Democratic Underground

Archives: April 14, 2006

The Mechanics of Democracy

Stephen Holmes (The Nation): John Yoo's Tortured Logic

Jonathan Steele (The Guardian): US allies are behind the death squads

Court martial highlights importance of legality of the war

Mark Benjamin (Salon): No justice for all

JOSHUA FRANK: The Trouble with Big Greens -- Trapped Inside the Beltway

Imminent decline of the American empire?

wackos at News Max gleeful about coming attack on Iran!!!

Journal 4. 13. 06 William Sloane Coffin

Krugman calls Bush a liar: Weapons of Math Destruction

White House Whopper Becomes Instant Classic Molly Ivins

Court says EPA can't withhold documents on mercury emissions plan

Nuclear power is not energy solution, say MPs (UK)

UK sheep above radioactive safety limits due to Chernobyl

Brand nuke idea (Nuclear energy for oilsands production)

US blocks UN call for restraint

Pentagon "Bombing"

9/11 Hero's Family Gives 'United 93' Its Blessing

Rush Holt's HR 550 and Bev Harris

WI. River Valley Recount Finished

WI. Hudson school board recount has same winners

I strongly disagree with these two statements.

ERD #3 on greatest, 3 star status with 30 votes- GO GO GO ERD

WHO did NOT Recommend the fucking ERD TODAY? DO it. Now.

CHICAGO-Call For Ballot Recount Comes From Both Sides Of Aisle

Full Moon Wishes: Prayers for Peace and Consciousness

Concerned about Iowa City after storm.

Looking to buy a laptop, in the next few months. What do you suggest.

I hope all the Texas warriors here are enjoying spring;

Russ in Texas next week

Bush lets Hamas-led PA keep U.S. office open

Anderson Cooper has the generals on now!

AP Bush, Reid Trade Barbs on Immigration

Waste in Katrina Response Is Cited

Florida councilman won't swear support for US (Reuters)

AP: Watchdog: Katrina Criticism Deserved

TSA officer charged in boy's kidnap attempt

Man who comandeered bus after Katrina indicted....

Half of young US adults lack insurance: survey

Scientist Silenced; 15 Kyoto Programs Axed--Toronto Star, CANADA

Sources: Bonds may be subject of perjury probe

Defiant church won't marry straight couples

Judge in CIA Leak Case Threatens Gag Order

Officer: Alleged Victim 'Passed-Out Drunk' (Duke dancer)

Oil man's half a BILLION dollar bye-bye (OMG!)

Famous, popular movies you STILL have not seen!

Questions On Posting Photographs? Answers Appreciated.

I want my new bed!!!!!!!!!

I like tomatoes!

Cats on a Lap beats SOP anyday

Is there such a thing as pediatric valium?

Is there a limit on how many topics I can start in 1 day?

Fine, matcom, did you post THIS one?:

Are you a god?

I have my husband well trained!

What do you like wrapped in bacon?

is there a limit to how many tonics I can have in a day?

Bono or bong?

So what would the Judges on "American Inventor" have said to the guy...

What do Jesus and the Easter Bunny have in common?

Man sentenced for blackmailing elderly Amish man in sex scam

Does anyone else find the VW Jetta commercials

It's the weekin' herkend!! Werkin' heekend!! Whatever!!

Melvin Mora rules, Orioles win, take 3/4 back to good ole 500

South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone: Sorry, but I call "bullshit"

Who wants to smack my sugar?

Commander in Chief (TV Show) On tonight at 10/9c

Anyone know when All The King's Men the movie is coming out?

I just had one of the most horrifying experiences in my life!

This ALWAYS makes me cry!

Get on your knees

I'm watching the inauguration of Erskine Bowles on UNCTV

Oh yay- Another Who Am I game

Here is a photo of my latest crush!

in-laws coming over to mooch, argh

Red sky at night (pic)


The Greatest Emmy Moment EVER!

Madonna tour sells out. I guess she's still got it.

Would you go back to school at age 50?

What is the most hard hitting political magazine, iyho?

so on a serious note

Maundy Thursday

Holy Schnikeys - 82 degrees out today

THE DIXIE CHICKS are so fucking awesome!

What's the best wisdom you have seen on the internet?

I've managed to keep from clicking on the "bullish on Kudzu" post.

Give us a smile, Mel.

My car just rolled over 155,000 miles!!!

My ferret is chasing my golden retriever and the dog is running scared!

Are there any TV cable experts in the house?

Caption? (photo)


An EGO check !

Okay, that's it

I was involved in a hit and run today.

I'm ON!!!

where DID he go?

This person I know is a prime reason why pot should be legalized


Dog, whatta great day

there were 48 home runs today

Let me just say... just this once...

Good News, Everyone!!!

How would Spiderman polish the back of Richard Armitage's head?

"Do you feel like we do..."

What'd I miss?

CSI Vegas: does anyone think the investigator

My Turn - Another 'Who Am I?' Game

Clash of the Titans

A good joke I heard today. Too good not to share.

ZombieNixon. Internet guy. Amateur.

Filled my gas tank today.....

Real or Nominal?

My wife is telling the story about when I killed the state bird of Montana

It could happen to you.

Favorite 'In Living Color' Bit

This camel's back is broken. That's it. I'm done.

*WARNING* Do Not Date This Man!

Psst ~ funny cats

"Resurrection Sunday" or "The Passion of the Bunny"?

Can you believe that people ever had social lives without cell phones????

New Monica B pic (dial-up killer)

What the-? My daughter's computer screen has rotated 180 degrees! (Help?)

Tornado alert and I have nowhere to go!

Dill Pickles.... Godsend or Spawn of the Devil?

Anyone ever see the movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous"?

Tell me a true "ghost" story. Something weird or spooky that

Save the Red Knot from extinction...

Hey CSI Fans: You're me out here!


I'll tell you a secret. I'm addicted to "American Inventor" the TV show.

What the hell is your problem?

HOLY CRAP! I was searching Google images for something funny to post.....

Post some lyrics

"there are no real contradictions in the bible"

Jesus Christ was a man that traveled through this land

"Resurrection Sunday" or "The Passion of the Bunny"?

