Democratic Underground

Archives: January 9, 2005

Scared Silent (Pollitt)

Britain's Gulag / Histories of The Hanged (Review)

Mysterious jet tied to torture flights

Calling for an End to Opposite Day

White House proposes cuts in nuclear dismantling program

Major arguments at Supreme Court in 2005

Grim time for airline workers

The Politics of (Democrats) Power (PHOTO/link - Rocky Mountain News)

How much are we giving to Asia? Nothing, really

Dowd: Defining Victory Down (MoDo Scores a TD on *'s War)

The Non-Election of 2004 (Chomsky)

The CIA and Riggs Bank

Faux News Can't Bring Itself to Say "Media Matters for America"

could you check and find out if Kephra really died? the date

Skinner, EarlG, Elad...

Can We Do Something For Kef?

DU has been loading very slowly for me the last few days.

Could you please

Is there a way to block the Lounge posts from my Latest?

Attacks on spelling errors!

Can we name LBN for Kephra?

Can we do something for Khephra (Scott) family?

Hamas: PA may falsify election results

How about those Bulls?

Check out BREAK FOR NEWS - Great site!

Thursday's Election Success on Air America NOW!

30 seconds at MSavage Fri......on Stubbs-Jones

John Kerry Meets With Syrian President

Republican quotes from the ohio challenge?

What is happening in New Mexico?

Made a Dutch paper but so far I've seen nothing on Dutch TV about 12/6

weird connection: remember Creative Response Concepts of Swiftboat fame?


Does anyone have exit poll data for 2004 CONGRESSIONAL races?

just back from DC Anyone have pics posted?

The Nashua Advocate: Orange Report No. 3

My Bad, On Christmas I Said They Would Bomb Mosul To Create Smoke

moved to another forum

AP: Ohio Sec. of State Blackwell's Letter Seeks Illegal Contributions

Is it time for a new party?

Heroines of Democracy--new site is a tribute to Boxer/Tubbs-Jones

Let's DEMAND a revote in Washington State Governors race...

Bitch to the Media, or the Politicians?

Anybody have a jpg of an orange ribbon?

Does anyone have random personal stories of CONGRESSIONAL election fraud?

New Web feature -- Bush Impeachment Countdown

The Keys to the White House vs.The Shrum Curse...What Happened in 2000?

Mark Levine's The Inside Scoop on challenge of election results

We have lost a great DUer

Connecticut RFP calls for electronic PAPERLESS systems--act NOW!

A teeny fact--that may suggest organized fraud


On the Voting Machine Makers' Tab


Fla. Consultant Gathered Absentee Votes (Repub Mel Martinez also)

We made the German Press! Women Leave Bush Waiting!

Is everyone aware of this great blog about Ohio Fraud?

my feet are tired, but my spirit is refreshed - notes from DC rally

Time to switch gears. Fraud ----> Irregularities

Take Action: Demand Paper Ballots, Hand Counted!

Acceptance and The Serenity Prayer

I Believe

California Dean Supporters and Democracy for America members...

I'm elected!

Kheph memorial.

Dayton didn't understand the objection - but he understands the problem.

Little Dick Santorum to address Catholics in Pittsburgh

Could we set up a database on how each WI Congressperson (Senators and

New Political Group - The People's Coalition

What is the Most Useless Rule in the Entire World???

Letter on Holland America (cruiseline) site about the Tsunami

So, when WILL low-income republican voters finally wise up and realize...

Sign on podium at Bush speech: "Debt Free America"

8 DEAD! 5,400Residents Evacuated and 320 people were treated! SC/USA!

Look who else the Bush family paid to influence

Glenn McCoy: Most Obnoxious Repug Media Person of them all

L.A. Times Michael Ramirez must be getting paid by Bushco...

Are the bush* twins helping like this ??? (PHOTO from England)

If I was in the audience in that "town-hall"-style debate, my question...

Wow! Have a look at these GOP pics from 99/2000 RE: SS/Budget

Pat Robertson's 'Operation Blessing', what is it really?

CNN report- many more Americans pray for tsunami victims than

Dumbo pets an elephant

Is the nation is under attack, from within > yes - no - maybe

Info I found on Cosgrove of VA (demands women notify cops of miscarriage)

Somebody better harness Howard Dean's energy and enthusiasm!

Remember how Louis Farrakhan played with numbers?

Need electoral map with states filled partially red/blue based on result?

Is anyone going to admit that Bush is being destroyed?

A few new memes/frames I've been thinking of:

Can we learn from the wild beasts?

Bush 41 caught on tape (audio-don't worry) X-rated!

We're on camera, I need for you to emote for me, NOW.

I'm sorry about the date, I wasn't thinking. He died TODAY! mama kheph


No Child Left Behind: the Bush family cashes in too

Blog asks White House for $250,000 in exchange for pro-Bush posts

A childhood acquaintance of mine was murdered this week

comment on LBN....WH threat: U.S. could be like Europe if taxes rise

Thanks for the (False) Memories: the 2004 Falsies Awards are handed out

Audit: TEXAS spent Homeland Security funds for LAWNMOWER DRAG RACES!

Why the Peace Churches are Meeting in March

Anyone up for a discussion about art...

Tim Russert interviews Ralph Nader today

What bothers you more?

Divide and Conquer

Do you hate male/female stereotyping of children or do you think that

Freeper Lurker Quiz: The U.S., France, and Germany

Another sign of the draft returning.

more of "JEB08 preying on tsunami victims" (PHOTOS/ops)

How did the animals know to get to high ground?

Just got an interesting outside view of the US from a Nigerian woman


RW American Dictator Bush to Send in the "Death Squads"

GOP begging Democrats for inauguration tickets

THIS WEEK IN PHOTOS: "What to wear? What to wear?"

Glorified, Gossip Columnists--my disgust w/today's media...

In Memory of Khephra: A Gift for Americans United

Contact info for Senate Judiciary (re: Gonzales)

Khephra is dead, He died at 5p.m today January 8, 2005.


The draft: What would you do?


