Democratic Underground

Archives: January 15, 2005

Common Dreams: Bring the Troops Home

Alan Bock: No Semblance of Accountability

WAR ON TERRORISM: Grabbing power, losing respect: Eric Mink

Battle Lessons -The New Yorker

The Bush Zone - (with Apologies to Rod Serling)

President of Fabricated Crises

Salon: Christie Todd Whitman's Memoirs Review

Did Sibel Edmunds tell the truth?

Writer wanted re: environmental & Interior Dept. issues

Mexico-taxes mostly fm poor or rich? GOP plan is US= Mexico soon:no middle

Nazi Prince Harry:Canada,Aussie under his total rule someday?

No disrespect intended,

My post is gone and I have no idea why.

Another supporter for the Irish Group

thanks for banning 'greyfox'

I agree with Heddi.

Exhibit of Bombed Bus Draws Opposition

Abbas says won't use force against militants

Is anyone going to counter inaugural protest tomorrow?

Is the Sun-Times worth a subscription?

Next stop: Pennsylvania!

Okay: Illinois Roll Call Part 2: County by County

Hey Naysayer,..CAUGHT YOU..Ha Ha!! .Now you can't deny your TRUE motive!!!

Future written in the past

please take your video cameras to DC

If you didn't catch Howard Zinn on Washington Journal

Voter Turnout for 2004 Highest Since 1968

Last Man to Concede, and Kerry?

C'mon people connect the dots. Our "election" was a psyop.

Any MN DUers going to the AAR Minnesota Blue State Ball on Jan. 20?

thanks for the help! got them all....for now....

Diebold will have to restate their earnings forecast

democratic registrations were destroyed

Blackwell Wants Voting Reform!

Question about Election results pre-certification Warren County OH

"Rethug" fairy tales about the "election" 2004

Call for Participation: Deliver a Spine to DNC Headquarters

Judge blocks Ky. state senator from serving because of residency rules

Fire up your Excel spreadsheets: The Election Fraud Probability Quiz

I totalled the NJ "military" vote for all the counties. Here it is

The Nashua Advocate: Diebold Speaks Out On Election Controversy

Great Flyer for Black Thursday

I'm a happy man!

Has Everyone Here Seen THIS Website?

Why was election fraud allowed to occur?

Kenneth Blackwell wants to hear from Democrats!

Annenberg poll shows 30% not confident their vote accurately counted

Californians who've had it with Dianne Feinstein Check in Here

MN highest voter turnout

Sec. of State Mary Kiffmeyer said that we don't handcount any ballots

Support Ken Blackwell on Paper Ballots.

WTF is * doing on my NASA TV?

Anybody watch Fat Tony and Justice Breyer on C-Span yesterday?

"The mothership is calling me home. Let this be a lesson to you earthlings

dupe n/t

This needs to be said. Who gives a f*** what * looks like today?

I don't like Micahel Jackson but I do believe he is being unfairly smeared

There are "uninformed" Americans. And "ignorant" Amercians. But THIS ONE

CNN: Trucker missing; so is cargo of 3.6 million nickels

I have Al Jazeera

Dr. John Sperling on "The Guy James Show" Saturday at new time

What are the rest of the world media reporting about the lack of WMD and

need help answering someone- were there terrorist in Iraq before? I'm watching NOW on my local PBS station, and

Old Black & White Film

after a few martinis, is anybody watching the ridiculous

Huge iceberg to ram glacier

Bush visits Pentagon for update

Read the past "Bush: We're at war"

I want the movie rights to Nope, No WMD Here Boss, and furthermore

Millions of nickels stolen from Fed

Presidential election had highest percentage turnout since 1968

Passionate Opposition

What will happen to local independent businesses when SS is privatized?

Belzebulb Bush is on with Baba Wawa right now.. She asks..

Will they ever be made to answer for their crimes against humanity?

HellooooooH, I'm BARFING----------Baabwah & Lauwwwwa n/t

Richard Perle On Hardball Says...

What is the issue that could best divide and conquer the Reprivateans?

What should we hang in front of our houses on Jan. 20th?

You guys are going to love this

Dean and Perle to debate foreign policy in February.

will bush* get out of the car and WALK, or will he be a CHICKEN ?

needs caption: boy king struts his stuff, with condi and zoellick (PHOTO)

One Sick Son of a Bitch

Social Security, solvency and political spin

Weird red glow surrounds White House - "red states" party already? Photo:

Why do Republicans constantly say that JFK stole the election of 1960?

can anyone here help me? need Jenna's green shoes & Karl Rove on computer

18 Decapitated GIs in Iraq.

FR posters angry at Bush apology

Name one great American who is white.

Media Matters has some guts. Goes after Novak for blogger story.

No-Fly list...........

Woo Hoo! Got the day off, going to DC on the 20th!

FBI whistleblower 'vindicated' over intelligence services failings

What Democratic "group" are you?

Bush's stupid dog Miss Beazley peed in the Oval Office --- says

PBS has Tucker Carlson ...

What Does It Say About A Man When His Own Dog Hates Him? OR

I saw an article that discusses what the pResident reads in his "spare"

Create your own Bush Speech

KOEB meeting

American Jesus

Have you signed Boxer's petition?

Chicken ranchero - I made this up!

Do you have a recipe for Tortilla Soup?

Beef Roast Braised in Beer and Honey

My fast food week in Fort Worth Tx

CNN: Trucker missing; so is cargo of 3.6 million nickels

Richard Perle On Hardball Says...

Why 'Keira' and 'Mohammed' are hot British baby names

WP: D.C. Hotel-Union Talks Move Forward ("strike" possible)

Government: FBI translator's complaints were supported by evidence,

Hunter Andrews dead at 83 (Former Senator a power in legislature)

McKenna officially named as Canada's new ambassador to the U.S.

U.S.denies Indonesian rejection of support

New-look UN seeks Washington appointee

WP: Inaugural Bash (Protests & Counter Inaugurals)

WP: Election Turnout in 2004 Was Highest Since 1968

COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA: Guerrilla Leader Kidnapped to Please the U.S.