Holy Shit...they just showed the commercial on CNN...the church commercial

Low vitamin D tied to cancer risk in men

First ESA Venus images

Defiant Church Won't Marry Straight Couples

Ga. Tech sued by conservative students

McCain Reiterates Opposition To Federal Anti-Gay-Marriage Amendment

NHL: Ovechkin Second Rookie to hit both 50 goals & 100 points

Sources: Bonds may be subject of perjury probe

Hackett liveblogging on dKos; Endorses Webb (sigh)

I was confronted about Kerry at a Seder tonight

Before and after

Tonight is "Full Moon". Post yer MOON pics.


KOEB 4/13/06 Bush Finally Admits a Mistake Edition

Robert Parry: Bush relies on lies & distortions to confuse American People

DUers at/going to Camp Casey --Please check in!


Pope Calls Judas Double-Crosser in Homily

Don't just infilitrate the media, marry the media

Ohio SOS race one of the 2 most important for Dems this year

Culture of life MY ASS! You gotta see this!

Lots of prickly heat tonight....time to break out Falling Bush again?

Sex Tourism THRIVING in bible belt

Who would you rather have?

Bizarre eBay auction: Adnan Khashoggi's abandoned papers!

Keith O. on. (cia leak, rove. Rummy and the gens, etc)

South Park Conservatives

Who is Walter Issacson? What is the Aspen Instutite?

Pentagon "Bombing"

Hey fellow DUer's want to hear something funny???

(VIDEO) Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr - Interviewed in 2004

What's the scoop on James Ridgeway? Village Voice?

Bush ... a man of action? That isn't always good

"there are no real contradictions in the bible"

Why the Generals are speaking now …

Which is it. Uncontained arrogance or checking the law? (leak)

Asians Decry New Adidas Shoe

Anderson Cooper has the generals on now!

Do you support the idea of a student-organized gay prom? Please Vote!!!

Pray Tell? What is the wingnuts definition

TOON: Arrrrr! Enron makes a deal

Anybody got an anti-war general scorecard?

WWII Veteran dies one day after receiving medals, 60 yrs late

It made my day when Bush was yelling at Harry Reid!!!

I hate to sound defeatist, BUT

George W Bush and Dick Cheney have lost the confidence of America...

Racism still on redneck radio

How about that Coalition of the Willing?!?

Commander In Chief...back on ABC starting 10pm in the east

Iran?? Why?

More Retired Generals Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation

I was approached by a Unification Church kid

Massachusetts Insurance Law

GA Tech "religious freedom" plaintiffs are College Republicans

Can you believe this? GOP radio ads on immigration

Cavuto guest: stock market will suffer if Moussaoui not executed

CNN: Talking about 9/11, Iraq, Bush/Cheney pushing CIA .....

Now THAT was an Easter rabbit

What is the difference between "leaks" and "propaganda"?

need to ask Molly Ivins if that shack they're passn off as W's home is real

ATF rids Univ. of ninja threat

I know I'm going to catch hell for this from you all...

"Resurrection Sunday" or "The Passion of the Bunny"?

Mandatory Malloy Thursday Truthseekers Check in

Bush pants like dog

New Annotated Rant !! - F*ck Tax Day!

Does FSTV (free speech TV) carry any weight here?

What a difference a century makes

So I'm convinced. CNN's Candy Crowley just informed me that

AT&T, Group Challenge U.S. Spy Program

Do you think another hurricane will hit New Orleans again this season?

Segregation is making a comback

Women more respected, treated better, under Saddam, say women's groups

Bushco turned a reflexive Clinton hater - into a "Clinton was the best

Question: Who Can Tell Me About "Cities for Progress"?

Ok. This is not a thesis but a question. What sort of "Left" are you?

Political Art by Cynthia Aldrich - Amazing Pieces DIALUP WARNING

Disgruntled "Generals Criticize Handling of Iraq War"

Ethics 101 vs Life 101

John Laesch tomorrow (Good Friday) on The Bob Kincaid Show

Bush Could Resign in 16 Days, US Newsmaker Says...

"Beau" a poem by Jimmy Stewart

Caption this photo!

Freedom of Expression or Sensitivity?

Wilkerson Video is now up at CSPAN


What is wrong with commercials these days??!!

Stolen Classified Military Data in MSNBC's Possession

South Park creators "Little whores" says Catholic Leagure president

Is lying an impeachable offense?

poll shows Americans divided about attacking Iran

Nightline: 9/11 first responders are dying NOW? -- WTF?

HELP! Video or pic of GWHB Barfing on the Japanese Prime Minister?

Your Thursday nite TOONup! Getchur hot buttered TOONS rightcheer.

And Lou Dobbs gets another chance to attack his second fav group to attack


GREAT new blog: "Museum of the Bourgeois"

Should Straight Couples Stop Marrying Until Gays Have Equal Rights?

Does anyone plan to see "Flight93" ?

What do you think should be the lowest income required to pay taxes?

Remember the 10 words or less contest? I'm a finalist, please vote!!

I hate to say this, but...

Am I the only one sick of the Duke rape scandal?


Do you believe Paul Wellstone was murdered?

Paralyzed Girl, 5, Confronts Shooter

Know your BFEE: Cheney & Halliburton Sold Iran Nuke Technology

Neil Young to release new song: "Impeach the President"

AT&T, Group Challenge U.S. Spy Program

Likely will not happen, I concede, but I want Mario Cuomo & Bill Moyers

DeLay: A quota system for felons

Book - The K Street Gang : The Rise and Fall of the Republican Machine

Columnist compares MoveOn to Swiftboat Vets

Well one of the cons have finally woken up and looked in the mirror

Looks like it'll be US & Israel vs. UN in WWIII

is anyone as sick of all the AEI forums on cspan as i am?

Glad I missed Mehlman on CNN today. Yuck.

First Democrat to Formally Announce Bid for the Presidency.

Is the DLCC part of the DLC?

Prediction: Rumsfeld will resign this weekend.

Dean on CNN: Either the president deliberately misled the nation..

I Know There Is A Big Iranian Community In The Chicagoland Area......

2002 N.H. Scandal Shadows GOP Anew (Jam phone lines)

I need a break from Rumsfeld, Rice, Uncle Dick, and Junior.

A Republican on the Edge:Chafee's Defections Loom Large

Funny PIctures of Bush Getting Stumped in Kansas

December 7, 1941 to August 15, 1945 .........