Afghan Govt holding talks with Taliban

The CIA and Riggs Bank

Mexican army urged to take over prisons

The Politics of (Democrats) Power (PHOTO/link - Rocky Mountain News)

Mugabe officials ‘spied for Britain’

Soldier Gets Six Months in Iraqi Drowning

Mysterious jet tied to torture flights

Hundreds of vehicles stuck in California snow

U.S. Bomb Error Kills at Least 5 in Iraq

United States, China relax visa requirements for business and tourism

Pentagon May Use Death Squads In Iraq

AP: Ohio Sec. of State Blackwell's Letter Seeks Illegal Contributions

WP: Letter From Election Chief In Ohio Sought Illegal Funds

India, Iran cut big energy deal

Preacher Pleads Not Guilty in 1964 Slayings (Civil Rights Volunteers MISS)

DU This: CNN poll--should Congress investigate the election?

Voters may face choice to change state pensions to 401(k) plan

Audit finds anti-terror funds used to facilitate lawn-mower races in Texas

U.S. Considers Elite Hit-Squads for Iraq -Report

No More Business as Usual in Mexico

Governor removes convicted murderer from death row (Kernan / Indiana)

U.S. drops 500-lb. bomb on wrong house, kills 14 - 7 of them children

WP: GOP Leaders Tighten Their Grip on House

Report: U.N. Troops Exploited Congo Girls

Cleric accused of spying leaves military

WP: History Is Likely to Link Bush to Mideast Elections

$18million donated so far for inauguration

Applying Brakes to Benefits Gets Wide G.O.P. Backing

US deserters flee to Canada to avoid service in Iraq

NZ's Agent Orange role exposed

Plot foiled to kill Honduras president

NYT - German's Claim of Kidnapping Brings Investigation of U.S. Link

Mandela left isolated by family deaths

WP: Lott Is Free to Indulge Maverick Streak

Bush 'the king' blows $50m on coronation

Quake Lessens Length of Day

‘The Salvador Option’

Civil Unions become part of Vt. fabric

The Politics of (Democrats) Power (PHOTO/link - Rocky Mountain News)

Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man AB “Buzzy” Krongard

Little Drummer Boy busted on pot charge

Have you ever been openly propositioned for sex by a striper?

Don't know if this is lounge material or not....NYT may begin

Have you ever been openly propositioned for sex by a stripper?

Watching poker on tv.......

Make Tony Blair dance to YOUR tune.

If Illinois has a tornado or earthquake, we're seriously screwed.

How come 'The Apprentice' season 1 sells for $60?

What is it with men and their penises?

liberalhistorian I hope you're

I saw a repuke car today...

What is the conversion for 16 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit

Weird words that describe Politics

Cripes! I hate yams!!!!

What is it with stalk and menning?

CRAP! I HATE the Rams!!

What is it with Men and Sheep?

Making a peace sign in the snow makes you feel good

If you are missing your pot, er, I think it's here..........

If you are missing your boyfriend, I think he's here......

What is it with women and donkeys?

Canadians: which recording artists can claim the most success...

I can't find any pot

What is it with Gilbert and George?

What is it with Gilbert and Grapes?

Kitten Gangs : Have we failed our kitten young? Story at 10:00.....

Question for any people from Nevada here! Please!

What is it with men and aardvarks?

Any Texans here, please answer my question, I need to know....

"The Will" on CBS--Freepers compete on reality TV to win inheritance money

Have you ever had a brunch on me?

Just made brownies and lemon squares - anybody hungry?

Have you ever had a brush on me?

Funniest online personal I've ever seen

What is it with men and STALKING?

Have you ever had thrush cause of me?

My mom's new dog Spike just stole my heart.

Have you ever had thrash cause of me?

NC/GA/SC/TN DUers - want a loving cat?

Does the Peace Corps still exist? And will it be able to help Tsunami?

It's Saturday night and THE SOUL EXPRESS is on the radio again!

Does anyone else stress cook or bake ?

May I mambo dogface to the bananapatch?

What to do about wisdom teeth?

How come drinking alcohol has

Caption this Super Mouse!

To all those who frequently post copycat threads

Not to sound reverse-sexist, but who is the sexier male?

Not to sound sexist, but who is the sexier female?

official chargers - jets thread..

Do the poll...

Just made eel and pickled tarantula sandwiches - anybody hungry?

Anyone else's cat freaked out by a Slinky.

I've got to go out and sleep around

Christians only - please pray for me...

Rams win the superbowl

Have you ever had a rush cause of me?

To you Christians, a challenge.

Have you ever had an Orange Crush, on me?

Can't see pics

Today alone, I've seen 4 spam polls in web sites...

Favorite Pie

Tsunami - Before and after

To all you Kurgans, a challenge

To all you athiests,a challenge.

Not to be sexist, but who is the sexier Orlando Bloom?

Would you keep it down! I'm TRYING to do drugs!

Which OS Are You?

To my fellow DUers a challenge.

To all you agnostics, a challenge

Where is your DU central?

"Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy ride".

Bwwwwwwwwwwwwahahaha if anyone dared started up a "God Hates Felines"

Though I usually don't like to give credit to Mel Gibson for anything

Will you still need me, will you still feed me

You know I wish you had told me this twenty years ago.

One thing about the B-52's...

Ok New Yorkers, Ohians

The call of Cthulu is there..

Orangina is gross

Is there a Longgrain Thread?

Free internet phone...

Wait another minite,,my bes friend is a witch..

Chad IS God!! ------Put Flutie in! put Flutie in!

FireFOX is so much better than Firebird. I have officially deleted IE.

The attacks on spelling errors has got to end!

DUer Khephra

Kim Jong Il Praised as Brilliant Commander of Century

Midnight Poetry Thread

I thought it never rained in Southern California

Here's a game that's fun for the entire family!

Well, I will be dipped in shi

Is anyone with Khephra's mom right now?

One of the dumbest plays in football history

i love willow and tara, I am a man.

Geez Louise!, the vegan, shared her mexican food with me...

I just made my first serious post in GD in weeks!

Anyone ever bring up their lunch on you?

Alas my love,you treart me bad,

I love our witty moderators.

"When I first arrived, you were all such jerks, but now I've come to...

SNL is re-showing the U2/Luke Wilson episode tonight.

My name is Bob.

Anyone love Debbie Downer

I turned 30 today... Ask me anything!

The Jets are on top of the World tonight!

Nate Kaeding will spend an eternity in hell...

I just had Shrimp Nirgisi. Ask me anything.


A question for those who use visualization or going to a ‘happy place’

I wish I was a trapper

send me an angel

Question for Iowans here.