WP: On J-20, Assorted Protesters Will Be Rising Up -- Then Partying Down

WP: Treasury Struggles To Keep Influence – Role diminished under *

Court: Fornication law unconstitutional (VA Supreme Court)

US-led forces 'damaged Babylon'

Powell Demands That Abbas Stop Palestinian Terror

Bush to Call for Permanent Dividend and Capital Gains Cuts

Amid Talk of Withdrawal, Pentagon Is Taking Steps For Longer Stay in Iraq

The Critical Battle for Iraq's Energy -WP

FBI Keeping Records on Pre-9/11 Travelers

Anti-Bush Bracelets Say, 'Count Me Blue'

Phones down, borders sealed, troops on streets: its time for democracy

Submarine Crash Shows Navy Had Gaps in Mapping System

LAT: No More Internet for Them (some fed up with viruses, spyware)

Months of war that ruined centuries of history

White House Calls CIA Report 'Speculative'

Family of Four Found Slain in N.J. Home

New York Times: Laura Bush Defends Gala in Time of War and Disaster

Anybody here live with a Supertrain?

Is Bright Eyes a good band?

Time for a Public Service Announcement: Don't Do Drugs.

Im Having Lasagna For Dinner

I've given up fries since Clinton had heart problems in the fall.

Best "setting yourself up" for an insult lines

Welcome to my 700th post. Get ready to be dazzled! sleep.

Is there any good new anymore?

The Sex Bomb?

Well, that was weird

Paul Simon fans: What was "Me and Julio" about?

"They're from the NRA. They're here to help you."

Is there any good Gnus anymore?

I just watched the last episode of lost.

CNN: Tucker missing; so is cargo of 3.6 million nickels

So where do we go with our BLEEP threads now?

Wheres the 'bush said there was no weps of destruction thread?'

LOST: How many episodes of the first season and...

Cuteness for kitty lovers

Are the 99 cents a month unlimited MP3 download

Anyone else feel icky from Bert Parks?

to those who have xm

Update on the IL driver nailed three times in WI


Why can't people obey basic traffic laws?

Halfway decent freeper drinking joke

The BUFF is on the History Channel

How do you rate the chimp's job performance?

Tech Geeks...I have a problem I think. HELP

OMG, so they're actually going to do it. And this time, there is no escape

You going to watch Chimpy McCokespoon's interview on "20/20?"

Does anyone here live with a meat freak?

It's the Lounge interactive early 80's Text Only Adventure thread.

I see red. It hurts my head. You see black and white and I see red. RED

Did anyone see promos for ER or NYPD Blue this week?

I need to make chicken

HELP Please!

Anyone else get achy from Makers Mark?

Name your Favorite Emo

Name your Favorite Emu

Lair of the White Worm - discuss

It Was 50 Years Ago Today

Some words from Lennon

She said she's travelling on the one after 909

Comedy Central now!!!

Good news: Joan Rivers gets competition...

Ali 'G--keepin' it real

10 Minutes to Galactica!

so i could be home hanging with a good friend, instead


I just don't know anymore......

I just don't sew anymore.

O.......M.........G!!!! Chocolate whores hear me roar!

Who is the all-time post champ at DU? Or better yet, who's second?

ACK! I can NOT stand the song Redneck Woman!

Princess Clara vs. Foxy Love

I just don't grow anymore...

Okay everybody...break down your post count...


"We'll sleep when we're dead"

I just don't drink a good cup o' joe anymore.

Am I the only one excited about the 'Apprendice"

Name your Favorite Eno

So, the conflict at work continues

Cryosurgery ain't bad at all!

10 more registered users until 63,000!

Damn, we're a talented bunch...

Cookies or Cookie Dough?

Which David Brock book to get?

No-Fly list...........

bsg just did a 9-11 shootdown.......

Good news: Joan Rivers gets murdered (Make your own subject line)

I must admit - I feel imasculated when the landlord...

So, with nothing better to do, I decided to watch the Crucible

Ode to Billy Joe

Buschs is soo cmpassionit!!!

Has anyone ever seen the Lennon Legend DVD?

I am typing AGAIN with my gloves on!

ever bought a family business???

How to take a hot shower on Titan?

What my cat thinks of DU

Rocky, I've Never Been In Love Before....

A Crantini or Whiskey n' Coke?

What State do you live in?


63,000 users? Man, some of you need to go back above ground!

Whatever happened to Volcano Jen?

Why do we allow visiting Monarchs to continue their shit here?

How's this for a 1990's guilty pleasure?

favorite Jack Ryan (Tom Clancy) movie

I'm trying desperately to get out of the single digit post numbers here -

Can I rant?

Am I the only one excited about my appendix?

Grapes of: Sweet, Sour, Wrath

Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on?

Poo...Malloy's a re-run tonight...

I've been chewing on a straw for the last hour and now...

Movie remakes which surpass the original...

Balloons to tie to the bumper of Limo One for the innauguration parade.

Final Report: Kef's Memory Book

I've been away...what do you think of "Lost"

Bafoons to tie one on in Limo One for the innauguration parade.

27 posts to the big 1000. Ask me anything.

ELEKTRA movie gets a whopping 5% on Rotten Tomatoes

Okay. I Admit It... I Loved The Movie "50 First Dates"

Good Googely Woogely! !!!! The Cylons are FUNDIES!

Which Was Your Favorite Nightmare On Elm Street Movie?

Post a pic (or pix) you find really funny

Those "lively" Bush Twins

290 posts from 10K. Ask me something!

What kind of computer are you using right now?

For My 600th Post

Lol... How Do You Say "Schanzstonker" In Spanish?

I think Indrid Cold (Mothman) just called me!

I have a 5 dinar bill. It smells funny. Ask me anything.

Can I pant?

You know why I like the new Battlestar Gallactica?

What 'Family Guy' character are you?

Do really cold nights lead you to worry about the homeless?

What is the difference between...

"How do you spell 'good'?"

Dear Abby

Well you're hogging up all the ugly

Need some suggestions for a new business I want to start.

Anyone else get itchy from Marky Mark?

Barbara Walters didn't just say that, did she?