I've Heard Talk About * Possibly Pulling An October Surprise And....

Bush plans to visit California next week

Scalia not recusing himself from Cheney case"proudest thing"done on court

CSM: Dems Eye big gains in November

Report: Clinton raising cash like a presidential candidate

West Point Grads against the war! It's happening!

Gen Batiste voted for W twice - says this is *not politcal

Stolen military data for sale in Afghanistan

I just did election official training in Columbus ohio...ask me anything

José Pertierra: The story that cries out to be told to the American people

Joseph Stiglitz (The Guardian): Development in defiance of Washington

Where Do We Meddle Next?

Net Losses (sweeping hundreds of millions of fish from the sea)


Libby Filing: A Denial and a Mystery

CNN Money: Why Global Warming is GOOD for Business

ISP snooping gaining support

Greg Palast: Desert Rats Leave Sinking Ship

U.S. Building Largest Embassy (in human history) in Iraq

Bush – The Dynamics of a Failed Presidency

Dead Cities, by Chris Floyd

Rumsfeld: Captain Queeg, but without his marbles

The Case Against Coke

KBR Files Initial Public Offering

What is the cost of Liberty?

gold/silver bull different from the '71 - '81 bull???


One dead as Schwarzenegger sets emergency zones after storms

Global Dimming on Nova, April 18

Video proof of what we knew all along....

An interesting e-mail on using the power of the net to address

Severe weather nation

VRB Power Systems acquires capacity to produce utility scale power storage

Electric cars with lithium ion batteries.

The energy flow chart, in linkable form.

Japan to test hybrid diesel/fuel cell train.

The last conquest of Jerusalem

Asking my MIHOPer friends: Why did they frame alQaeda & not Iraq?

Photos from Moussaoui trial

Angel is next- a clue 911 was a set up by a faction in the government

Explosive: Is Zaquawi - all PsyOps-Deception? - CANNONFIRE blog

Green Primer on flight 93 debris?

Here's a TX county that has opted for paper.

Diebold says it will sell to Leon County (Ion Sancho)

Doesn't voting that is not verifiable and transparent violate due process?

Cinti. Enquirer started a Letters from the Editor blog, today's editorial

ahhhh the ERD has 50 votes, 4 star status, TOP OF THE GREATEST PAGE

ELection Reform News for Friday, 4-14-06. Ion Sancho Special Edition

I think Fridays ERD is not as good as thursdays ERD

ES&S iVotronic simulation for Ohio voter education SWITCHES VOTES!

Paper Ballots Now! Hand counts NOW! Democracy NOW! Impeachment NOW! nt

Another hero: Arkansas man confronts machine counting

Definitive Proof (no stats): Holt Paper Audits Will NEVER Stand

How to avoid using the machines

Podcast Lt Gov Debate

Copying programs to added hard drive?

For a Constitutional system of free public schools

Need some help from Austin people...

The red tide is ebbing even in Texas, people.

Ill be in Austin on the 17th

Feingold to Campaign for Texas Congressional Candidate

Anybody have a good recipe for Mahi-mahi?

I want a recipe for modeling clay.

Most bizarre recipe concept ever? Crown Roast of Hot Dogs

Brown Cupcake Cups

'Loose-lipped' MP's will be punished: PM

Iran's AIDS-prevention program among world's most progressive

Las Vegas (NV) Foreclosures Increase Significantly in the 1st Q of 2006

Large group of Iraqi police attacked

Spending Lags for Training of Iraqi Police

Car Bomb Explodes at Mosul Police Station

NY Times: “More Retired Generals Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation” 4.14.06

US military secrets on sale in Afghanistan mentions new 'torture' photos

British Convoy Attacked in Afghanistan

Anti-government white supremacist guilty

Canada supports sanctions against Iran in nuclear program continues

Shiites to Attend Iraq Parliament Session

N.Y. Times Leads Newspaper Shortfalls

Schwarzenegger comes out vs. preschool tax

Seven employees killed in Basra

Union: Delta, Pilots Reach Tentative Deal

More say U.S. focus should be home

North Sea oil hits record price

Ex-General: Rumsfeld Deserves Criticism (Batiste)

FL Rep. Dave Weldon linked to lobbyist by grant (Abramoff)

Walesa: U.S. must reclaim moral leadership

Military to Protect U.S. Aid Teams in Iraq

Dead Sea tourism hit by fears of nearing ecological disaster

Iraq abductors seek 12 million dollars for Germans

Sunni leaders say 90 abducted or slain in Iraq

Casey (Santorum opponent)raises $2.2 million in first three months of 2006

Calif. high court lets partner law stand

Intelligence Office Gives Progress Report

Tehran says in position of power in nuclear talks

US pressures Merkel to accept Guantanamo group

U.S. Building Largest Embassy (in human history) in Iraq

2 Explosions Reported in New Delhi

Bush, Blair silent on Italian vote

Seal hunt off Labrador could continue for days, say Fisheries officials

Iraq speeches have done little to buoy war support

Japan to test fuel cell powered train

N.H. Candidate Released From Hospital (Gary Dodds)

Japan to Test Fuel Cell-Powered Train

'Catch Immigrant' Game Raises Outcry at Penn State

Berlusconi without any chances

CNN just broke in, 22 Marines wounded, 2 killed in Iraq. Yester-

Top Iranian commander warns US against military attack

Libby Filing: A Denial and a Mystery

Chafee's Defections Loom Large in Senate Race

Suburban LA County (SB County) Pulls Manga Text from Libraries

Explosions destroy the Sharif Ridha shrine in Baquoba

Owens(R fundy idiot) sinks morning-after pill (with idiot "logic")

Oil Prices Rise Above $69 Per Barrel

Debate Revives as 9/11 Dust Is Called Fatal

Report: Criticism of FEMA's Katrina response deserved (CNN)

Texas halts arrests of drunks in bars

Cruise Ships to Start Docking in Brooklyn

Iraq's oil guardians ill-trained and sometimes treacherous

Bartenders' Makeup Stays On, Court Rules

Baghdad Morgue Overflowing Daily

Hearing for Muslim Barred by U.S (banned for opposing Iraq occupation?)

