Democratic Underground

Archives: April 16, 2006

Analysis: Unity gov't no magic formula

RIMME THE CLOWN: All That Is Truthful In The World

Iran's Oil Bourse: A Threat to the U.S. Economy (WMD)

Officials: Pollard-Barghouti release deal may be on horizon

Russia offers aid to Hamas

Colorado Senate Passes National Popular Vote Bill

Where we stand with e-voting

So my CD/DVD drive keeps disappearing

Politicat's banana bread recipe

TRAGEDY for Toronto

Toronto 5 Ottawa 0

Iran's Oil Bourse: A Threat to the U.S. Economy (WMD)

Medicaid Hurdle for Immigrants May Hurt Others (NYT)

Immigration Demonstrators March in Name of Dead Teen

LAT: Independent Ads Backers Tied To Arnold(Repug Group breaks law)

Oil smuggling ring busted by Iraq Police

Peres suggests Iranian president is madman

China construction industry booms

Ethnic Cleansing Grows In Iraq

Six major powers to meet in Moscow on Iran nuclear crisis

Tens of Thousands Take Part in Demo in Nepal

NYT: Pentagon Memo Aims to Counter Rumsfeld Critics

Colombians expand coca crops

Aruba official says arrest made in Natalee Holloway case

Blair refuses to back Iran strike

Former officials warn against US attack on Iran (Richard Clarke)

US plots 'new liberation of Baghdad'

Opus Dei Asks for 'Da Vinci' Disclaimer

In case I'm not around tomorrow: Happy Spring Holiday!

What's the best food to build muscle tone?

In 2 weeks I will be the proud owner of this car :

*sigh* On average, I make about 100 posts a day.

The Daily Show's Rob Corddry: "I had a jewel bag around my junk..."

IKEA's new computer desk - The "Jerker"

Bush jumps Shark.

Saturday night earworm...

If the Mods took 24 hours off and you could post ANYTHING...YOU...WANTED..

Is my wife the greatest, or what?

Chicago WYCC's PBS station is running a Mystery marathon this weekend

Heartwarming 'TOON for Easter...


Observers of Easter - Whatcha eatin' tomorrow?

Is an 'open relationship' a relationship at all?

I'm a free thinker! chicken!

I love the hide thread feature

The Summer of George

May I emotionally vomit on you?

Stylists needed! Everyone loving fashion front and center!

Funny biker story...

You know what DU needs? FANFIC! (Steph/Russ)

Have fun with george*... Check this out!!

Many types of mustard, many types of food

What's your idea of a good time?

I can't write for shit.

I curse you YvrGirl!!!

Fish head fish heads

I need a partner to read a nucleometer from the rear seat of an

Texas stops arresting drunks in bars

DS1 says I have 6 hours to live

Etiquette question: You offer to help out at a friend's wedding...

Anybody watch Forrest Griffin and Tito Ortiz fight? (Fight Spoiler)

Wouldn't it be great to date and massage the rapist?

Yvr had fish

4,000 POSTS!!!!!!!

I'm totally F'ed up.

The Freeper-English Dictionary has been updated!

Wouldn't it be great to date a massage therapist?

There are six Heinekens in the fridge. Should I start hitting them?

Knock Knock

What in the hell happened to Paas' pink dye?

People with cell phones and cable internet... any problems w/no land line?

There are six hineys in the fridge should I start hitting them

Any Other Gordon Lightfoot Fans Out There?


post here if you have never skied naked while eating nachos

I think I ate some BAD FISH

Cat in Germany saves baby's life

Almost at 2000 posts in < 3 months! Ask me anything!

Have you seen "The assassination of Richard Nixon"?

Should I keep my cute little kayaker sig pic?

Hailstones from my front yard.

It's pretty tragic

I really, really want to say this out loud tonight....

This cat is hard to ween from the bottle... (KITTY PICS!!!!!!)

Linsday Lohan confronts Jessica Simpson: "Say something, you coward!"

Annoying shit thread...

If you could interview Jesus Christ, what would you ask him?

To a certain someone.......

Folks, Slapshot just started on HBO Comedy

Easter, 1916

For DU member-- wildhorses--

Famous Atheists, Agnostics, Free-Thinkers and Diests

Toronto 5 Ottawa 0

Does anyone know anything about Philip Savage?

What's the significance?

Positive article about Kerry's smack down of Allard that needs some

Kerry Business Expo in Mass

By the end of this week, we may have 10 times more posts

Something on the wind?

And now a weather report

Once again, the sun sets in Anchorage.

How to talk to a right winger (if you must)

The easiest, most effective way to fight the present regime...