Conspiracy Tinfoil Hat GUESS Poll

Listening to Rush: Grace Under Pressure. Good album.

I just watched TOMMY again (been 10 years) - ask me anything.

The King of Wack ass commercials

I'm Sean Hannity, ask me anything

Anyone seen Janesez lately?

I found my 3rd grade class picture today...

I just don't row anymore

'It's all oven roasted the only way Quzznos can.'

I finished watching "Saved" earlier.

Am I the only one excited about my appendix?

What are YOU in it for?

A joke for you...especially all you young students!

I love Bob Dylan. There, I said it.

Name that movie game

Has anyone had "Drinkable chocolate" from Starbucks...

How difficult is it to record DVDs on a home computer?

Ok, I'm outta here to actually pay attention to Dracula and eat pistachios

I just invented a new drink. Help me name it

Crap. My homunculus escaped again.

Do you live in a so-called "red state"?

Who is the hottest "old-timer" (55 and up) you can think of?

Hello. Hello. Hello. I know it's late, but could someone please check my

I was rejected by a potential date.

It's January 1995. Where are you?

Letter From Birmingham Jail

List your most Bizarre Celebrity crushes

The Wisdom of Woody Guthrie

We need another Oscar thread

How many people here built the box you're using tonight? Shoot for

Post what's great about your life.

We're expecting again! (My first kitty thread)

Is Chocolate Soy Milk bad for my cat?

Why 'Keira' and 'Mohammed' are hot British baby names

Create a novel's first sentence that will definitely keep people reading

I Have a Dream

What's the oldest thing you own?

What's a good whiskey?

What's the oddest thing you own?

Can I paint?

Mmm Mmm - Prime Rib soup and "Bram Stoker's Dracula"

Atlanta gathering folks - please read re: date and accomodations

interesting site....and a theology forum......OT foreshadowing of Jesus

why are jews different from 'gentiles' whatever that means?

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Matthew 6:5-6 - What does it mean to you?

Natural selection acts on the quantum world

Opportunity Spots Curious Object On Mars

Pentagon Sought 'Gay' Bomb

Rejoice, Seahawk fans. Whitsitt gone.

Matt Leinart to stay at USC!!!!!!!! Won't Turn Pro!

God is a football fan

Your daily dose of Cute...

Does your pet eat you out of house and home?

Who has birds??

uranus in sag - when was it?

Do you believe in an afterlife of sorts? Do you believe we have "Souls"?

Fleet Reserve Association News-bytes, 01-13-05

Another, hmmm, wtf, is it just me

Watching shadow-president Kerry directing foreign policy

I am SO glad I remembered that this group exists!

Excerpted from Kennedy's speech before the National Press Club

Putting a price on the life of a dead soldier

FCC chair orders investigation into White House.Armstrong propaganda

Do you think bush* will have enough courage to walk part of the

Fox: FBI reports "suspicious activity" related to Emperor Bush Coronation

Check out the Interfaith Alliance to see what non-fundies are

We must offer a Democratic alternative....

Has the press traced down Rod Paige yet ?

Zell Miller on CNBC

Barak Obama's answering machine.

Even his dog hates and ignores him -

What makes a conservative?

New Dean for DNC Chair Focus.

McLaughlin Group -- 3 of 5 --- predicts Dean for DNC Chair.

Call for Participation: Deliver a Spine to DNC Headquarters

Picture to go with Get a backbone DNC action

Wait... Is Armstrong Williams scheduled to take the fall for Bush?

If politics and media gossip have gotten you down,

Serious question: how weird a last name is possible to win the WH with?

Who is behind the Dean-Blogger "scandal"--Dems or Repubs?

rush incites the ignorant

CNN Poll

Liberals: This is our moment. Let's seize it.

Bush Will Reactivate Campaign Network (For Social Security)

Simon Rosenberg on the Stupid "Zephyr-Gate" Scandal About Dean and Blogs

is Bush rushing the death of SS cuz he done spent it all and don't

Ken Blackwell wants to hear from the D.U.

Why Are They Trying To Soften Junior's Image NOW?

Woolsey Leads 15 Members in Asking President to Bring Troops Home (My Rep)

Clark/Biden ticket?

Inauguration Theme: "Celebrating Freedom, Honoring Service." Shameless

Anyone watching President Body Bag being interviewed by Babba Wawaa?

Poll: Was it worth Protecting Saudi Arabia From Iraq?

40 % of Americans are just plain idiots.

How far are Republicans willing to go with Bush ?

If you haven't got your bracelets yet...

Doncha miss all the old '60's radicals/activists?


Did you know bush hired 2 commies for homeland security

A Gift for Drug Makers - Bob Herbert, NYT

ACLU decries use of force by police at Bush event

For President and Close Friend, Forget the Politics

STAR GATE [Controlled Remote Viewing] Goverment Programs

Recapturing Kansas - Interview with Thomas Frank

By what standard this presidential inaugural needs to be...

The 'Media Party' Is Over

Turning Up the Heat on Bush

Why We Need Social Security

Nearly 29% of inaguration costs to be borne by tax payers.

End to search for WMD seals doubts about pre-emption (USA)TODAY

Monsanto Suing Farmers Over Piracy Issues

Why the Outrage over Outfest Arrests?

Ulster bank robbery bore traces of Higgins crime novel

How Does Right-Wing Media Craft Its Message?

John Dean - The Torture Memo That Haunted Gonzales's Confirmation Hearings

An Urgent Call to Republicans

Centrists steer clear of Social Security plans

Blumenthal: Clinging to happy talk

Dying for Consumption

"As a follower of Jesus Christ I have to disagree with you, for he said...

Bush's Grand Plan: Incite Civil War

Fat to fit: how Finland did it (30 yrs ago Finns were the unfittest

Christian Fascism: Gary Leupp

Why I Refused a 2nd Deployment to Iraq - By: Sgt. Kevin Benderman

Republicans at odds on social security - good time to contact Rep. leaders

Bush Administration Comments on WMDs (before and after)

Ritter right about Iraq - Give that man a medal

Star Parker: The credibility of black conservatism

Bush-style Christianity

DaillyKos - Ideological war being waged against Liberalism

Performers instructed not to look directly at * during parade

"A Cuban Perspective on Gary Webb"

Rally on the Steps of City Hall Sat 1/15 , at 11:30 am

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition 1/20 Bus info all states.