Eight States Apply to Vote Early in 2008

Iraqi Infrastructure Attacks Down 60 Percent in Last Three Months

Ex-Foxborough priest indicted on decades-old rape charge

U.S. bars Americans from doing business with Hamas-led Palestinian governm

ISP snooping gaining support

U.S. intelligence agencies say Iran is years away from building nukes

China fears drive big US arms projects

Mrs. Bush Loses Her Reluctance to Campaign

No plan B - could the US ever learn to live with Iran in the nuclear club?

Cheney Authorized Leak Of CIA Report....Libby 'outed' Plame Same Day

Wal-Mart Drops Gun Sales in Some Stores

McCain confirms opposition to federal marriage amendment (uh-oh)

US marines offer Babylon apology

At least 17 Iraqi police officers killed in ambush

Ga. Tech sued by conservative students

Fetus Cannot Feel Pain, Expert Says

Rumsfeld rejects calls to quit

Bushes Pay $187, 768 in Taxes for 2005 (25%)


CNN Breaking: 2 Marines Dead 22 Marines Wounded in Iraq

Report says Rumsfeld allowed Guantanamo abuse

Iranian president: 'Rotten' Israel will be annihilated by 'one storm'

GOP Spanish Language Ads Blame Dems for Bill to make aliens into felons

'War on tax' waged against costs of war

Mumps outbreak concerns health officials (Reuters)

Pope Uses Easter To Attack Gay Families

BREAKING:14 Arrests in Crawford TX, Cindy Sheehan to Appear LIVE on PBC!

Honda Eyes Production Cut as Accord Hybrid Sales Fall

Now they're after Barry Bonds for perjury

Some people are vote-happy...

Check this out, jack

Friday list thread

I have this CRAZY idea!


Samoa Joe is whipping ass right now

Tonite I howled at the full moon

RW sister sent me a funny email

Cheney to Bill Clinton:

Sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy...tired yet?

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms - Who is bringing the chips?

Joni Mitchell's producer, Henry Lewy, dead at age 79

Weird computer question

Prepare to die of cute!

good morning everyone

Happy EXTREMELY early Friday morning. everyone!

It's official: I am out of shape

Try using your turn signal, dumbass.

itunes help


What do you call it when you take a word like "God" and mix up

*FREE* golf today!!!

Hey - our fake president is a Guest Worker - his initials are GW!

Great earworm - Eric Burdon's Spill The Wine...

Friday earworm.

If you reply to this thread, I promise.....

"I can't get on your box."

RESERVOIR DOGS in 30 seconds - done by bunnies

The worst peice of exposition dialog in the history of television

When is a Friday NOT good?

What are two words that men go absolutely ga-ga over??

I am so bad

A very special goodnight.

Any Clintmax Morning Crew Members around? Need your help.

Metallica appeared WHERE??!!??


Hard Wired

Is your cat ultra psycho this full moon?

Okay, I couldn't be bothered to animate this... BUT if someone wants

"If you're coming for me, K Federline, I hit like a tsunami..."

Women and Men

A fascinating look at the year 2002, written in 1979.

Caption this (IMAGE WARNING)

~ Book Titles You'll Never See ~

Question about HD video cameras

Couple Charged in Sextuplet Hoax

Relevant today: Draft Dodger Rag (Pete Seeger)

So Good Friday didn't start out so good!! More doggie drama!

Happy happy joy joy Good Friday, everybody!!

Holy shit! Call Me Wesley is an AWESOME mod!

who likes crap music?

From the files of 'What Were They Thinking?!!'

Just watched "Constantine". Two hours I'd like to have back.

I just realized it isn't Saturday.

Hail the size of canned ham!

Every Friday is a "good" Friday

Body of woman, 40, lay unmissed in flat for more than two years

Things NOW! Stuff NOW! Who's barmy NOW?!

i wish i was on the beach somewhere tropical right now

Marianne Faithful sounds like Snoopy.

The guy from Green Day sounds like Jughead.

I finished the internet last night.

Non-Celebrity Confessional.........

I want to thank the Lounge for inspiring the title of my latest blog entry

Can you believe that people ever had so-called lives without cells?

CanuckAmok looks like Dagwood.

On this week's episode of the Sopranos...

Jesus---the original MIHOP. Sayyyyy, maybe * is following in His

I'm in's not quite the middle of April...

Do mirrors reflect our images?

Best concert movie ever?

Holy Friggin Charley Horse

It's Friday, ya bastards!

OMG You have to see this!

MADTv's take on My name is earl - "My name is Dubya"

Hissing Cockaroaches got NUTHIN on these

Paul McCarthy may yet have his revenge on Michael Jackson

Worst insult ever

OK Lounge, I need your help!

Question: (1980's)

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Fri 4/14/06)

My God, I cannot read DU anymore logged in as "JanMichael." I feel like

$14.50 for a bowl of Brunswick stew and 1/2 sammich!!!

Post your desktop

Anyone here ever host a site for

A song that says "Goodbye"

my dad has a way of making me feel like a total piece of shiite.

Anyone seen Golda's Balcony?

Is it wrong to giggle when someone says something is "hard work"?

Security Updates for Firefox, Opera Browsers

Strange PT Job of the Day - listed on Craigslist!

Republican in a hot air balloon

I'm so frustrated I can't find an old post!

Happy Easter!!!

A truly great American (Arthur Winston)

How about a homemade Rummy photo-toon!

Where in the world is LynnSinn???

It's Good Friday ya bastards!!!! Bounce your Boobies!!

Seriously, who would spend that kind of money on a birthday party

Knee surgery next Thursday

Cockroach As A Pet??? (Warning: Disturbing Photo)

Berled Crawfish, Potatoes and Corn on the Cob - Easter Dinner

Cute blonde pole-dancing! (NOT a Brazilian joke)

Be careful if you're switching cellphone providers & you call to Canada!

Looking for a counterpoint. Help.

It was raining hard in 'Frisco,

Any Golfers or Caddys out there?

Spoiler: "You did it! You blew it up! God Damn you all to hell!"

GAAAH! I just got a registration form from AARP!

Is my Peeps site newsworthy?

From Faint Meows, a Frenzy Grows

Dogs are wierd

Pink (the singer) is awesome

MMMMM Sonic Foot long cheese coney, and some tater tots...