Chicago Trib: US Violating Laws In Arming of Iraqi Cops

Heartwarming 'TOON for Easter...

Anyone else familiar with the cartoons of PJ Polyp?

Were you born a Democrat or did you become one?

I am lonely

Scout Troop Warned on Immigration Protest

How many of the over 2 million in the military are affected by 'stop loss'?

Wal-Mart takes shot at going gun-free

New FR Poll: Only 45% Of Freeptards Will For Sure Vote GOP

So what happened to the 'funddie' who shot her husband? n/t

So is Bush going to allow a swap for Pollard?

An Easter thought....

let's all's story of the week

a world without BUSHes is a world at peace.

A Bad Leak (NYT Editorial Board Bitch-slaps WaPo)

Who will be attending the antiwar protest in NYC on April 29th?

Critics Question Exxon Executive Pay

if you have access to link TV you MUST watch this show re: Max Cleland

Whose side are we on?

Blair refuses to back Iran strike - Scotsman

Blair refuses to back Iran strike

Cheerleaders told to cover up to discourage eating disorders

Christian legal theorist: Privacy laws and transparent govt are PERVERSE!

Please help me find a quote

Sat nite Live!!!! Great opening skit!

Opus Dei Asks for 'Da Vinci' Disclaimer

SNL - Heads up for the left coast!

Scariest and most disgusting coroner's report ever...

Might be a dumb question but.. did Rumsfeld ever serve in the military

SEATTLE GAS PRICES.....$3.00..$3.17 A Gal.

LGBT families 'moved from front of the line' at WH

Paul Loeb posts at DFA tonight about the Seattle immigrant march. Amazing

Cheney To Receive Almost $ 2 Million In Tax Refund

Just watch HARDBALL

US plots ‘new liberation of Baghdad’

Ben Harper video PILLORIES the regime (by indirection):

FEMA deem homes "habitable": Owners ineligible for more aid

Wesley Clark will be on Fox News tomorrow morning....

Blair refuses to back Iran strike

Guess who the FBI's #1 most wanted terrorist is.

Lyndon Johnson knew what nuclear war was all about.

So it shall be written; so it shall be done

Sunday Talk Shows(updated)

Gas going on....what have you done

Is the growth of the 'independent' voter good?

Berlusconi ally sees election error - Silvio has won after all

Easter eve at Walmart

A song by Woody Guthrie, appropriate for Easter.

If it's a felony to want to be an American, shouldn't we all be in jail?

Iran's Oil Bourse: A Threat to the U.S. Economy

Hey Admins...Can we have a pet freeper? You know some one

* were you born an asshole or did ya work at it yer whole life??? hehe

Whoa. . .now THIS is an amazing little GOP story. . .

High gas prices curb demand

Freeper email on Myspace:

Rummy's War Room, Game at Huffington Post.

It's Easter Eve, and my Multi-Cultural Extended Family Won't go to Church!


Most idiotic story on gas prices EVER on ABC.

"Christian Titanic Society" seeks to revert gender roles back to 1912

Can we all agree to deporting at least the illegals now in jail for crimes

The bus stop for kids going to school is front yard of sex offender

LISTEN... can you hear a distant Iranian war drum or THE SOUND OF SILENCE?

CAMP CASEY EASTER 2006: Good Friday, 4/14 (Dial-Up Warning)

Happy 48th Birthday, PEACE SYMBOL!

$3.10 for unleaded regular seen in Eureka CA this afternoon....

Is anyone following the floods in Europe

Duke Rape Case: Facts and Theories

AOL caught red-handed censoring email

Att: Kerry Fans...


WP: Santorum Facing Multiple Obstacles In Reelection Bid

E-Mails Tie Former GSA Official to Abramoff

The Media - Behind Closed Doors

House ethics panel stalled; what's up Doc (Hastings)?

Do we need a 'plan' .......... or a posture?

JOE BAGEANT: Springtime in the Republic of Larry

"Military operations underway in Iran already".

Ass kiss rodeo: LTE praising Tom Delay

NYT analysis: As Policy Decisions Loom, a Code of Silence is Broken

Laboratories of Mass Deception

Spoiler alert....Just saw V on the Imax and it was.....

Have Democrats ever engaged in Atwater/Rove politics?

Photos: Rev. Joseph Lowery and others with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford

Republican Columnist in NC re-registering as unaffiliated

What are the top three most effective tools to effect government

Jeb Bush surprises troops in Iraq

Factual Back-Up For Fahrenheit 911: Section One

Report: Neil (Young) ready for War

Why Help More Conservative Democrats

NYT Editorial: A Bad Leak (a reply to the WP's POS "A Good Leak")

Wall Street Versus America

Anatomy of a Revolt: What made a chorus of ex-generals call for the SecDef

Iran's threat means working even harder for peace

Coming Home - Disillusioned (Iraq war vet tells his truth.)