Renew the Fairness Doctrine - Sign the Petition

1/20 San Francisco protesters: 2 questions

Al Gore's INdTV: The People's Programmer

NPR's Scott Simon says there's "no outrage" over WMD

Ed Schultz on o'LIElly Factor ---transcript

Clear Channel: No French words on the air.

Renew the Fairness Doctrine - Sign the Petition

Torture in society

Make Way for a New Growth Industry

Where will the market be at the end of a second bush term?

Temps In French Alps Rise Up To 5F In Forty Years - Snow Totals Fall - AFP

Bears Breaking Hibernation As Warm Weather Sweeps Russia, Scandinavia

NASA Releases Free Desktop Climate-Modeling Software


Why was, my thread on Robert E. Lee moved from GD to The Meeting Room?

I understand why this was locked, but...

Whuile I agree this isn't Lounge material, it does have a place on DU.

Jes' wanna say thanks

This thread is decidely racist and I alerted

Could you please delete this thread?

Regarding a locking decision

How about a Father and Son talk with the children

Thanks mods.

media contact list

how do I put posters on my ignore list?

Sharon cuts links with Abbas after Gaza bomb attack

Powell Demands Abbas Stop Terrorists

Palestinian resistance defies Abbas

Brigades murder 2 'collaborators'

Peoria Journal Star: Cat gift benefits rivers

What kind of dirt does LaHood have on him?

Da Bulls win again!

Passing this on - - though I do not understand why Pitt himself

Whats your opinion? How big will the innaugeration protest be?

A Horserace Betting Parable.

Commerce report from 1988--concerning computerized voting problems

Texas Election System Examiners' Meetings with Diebold Shrouded in Secrecy

OBSCENE: B* increased Clinton Inaug. donation lmts. from $100 to $250,000

Voter suppression flyers - some actual letters

Let's all wear blue bracelets and support a good cause too!!

Turn Your Back on Bush

Boxer:"I believe your loyalty overwhelmed your respect for for the truth

Recount report from Erie (belated)

Citizens for Legitimate Government web site

Where do you go for the news?

Sailing Away

The Poll Tax is back

Our anger and rage vs. what's needed...

Am I crazy?

Full Cuyahoga caterpillar ballot order available in text file now.

A freelance journalist's analysis on DRE's one year ago. Comments?

"Faking Democracy" by Lynn Landes - a must-read!

Exit Poll Probability Analysis - state by state

The Nashua Advocate: Investigation Proves We Need a Special Prosecutor Now

What's your NET viewing as a percentage of ALL news sources?

What the "post election" period has shown me is that I'm in a great place

Suggestions Needed for Inauguration Day

Congressman Conyers Asks Justice Department to Appoint Special Counsel to

whatever happened to the federal lawsuit against blackwell?

Why has Congress focused on suppression but avoided vote machine fraud?

Doris Granny D Haddock: Our Velvet Revolution

Weekend update thread for fraud/election/recount/protests

No Confidence Movement in Eureka, CA Newspaper (MSM)

Boxer needs your support! Sign Petition to Hold Rice Accountable!

Widespread vote machine fraud in Texas-Austin,Houston,SanAntonio

Bush Blackout on websites 1/20 ACTION ALERT WEBMASTERS

Republican Secretaries of State

final call for links for the Conyers, Boxer, Tubbs-Jones thankyou site!


Mom, Apple Pie and Verified Voting!

Back from Ireland and Holland - What did I miss?

Renew the Fairness Doctrine - Sign the Petition

has this graphic been proven wrong?

Feinstein backs Condi Rice, 9/11 liar

Heavy rains may increase West Nile virus risk

Arnold - The HMO Tax

Pls. Attend DNC Listening Hearing in LA today 1/15

Who should replace Senator Feinstein?

Put information damaging to Arnold here

Teach me, Oh Wise Ones, how to link to a particular part of a webpage!

Does anyone have a link handy that has a grid of processing power

I need help with IE and new computer

Opinion about Marcavage,

Lynn Swann In Deep Kimchi: Sweet Deal With Vending Machine Industry

HEY Steeler fans!!!! I'm rooting for the Boys to go all the way this year

Austin MLK March meetup

SD25 Conference January 29th

Democracy Fest '05 registration is now open

US security chief does not rule out torture

Non Political

Faith-based grant to Arizona group blocked

So let me get this straight... What the G*O*P did with Armstrong Williams

Hospital Has A Shoeshine Saint

Jesus: "Blessed are the merciful" Bush: 152 executions, only 1 clemency

Bush needs distraction and calls on Family in Focus

KIRO gave Mike Webb an extra hour -- LIVE now 12:57am ET

Should We BoyCott...

Wealthy Firms Show Bush The Money

What's the inside scoop on Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD)?

Battle Lessons (The New Yorker)

Voice of the White House, the latest......

"You give money to charities. You invest money in political candidates."

incompetence??? deliberate sabotage of US????

why are jews different from 'gentiles' whatever that means?

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Punk-ass divisive threads that have nothing to do with politics tonight.

You should hear these guys on C-Span talking about SocSec Privitazation

"Dirty war" officer charged with genocide: what about Kissinger?

Plan would delay weapons purge

Are the elderly going to "throw roses" when...

D.C. Ritz-Carlton offers 4-night "Presidential Package" for only $150,000

Critical flaw in neo-con military strategy

The US Flag Code - this country had run afoul

5 days till the 2nd 4 year term.....oh JOY!

Are current Pell Grants renewable?

Bin Laden is a lot like Bon Jovi

'Unforgivable Blackness' pulls no punches

This sort of thing is why America's economy is dying

Should Howard Dean be put on the $20 bill?

9 grieving moms lay claim to tiny tsunami survivor

Maryland's Governor is a "Red Crab".