I'm having an out-of-liquor experience.

Okay, I'm in Killington, VT! Where's the DUers around here?

I'm going to bed


Yes, I am a California Blue-state Latte Drinking Wine Sipping Liberal

"It looks after all as if you'll see Berlin before I do."

So, we just moved in yesterday, and my parents are coming for "Passover"

Would You Recommend You Home/Auto Insurance Company To Others?

Reuters: Pack of Rabid Dogs Attack and Kill Alligator

Does Supreme Court Justice Thomas still enjoy Long Dong Silver films?

Does water reflect our consciousness?

Hollywood film "Cliques" - Mamet, Christopher Guest films, etc

Dear Tech Support...

how tolerant are you about being lied to?

You know what I bet's gross?

Any of you know anything about this thing? (computer crap)

Drive by farting

Gave copies of my thesis to my committee today, and I already noticed...

I threw $40 in the garbage

Zooooooooooooooo o ooombieNixon!

Yo cat lovers...

I need help- Can my wet cell phone be saved?

Fark Photoshop Contest: UND Sioux Cheerleaders!!!

Crawford TX County Fair Kissing Booth where YOU would spend your dollar


Good Friday stations of the cross on Western Avenue

Ladies: Who would you rather be involved with?

I'm hungry, and I'm watching 'Top Chef' on Bravo and

5 really easy questions

Happy birthday wishes to....................

Boomers! "Thingmaker" vs "Vac-U-Form". Which was more dangerous?

Do you audibly talk to yourself when you're alone?

Who else wants to puke when you hear "You Sexy Thing"

Do you celebrate Lester?

Happy Easter

going to the Royals game tonight!

anyone else see that bright thing in the sky over the Bay Area yesterday?

Women, which type of hairstyles do you like on men

An' da winna of the Oeditpus Rex 10,000th Post Pool is...

So, monkey-boys adjusted gross income last year was $735,180

Favorite Easter Candy


The tree is in the green waste bin.

Unbelievable. There is a link to my DU journal

Could use some hugs, and sharing some smiles

southlandshari needs an intervention

Best lyrics from the late 60's, early 70's....

Oh dear...I'm posting a cat thread.

Any spa/salon owners/employees? Software recommendations?

Everyone in my house is presently mad at me. Can I come live with you?

List your last five (mas o menos) purchases

What's up with Bono? What's up with that fist?

New Kelly Brook pic (dialup warning)

I see dead people.

Flea had surgery yesterday...she's doing fine. >>>pics

what body parts do you have pierced?

I finished the DiVinci Code last night

Can someone explain the appeal of Daniel Johnston?

Help me get to 3000 and I will proactively ignore you

Interesting Riddle: ( I worked out the answer)

bad math

Is there a girl/guy thing (depending on your gender) that you CAN'T do?

Resurrecting the classics: "Developers" by Steve Balmer

Guys: which hairstyle(s) do you like on women?

What song reminds you most of the Viet Nam War?

Ladies, if you think a guy likes you, please tell him if you have a BF

Movie spoiler thread!

I just got push-polled...

FIREFOX..browser conflict? You able to fix it? I did GoBack, fixed IE

Has Sniffa ever came back?

Anyone going to read the Omnivore's Dilema?

There's a baby kitty in a nest on my back porch...

Bush Plan B to the Iranian "Crisis"

Easter Challenge For Christians - Read Bible and Tell Us What Happened

Isn't the "Freedom of Religion" concept covered by "Freedom of Assembly?"

A blessed Good Friday to everyone

A gnostic blog!

Devotees Nailed To Cross In Phillipines

Nerve stimulation helps with leaky bladder

Fosamax can cause osteonecrosis (rotting jaw bone)

Mumps epidemic hits U.S.

Platinum Found in Women With Breast Implants

The selling of circumcision.

African amphibians make extreme parental sacrifice:

Let Us Give Our Sister Plaid Adder Her Propers For A Job Beautifully Done.

Okay law types, why can't MA file fed suit under Full Faith and Credit

FIDE announces Topalov-Kramnik title match set for September in Elista

update on our OLD vet/kennel

Good news on Bailey.

Skin condition...or something worse?

Help! My Cat is.....

Something weird that's been happening to me.

My buddy Carl Pwccaman's new Blog !

Masaru Emoto: Messages from Water

A warning to the seeker..

A dream

The Kennedy/Kerry model explained by

Good dkos post about Ilona (PTSD activist)

Joe Sestak (Kerry endorsee) will be interviewed on Bob Rovner show today

So I've decided that this is my new response

DKos diary on getting WA Sen to adopt the Kerry Iraq stance.

A must-read article

Comments on Kerry

Damn these stupid watermarks, but OH. MY. GOD.

Why is it so hard to say

Fun with Mittens: latest edition.

I don't understand the antipathy towards U2/Bono on DU

OK, the people in the lounge think I'm nuts.

Kerry video from Truthout!

Kerry article in Seattle paper today

Ahm, Sen. about that web site? Sigh. Another DKos post to consider


Finally got a DSLR!!!!

So... once upon a time there was a "Juxtaposition" post in the Lounge

Harry Shearer on Rita Cosby!

Happy Good Friday .....

KOEB Meeting -- 04/14/06: Drippity, Drip, Drip, Drip Edition

JESUS IS WATCHING and the shortest Biblical sentence is JESUS WEPT

NEVER FORGET: White House misled US on 9/11 air safety

Does this sound familiar?

So, gay parents are lining up for the easter egg roll at the WH

2,369 troops now dead in Iraq

Are you listening to Bernie Ward? AT&T set up secret rooms

Is Fox beating the war drum?

More Americans feel US should mind its own business: poll

if you slowly turn up heat.... TOON for Friday 4/15

This is about as savage an attack as you could imagine....

Bush's "free Iraq": People changing their NAMES to survive

Berlusconi Lies About Election Fraud (what a surprise!)

Judge in CIA Leak Case Threatens Gag Order

An Interesting blog


No Skull and Bones 08. Na Na NA NAH hey hey.....

INDIANA????? Court OKs adoption by gay couple.

South Korea plans to export 10,000 nurses to U.S.

Oh hell, 10-year Treasury Notes up to 5%

Oh Christ, Talk About Fascist Friday On C-Spin! Listen to rove's Speech!