NYTs: A Bad Leak (*Co becomes "Mr. Bush" and gets slapped down)

This George Is No Washington

Immigration Reform – Republicans Show Their Mastery of Disinformation and

Dead Cities: The Fallujah Option in Iraq?

NYT: The Way We Live Now - Way Upstairs, Downstairs

Ray McGovern : Blowing Cheney's Cover

'Speak softly, don't argue and slow down' (guide to travelling abroad)

What We Have Going on Amidst the Generals -- Present and Former

General Bush's lose-lose Iranian war options

America's Hour of the Wolf

ARGENTINA: 'Dirty war' babies learn painful truth

The frightening truth of why Iran wants a bomb

Forest Fires Bigger, Hotter In Alaska As Climate Destabilizes

UK Climate & Carbon Policies "Faltering", Says MPs' Report - Scotsman

6 Climate Satellites Reach Orbit - Funded Mostly By Taiwan, Part By US

Asia-Pacific Region - Net Loss Of Six Million Hectares Forest 2000-2005

Upscale Beach Town Of Boca Grande, FL Overrun With Iguanas - ENN

China, India Unfairly Featured As Only Polluters - EPA Official

Bush Earth Day Schedule - Fuel Cell Photo-Op, Fundraising Stops

Nat. Hurricane Conference Debates Influence Of, Existence Of Warming

Algae Bloom Effects Cause LA Pelicans To Fall Out Of The Sky - AP

Lake Chad Now At 20% Of Historic Extent - Climate, Farming Blamed - BBC

First Eagle Hatching On Santa Cruz Island In 50 Years - MSNBC

All Alarms Now Ringing - The Question Is, Will We Do Something? - ABC News

Researchers Discover "Surprising" Numbers Of Abandoned Baby Walruses

Satan speaks: Patrick Moore writes in the Wash. Post on nuclear energy.

Famine, Drought, Death - Welcome To The World Of 550 PPM - Guardian

Katrina and Chernobyl compared.

French atomic plant protest attracts thousands

Tipping Point: Half of America Wants a Hybrid Car

Jerusalem Church leaders urge int’l community not to boycott Palestinians

Pope calls for Palestinian state

Elderly Palestinian seriously injured in alleged Settler Attack

Who is a terrorist? Gideon Levy

Two IDF soldiers held for alleged role in West Bank clash

Ahmadinejad awaits a response

Meshal: The West seeks to 'starve the Palestinian people'

Khalid Al Mihdhar's fakey ID (again) – it was faked

Red Bandana founded at UA93 crash site

Andy Stephenson: Gannon = Guckert = Gosch?

Maybe Al Qaeda WAS Behind 9-11

I received an invitation to appear live on a local Bronx cable

Flight 93 movie. Is this just more gov't propaganda? Assume the position

Doesn't an airplane seem like an unlikely weapon to attack the Pentagon?

Photos of the hijackers before they were hijackers

something we CAN do to guard our votes.

Three Ways to Strengthen H.R. 550

Molly Ivins, Jonathan Landay on The Monitor

Smack! Take that Ken Blackwell

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Sunday, April 16

PA Lawsuit: John Gideon and Joe Hall Illuminate

Paper Trails: Ballots vs. Receipts

The Voter Confidence Resolution

Asked @125 judges if confident every vote hands went up

Election night, 2004: What's Rove doing with this bank of computers?

Doak (Register): CIETC director and most CEOs have quite a bit in common

New health care bill penalizes smokers

controlling DVD playback speed

"Break the Cycle" by Days Drive; rock band from Houston

Internet poll on gov race (crazy numbers). Feel free to post the truth

DeLay is Pathologically Obsessed With Chris Bell

ham spread, split pea soup, scalloped potatoes......

Emerson plagued by his "locust" constituents

CANADA IN PENTAGON'S CROSS HAIRS! Jonah Goldberg Breaks Astounding News

Harper puts muzzle on military brass

When did start having ads?

