Rules - 5/1/09

Best religious song I have ever heard

TYT: Scary House GOP Ad - You Feel Safer?

"Architects of Torture" Matthew Alexander comments

Yahoo's rigged rating system favors conservatives

Miss California- Breast Implants weren't paid by Pageant - they were 'sponsored'

A Frozen Tundra Biker Chick? - Ed Show features Daily Show co-creator

The deal to burden FL taxpayers with CSX liability is dead for now. Paula Dockery...

Michelle Bachmann - takes on Swine Flu - Parody

Bill Moyers Journal: Bruce Fein on Torture Investigations

Obama Chill Pills

Shocking Climate Change Video - Tropicana Rainforest - Help Save The Amazon Rainforest

Republican iPhone

The Ed Show - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) - The banks own the Senate.

Weekly Address:Government Actions to Address the H1N1 Flu Virus

TYT: Poll Numbers Show Progressive Domination Over Conservatives?

Is Glenn Beck a complete nut?

Taxpayer funded unfunny "clown" teaching abstinence only. Utter stupidity.

Iraq's quiet healthcare crisis (BBC)

Symptoms of Ignorance and Bigotry

Republican't (Cockburn / The Nation)

Out of Touch (Herbert / NYT)

Do we really want to excuse torture? (Nashua telegraph editorial)

The unlikeliest civil libertarians (St. Petersberg Times editorial)

Politicians Are In Office But Banks Are In Power:Time To Fight Back?

GOP Wants the 18th Century Souter Replaced by a Another Judge From 18th Century, B.C!

Obama, reform and the role of the left

The Ethic of Greed and the Spirit of Capitalism

AIPAC Decision A Victory—With Qualifiers

GOPs political prosecutions MUST be investigated. More must read news at link:

Bronx Girl Makes Good: Sonia Sotomayor Merits Look For U.S. Supreme Court

Widening the gate to America's 'dark period' (Paris / Globe & Mail)

H1N1 Flu, Evolution, and the Anti-Science Texas Wingnuts

390 Years Minus 100 Days, Pt. 1

Why Joe Biden is Trying to Talk Souter into Staying On

Iraq bloodshed rises as US allies defect

Kiss the Era of Human Rights Goodbye-What Bush Willed to Obama and the World

Bernie Madoff - By Michael Moore

No, Obama, Conservatives Are NOT Just Liberals With A Different Set Of Ideas

Republicans Eating Their Own, Michigan Edition

Mortgaging the White House- by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship

Same Dark Spirit at Work by Andrew Bard Schmookler

The Weekend Economists' Fandango Edition May 1 - 3, 2009

Friday Talking Points (75) -- Monster Raving Loony Party

Children as Unlamented Victims of Bush’s War Crimes

Capitalism's self-inflicted apocalypse

Bosnia lurches into a new crisis

Meet the Zero-Waste Zealots

Evangelicals find their Political Ally in President Ronald Reagan

MACHETERA: "Chasing the Tail of US Cuba Policy

CHAVEZ Says Obama Must Prove Change After Handshake

LOL - Hialeah City Council: Don't alter Cuba embargo

STATE DEPT: Country Reports on Terrorism

KUHNER: Dancing with dictators

STATE DEPT: CLINTON on Venezuela and Cuba

AFRICANS FOR CUBA list: "Considering Fidel's Contemporary Value to Humanity"

Wanna get pumped up by some revolutionary speeches? Telesur has a conucopia of videos this evening

GOWANS: "Cuba and the Real Battle for Democracy"

Jean-Guy Allard: BOLIVIA PLOT- US Organization Related to CIA May Be Principal Backer (spanish)

Jimmy Carter agrees to harvest coca leaves with Evo

English translation of Bolivia Plot involving CIA-backed US group

Earth Day 2009: Thoughts Like Falling Leaves

xpost: Progress Energy nuclear plant delayed by at least 20 months

Mission to Break up Pacific Island of Rubbish Twice the Size of Texas Starts Next Month

Capitol Power Plant to stop use of coal

How about those Bruins!!!!

How come my Rockies aren't on TV tomorrow?

I Want Revenge scratched from Derby

After "The Save" does anyone think Varlamov isn't The Best Goalie?

Is it to early to start the where/if Brett Favre will play saga??

The JR Chess Report (May 2): Aronian Wins GP with Dramatic Victory in Final Round

7 injured, 1 critically, in Dallas Cowboys practice arena collapse

Labor panel ends 10 year case with Venetian in Las Vegas

A Union at Wal-Mart? If not now, when?

Today in labor history May 2 Adolph Hitler issues an edict abolishing all labor unions

Cintas appeals suit against union

Senate passes union bill (card check for Ca. farmworkers Schwarzenegger to veto)

NLRB decisions cause conflicting US court opinions

THE OTHER PANDEMIC….most American workers do not have paid sick days, and cannot take time 4 kids

Border agents want permission to wear flu masks


We voted for our new contract.

Workers march in May Day demonstrations around the world

Please help me choose the right union-made car!

I Know A Million Of These Type Of Video Links Have Been Posted Already.....

Al Madrigal making San Francisco gay pedophile joke?

I have been asked to contribute to an article about section 377 in india

New documentary coming out called "Outrage"

A Few Thoughts For My GLBT Friends on Shepherd vs. foxx.

Miley Cyrus Condemned For Supporting Gay Marriage

Gay waiters and bigot politicians Reinserts Call to “Repeal” Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

The Concept of "Outing"

President Obama's Grandmother and the Ethics of Health Care Reform

How many more will have to die...

Stop using Hydroxycut products, FDA says (CNN)

Report: Turkey ends war crimes probe of Israel over Gaza op

The Israel Boycott is Biting

Like It Or Not.....

In three months the USA bought enough firearms...

only weapons used for sporting purposes....

Assault Weapons Ban removed from

Obama Admin quietly removes "Assault Weapon Ban" from website

Four individuals,, Second Amendment Foundation sue California over handgun restrictions

Souter to retire: what does that mean for 2A jurisprudence?

Friday Night Bank Failures

The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy

Dr Housing Bubble 05/01/09


Barclays and Ghana plan tax haven

The silver lining for Cerberus

State historic registry

Kyoto, Tokyo, and Nara Signs

Cyberastro has a forecast for Obama's next 100 days.

Predictions wanted: my Dad's new boat.

practical evidence of energy shift

Don't you just love ridiculously accurate astrology forecasts?

Wow, what a warm welcome :)

Another Bridge Dream....

Weekly Healing Project #27 | May 3-9 | Pre-Birth Healing

World's Largest Cave

"Can People Distinguish Pate from Dog Food?" -- They Can't.

Psychologists find that just the thought of cash can lead to selfish acts.

Science and Religion in a Post-Dawkins Phase

For the bakers among us, Happy Birthday!

Camp stove on my front porch--

What's your favorite way to cook lobster?

If you have a Bosch dishwasher, please read this post.

French bread and Ain5 bread pics.

Fair Warning....Don't make this recipe

A Radical Fix for Schools? This week on NOW

$100,000 for original 2nd hit video

AIPAC spy case dismissed; treason officially legal in US when it involves Israel

Lewsiville ISD to close down for a week

Slow news day in GD! They're bored, so hey y'all, let's pick on Texas

A Picture