1st Issue of 'Is It Treason Yet?' is out

An update on the Tulia Texas drug busts

This has probably been posted before...but it is a true gem.

The Bible should have a disclaimer in it that says.....

Should Colonel Sanders be on the $20 bill?

omg!...Is Allawi Using Rove For This Election In Iraq?

Sometimes You've Just Got to Laugh at Faux's Shrub-o-centrism

What nations provide most of America's Slave Labor?

Dear DUers: "Don't Think of an Elephant!"

We'll be at $150 BILLION actual $$ spent on Iraq in the next few hours..

"They hate us for our culture"

you wana' know how to tell if * is lying, he's talking

Blogger warns current fascists: do this to my children and I will kill you

US flags mounted in dog droppings in German city


The most overrated General in US history was Robert E. Lee.

Karl Rove to be Honored by CORE at MLKing ceromony?????

Sad will be the families whose child/soldier dies while the Bush's* party!

Global Warming....

This is what my web site will look like on 1/20 - any comments? (Photo)

Progressive Summit Announces Concert w/ Trick Daddy!

I tried to watch Bush with Bawba Wawa, but couldn't...

Does anyone remember a President who could walk into a crowd?

I'm of Draft Age

Sure wish this shit storm that * and co created

Does anyone have the time for Keph's (Scott) Memorial Service?

Anti-Bush Bracelets Say, 'Count Me Blue'

In the words of Ronald Reagan.....(SS)

Pentagon planned love bomb

Iraq Election: What happens when Allawi wins?

United Nations inspectors had it right: No WMD's

When someone asks you to discuss the Oil for Food scandal

Church trying to come to terms with 'holy strumpets'

Looking for a good primer on the Oil for Food scandal

great commentary on the stolen baby incident in Skidmore, MO

We're doomed, DOOMED I tell you! DOOOOOOMED!!!

Faux News Debunker:"Happy Iraq" Turns Out To Be Not That Happy

B**h was right: No draft. Because we're ALL going there, to suck up oil.

our US Chamber of Commerce partly owns a wkly. law suit newspap.

Red vs Blue Statistics

The Backbone Campaign

TBTM Online Petition: 'Let Congress Go First!'

Pentagon Confirms Report of Planned Gay Conversion Chemical Weapon

What does it say about this country if a person like GWB can get this far?

Oh what have we done to Babylon!

What's the difference between "values" and "family values"?

Subversiveness is now a Repuke staple in its bag of tricks.

Home Depot is a red company

There's no atrocity or crime that Bush lovers can't rationalize

White Chocolate Cowboy Boots! Dance, Jenna, dance! Huh? What tsunami?

Has the Cross become the Crosstika?

dress designers and the bushgang

Bush, WMDs (Warnings of Mass Deficits) and the Invasion of Social Security

Now we've done it... We've ruined the Babylon ruins

Randi & Air America welcome...DETROIT !!!!!!!!!

History is not going to be kind to our country

"U.S.-Led Soldiers Said to Damage Babylon"

The Crime Of War: From Nuremberg To Fallujah

U.S.-Led Soldiers Said to Damage Babylon

Americans planned "gay bomb"

Internet access for troops: My nephew, who is stationed in

Welcome back, Saddam!

Retiree Protests Spread Across United States

my response to a friend/Nader fan who thinks he's further left than me

I don't know if "TruthSeeker", the White House insider blog, is legit

Foxblocker: Block Fox News & send message to their advertisers.

Congratulations Bush- we are a threat now.

Are there any respected world leaders that actually LIKE Bush?

PHOTO: Bush wanted to "save" Social Security from the git-go

Alabama Taliban --- mom's honor killing for Jesus (12 year old daughter)

Canada skates carefully down the middle.

Let's speak of Gaia

Anyone have a link to the SOTU address that Bush used to justify invading?

Get the broom

Analysts Fear Buying of Overvalued Stocks

New Idea - Search Engine 'Attack'

the politics of Wickedly Perfect - CBS and Martha Stewart

Prescott's housing plans repeat failures of the past, says royal guru

“Moral values” teens say that Britney Spears best represented their ethics

A picture crying out for Photoshoppers

I'm calling them "Truth Fries" because the French were right

Repuke dirty tricks target Not in Our Name: Seattle?

NINE inauguration balls. Gluttony for Jesus!

Besides the WMD's, what other giant lies have Bush & crew told?

"Leave it to Bush" episode 2: Bush and Bill Cosby do coke on the moon.

This is How Allawi Gets Around Iraq! He Is Not A US Thug!

FBI : Scrapping $170 million computer program but.....

Andy Rooney gets Da Ali G Experience/Videe

Is Tim Roemer responsible for the Dean squabble?

Should We Pay For The Second Inauguration

"“We don’t want this freedom of the Americans."

Breaking news; Graner gets 10 years, reduced to private...

Secrecy Surrounds Iraq Vote/Elections

Why is the RW's propaganda machine only effective on half of the public?

Why I feel we went to war...

Anyone watch 20/20 Bush interview tonight (west coast time)

ACT or

Where does all that Mexican oil revenue go?

Have any of the Repub/shrub lovers around you shown dismay over 'no WMD?'

What is the point of re-inaugurating someone who already holds the office?

It's official: My Brother died in vain and a nation barely blinked


Zero Emissions Vehicles, Fuel Cell/Gasoline Hybrids.... MUST READ.

Predictions for the next 4 years?

Is it true that FDR cancelled 1945's inaugural ball because of the war?

"If ... Bush had any sense of decency, he would cancel the whole thing."

2fer: Tweety to "attend" SNL Tonight, and Big Dog to U.N.?

Please explain to me the importance of "nationalism"...

Am I horrible for this?

Invest in the coming global water shortage

How many folks do you know that fell for THIS Conspiracy Theory?

Lt. Calley was originally sentenced to LIFE for Mai Lai, but only served

Urgent: Support needed for tribal owners of the Black Hills Now!

Officials minimizing death

Give Sen. Boxer questions to grill Rice at confirmation

Who is/was the worst of these three: Nixon, Reagan, or GWB - and why?

"Tradition bites!" Do you agree or disagree?