Climate-monitoring satellites successfully launched into orbit

Bolivia Dealys Hydrocarbon Nationalization

Dalai Lama meets with Muslims, urges religious tolerance

Judge's amnesty decision draws fire in Chile

Danube at century high

Rumsfeld linked to terror torture

ARGENTINA: 'Dirty war' babies learn painful truth

Missing Oklahoma Girl Found Dead in Neighbor's Apartment (saw marks)

U.S. CENTCOM Prepares For War With Iran

Baghdad Car Blast Kills 7 and Injures 24 (another Marine also dies)

Brazil floods kill eight; leave 116,000 homeless

'Speak softly, don't argue and slow down' (guide to travelling abroad)

Strong presence of women expected in Prodi cabinet

WP: Billion-Dollar Start Falls Short in Iraq

Tight race builds suspense for Peru's presidential run-off

Political Impasse Delays Iraq Parliament

Aussie cheerleaders told to cover up midriffs

US plots ‘new liberation of Baghdad’

Shimon Peres calls Ahmenijad "Satan"

Pope calls for nuclear diplomacy in Easter message

Meet the new "Al Qaeda": (hint: they're Persian)

States Acting to Protect Private Property

Another setback for Iraq government

Easter Bunny - Prez Jeb Bush???

A Murky New Force on The Rise in Iraq; 'They Have No Accountability'

Gingrich warns Republicans Americans want change

Canada confirms new case of mad cow

Poll: British voters tired of Blair (just over 30 percent)

Mobile home residents face eviction

Senior officers undermine Yard claims on shot Brazilian

U.S. hope local elections will calm Anbar

US kills seven Afghan civilians

Beheaded "US spy" found on Pakistan border

Sunday Times: (40,000) Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’

Pak-Saudi Arabia strong allies against global terrorism: PM

US firms suspected of bilking Iraq funds

Iran says US in no position to attack

With Tax Break Expired, Middle Class Faces a Greater Burden For 2006

Mass whale deaths tied to U.S. Navy sonar, report says

Iranians volunteer for "martyrdom missions"

Donations for a Congressman, Profits for His Wife (Doolittle R-CA)

U.S. arming of Iraq cops skates close to legal line

U.S. Plan For Flu Pandemic Revealed

Sheehan's daughter visits war protesters in Crawford

Rumsfeld resignation row simmers (BBC) {Clark adds his voice}

NYPD Deploys First of 500 Security Cameras

U.S. military reports death of three Marines in Anbar province

Muslims protest cartoons published by Catholic magazine

Foreign group taking over Indiana Toll Road

A bikini wax story...

What would a mug of beer look like in a zero-gravity environment?

I think I'm falling in love with myself again

Sing along with me, y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheryl Crow is on 'Soundstage'


do you use and bed a skirt?

Who here has an FBI file on them?

Write you a letter tomorrow... tonight I can't hold a pen

$64 million Lotto tonight, and I just checked my numbers

Why, It's my first journal post...

Why oh why is the flexeril not kicking in?

What happens whn you mix Cat DNA with Human DNA...

I just pulled a woodtick off my arm.

great interview for comedy fans: Patton Oswalt

There was a young lady one fall

eddie izzard on bbca now

whats everyones problem?

I am a bull in a china shop

Townes Van Zandt: Any fans here?

just a couple of budding capitalists....

Uggghhh, church is playing the organ for sunrise service

Pretty entertaining underground fights

i'm too old

Good Sunday Morning, Crew!

Happy Easter to all DU Christans!

Have A Blessed Easter DUers!

I'm bearish on Ticks . . . (a public service announcement . . . not a )

Damn friggin' rain!!!!!!!

tThree things have just converged to bring me over my 5000

Too late,my time has come,

Submit to our ransom demands and we will restore the human's air supply!

My dog is dreaming...

recurring nightmare

My Food Was Called "Restaurant Quality" Last Night - Compliment or Not?

Why are cashews so fucking expensive?

Eowyn - I mean wow!

Does your organization crosstrain, and give managerial duties to all?

I Just Ate a Wild Turkey In All His Glory

My best way of escaping the horrors of the Age of Bush........Kittenwar!

why aren't they called the Federal Investigative Bureau?

Pity party at my place.

What kind of person really infuriates you?

UPDATE: I'm still alive. The BAD FISH didn't get me.

Why are prostitutes so fucking expensive?

My ex revealed that he GOT BUSY with our soldiers in the Iraq war!

Felix the Cat: DRUNK!

My ex revealed that she STARTED the Iraq war!

Last night, I had a dream that I was trying to sleep, and couldn't.

I almost had a heat stroke people OMFG it is hotter than HELL here

Best forum-generated quote ever!

**UPDATE: Still Sick in Alexandria, VA**

What do you think about stigmata?


Easters from my childhood

Ex-'Idol' Contestant: Cowell Unhelpful

...oh Long John...oh Don Piano...

Favorite All Night Eatery:

Aussie cheerleaders told to cover up midriffs

if the easter bunny sees his shadow tomorrow

Looking for a mod on duty

The Breast Cancer Site

Allergy dis-appreciation thread

Homeowners: PLEASE tell me someone has tried this lawn mower!