Has my mom lost her mind?

Any lurking Senators of the Republican persuasion here?

As if tsunami victims don't have enough problems........

Best Harrison composition w/ the Beatles

hey Canadians, a new airline coming to my hometown

Any lurking independent film makers here?

I've taken 7,163 steps today.

Latin America has the best soap operas

Best Led Zeppelin song?

For my 2000th post, I'd like to make a toast to Khephra

Joe ThEEseman might just eclipse Madden as the WORST NFL commentator

AAAAAAHHHHH I turn 20 on Wednesday

Tonight's flamebait debate: Anna Nicole

Fellas, get some better pickup lines. Please.

I just ate some vegan tacos

God Hates Phelps

My godson turns 13,I am taking him to the restaurant of his choice.

I'm sorry, but Anna Nicole Smith is as sexy as a jar of olives.

thanks to GOPisEvil for getting me to the hospital on time today....

Have you ever tried to crush me?

To all you Jews, a challenge


Amaya found some photos of Khephra from the DU Gathering

I just made a contribution to "Democracy for America" in Khephra's name

Oh Kheph

Tonight's second flamebait debate: Anna Nicole part 2

Have you ever had a crush on me?

Does anyone know if puppy shots are dangerous to humans?

Poems for Kheph/Scott

Come on get happy!

Any interest in a Birding Group?

Look at me, I'm now an aunt!

Is anyone else just "discovering" U2?

Atlanta DUers - neighborhood questions

the Kephra tribute thread

Tomorrow is Reggie White day at Lambeau, how will you celebrate?

His name was Scott Lowery, and he was my friend

What is it with Gilbert and Sullivan?

Anyone know a good movie research site?

Despite its reputation, Colorado Springs has low church attendance

Scientists prepare for crash-landing on comet

I'm gonna fucking lose it

Eric Barton is gonna have to move to Tierra Del Fuego

Bye Bye Seattle

Is NFL overtime the most idiotic overtime strucutre ever devised?

Trimming dog nails.

here's a dream for ya

Word from the non-DU world

Self delete

who did you support in past Presidential Elections ?

Laura Flanders!! on AirAmericaRadio Right now!!!

Gore vs Bush and a Lesson to John Kerry. But, did it matter? Who was

Reporter to Bush: "Will you be in Iraq on January 30. If not, why?"


this PR firm was hired to spin PR to the Iraqis by Bush admin in Sept 04

Democrats: Bush using scare tactics

Defining Victory Down - Dowd slams Shrub very well

We're not the only Pissed Off People. See Col. Hackworth. It rocks.

Mr. Yanukovych hired the swiftboaters PR firm, what strange bedfellows

Is it time for a new party? How about the Orange Party?

U.S. needs to buy 300 million more bullets

Swiftboat ad firm picked up Boston contract last month

Please DU this!

Are Democrats the new conservatives?

I'm elected--and relishing the power!

Remember dead babies in Kuwait smear? Bush Sr.s PR firm. Bush

Rosenberg, Fowler...national security. Dean.."they defined the issues"

Why didn't Kerry advise me about using bleach in my laundry yesterday?

New Photoshop Images to spread around.....

Can you really trust a Sec. of State that doesn't know the law?

I knew I didn't trust Kerry's campaign advisors ...look at this ...

they brought electricity to my ass before they brought it to my house

Khephra has died

DU This: CNN poll--should Congress investigate the election?

You paid for Iraq propoganda: PR firm cashes in on * connections

Kid Rock's Bush Gig infuriates Christian groups

Openly Gay, HIV Positive Progressive Candidate running- State House in La.

DLC: do they ever advocate anything "working class" friendly ?

How can you help Howard Dean become DNC chair?

Retrospective: If Saddam had WMDs, and you were 100 percent sure of it,

Why is MoveOn Thanking Sen. Harry Reid?

Contact info for Senate Judiciary (re: Gonzales)

Iraq War - Good or Bad?

Rosenberg: "The war was a good idea"

U.S. Is Haunted by Initial Plan for Iraq Voting

Frank Rich - "We'll Win This War - on '24'"

Bush administration has already lost the war

Bush’s new sheriff reveals a double standard on torture

CNN never uses ‘insurgents’ to describe Venezuela's US-financed rebels

Inaugural Excess - The wrong time for a lavish celebration

Sen. Salazar baffles on Gonzales

Social Security falls short in ethical test

Fiction and reality in the war on terror

LATimes Editorial: In the Cold Light of Day (on still going Mars rovers)

Many Americans Refuse to Concede 'Stolen Election'

'If I met Mengele now, I'd forgive what he did to me'

Kerry in Syria

The Jungle In The Desert

Fox "news" Watchers

Democrats Can Shine (Denver Post)

Rumor that Wolfowitz is leaving

Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man

Republicans say no to scientific research:scientists to join unemployed

New Pentagon War Vision

Common Dreams: Ohio Election Problems Highlight Urgent Need for Reform

DLC and the Democratic Party


Does anyone have the SOCIAL SECURITY POLL.....

Why Democrats lose the war of ideas in Economics

Worker retraining for older folks - Where are the jobs?

Wolves thrive after reintroduction

Abbas set for victory

Four killed in Saudi police shootout

NIMBYS trying to shut down firing range.

just checking my sig line no need to reply

I hope this is not setting a double standard at DU.

Can a banner or ribbon be created for the top of the homepage

Would you consider taking the DU front page black for Scott??

May we place some kind of memoriam for Khephra (Scott Loweryt?

i was thinking....

Is the Kephra avatar available ?

Following on Drifter's avatar suggestion, I made the following avatars...

Privacy of identity?

Can We Rename A Forum In Honor Of Keph? Like The Fantasy Literature Group?

Hi Skinner. Sent Khephra donation via PayPal

I also support the LBN renaming Idea.

my apologies

How can I delete a post?

I'd like to see Khephra's avatar placed just to the left of the 'Listen

I know this might have been addressed previously,

Would like to request a Bird Watching (Birders) group

I haven't been able to access the avatar images or the smilies lookup

Voting begins to elect Arafat's successor

Abbas claims Palestinian victory

Arafat's Heir

PLO women bus it for Abbas

French UN peacekeeper killed by Israeli fire in Hezbollah

The “Clash Of Civilizations” Thesis and the Israeli-palestinian Conflict

The commander who sabotaged Cheney's shootdown order

Chicago Tribune: Waukegan theatre a costly gem

Pantagraph: Almost Mayor (Q&A with only candidate for Bloomington Mayor)

Animation of Kerry - words were true then and now - guy involved in MOSH

Liberty is frozen

Does the US have a provision for 'Special Elections'?