FBI shifting focus from (white-collar) crime to terror

It's news-dump day. Who will resign?

What is a progressive?

CAPTION the nostalgia

Fast food healthiest in Denmark, worst in US

What Does Your Shopping Support..?

Grappling with reactionaries in the break room.

Seymour Hersh publishes one-hundredth of what he knows

Why Isn't rove In Office?

MSNBC: Stolen military laptop has more torture photos...

What form do you use for the IGUANA TAX?

Who is watching Washington Journal

DUers who lurk in freeperville-a question-

Columnist David Ignatius suggests LIEBERBUSH for Defense Secretary!

Tax Deadline

Iran Bombing---Mexican Immigration

Chad breaks with Sudan

Schwarzenegger is ranked #46 according to latest SurveyUSA poll

Asking my MIHOPer friends: Why did they frame alQaeda & not Iraq?

Taxes ?/!&$+#...

Is Anyone Watching this "Journalist" on C-Span Shilling Her Iraq War Book?

Transcript: Gen. Batiste- Criticism of Rumsfeld -"This is about soldiers"

Could someone explain when this story changed ?

Term-limit pledges? Oh No! I wasn't talking about my term...

The phones on WJ are rigged!

Advice to the generals who are speaking up

the time has come to finally drop all pretense


The Beast movie released on 6/6/06

Nuke Iran?

CNN: 30 % of hiring managers expect to add positions

All the scandals have evaporated into an overload of nothingness?

Millers second source for Plame?

I'm convinced global warming has kicked into 6th gear.

Good Friday Feature: US Religion Density Maps

msnbc--Ret. Gen story now

Cheney's Bunker

Is there no "War On Easter"?

Question for Lampson followers/Texans

I wish people would educate themselves, re: the chain of command

Anytime any of my repukian acquaintances complain about ANYTHING,

Grand Jury Investigating Barry Bonds (for lying)


Is there any Proof or Links that Bush is a Rapturist?

Grammatical Question is today part of Fitzmas or Eastgerald?

More Retired Generals (6) Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation

The "drive-by" media...?

Camp Casey April 13, 2006, from proud2Blib

Get in the mood for the Easter bunny; pony up with a CAPTION!!!

Murtha: The war was mishandled, misrepresented, and mischaracterized.

What WAS he thinking? CAPTION the past.

Americans Wary of Action on Iran, Gloomy on Iraq, Poll Shows

The US Killed Children In Iraq From The Start of The War! *Graphic*

How Many Places Do You Go Where FOX Is On A TV?

George W. Bush has raised lying to an art form.

Nature provides a metaphor

"I've got political capital. And I plan to use it."

Why do all the * supporters on C-span have to denigrate liberals?

Every time I meet someone who is paid to do political work they annoy me.

I watched Karl Rove give a speech the other night

Have You Noticed? Clinton Didn't Cause Any Of This Shit!

I don't get it: one thing in which freepers and liberals agree....

MA DUers who is Christy Mihos?

US Secrets for Sale Outside Bagram Airbase

Coming home — disillusioned. US Marine Corps captain speaks out.

Do you know people that still believe that CNN is credible?

It's Easter Weekend: What Will You Say To Your Repuke Family Members?

"Discontent in Dubai " where strikes are illegal and immigrants exploited

ACLU says Patriot Act excludes Muslim scholar from U.S.

Anyone care to CAPTION these two?

Bush: Rumsfeld 'exactly what is needed'

Two more Gold Star moms speak out against the illegal Iraq war

Arrests in Crawford Happening Now

AP: Jailed Child's Family Getting $221,000

How the Media Uses Blacks to Chastize Blacks

German man sues the Easter Bunny

Debate Revives as 9/11 Dust Is Called Fatal FATAL

Guess what? ( ... drown govt. in the bathtub) Grover Norquist has won.

Two questions concerning Rita Cosby . . .

and now there are SIX generals.. a new one (Swannack)

Frist: "house democrats are to blame for felony provision" immigration

Reid & Pelosi Release Statement On "Mean-Spirited REPUB Immigration Bill

Omaha Schools Split Along Race Lines

USAT Survey: Americans want us to be more isolationist !

Tim Grieve (Salon's War Room) NAILS IT! re: antiwar converts

Milwaukee cops beating trial gone to jury....all white jury

Anyone have a link to that super-duper polling data I saw a while back?

Christian Group "alerts" 800,000 to boycott FORD over "pro-gay agenda"

Just Announced on MSNBC--- President's Statement

Cheney ==== $1,961,157 in 2005.

The Gay Marriage Fight - Terminology Matters

Berlusconi's power fades away - Quick get a stake in him

White House Whopper Becomes Instant Classic: by Molly Ivins

post about christian persecution w/ numbers

Cheney Cherry Picks Iraq Facts (DNC fact sheet on Cheney's Exuberance)

Official "Guy James Show" thread Please keep kicked!

In 2005, Exxon CEO Raked in $190,000 Per Day

Florida Senate: Nelson (D) 57% Harris (R) 27%

Explosive: Is Zaquawi - all PsyOps-Deception? - CANNONFIRE blog

Billy Graham's wife put Franklin in the trunk of the car to punish him..

West Point Graduates Against The War

Some Lyrics on Democracy and Americanism

It's Friday of a holiday week. Where's the news dump?

It's Friday, ya bastards!

Which of CNN's 'unbiased' reporters/anchors is most pathetically partisan?

Does anyone remember a certain Newsweek about Bush?

Contractors who TORTURED in Abu Ghraib won't be prosecuted

Security Updates for Firefox, Opera Browsers

Bush is supposedly coming to CA next week.

Some Chinese prisoners were dissected live and without anesthetic

Bumper sticker idea

Caption this photo...too rich!

Help me out here...

College Republicans: "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game.

To ABC Nightline: You lie! You lie by omission, the DEADLIEST kind of lie!

Uh-oh.. Dish might be going up.. Tivo won a $74 Million suit

EXCLUSIVE(TPM): DHS Warns Companies Of Evil Terrorist "Flyer Distribution"

Something struck me yesterday

I'm glad Bush* is supporting Rumsfeld.