Ted Nugent has moved to Crawford, TX!!!!!

David Brooks, NYTimes: Women should have children and then a career

Official "Guy James Show" thread--please keep kicked

What is your favorite 2005 inauguration protest sign?

"Iron Jawed Angels" Have you seen it?

Martin Luther King, Jr., The Trumpet of Conscience

My Roofer Is An Anti-Semite

Bad Jouralism from the Right

Do we at DU call this administration on its racism enough?

If you were THE MOST HATED LIVING SOUL on earth, would you throw a party?

Is there a conspiracy behind Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer ?

"Renew the Fairness Doctrine" - sign the petition

Convicted Christian Torturer "I've been bad-mouthed about my religion"

Anyone have an update on how Elizabeth Edwards is doing?

US Losses - Photos Hidden By US News Media (Modem WARNING - Graphics ++)

Need billboard ideas

From The Rake: New Hummel figurine: "The Littlest Liberal"

Do you actually KNOW anyone who got spun up about Super Bowl Boob,

Actual Iraq solders killed - 8,000? Wounded 15,000?

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King, Jr.

Coup plot Thatcher grounded in Germany after US visa expires

Laura Bush insists the inauguration must go on

Are whites blind to their suffering?

Know your BFEE: George W Bush did "community service" at Project P.U.L.L.

DRAFT counseling office Open, ask me anything!

The Bush speech from last Tuesday on SS being....

Anybody going to barbecue today ?

My creation for today...Country Style Ribs

What's you favorite "back-of-the-box" recipe?

The flip-floping of the food industry---

an interesting thing to do with good chocolate...

Who's really behind the December Ulster heist?

F9/11 on Channel 4 - Thursday 27 January

The Critical Battle for Iraq's Energy

Sharon cuts links with Abbas after Gaza bomb attack

US security chief does not rule out torture (Tom Ridge)

Avalanche hits US ski resort (Park City, Utah)

Critical battle for Iraq's energy

Indonesia Muslims Warn Against Evangelism

Turning Up the Heat on Bush

A Gift for Drug Makers - Bob Herbert, NYT

Ritter right about Iraq - Give that man a medal

Ted Nugent to play fund-raiser for Crawford, Texas band

What the president reads

FBI whistleblower 'vindicated' over intelligence services failings

Pentagon planned love bomb

The 'Media Party' Is Over

Muslim Leader Warns Against Christian Evangelism in Disaster Zone

Man pleads guilty to trying to export AK-47s to Colombia

British Museum says U.S.-led troops damaged ancient Iraqi city of Babylon

House Lawmakers Spar Over Discrimination

WP: Aid to Poorest Nations Trails Global Goal(U.S. trails wealthy nations)

Iraqis despair at their daily lives

Veneman Reportedly To Be Chief Of UNICEF

Powell Had the Title but Lacked Clout With Bush Compared to Colleagues

181 car bombs detonated since Iraq government takeover June 28

A Global Gulag to Hide the War on Terror's Dirty Secrets

Ancient Babylon wrecked by US-led forces: British Museum

9 grieving moms lay claim to tiny tsunami survivor

Progressive Democrats Benefit Concert Just Announced

Former soldier with ailing son in Panhandle recalled to duty

Official: Evidence Supports FBI Complaints ----Sibel Edmonds

Two Kuwaiti policemen hurt in clash with militants

Judge Blocks KY State Senator From Serving Because of Residency Rules

Hotels, Union Agree on Contract

Huge’ avalanche near Utah ski resort

LAT:Shift in (textile quotas) Roil Global Economy(horror for poor nations)

Alaska boosts oil production taxes, may do more; industry alarmed

Foster Care Contracts Canceled After City Finds Files Doctored

U.N. criticizes U.S. handling of Iraq oil revenue

White House: CIA report on war is 'speculative'

Boston airport to be mock terrorist-attack site

46 Palestinian Election Officials Resign (to protest pressure by Abbas)

Anderson Magnesium Fire Forces Evacuation

Soldiers in 'anti-US plot' held by Kuwait

Tsunami aid helps US image - Bush

Atheist loses Bush prayer fight

Justice Dept. to Appeal Ruling on Universities and Military Recruiters

Keeping CBS's Eye on Its Own World

Marine Killed in Al Anbar Province # 1362

Pelosi: 'Having Admitted Error of His Words, President Must Admit Error of

British Museum says U.S.-led troops damaged ancient Iraqi city of Babylon

Man who served in Iraq found dead in upstate New York

An Iraqi ICRC staff member found dead, says the ICRC

AP: Soldier May Speak at Sentencing Hearing

U.S.-Led Soldiers Said to Damage Babylon

Al Sadr warns Bush on poll interference

Instability in Fallujah keeping Marines busy

Aide: Powell, Bush Team At Odds

Putin (pension) Reforms Greeted by Street Protests Across Russia

Rising Violence and Fear Drive Iraq Campaigners Underground -NYT

Oil spill is rated 2d worst on river

Security for Iraqi Voting Site Is 'Inadequate' (Maryland Hotel, near DC)

DoD Identifies 4 Casualties - Jan.15

North Korea: U.S. a 'Nuclear Criminal' (AP)

Social Security Enlisted to Push Its Own Revision (Govt to do propaganda)

(Colorado) Bill would protect college faculty's speech

US Military Considered "Gay Bomb"

Suit accuses former Haitian strongman (Constant) of campaign of violence

Charismatic Tymoshenko Says She Will Be Ukraine PM

Solar Tsunami Alert As Giant Sunspot Looms

Military hearing officer recommends dropping rape charge against guardsman

King widow moves to condo after break-ins

Graner gets 10 years

Analysts Fear Buying of Overvalued Stocks

Wolfowitz: U.S. Eager to Leave Indonesia

With Takeover Completed, Oracle Sends Layoff Notices

Thousands flee Indiana plant fire

Portugal to withdraw force from Iraq on Feb. 12

Many Iraqi bodies found dumped

Jury Recommends Probation for Former Tulia Drug Agent

Marine Killed in Action South of Baghdad

Daughter of Iraqi official kidnapped ( 16 yrs old)