Lots- vote machine fraud,dirty tricks, and minority suppression-many state

Will Pitt is on the discussion board re: Kef &You All...

Specialist says he was paid for ballots

The Gore/Bush 2000 National Exit poll result was right on target.

Blackwell tries illegal campaign contributions for 2006 Gov. Campaign

Bush 'the king' blows $50M on coronation

Cash-Protection-A Place In History

Gee, Blackwell Makes Me Proud to Live in Ohio .... Crook!

Is any research - work still going on in Ohio?

Jan 4 Roll Call Editorial!

The end of what democracy?

what I saw tonight made me sick...

Lots more documentation of touchscreen fraud, dirty tricks, v. sup. in Fl

Progressive Pyramid--Similar to Food Pyramid

are there any links to kerrys middle east trips

How to restore democracy in the United States?

The Growing Strength of the Democratic Party is Anti-Bush Youth!

Re-create Ohio live. ?? Would it be possible

I saw a man wearing a Diebold T-shirt yesterday

I have been silent for days now, maybe even weeks, I was so

Okay, DUers, Here's Our Chance To Fix the Democratic Party!

"Not One Damn Dime Day" - Good Inauguration protest??

Major systematic dirty tricks in Florida election through Flordia document

Summary of documentation of vote machine fraud and suppression

PICTURES: 1/06/05 DC Rally & March -- Keep the Faith!!!!!

Ohio vote fraud theory. Late night voting.

Today and yesterday I had to tell people about the challenge.

Please clarify - was having only Boxer object part of a strategy?

Is Frank Abagnale a Democrat?


I need a free INTERNET fax site...

Media gave short shrift to allegations of election irregularities (summary

West 'better off' with bin Laden at large said AB "Buzzy" Krongard,

Will M.Moore mention 1/6 tonight at People's Award..

CRUCIAL to our

Stop blaming Kerry. Put the blame where it belongs. On ourselves.

2004 "Coronation" - Now at 50 Million - with MILITARY THEME - here:

Secretaries of State Take Issue with Detractors

WOW, would it be possible that Kerry is ACTING IN HIS ROLE OF PRESIDENT?

John Kinney on hunger strike since 9/7/04 for PAPER BALLOTS!

Nationally, *'s share of the African-American vote rose from 9% to 11%?

Amazingly positive editorial in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

VOTE for the name of our Election Reform Group

Sunday 1/9/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

Does anybody know where I could find a

Editorial from Boston Globe Supports Ballot Reform

Question About DeLay Regurgitation

What's up with Blackwell, Jack Kemp and JINSA?

John, we tried to warn you this would happen four years ago.

Scary!! Contact your reps and stop Roemer!

My government is smoking crack, it's insane and abusive...

Okay, I did it...NEED INPUT

Thinking out loud this AM and would like input.

DU is the link that holds all Progressive groups together

Still wondering about the MSM "Lockdown"?

Contact List of Republicans that spoke in Ohio Electoral Challenge debate:

Tee shirt Ideas

Calling:"IT'S THE MACHINES STUPID" ANALYSTS. Let's find the Pattern

Exactly how is election reform going to occur with Repubs in charge

I dont care if Kerry is with Carter to oversee the Palestine election...

Parable of a rigged game

My Bush/Rove/Arnold photoshop art

We need to stand behind Kevin Shelley.

Arnie wants to eat your lunch

Is anyone else suspicious of Arnold's faith in ballot initiatives?

TONIGHT!!!! "Carving Up The Vote".... a must listen to radio show

Home sweet home...

The newest "Conservative Con of the Week" is at my blog,

White wedding for Congressman Steven Latourette & lobbyist pal

Hey! It's like but for Texas!

City of Dallas "Strong Mayor" initiative

Buses leave from Madison WI for Inaugural

Who will cover Pitt/Anniston story 1st? CNN/FOX?

Here's one of the earliest threads Keph posted back on 7/14/2001

Using Intimidation To Scare Us? Sounds Familiar - Kent State flashbacks...

CIA exec director: "We're better off with bin Laden free!"

I just figured out DU email and made my first reply

I promised myself and broke it!

do you remember....Supply Side Jesus???

All hail King George! Oblivious to world's despair, he plans coronation!

One of the things our press or TV media do not understand is that

Where have H20, Pallas and

A long bloody blade

Your final judgment on Kerry

George...did you chop down that cherry tree?

While our corporate CEOs may pay lip service to competition in the

Go take Kos' Poll

I am so sick of the attitude around here. Let me start the purge for you.

Meet the Press...where democrats have to die to become

Suppose, just suppose, god *actually did* say that....

Question about Liberalism...

Death Squads? The Salvador option? Breaking News

Bush* administration subverts democracy.

I still don't understand...

Jeb Bush: FLA vs Tsunami ... which is the better photo op?

Anyone else heard this rumor? DOD reports should be 25% higher

Help With A Response Please...

elections all around

"Carving Up The Vote".... a must listen to radio show on Gerrymandering

Newsweek: The Salvador Option (US considers using death squads)

Desperate Lucan dreamt of fascist coup

Ask right wing pundits if they get payola like Armstrong Williams

we just dropped a bomb on the wrong house killing 14 an 7 of them children

Records suggest mysterious plane ferries CIA detainees to torture sites

So what do you want history to know/find out about BUSHCO?

Does anyone have pictures

Fahrenheit 9/11 Looks Set To Win At People's Choice

MoDo: "Deceive, you're golden; tell the truth, you're gone"

Al Franken coming up on MSNBC

Jan 30. USA to pull out of Iraq

One way in which Iraq IS like Vietnam.....

Text messaging recently becomes the rage in usa

Patriotically screwing the troops...

British Museum expert called to give evidence in trial over 'ossuary of Je

Landover Baptists: God Fails to Break His Own Record for Killing

24/7 news coverage of tsunami? Is the rest of world still there?

Evidently the reasonable Cosgrove email about miscarriage reporting was a sham.

Jesus to Crowd-Surf at Jenna & Barbs Hip Inaugural Party!