Barb. Starr on CNN dismissing the 6 generals as unimportant because

Where does the line for McCain's $50/hr. agricultural jobs in Yuma form?

Is there any "actual" News going on today? CNN is showing a crawfish boil.

It's no longer a "War on Terror"

Vice president reports gross income of $8.8 million

NH: Say No To PAC, Lobbyist Money

Rumsfeld Shrugs Off Calls for Resignation

The most important things to remember about Rummy and Bush

Messianinc Complex

Disgusting, RW propaganda bulletin from myspace....

Our enemy is NOT the Republicans but rather

CNN has decided to play "Missing White Girl Roulette" again.

Poll: Bush Ratings continue to drop, now at a 34% popularity

Is George W. Bush the, 'idiot son of an a--hole?'

Is it over yet?

Trust but Verify

I was listening to the Stephanie Miller Show this morning....

FCC: "uncostitutional and inconsistent"

Jesus image on Easter egg now for sale on EBay

I saw Regular Unleaded for $3.03 in South Texas yesterday

DEMAND Windfall Subsidy Profits Tax!

GWB says he listens to his generals on the ground. Yeah right!

Other people influence us and we don't even know it

Iran -- is it already happening? (Hullabaloo)

Giant Bush turd floating in the punch bowl, but the press keeps drinking

Throwing Rummy from the Train - By Larry Johnson

Cheney got $1.9 million dollar refund on his taxes

Anyone have the scoop on the Dove Foundation?

Foetuses 'cannot experience pain'

New - JASON LEOPOLD - Libby Filing: A Denial and A Mystery

Omaha Schools Split Along Race Lines


Neil Young Records "Impeach the President" Song

Now its clear Berlusconi failed to steal it, can I get a WOOT in here?

Couric's boyfriend a major Bush supporter & ex-fiance of Laura Ingraham

If a high ranking military official resigns in protest does he/she forfeit

What I don't get about the "Choose Life" Anti-Choice Plates...

BinVeniste on Hardball.

MI GOP says criminalize women who want to save their own lives (abortion)

I'm looking for a checkoff box on my tax forms

A thought on the generals calling for Rumsfeld's resignation.

The Easter Bunny Hates You

Dobbs now: Jr broke his Easter vacation to stand by his man.

Isn't it fun to hear the rightwing pundits picking on Bush and Rummy?

Cool, This is my 500th post!

Destruction caused at Babylon better than leaving it for looters - Marines

A major General has called for staying the course in Iraq.....

Whoa: Fight Outside My Apartment: Iraq War Vet Goes OFF on Somebody!

Time now for Head On with Bob Kincaid!

Get Secure, Encrypted Webmail and Support Electronic Frontier Foundation

New 50 state governors approval polls are out

The selling of circumcision.

While petitioning today a woman identified herself as a Bushit

Cheney tax refund

OK people I'm tired of this and I need help on how to respond.............

If Saddam was really as bad as they want us to believe...

Who is this uber-perky, over-the-top guy on The News Hour?

DU this poll

Most arrogant? Smirk or Rummy?

I wonder

Arkansas Retirement System Mistakenly Publishes Number for Foot Fetishists

Oprah: 30 million people working full time, living on poverty level wages

Air America is NOT the only Liberal/Progressive radio network!

Want to talk to the man who wants to replace Dennis Hastert? (IL-14)

Lmao@MIke Malloy's latest blog entry

Where's your "W" sticker now?

The Pro-choicers Were Wrong Here.

"When the public's reaction to EVERYTHING the president says is negative..

US Embassy in Iraq to be biggest in the World

Bush's America.

"[Olympia ]Snowe launches 'formidable' campaign "

I only wish KHEPHRA was alive to see these days of the House of

It's a madhouse! A madhouse!

I'm a bit confused here about the NIE..

Who would replace Rumsfeld?

Health insurance?

Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States...

I found the perfect gift

Federal Grand Jury Investigating Bonds

RNC runs ads in Spanish against Harry Reid?

What's the deal with Lynn Samuels?

Fundraising for Progressive Patriots Fund $3861.52

Funny PIctures of Bush Getting Stumped in Kansas

U.S. Building Its Largest Embassy in Iraq

APOLOGIES to those of you listening to Head On. VERIZON SUCKS!!!

tornado hits U of Iowa

Did anyone else see Katy Couric defend her precious george this morning?

"Commander in Chief" groping for life (ABC series) SLIGHT SPOILERS

The disease of optimism

Cnn talking of Gen. and Rummy problem. now

OH GOD! Rumor Kathrine Harris might quit and Jeb might run instead!

Hummers Suck - Video

CNET: ISP snooping gaining support

I want this woman's sign, but I'm not up for the duty.

White guys behaving badly (Great punch to RW Talkers from AL newspaper)

Brave talk from the generals now, but.....

in honor of $3 gasoline : SUVs MAKE YOU STUPID article

from the cathedral of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION in D.C. last night

Sign the bill to stop the NRA's maniac preemptive shooting law!

A Question on Cheney's 2005 TAXES.

Book: 10 Reasons Not To Join The Military

Peter Boyle on Mind of Mencia

Chimpy lectures China on economic responsibility...

Iran Leader: Israel Will Be Annihilated

Easter News Dump:Cheney 06 Tax Return Shows $8.8M Revenue $6.9 To Charity


The HUMAN COSTS of Bombing Iran-Over A Million Will Die!!!!!

as tears go by... when will they end

Fundie parent wants to ban books for all

THESE are the 'christians' who claim that they are being persecuted.

No more "Bow Tie Boy"? *ucker Carlson gives up bow ties!

What's your political fantasy?

I am trying to keep my journal updated with relevant Iraq stories

Sprint unveils mobile child locator service

Anti-war protesters refusing to pay federal taxes

Coming home — disillusioned-- A Soldier's Story

I wonder what Agent Mike would do if we all started putting

Join the Dick Cheney fan club!

Iran: "You can start a war but it won't be you who finishes it,"

Mexican Restaurant torched in California

How US citizens Avoid Verbal Abuse While Traveling In Europe

A Strategy to Contain Nuclear Proliferation: Peace


New code words for "outsourcing"

Does anyone know where I can see the video...

Grossman may well be Fitzgerald's star witness against Cheney & Bush

Ron Paul (R) Blasts War Against Iran and Defends "Her" Against Attack

Can someone tell me why AlQaeda attacked us on 911?