State (CA) loses 25,000 payroll jobs

Southern Seeks Grant To Search For New Nuclear Power Site

Fallujah residents left displaced and bitter

Documents: FBI pursued widespread probe of leaker in Gotti case

Women of Kabul take the wheel in brave new drive for sexual equality

Bodies of four Iraqis found on roadside

Iraqis in two troubled provinces to be allowed to register, cast ballots

Armed airline pilot charged with flying under influence

Judge blocks a Bush administration faith-based grant to Arizona group

US fury over EU weapons for China

Cars to Be Restricted for Iraq Election

Ansar Islam group denies it killed Iraq cleric -Web

Dollar Posts Biggest Weekly Loss Against Yen Since March 2004

The most dangerous man in the world? (not Osama) (MSNBC)

Iraqi government announces election day security plan

Congress killed measures to ban U.S. use of torture

Judge slashes fine against U.S. traveler to Cuba

WP: Bioterrorism War Game Shows Lack Of Readiness

Abu Ghraib Abuse Ringleader Blames Superiors

Murder and Suicide Reviving Claims of Child Abuse in Cult

Iraq, Afghan wars top $140 billion cost ($1.2 billion per week)

U.S. general says there are indications insurgents are receiving support f

(WA) Dems push bill to cut income of political foe

UN Told of Weaknesses in U.S. Handling of Iraqi Oil

NYT: Bush to Return to 'Ownership Society' Theme in Push for S.S. Changes

Sadr movement bounces back, demands solution to Iraq fuel crisis

Women and Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution (Civil rights on the rise)

Genocide trial shines spotlight on 'dirty war'

Agency Running Social Security to Push Change -NYT

Florida Child in Custody Dispute Set to Return to Biological Mother

US helicopter gunship makes emergency landing in Mosul

Bush Warns of Social Security Bankruptcy

The Diesel Surprise

Can I faint?

Over 200 responses to the combined flame bait threads

Am I the only person in America that thinks Michele Kwan sucks?

The Teardrop Explodes...

Did anybody notice?

viruses through movies?

Can I taint?

Anyone heard Jane Says lately?

Clark/Biden ticket?

It's Limey Again! Say Something Negative About EUers or the EU!!

Do you ever get mysterious bruises?

it's -17 outside - this sucks

let's tell a story line by line.

From a book with an author who looks like church lady

63,001 Registered DUers!

I am so bored ...

Why do people look so fug-ugly in mugshots?

Fuck is it EVER time for U2 to go away

Ever have deja vu?

MEN! How "metrosexual" are you

You can PATENT almost anything


Please explain to me the importance of "nationalism"...

I don't get the hype surrounding the Mac Mini....?

I'm on a mission to save the world.

You many not like Colin Quinn

can't miss what you never had

And A Word From Our Sponsor

Sh-boom! Sh-boom! Alang alang a dip.

Lights out!!!! Guerrilla Radio!!!!! Turn that shit up!!!!!!

Post the good news for today

Everytime you vote Republican, God kills a kitten...

Et tu Encore?

Dance of the naked lesbians proves man is not the only gay in the village

Gee. He looks kind of pissed.

For my 302nd post, gratuitous male bashing...

"I'm the happiest girl in the whole U.S.A."

Question for cat owners

I'm so high...

So. last night Loretta Lynn y Jack White were #4 on the CMT countdown

Okay, Music Thread.. What CD do you suggest for me????

Awww shoot.

root beer vs. birch beer

Payback's a biznitch.

Hey Morans, the word is "Inaugular"

How long would it take

Fatal insomnia?? What an AWFUL way to die!

Kittens "Do the town"

Help, please, Image Hosting site

My Heart's Heavy Tonight

self deleted - duplicate

Is there a more mediocre long-running a-list TV show than....

Einstein super hero action-figure..only 8.95.....

Confession: I am RW.

Bert Convy & Tony Danza

Tweet Dreams.

Du alternatives?

Random Frog Generator

oops..a dupe

some truly odd clips.. apparently from BBC

Aaaaayooornnn Shep!!!

Animals... CUTE ones

My doctor said I have 6 months to live....

Senses and dunes helped animals escape tsunami

Got bling?

The Vatican Plot to take over the United States!

I love Peanut Butter Pie

Is there a better long-running mediocre TV show than...

Alright. Who is still up with a sense of humor?

Are you being served?


What's your favorite temperature?

Should Colonel Sanders be on the $20 bill?

Cats are so dignified

It's my 900th post....ask me sumthin'

Is 3 am really the most lonely hour of the day? Who decides?

I'm on my first diet since I quit smoking...

Ted Nugent to play fund-raiser for Crawford, Texas band

This global warming thingy must be arriving.

so whats up with this Narnia movie?

Anyone getting tickets to the rodeo?

6:30am Pacific, and I am still awake...ask me anything...

It's 7:55 AM EST and the lounge appears to be dead! Rise N Shine maggots!

Fuck is it EVER time for RATM to get back together.

It's January 1883. Where are you?

WHY, may I ask, does my body decide to wake up at 9AM on a WEEKEND???

New pictures, sounds from Huygens' descent

Congrats to Fleabert!!! Just passed 1000!!!! WOO HOO!!!

I was rejected by a potential raisin.

Best Blondie album

does this make me a lazy piece of shit?

The Aiken County Sheriff is in the people-serving business!

My pajama bottoms

Rams or Falcons? Can they stop Michael Vick?

Woo Hooo! An answered prayer!!!! HD BSG!

what a great toilet!!

None of these nations have WMDs either; which one will be invaded next?

Thousands of Wal-Marts discovered on Saturn's moon, Titan!

I'm no guitar expert. But I like Stranglehold. Weigh in . . .

DU should become like Ebay

Semi-naked chicks found on Titian!

The Google gods have blessed me.

good morning! who wants a cookie?

How come the men of Jefferson Airplane haven't lost their hair and I am?!

Bought Season 2 of "Monk" yesterday.

Did anyone else just do advanced searches and bookmark threads?

Update: Student who used Armageddon as excuse was bluffing

NSMA, I don't know why

is it just me or do those Jamster commercials need to stop!