Kids, rat poison corps. and the EPA - guess who loses

Bush 'the king' blows $50m on coronation

Thomasson outraged Kid Rock playing at inauguration

Some musings about the abortion debate

This editorial in today's NYT points to a consistency of the Bush...

Anyone here have a figure...

Does anyone have the SOCIAL SECURITY POLL.....

Metal of Dishonor - new book on our use of DU poisoning

Memo to Bush regarding Inauguration

Al Franken and Julie Andrews' song?

German neo-Nazis 'live out their SS fantasies' in the Czech Republic

Return of Divine Rights.

Rodney King verdict and Election 2004

Rummy at the dinner table with a 9/11 widow (gives her his back)

Kerry/Carter to observe Palestine elections (heard on TV this a.m.)

is Iraq and the rest of the middle east.. an example of Manifest Destiny ?

How far *could* our rulers go?

If they haven't gotten it by now, will they ever?

Nooooo! Newt Gingrich announcing he will run in 2008.

Some Bush/Rove/Arnold photoshop art

The Armstrongn Williams thing *could* turn out to be a boon...

Ever need a brilliant political quote?

SNL Conspiracy Rock

Let’s stop shitting for a start

God hates Lag

Were is the Randi Rhodes Factoids

Who wrote the check to armstrong w. for spewing the Koolaid?! And why

Feminists Face Tough Times After Election

Will there be a post, assuming Momma Kef returns, with autopsy results?

Friendly conversation with a Republican...How would you respond?

When do you think god will tell Bush to start a Nuclear War?

Pleeeeease no (more) corporate welfare for airlines.....

Things To Do Before the Inaugural

Where can I get what I need to make my own bumper stickers?

Is DNC Chair hopeful Tim Roemer a GOP Mole?

Fox News reports on UN oil-for-food program audits

Do men drive up the cost of cable (with their huge appetite for sports)?

The Armstrong Williams thing has

Bush SS proposal - how will SSI and SSDI disability be dealt with?

listening to the best of majority report--a new Christian text book in the

Sean Penn claims vindication, tells critics to shove it.

how many detainees have been taken

White House doesn't take "substantive" questions on Fridays

MODIFY your Kerry-Edwards bumpersticker to make a statement.

What's next? Swarms of locusts?

Saudi professor says sinful acts at Christmastime caused disaster

Can the Dem's recall this Rethug in Democrats clothing Salazar?

MSNBC firing Olbermann?

Deleted message

Do you get "TVOne" in your area?

Where can I post humor?

No Child Left Behind.....Insanity....(long post, sorry)

How do we connect the republican party to the fringe right?

Does anybody know where I could find a

Battered Pregnant Woman Denied Divorce

The Idea of Jews Taking Over the World

We Should Change the Song from "Hail to the Chief"..........

Whither progressives for election 2008?

What Do You Think Is George W. Bush Another Hitler?

Time Magazine Article: Was Abraham Lincoln Gay?

I haven't seen this dicussion...where are our nukes pointed?

Un-FWeep This Poll, Wash. Gov. Race

Rice drops hardliner who scorned Britain's stance on Iran

Cool song/video from Utah Democratic Progressive Caucus

Farah of WorldNutDaily suggests a blacklist of people who are Anti-Bush

I have a copy of a George Will column from 2002 in which he

I'll believe in God when he does something about Bush

I think Bush's excellent adventure in Iraq is unraveling.

There is a DNC Chairman Debate on C-SPAN right now

Better DEAD than Jeb!

When are Americans going to turn decisively away from the Iraq War?

Waking the Dead and the Rather memos.

Vietnam Draft: McNamara INCLUDED the mentally & physically disabled (link)

This Modern World according to Tom Tomorrow: Iraq and SS

At what point did Dean and the DLC really have a fall out?

Why you should cancel your subscription to Glamour Mag

Do conservative pundits believe what the say?

A Brief Thought on Kerry Bashing....

On the Death of a Patriot (for Khephra)

Which name is best for a new breed of activist site?

Anyone ever checked the sexual predators site to see who lives closeby?

Have you benefited from a Bush policy?

We are family: I guess a lot of long-time DUers are still here

Charter students score well on tests

We are forming a progressive television network. We are in the initial

Hey DUer's who collect pots, I have a Guardian Service Fryer

have you been to the Zatarain's web site?

I won't be doing any cooking for a week.

Will Blair take Labour out of the Socialist International?

Gunfire in Aceh rattles aid groups

Paul Newman Uninjured in Daytona Car Fire

Nevada security panel wants no-bid contract with Bechtel

IRAQ: Three Bodies Found Near Samarra

NYT: Police Review Accounts Used in Kerik Years

Etna erupts again

‘The Salvador Option’- The Pentagon may put Special Forces-led

Soldier Killed in IED Attack


Al-Fallujah residents return to ruins; anger at U.S. may fuel insurgency

Enron bosses agree $168m payout

(Never Elected Dictator) Mubarak Hopes Iraqi Elections Go Ahead

Swiss to open murder inquiry into triple Vatican deaths

CNN: Gingrich doesn't rule out presidential run

Fatal Bird Flu in Pets in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

"Ironic Hire: Accused Of Plagiarism, Sex Harrassment" (Jeb Bush)

Iraqi police chief assassinated (Samarra)

Samarra election commission members resign

Riyadh City Council member kidnapped

Sen. Salazar baffles on Gonzales

Court martial for British soldier (More Iraqi prisoner abuse)

Afghanistan, Iraq veterans on abuse jury (Graner: "The sun is shining")

Iraq Sunnis Seek Troop Pullout Timetable

U.N. Audits Show Oil-For-Food Bilking

Emanuel to Head Democratic Campaign Panel

McConnell, Other Senators Visit Baghdad

Iraq war critics conduct their own Hutton inquiry

Palestinians Extend Voting As Turnout Low

U.S. Troops Kill Iraq Civilians in Botched Strikes (2 police/checkpoint)

(Alaska Sen.) Stevens less upbeat on ANWR

Seven Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Iraq

Saudi police kill terror suspects

Md. Democrats Decry Ad Blitz by GOP

Gunfire, blast rattle aid workers

Powell Says Genocidal Acts Continuing in Darfur

Nussle announces intent to run for governor (Iowa)