I have no idea whether you have taken a Peep at these:

PETR - People for the Ethical Treatment of Robots...UNITE!!

I've got some QUESTIONS for ya

Copycat this thread! " the easter bunny ______ you"

What are your favorite cheap luxuries?

The Sedan Crater...

The Pissed-Off and Indignant Girl Cat Named Peppercorn wishes all DU cats

My three cats killed a baby rabbit and bit its head off this morning

Sunday earworm. B* parody song! You'll like it!

For Easter: The History of Rock 'n' Roll, re-enacted by Peeps.

Happy Egg and Rabbit Day

Emo Phillips' experience with chocolate Easter bunnies

BEWARE! Peeps foretoken the end of civilization.

Former Master's students check in here...

My ex revealed that he supports the Iraq war!

VOTE: Best Chain Restaurant

Drama is optional.

I have a Wild Turkey in my freezer

The easter bunny left me Licorice jelly beans...

I ATE the Easter Bunny

Kinda interesting pic of "Bill and Hil". What does this say about them?

with this post 7 to go...

OLD DU Gallery - R.I.P.

Caption this Mimbres pic.

I just fed the Pug (who was begging) A Piece of Habanero Cheddar Cheese

This morning at my house

I ATE a dust bunny.

My Easter Tribute to DU

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sun 4/16/06)

Will Pitt, the M's are playing the Sox right now!

Owners of biting dogs

I Just Saw a Wild Turkey Eat All His Glory...

Whay aren't smart girls attracted to bad guys?

How about Dem Mets?

I'm recruiting a team of superheroes from the DU Lounge. Whatcha got?

Sunrise pics from last week.

The Wiley and Excellent Boy Cat Named Ginger wishes all DU cats

the easter bunny hates you

Looking for a God on duty

Just read the excellent comic book Addicted to War by Joel Andreas

You know how a Texas divorce and a tornado are alike?

Happy birthday Ellen Forradalom!!

Frohe Ostern!

Bulls make the NBA playoffs!

I Just Saw a Wild Turkey In All His Glory...

My PBS station just played one of those viewer warning disclaimers

Fresh ingredients are the foundation of his cuisine...

LOL, being hit on in a bar by 27 year olds who think 30 is too old.

Isn't EXXON Chairman Lee Raymond One Sexy Beast?

Free: 27' sailboat, sleeps five, great ocean cruiser.

Favorite Tim Burton movie

Just Watched The Movie "Elizabethtown" and Loved It...Anyone Else?

"She said her son cried and asked why the bunny was (being) whipped."

Who Here has a FBI File on them?

A brand new soup - W flavor

Happy Easter everyone! Post a pic of your table

So what did YOU talk about at your Easter dinner?

Hello, I'm (kinda) new hair.

Hear ye, hear ye - I am not in bed

The modern age of electronics must come to a stop!

Does anyone else avoid "Bush's Beans" in the store aisle?

oh, bloody hell... how can this shit be possible...(enter rant here)

If it were me I would not advertise this.

Tornado siren going off!

Good Morning Everyone!

What did the Liquor Bunny bring you today?

I love the fact that Comedy Central is playing Dogma on Easter morning.

Anyone seen "The Libertine" with Johnny Dep?

Anyone Else Love Jelly Beans? And gumdrops.

Another online test

i have a neighbor that had monoxide poisioning in her home, she had 1

Someone please intervene - do what you must to make me stop doing this!!!

Movie Review: Angel Heart (1987)

In the midst of ruin, beauty can be found, if only you look

Hey man, is that freedom rock, man?

The most horrific thing witnessed on TBN

Did something today I haven't done in 10 years+

I hit Vinyl LP JACKPOT!!!!!


10,000 posts... I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harleydad and me (pic).

I'm bullish on China! It's going places!


What's for dinner? Beer can chicken, with basmati rice w/butter, and a

A Great Bald Eagle Cam With Sound

Hello, I'm (kinda) new here

A question about eHarmony commercials

Meditating for Positive Energy. Who wants in?

Associate freely...

Poll of Polls: Who is your favorite Food Network Star?!

Best Defunct Restaurant Chain

For Cosmicbandita

Easter Poll

Happy Easter!

"The world is too dangerous for anything but truth

Every progressive should read this article about the religious right.

Let's play name the 'Christian' Pharisee!

My response to Netscape article "proving" the Resurrection

Christian DUers: what flavor of your faith do you practice?

Was Mary Magdalene a Prostitute?

I have a question.....about the Easter Bunny..

Do Atheists Have Choice???