Ok... you've got 1 hour to get your request in for delivery to Bill Maher.


My dog bit George W. Bush

HOW WE GOT TO HERE -- > PNAC 101 - Rise Of The Neocons

Digby: "This makes Iran-Contra look like the Canuck letter."

George Bush was NOT A FIGHTER PILOT at all!

That Einstein Ret. Gen. Myers Said: "There will be no civil war in Iraq"!

are you going to Scaborough Fair? Good bye my love

ALERT!.. News is canceled for the day... There has been a bear attack

Human x killed Human y

we will be greeted with flowers, as liberators, in IRAqN

What happened to the "War on Easter" ?

Navajos Battle a Modern-Day Enemy: Meth

Hey! The ACLU is using "Anti-Choice" in it's Press Releases!!!

Texas DU'ers - get to Crawford - the pro-war people are showing up

In 2005, Exxon CEO Raked In 190K a Day

Kucinich Demands Answers From Administration About US Troops In Iran


RUMSFELD: "My pathway led by Confusion boats/ mutiny from stern to bow..."

"Can Laura Come?" GOP candidates treat George as campaign poison!

Three Run-Ins with Ultra Consrv. just last week.

Tell Democrats: Don't Get Fooled Again - True Majority Action (IRAN)

Ancient Coptic Scrolls Reveal the True Origins of the Easter Bunny

I need response help please! Titled "Immigration/Travel"

VIDEO: 14 arrests today at Camp Casey

"Sportsman For Bush"

Why Rumsfeld Should Not Resign - By Greg Palast

Can anybody recommend a definitive book on how the

Can YOU live on $5 .00 an hour???

The Iraq War - WWJD?

can CNN get anything right? anything?

Marine Corps Captain: "I will never trust any of them again."

I blame ALL the crap happening now on the College Republicans

All you need to know about today's "conservatives" - from their t-shirts

Some great news from my union!

Texas GAS Prices--and a FLASHBACK to 2000

The DCCC has raised 12.4 it enough to win in November?

How many tears must go by?

Interesting Map of Iraq by the BBC

Reid Demands Senate Return to Immigration Issue

The Generals and the law....

Be Careful What You Wish for...Let's all laugh at Berlusconi together

Here's a poll I'd like to see

PA-07 candidate JOE SESTAK on WNWR today at 1:30 Eastern time

"the president who spread pulverized nuclear waste all around the world.

Message to the timid Democratic Congressional leadership...

The Generals - Stepping up, or protecting *?

New album from Neil Young, includes song called "Impeach the President."

The attack upon Conyers is an indicator of Republican strategy...

Philly Inquirer's Dick Polman - Consultants losing dems races

"The President looks forward to returning to Crawford whenever possible"

Dead Zone

NSA Internet Spying : Are we paranoid enough?

Homeland Security will review detention of Spanish Muslim woman (Florida)

FreePress: Fake News Invades California

A cautionary note to the peace loving Dems ........

more on Hitchins and Powell's "Bitch"

How to Lead a Nation 101, 287,...Bush is at the remedial Level

Has anyone heard anymore about the overdue report on the

Hate group numbers top 800 - advocate murder of immigrants, politicians

MSNBC poll: Will comments by former Generals adversely affect troop morale


Outmoded concept of ‘manliness’ sets stage for protection racket

What's Wrong With This Picture? Joe Klein Hasn't Been Fired Yet

Arrests: Crawford ,Texas - 16 people, including Daniel Ellsberg

Where is James Bond? Where is Superman? We need them! (for real)

South Park, Muhammed, and Jesus dumping on Bush & the flag

How do you know a conservative is about to lie?

House candidate pledges no PAC, lobbyist money

Rummy today: "if every time two or three people disagreed....

I think Democrats should lay it all on the line. No more dilly dallying.

Mr. Bush, Take Down This Wall

...and they dare to call themselves Christians...

What have the Dems accomplished?

DNC Press Release: You're Doing a Heckuva Job, Rummy!

Freeps wetting themselves over "Afghanistan Open Operation Mountain Lion"

Hillary has raised $20 million...

Russ Feingold on Stephanie Miller this show. Listen at link below.

LOL Front page of American Conservative Mag (sorry if dup)

And now: the latest spin on Medicare

"Rumsfeld depends on his commanders in the field."

Having fun with Republicans

Fox News brings in lightweight light colonel to condemn Generals

Bush is STILL milking 911 for all it's worth. How low will Mr Shithead go?

DU this Poll RE: Rummy on CNN

Clinton gave Nuke Tech to Iran?

U.S. Building Massive Embassy in Baghdad

BAnk of New Zealand, Diebold ATMS being replaced, easy to hack with card

What does Hitchens know about Cheney daughter in M.E.?

The NSA's Big Brother Machine - The Narus 6400

Progressive Champion Jim McDermott needs our help.

Got a robo call about parental notice for abortions for minors here in Cal

Sign Petition to oppose pre-emptive attack on Iran!!


Oy! The News Hour tonight (Fri).....

Will Rummy Resign?

I called all senate offices this week. Here is the report

Dean: We have rebuilt the primarily a grassroots organization.

Gingrich: the status quo is working in Iraq and he's against withdrawal

What congressman/woman's awfulness is most underdiscussed?

Not as Lame as You Think -- Dems Learn The Art of Opposition

I found this blast-from-the-past mildly hilarious (gallows humor, sure)

Ann "The Man" Coulter refuses to answer gender question!!!!!!!!

Students Still Sitting In at U of Virginia for Living Wage

tommy franks really adjusting that halo on rummy on hardball!

Do You Trust Bush to Make the Right Decision on Iran?

This was totally out of line for a Democrat to say right now. Baird, WA

So, who is going down next?

Is it self-delusion or do people really not see the lies ?

VT Republican candidate for Congress says: "IMPEACH BUSH"

Harold Ford (D-Tenn) calls for Rumsfeld's Resignation...replaced by Powell

Is Delay being seriously considered for OMB Director??

You're doin a heck of a job, Rummy

Who would you nominate for the Democratic Tough Guys Corps?

Arrests in Crawford Happening Now

Another fake campaign photo (New Orleans Mayoral race)