Powell worried about post-election Iraq

The Moral Minority and the BBC --- (jesus admits "a bit gay")

Vatican offers course in Satanism and exorcism

Families of Prisoners Held at Guantanamo Bay Mark Three Years of Waiting

U.S. troops in Iraq open fire at checkpoint, killing eight, hospital offic

American soldiers accidently kill four people (Near Baghdad)

Battered Pregnant Woman Denied Divorce

Ohio Letter Seeks Illegal Contributions (Blackwell Caught Red Handed)

end to Northern Ireland peace process ? --- we saw it coming

Iraqi Communists heavily campaign for Jan. 30 elections

Withdrawing Ukraine troops from Iraq priority, Yushchenko says

U.S. Soldiers Kill 5 Iraqis Near Baghdad (2 policemen and 3 civilians)

U.S., Owner Dispute House Bombing Deaths

Sailor dies on submarine

Automakers Put Hydrogen Power On the Fast Track

Afghan government weighing amnesty for wealthy drug traffickers, officials

Withdrawing Ukraine troops from Iraq priority, Yushchenko says

Ex-undercover agent faces perjury trial

Targeting teens for troops

Stepped-up insurgency terrifying officials

Bragg MPs proud with improvements at notorious Abu Ghraib prison

For Marine Unit, Fallouja Is 'One Big Ordnance Dump'

DNC Chairman Candidates Focus on South

Hundreds set free from Abu Ghraib

Exit Poll: Abbas Wins Palestinian Election

Couple goes on eBay for medical bill help

Sign wordplay nets protester citation - (more freedoms on the way out)

One killed in shooting at Miss. hospital

Kabbalah leader's Holocaust 'slur'

School board to decide on Bible class plan

Feminists Face Tough Times After Election

New power plant could land here (solution to peak oil?)

IRA plots more bank heists in funding drive

California Politician's Rise Is Struck a Blow by Scandal

Marine Stripped Of His Purple Heart

Party Leader Killed in Iraq (manager of INA - Allawi's party!)

Woman Sues Gene Simmons Over VH1 Sex Talk

Two Military-Themed Channels Unveiled

Many Americans refuse to concede 'stolen election'

Guantanamo takes on look of permanency

U.S. Rep. Coble says Iraq pullout should be considered

Players Stage Rehearsal of Inauguration

Farm-Group Criticism of U.S. Mad Cow Rules Grows

Ex-Rep. Roemer Joins Race for DNC Chairman

Humanists, Atheists Look to Higher Global Profile

Autistic Liberation Front fights 'oppressors'

McDonald’s chickens sent to gas chamber

UPDATE 2-Halliburton wins drilling tender in Iran-official

Venezuelan troops grab farms from "Lord Spam"

Ahern says IRA was involved in robbery (end of peace process?)

Yayyyy JETS won!

i expected the chargers to win maybe 4 games this year..

What is the best early hip-hop/breakdance movie?

I really like the movie 'S P H E R E'

Gotta go. Red Dwarf is on.

1.6TeraByte Hard Drives

So when peak oil hits, what do we do to survive?

6,000 Posts

I just figured out DU email and made my first reply

how bout them RAMS!

Would you ever judge a person by their sig line?

I Will Follow................walk away...walk away.....


I think it's time for a media purge...

Paths Of Glory, coming on now on TCM

What's the Story,

Call Betty Ford!


What should my sig line be?

You all are making this so easy for the Steelers. Thank you.

Watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Ask me anything.

Dude, I think I just filled the cup.

Praise You - Fatboy Slim.

you're driving a car, are you allowed to stay behind this bike?

I had a horrible night!

Da Bears

My friend is the best mom.

Do You Have Belly Button Lint?

Shotenheimer:"The outcome of the game was in the Lords hands".

Part of my kitchen roof is about to cave in

Sarah Bernhardt

Anyone else have people you wonder what happened to them

Darn it - I missed National Smith Day!

It is frigging cold in my apartment. Why haven't I called the building

Women--what are the killer robot/car-chase/naked co-ed moves you like&Why?

The Passion of the Clerks.

Convicts Reunited

Have you ever been openly propositioned for text by a stranger?

Right now ! Marx Bros. On Turner Classic Movies, Day At the Races.

"The Best Way to Serve an Age is to betray it."

I'm a Cowboy. On a Steel Horse I ride.

Big thanks to the mod that's working right now

The passion of the Jerks

NightTrain..... dude you are working waaaaay to hard to find

Paul Newman Uninjured in Daytona Car Fire

Where have H20, Pallas and

it's no mystery to me...

Has anyone else noticed

Do you remember....Jesus Quintana?

My mouse woke me up stalking a cat, why are you awake?

Which women make the ugliest men?

Bullies Reunited

I don't have any cats.

I just moved & reshelved over 500 books ask me anything....

If you were going to be on Real Time with Bill Maher

I was called a Nazi tonight, ask me anything

The Bushes & Clintons go to the Super Bowl

Mathematics hurts.

Thread for those who didn't go to sleep last night

Kephra was an angel on this earth.

My cats woke me up stalking a mouse. Why are you awake?

Good Morning my America Hating pinko commrades

He met Jesus at Wal-Mart

One of the more disturbing things I have seen today

Jebbies trip to Asia ?????

Anyone read '7 Types of Ambiguity' by Elliot Perleman? GREAT BOOK!

Which men make the ugliest women?

Any veterans of the cola wars here?

Any veterans of the cocaine wars here?

I'm sorry, but a jar of olives sexier than Anna Nicole Smith.

Carl, my notoriously gay neighbor, said my coffee area is nasty

Pillow to the nuts = crying like a baby

Apart from, where can I find used VHS tapes for sale?

Who portrayed

I just found out my husband is registered at DU

I have too much time on my hands cause I'm creating words for demopedia

Anyone see Sideways?

Michelin developing an airless tire.

Pleasant Valley Sunday

When you die,,,

I got a check for $0.03 yesterday!

Boy, does insomnia SUCK

Sandra Bernhard

Do I spend too much time on DU?

Species I, II, or III?

Dammit, DUers, I love you all,

Synchronicity I or II?


Stans! Lots of them! Help!

Best rock song with non-English lyrics?

Is this site run by someone here? It's fabulous! (POAC)

Any veterans here?