Do Atheists lack morals....or ethics?

Jesus physicaly ascending into Heaven?

Anyone know if this is what it looks like? To me, it looks like an Oil...

Mystery Vibrations Detected Inside Earth

LGBTs and sexual assault/abuse

All this talk of rape has me concerned

GOP Bid To Shore Up Conservative Support With New Effort To Pass Anti-Gay

Are there shrubbie supporters in the spirituality/astro world?

MA health insurance bill: Shit meets fan in Boston Globe.

For Easter - Poetry of Peace and Love

A joke! (not Kerry-related)

Kerry mentions

Dick Morris on Kerry's Landslide Loss

JK on This Week next week!

Kerry Article in the BHerald: Fix laws on Child Sex Offenders

Happy Easter Everyone

Happy Easter one & all!

dear mr. president, what's the difference?

Easter Poll

White House Cancels Easter Egg Hunt

Pentagon Memo Aims to Counter Rumsfeld Critics

If you could interview Jesus Christ, what would you ask him?

You think our debt is bad..You must have forgottan this

Afghan Women With Pluck Tackle Bird Flu (Not my pun)

Berlusconi 'trying to do deal to avoid prosecution'

Strange things about 700 club

Police: Suspect Planned to Eat Okla. Girl

Boston Globe: US firms suspected of bilking Iraq funds

Asia must prepare for dollar collapse

The Way of the One-Eyed Man

Happy easter from the President and the Prime Minister

cnn Conyers alledged Ethics breeches story now (AGAIN)

American Military vs. Iran: Furthering the "Neue Welt Lebensraum Strategy"

For Leading Exxon to Its Riches, $144,573 a Day

I never cease to be amazed by the average intelligence on DU.

'I'm not a bigot. I just (heart) my country'

There was discussion of pardoning Pollard during Clinton

Which of these is most likely to happen?

Happy Easter DUers!

Bombs That Would Backfire - By Richard Clarke and Steven Simon

At Exxon Mobil, a Record Profit but No Fanfare

Ok. LAST CNN Post For Today

Ronald Reagan & John Hinckley

Neil Young Records "Impeach the President" Song

Anti-abortion petition outside the post office

Apparently C-span has declared Easter Sunday

Remarkable Piece On Iran At Kos By

MYERS swiftbotting the generals on This Week

It's ALL about the November elections - and this ONE paragraph sums it up.

Help debunk a pentagon memo!

As Policy Decisions Loom, a Military Code of Silence Is Broken

Immigration Reform "...true taxation without representation."

First successful human face transplant in China

Andy Stephenson: Gannon = Guckert = Gosch?

Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’ (and USA)

Why the USA is "at war"

GOP planning election platform filled with major, hard-hitting issues

Leno: When They Become Citizens, Will They Do the Jobs Americans Won't Do?

Wolf Blitzer on Late Edition: ".... And it is Seven PM in Tehran"!

If I get this e-mail one more time, I'm gonna scream!!!

Milwaukee disappointed....

Stealth 3-Day Production: Neil Young's New Album Calls for Impeachment!

Chris Floyd Flash Movie in Huffington Post Festival

Dog's Eye View - Post Jellybean Depression?

US plots ‘new liberation of Baghdad’

Iran donates $50 million to Hamas-led government

Ex-Exxon CEO gets $69.7 Million compensation and $98 Million pension

Reading a Death Warrant in Tehran (religion and education)

Felix the Cat: DRUNK!

John Gizzi opened his mouth & said he loved the Pentagon the most

Russia offers to bail out cash-poor Hamas government

Ten major carmakers to launch production in Russia - minister

Newter:"My party SUPPORTS,not APPLAUDS, the poor. We REFORM"

"Iraq is not Vietnam"..."Iran is not Iraq"..."Syria is not Iran", Next?

Our local AM FOX affiliate..

"been hunting and shooting cans -- Mexicans, Africans, Puerto Ricans"

Leading Republican US senator urges direct U.S.-Iran talks

PNAC signatory: I supported the war in Iraq, but I've had a change of mind

Diane Feinsten on cnn Blitzer now. doing great

Greenpeace cofounder: Go nuclear to save our planet

Venezuela, Spain proceed with military deal despite US objections

US oil imports

Such people deserve to die. I don't think it's the STATE's place to do it.

Bush Expected To Approve National Bird Flu Plan

He's hearing voices again

Permission to Speak Freely, Sir

When News Lies on CSPAN2 now 2pm

Are you a big or small picture person?