"You stupid bastard!" - favorite John Lithgow movie/show

Personal magnetism, from a slightly different point of view

"Wonderland"-*I* feel dirty after watching that movie

A voice stilled, but never forgotten...

I just got scammed by a Girl Scout

Cole Marcus...The hottest drummer west of the Pecos.(?)

we acknowledge the individual / And the common ground formed

What is it with Scots and Sheep?

Ok what ethnicity do you look?

Holy shit, a dream came true for me last night......

Now this just pisses me off

On one level I envy Khephra

North Korea wages war on long hair

Gay Penguin for President

Walker, Texas Ranger

You Just CANNOT Have A Bearded QB Named "Jake" & Expect To Win Anything!

All these Pitts on DU! Why can't one of them be Brad?

A moment of "mad props" for my roomy

3 kitties, including the last kitten-in-Xmas-tree photo of 04

Which Band have I never seen live and regret it?

If you use Internet Explorer, check this out:

Just left a conservative chatroom, and boy has my.......

Apocalypse draws near as Britney Spears' kid sister's show debuts tonight

MOVELEFT.COM Jan 9, 2005 Edition

Silver sneakers, Jimmy Fallon, and a staring contest you WILL lose.

Some scavenger stole my meatloaf

I've been so spoiled lately - a girl could get use to this.

Who Kicks More Arse, Daria Morgendorffer or Lisa Simpson?

Meatloaf ate the scavenger I was cooking into an enchilada

Fake rubber dog doo or Bush Senior Political Advisor Karl Rove

late life education

If Denver is ever going to win this game in the fourth quarter...

In honor of the Lord's Baptism today, were you baptised?

Help finding a song please!

People George W. Bush could actually beat by going Mano A Mano

WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!! I just made chicken quesadillas!!!

I was reading about a tiger who killed a zookeeper a few years back

Is it safe to unwrap the visqueen and duct tape from our houses?

Does DU have an RSS feed?

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate


LTTE at the Sheboygan Press today

Such a charming video...

Can't we all just get along?

Mmmmmmm, Marshmallow milkshakes :)

I live in WI and I don't care about the Packers

Aural or Oral

How often do you check your post count?

**** BRING ON THE JETS!!!!!! ****

Does anyone wish they could change MY personality ?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - So Far Brett Favre Is Getting His ASS KICKED!!

"Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction": Will You Go See It?

Just wanted to say

Who's watching Kansas-Kentucky BB instead of football?

Why didn't any of you selfish B'strds tell me Kenny Loggins On Ice was on!

Would you break off a relationship because one person didn't want kids?

Damage Control!

My Favorite Mel Brooks Movie Is

I'm sick of Netzero.

What traits do you look for when you Date

New Beware the Beast Man recording.

If anyone is wondering what to get me for my birthday...

What does the phrase "Mano a mano" mean (literally)?

God hates bags

God hates schwag

God hates nags.

Do you get "TVOne" in your area?


I have 49 processes running in my Task Manager! Cant shut them down!

Acronym of "Falwell."

For those who love the philosophy of hypocrisy and ambiguity....

My lucky sammich didn't help the Seahawks yesterday.

Would you ever fall in love with a Repuke

God hates hags

Ants! Lost of them! Help!

God hates lags

Peopel who think Van Morrison and CCR are the same band should be harmed

Does your dog snore?

God hates tags

God hates scallawags

God hates Eggplant Parmesan

The new #1 song in England? Elvis Presley's JAILHOUSE ROCK!

Do you take yourself too seriously?

God hates people who post "God hates ......." threads!

HOW TO modify your Kerry-Edwards bumpersticker to make a message!

I am watching "Wall Street". Ask me anything. n/t

Who are the great dead guitarists?

Which Family Guy episode had this scene?

Jessica Simpson as Daisy Dukes. Knoxville & Scott as Bo & Luke. Looks BAD.

I believe a DNC Chairman Debate is on C-SPAN right now

God hates JAG.

Have you ever had the cops called on you?

Sorry...I farted...

Anyone ever hear that song "Police State" by Agnostic Front

Which one of these individuals have I never met?

I wish everyone could have a unique avatar.

All hail the Colts!

How long did you lurk before joining DU?

Does anyone here know I am training to be a cage fighter?

Anything like NETFLIX for books? (No, I don't mean a library.)

Peopel who think Van Morrison and CCR are the same band should be hammered

My opinion: Where copy-cat, humor and social posts go...

So how has everyone been today

I have gone from information to enlightenment

With Khephra gone, I now have one more reason to dread January.

It's a cold-cut supper night here...


Eric Clapton album: August

What kinds of things cause cold sweats?

This one's the idiot customer of the YEAR!

Has anyone seen Dr.Weird?

Excellent!!!! Madden's Golden Child is getting his ass STOMPED!!!

God hates haggis.

God hates shags.

I put a post up on my blog for Kef

Napoleon Dynamite Wallpapers!

I think this might be a sign you are on DU too much:

I'm bored, what movie should I watch?

A song for Kephra

Help me kick it for Khephra in LBN.

I Really, Really, Really Miss Khephra Now

My picks for THE 50 WORST SINGLES OF THE '80s

Does anyone wish they could change their personality ?

Got a favorite poster? Tell them!

Woo-Hoo!!! We Just Made Eggplant Parmesan


On a Drug Store, I saw a "Drug Free World" Ribbon

Graphic for Scott's memory.... if you are THERE, give Rhenquist


Corona--- Mexico's answer to Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Bullgooselooney and KitchenWitch: it's 4:00 a.m. here. Ask me anything.

Trucker missing; so is cargo of 3.6 million nickels

My Dog - Remy The "Wonder Pug" Just Ate A Whole Wedge Of BRIE!!

Is Giving Romantic Advice to Young Women Completely Pointless?

List of recent articles at MOVELEFT.COM

Which piece-of-shit '70s/'80s TV show will make it to the big screen next?


DU'ers! Help fight CANCER with your computer. (Seriously!)


Keph's "Eye of Horus." Does anyone remember when the eye had

Raise your hand if you can't stop crying

Damn that 700 club and Pat F#$#$ Robertson

To the CU lurkers who posted respectful tributes to Khephra

Has your reading material changed since the election?

Peace be the journey, Kef

RIP Khepera

Micheal Moore wins best movie at people's choice awards?!

A message from Khephra's mom

What vital traits do you look for in a mate?

Who's your favorite Old School Rapper or Rap group?

To the younger DUERS in the lounge....

Connecticut-area DUers: how's about a meet-up on February 5th?

Pitt wanted kids, Aniston didn't, she keeps the $13.5 million mansion.

"Man in Black" a tribute to our beloved Kef.....

There's not a single "guy" on this hole website who would

Red Dawn: Greatest Right Wing Proganda Film Ever?

Is any "sport" where you walk at a leisurely pace most of the time..

Who's going to watch the Vikes choke again?

A Thread-Based moment of silence for Keph...

I'd like to announce that I've officially reached middle age.

I am in love with the most incredible woman I've ever met.

I made a plan after I'm laid off.

"What The Bleep Do We Know?"

Farewell, Khephra.

I want to know each and every one of you (In honor of Khephra)

Ulcer! Anyone know about cabbage juice & juicers?

Dr. Strangelove on TCM tonight at 6 pm EST

He met Jesus at Wal-Mart

Anorexia thread follow up -- Men are more likely to have it than thought.

It's all in the brain - why girls are prone to anorexia

Attitudes to mentally ill improve

A frank message to the American people from the tobacco industry

Woman with two wombs has twins months apart

Fatal Bird Flu in Pets in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

Genetically Modified Foods 1/2 quality of natural....

Anyone ever have a homosexual crush on a gay DUer?

unbelievable .... JETS WIN ...


Well, it looks like the Colts are going to win the Super Bowl.

Well.... Halftime

LOL - Colts respond to Broncos Bailey/Lynch offseason pickups...

Congrats to the Colts.....

Beltran DOES NOT Sign With The Astros

Beltran to the Mets

Green Bay/Vikings halftime.....

Look at what I bought Murphee (the Tiel)

I got a new kitty for Christmas

Anyone ever checked the sexual predators site to see who lives closeby?

The Art of Prosperity - A New Year, A New Thread - January 3, 2005

Need help beating down a crazy right-winger (metaphorically)

Screamingly Funny!

Tonight, I was involved in a perfect example of how....


It sucks that I have a job

Our President (pics)

Rock and Roll photography

Grenades, rockets being used as currency in Iraq

What Percentage of Democrats are REAL Democrats.

Tin foil hat time -- Another What if...

Homeland Security: $5 million allotted to TX city w/ sports' complexes

Dean, Roemer, Webb, Leland in Atlanta today. Pic and snip.

DNC chair candidate Roemer--Mercatus and Center for National Policy!!

It's the new Watergate

Here is how Army and National Guard recruit in SE Kentucky....

Theoretical: Patriot Act II vs. DU - shutdown of DU ?

Vote here: Do you agree with *'s Social Security reform?

Newt Gingrich Open to Presidential Run

No Child Left Behind: the Bush family cashes in too

Death toll at 2.5 MILLION and climbing!!

So, what made you a Democrat...

Gonzales is a racist. He thinks it's OK to torture Middle Easterners

Pro wrestling takes on Iraq.

Who voted 1/6 with Ohio election reform?

Black Point Man for the Right

History Channel now!

Face The Nation, Bob Schieffer trying to sound indignant about

Frist Sri Lanka photo op -- this guy's a piece of work...

I just screamed at the tv- George Will is too much

Biden, Dean, Clark. It doesn't matter.

dem nominee in 2008

"I'd like it to be said that Shirley Chisolm had guts. That's how I'd

How much is a trip to DC on the 20th worth?

Who Is Left On Our Side?

If the founding fathers had "second sight"/see into the future and saw

Guess this is one way to get on the voter registration list....

Right-Wing site Doesn't like Gonzales either...

CBS: Dick Meyers nails the Dems about Gonzales..

Ugh, Tim Roemer, DNC Chair candidate on "This Week"

Armstrong is the tip of the Iceberg.

Pulling the wings off of flies

Democrats Should Run Anti-Bush Ads NOW!

This is a great article in the Denver Post regarding citizen initiatives

Campaigne to send bush bags of pretzles

National ID cards will erode liberty

Kerry greeted by Syrians in Damascus, says relations can be improved

What will be the role of the Democratic Party in our dictatorship?

Social Security Reality Check: What About the Children

NO TAX INCREASE - Wages covered under SS are annually increased

Pentagon Considers US Led Death Squads For Iraq

Rove's shitty bin Laden "joke"

These are the troops I support

Gingrich thinking about presidential run in 2008

Does Gonzales's history of bending the law to kill blacks in Texas

Email listing of voting members of DNC

Second Time w/ same info please read and pass it on

Clergy extend Target boycott

Who do Americans consider the head of the Democratic Party?

January 20th - strike update

Hijacking Catastrophe coming up on Link TV 5 PM

Thomas Jefferson says electoral college is a mistake. Do you agree?

Lasers: Threat to aircraft or a way for a contractor to profit from fear?

Rep. Harold Ford Joins Efforts To Destroy Social Security

Take the History Channel Poll

Bush-Clinton team may have future assignments-AP

From The Enemies Of The Boxer Rebellion Files

Straw Poll: Your choice for DNC Chair

Kennedy was on to the Ketchum/Williams/NCLB thing in October

Conyers: Const. Amndmnt. Allowing Presidency w/ 20 yrs. US Citizenship

What Line Will Have To Be Crossed Before Even bu$h's Thugs Realize

"Free Lunchers" = Social Security supporters.

So, what's the makeup of your Congressional Delegation

Democratic leadership(?) will be needing this for Gonzales...

When did the 'liberal' media.....

Novak "outs" congressman matsui as a "source"

Jon Corzine for Prez 2008?

When do you think the tide will turn?

If your against the "Torture Lawyer" go to the supplied link and sign

If a Democrat doesn't understand how dangerous Bush is, they have to go.

Same companies behind the GOP are behind the DLC

McLaughlin: Conservative states give more to charity than Liberals...

Straw poll for 2008 Democratic Nomination

Are you in the UNDERGROUND or just visiting?

So, what do we make of Kerry as a Senator who won't stand with Boxer

"Show Respect for the President" - cringe, whiff of fascism

Falwell: NOW= "Nat'l Order of Witches"

I've said, for thirty years, that the war on drugs will never be won

We are forming a progressive television network. We are in the initial

So Kerry opted for the safety of Iraq rather than the danger of the senate