PLEASE HELP me get ANSWERS from Canada on detainees in Afghanistan

John Laesch running against Dennis Hastert ( comments on Iran )

VIDEO: MAD TV "My Slump" With George W. Bush

RW entomologists name new species of slime-mold beetles after Bush, Cheney

Marcy Winograd coming up this hour on AAR(Jane Harman's primary challenger

IMPORTANT: Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’

16 etiquette tips to improve America's battered international image.

Prodi plan to leave Britain out in EU cold

Can someone please explain this to me? Re: Duke, and the South.

Kevin Spacey on Donald Rumsfeld.

Iran -- Method or Madness?

Tax tidings. Alternative minimum tax aimed at middle class

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

Rita Cosby and Natalee Holloway

"Let's kill it and find out if it's the right bear"

Good Friday Pentagon 'fact sheet" (counters Rummy critics).

Happy Easter! By god I love James Wolcott!

UFW signs with Global Horizons??

Pretty good discussion on religion on Meet the Press

LAT op-ed, Senator Dianne Feinstein, "Confronting Iran"

Duke, the racist university that rich white kids are sent to


CANADA IN PENTAGON'S CROSS HAIRS! Jonah Goldberg Breaks Astounding News

Scientists Say They're Being Gagged,White House monitors

Fox News has an Iraq blogger

Chimp approval at new low of 39% in repuke-leaning poll (disapproval 60%)

My new Bummper Stickers for the week

I just figured out the real reason for Americans traveling abroad tips...

I just fell in love with a nun

The Republican Party: Pro Property Rights and Pro Big Brother?

Meet the new "Al Qaeda": (hint: they're Persian)

Another B Ark Business for Bush: or Why GOP Wants Campaign Finance Now

The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilization

SNL has been slamming Faux News & the administration this season!

Will Congress Listen To Oprah? (on minimum wage)

Talking points memos are now called "fact sheets"

So who do you suppose is going to be the next Prime Minister of Iraq?

For those who champion *'s 'bold action' versus accepting the status quo:

Holiday Characters Exposed: The Easter Bunny


"SOS CDQ: Rummy on the Titanic" from Museum of the Bourgeois

If Bush Goes Into Iran Will this Country Explode with Anger?

Flier, arrested after incident in air, awarded $27.5M

Falwell says evangelicals won't support Democrats

The congress is scheduled to work 97 days this year.

Is Bush going to let Prodi become Prime Minister of Italy? I don't think so

6 minutes until the world says goodbye to "LEO"

an Embassy comprised of 21 bldgs. - walled in and it's secret

Caption rumsfeld

Arrangement Gives GOP Rep.'s Wife 15% Cut Of His Political Donations

What will it take for America to come together?

"The Government is incompetent"

Convening Of Iraqi Parliament Delayed Again, 4 Marines Killed And

CNN is so fucked up - Natalee Holloway coverage

TIME: The ten best Senators, and the five worst

Scalia: "PROUDEST THING I have done" is not recusing self from Cheney case

Would it be possible to start a "write-in" campaign for Gore in Iowa?

Thoughts on the 6 Generals calling for Rummy's resignation...

Don't you just get tired of the Republicans robbing you?

2005: 803 organized hate groups in the U.S.

So Klein believes we should threaten Iran with nukes

When was the last time you were outside in a pitch black night.

Cheney's $2m tax refund got me thinking about our contributions to society

The myth of "5 million new jobs created".

When Politicians Hail From the Upper Classes, the Upper Classes Do Well.

Same-sex marriage equality from HRC.

Easter Bunny Tragically Slain by Vice President

Cindy Sheehan: Remarks from Camp Casey (Good Friday)

Why we have this government

Wal*mart selling Brokeback Mtn DVD with tent sex scene blacked out


"Without the Brits aboard for another trip down Suicide Lane, the Bush ...

Post your favorite bumperstickers here

Do you think John McCain can win the Rep primary in 08?

Do you have any doubts on what issues the Repubs are going to run?

Military ops already underway in Iran.

caller: "Democrats let women have abortions"

Now that we know WH's Iraq Intel Commission served to COVER UP for BushInc

They are career men......

Exxon Chairman Gets $400 Million Retirement Package

Some overseas travel etiquette tips courtesy of devilgrrl.

FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS: sign a petition for Peace this easter

Easter Bunny says, "First find eggs. Then CAPTION!!!!"

Extremists advocate murder of immigrants, politicians (story with link)

Bush Comic: Rumsfeldian Rhapsody



Baby Walruses Cry Out Amid Melting Ice - MSNBC

Richard Holbrooke, WP op-ed: "Behind the Military Revolt"

Has * made US more hated to extremist Muslims than Israel?

I'm feel I'm 'Waiting for Godot'. Are you?

Finkel's hit piece in WaPo: Ya Know Brady, Hiatt & Howell are freakin'

Iraq veteran explains what *really* demoralizes the troops

ISP snooping gaining support

Bush's Amnesty For Illegal Aliens ... Compassionate Conservatism?

K. Hughes wants etiquette tips given to Americans traveling overseas

Gen. Richard Myers is no longer a soldier, he's a polititcian.

I was RAPED years ago.

Frist aims to put gay-marriage ban on the floor in June

National Parks ordered to slash budgets by the Bush admin

Britons Feeling 'Tired of Tony'

"The Ten Commandments" Movie and GWB

A story about Ed Schultz

Met a SEAL just back from Iraq last night

Where were you on the morning of 9-11?

Spring Break on the Gulf coast, Katrina relief work-photo intensive beware

The Slander That Launched Don Rumsfeld's Career

What was the real reason for Bush being hell-bent for invading Iraq?

This guy deserves a slow, painful execution

Here is another make your own advertisement

Best cartoon on anti-Christian bigotry I've seen in a long time:

DFA for Oregon summit with Jim Dean, Thom Hartmann and others.

"Morrison has 3 times more cash in bank than Tester; Burns yet to file"

Stopping the Bush Juggernaut: A Citizens Campaign

The Other Side of the Suez -- How close to Iraq now?

Jumping The Shark--Fonzie style

Call this lying asshole on C-span RE; DEATH TAX

Have A Blessed Easter DUers!

Puke LTTE ... unbelievable ....

Gardiner tells what we really are doing in Iran

WP Ombudsman's LAME "explanations" for last week's editorial

Former Wash. state GOP chairman comes clean on tactics

Cleveland Plain Dealer Pushing Corrupt GOP hack

WaPo - Dems still looking good to regain the Senate

Gingrich Worries About GOP Chances in Nov.

State and DoD try to revive lagging public support by sending govs to Iraq

My discussion with my two repub sisters

Anyone have the DU link to the discussions

My repub sister said today

Iran to Give Palestinian Authority $50M

War Vote Redux .... how will it go *this* time?

U of Virginia Has Students Arrested, Pays Poverty Wages

Hillary Clinton and some other Dems are sending the wrong signal on Iran.

Its the god hour on MTP...

Iraq on the Record (Bush administration lies; 52 by Rummy)

Newsweek: Anatomy of a Revolt

Bush Lowest level of approval ever by Rasmussen Reports (Sunday)

If this party is to survive and get stronger, it must be pro-primary

What You Need To Believe To Be A Republican

GOP to run Cong. campaigns on flag burning, gay marriage, abortion

John Morrison's big problem in MT Sen Race (affair, conflict of interest)

DeLay's Easter Fairy Tale

Fewest days worked since 1948 for the house says Harold Ford Jr.

AP: Bush builds Bolten-proof firewall around his "invaluable" brain, Rove

Bob Schieffer takes a swipe at Bush and Rummy

The Revolt of the Generals (Time Magazine)

Convicted Positions versus Polled Positions

West Wing...DON"T MISS Saying goodbye to LEO

What's the difference in the $4 trillion SS will have in unfunded mandate?

HuffPo front page photo: "That's when I fell for...the leader of the PNAC"

TIME Magazine Names 10 Best and 5 Worst Senators

So. Do you guys think Dubya's having a political Easter or a

"Saudia Arabia working on secret nuclear program

Why I don't like Joe Lieberman

US analysts detail war plans against Iran

snake Cheney's daughter given $85 mil to black op Iran

Tony Blair won't back Bush over possible Iran attack

Why is it that our latino brothers and sisters can get out in mass ?

The Revolutionary War II

Rumsfeldian Rhapsody. (Funny PIcs)

Former Intelligence Analyst -Hastert's Dem opponent- comments on Iran

government prying doesn't go away now they want Paypal info

Fox's Hannity Stays the Course With Bush

John Edwards & the Politics of Poverty: Does he have the winning formula?

60 Minutes can go to... (Teaching Bible in Public Schools Controversy)

Possible Hillary scandal brewing?

Who should you support in 2008? Take the quiz!

all 6 Neil Lisst cartoons the past 2 weeks in this post

Dean on DNC paid state directors, voterfiles, 4 wins over MS Haley Barbour

'N.Y. Times' vs. 'Wash Post' in Editorial 'Leak' Battle

Liberal vs. Conservative.

People who think Lieberman is a progessive except for one issue..

TOON: Sunday's Doonesbury (Bushisms)

Who will be the first woman to serve as a U.S. president?

Clinton to blame for Generals coming out against Rumsfailed