Big corporations can rot in hell... first CoolEdit and now DVanced convert

Yeah! I just got my blue band for truth in the mail from Cadence!


I'm no fan of UNC or Wake but...

We need an update on the Hatemail bag.

Alright, who dumped their leftover orange paint?

More new pics of Titan

OMG--I'm going in!

GRRRR...quiet neighbors out...noisy neighbors in

Russian women answering personals

My last airplane:

six to go... help me make it to four digits!!!!!! ask me anything!

Not my cat, but I couldn't pass this one up.

I discovered REAL reason Americans are so FAT living in Japan for 5 yrs.

I just came across the Historical Society web page for my home town...

People who post to your thread for the sole reason of pissing on it

Bin Laden is a lot like Bon Jovi


I like to make a distinction between RW radicals and RW fanatics

Should the planet Uranus be renamed to end that joke once and for all?

Ever meant to click the forum name...

Please post your credit card number.

I have stayed in my LAST Choice hotel--EVER.

Why do they call them sportcoats when they are anything but sporty?

Electronics experts!

Fall of the Peacemakers


rock n roll is straight from hell!

Born in a mountain top in Tennessee

heehee...this'll drive the homophobes apoplectic

It's January, 1999. Where are you?

Its 7 degrees and sunny. I'm going out to work on my tan!

I'm not now and never will be a McPherson, but that new Mac mini

iTunes service subscribers: can I purchase /download songs in mp3 format?

Darth Tater!

If you were conversing with a person from a dating service and he asked

The TV in the living room has MSNBC on and every time I go out there

I'm making chicken gumbo....

if you hate tacky advertisements

Removing Bumper Stickers!

I saw "Assault on Precinct Thirteen" yesterday, ask me anything!

How do you take a screen shot?

Is this how it works?

Need advice, want to open my own business

Any nurses or doctors in the house?

The new cable channel "Boomerang" has great cartoons from the '70's!

OMG, it's a freakin' heat wave in St Paul Minnesota right now!

I rented The Door in the Floor and Open Water for this evening...

Anyone else not like people being around when they eat?

I just discovered Strangers with Candy on DVD!

Ouga Ouga Chaka! Ouga Ouga chaka! Ouga Ouga Chaka!

Paul McCartney sings "Back Seat of My Car"

ribbons and more ribbons ...

It's January 2006. Where are you?

Steeler fans: turns out Tommy Maddox is a *-lovin' puke

Owww..Owww. OwwwStop, I can't breathe...

How many songs and how much music do you got on your MP3 player

Need help with picture

American Eyes, American Eyes, View the world through American Eyes.

The most underrated General in US history was Robert F. Lee.

Which beatle had the best solo music

Q: How do you know you have too much bedding?

Q: How do you know you have too much beheading?

I just passed the 1337 mark, ask me anything

Mardi Gras!

Texas's directors are as talented as it's politicians are awful


Its January 2016, where are you

Man, livejournal's been down for a long-assed fucking time

There are big white chemtrails in the sky.

First Impressions, are you usually right about them?

Anyone here know much about guns?

I love to hear a loud crowd at a football game!

People either run from me or laugh at me

Hot damn! I'll be DJing at this October's Montreal Rockabilly Weekend.

Nevermind self delete

just in time for Valentine's Day...

What is politics?

Herm Edwards wants to fight.

Sirus DU'ers: Check in!!!!

Good night everybody. It's midnight here and I must get some sleep.

Listening to Audioslave right now. Ask me anything.

Who is your favorite DUer?

Q. How do you know you have too much bleeding?

Can we stop putting the American flag EVERYWHERE????

Early Bob Dylan Recordings Donated

Wearing jeans with a sportcoat is a hick thing to do, right?

Are there any Phoenix Suns fans here?

Are you ready for some Football?? Rams vs. Falcons tonite

Angelina Jolie

Help me find a dumb-ass bush picture

This Puerto-Rican Zombywoof tastes mighty good

i know it's late, but funniest snowglobe EVER!!!

DUer most likely to be found in a bathtub, with a bottle of cheap booze

I know it is early but

Lefty Rednecks

A question for computer experts...

My car got silly stringed last night

This Authentic Zombywoof tastes like shit!

Shitty movie alert - "The rules of Attraction"

Out in the open! Which DUer is talking about you behind your back?

any Formula 1 fans here?

Anybody here remember the Freak Brothers and....

Ever walk out on a job without much notice?

So I was at Barnes & Noble last night.

How cold is it where you live right now?

Shittsburgh going down

If I were named _________ I would change my name

Why do some Americans think that Canadans hate them?

Let us pause for Kheph and MLK today

Cable TV channels you wish you had

Alyssa Milano

This Costa Rican coffee is mmmmm yummy good!

Least favorite cable channel you have (besides FAUX NEWS) edition of Jan 15, 2005

*******1000 posts!!!!******* Make me laugh!



The Boys in Black and Gold are up 10-zip

What are your top 3 favorite TV shows of all time?

Apple iTunes Playlist Handling Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

I'm Ann Coulter. Say something to me!

Do You Give A ????

Beat this for a pathetic date tonight

I'm not now and never will be a Mac person, but that new Mac mini

Eating breakfast in a diner this am, a bunch of freaks...

Yeahhhh....Saturday Morning T.V.!!!

I quit my job

a capella music: love it or hate it

Favorite things to "dis."

Finally I can post my own cat thread! Here are my five!

Going to watch the dog show tonight?

tiny MP3 player speakers

Well, I just ordered the First Season DVD of "Bullwinkle and Rocky"

It's the year 2525....

What county do you live in?

Official Steelers/Jets prediction thread!

Who were the first people you've ever voted for

jeans with high heels.

How do you deal with friends and family that voted for shrub?

Before I go to the radio station, here's a MESSAGE TO RIGHT-WING LURKERS!

For my 1000th post...

it's July 1863, where is your family?

It's the Summer of 1988 - where are you and what are you doing?

The Punisher meets Archie (?)

Anyone else getting tired of the I--IV--V?

Favorite sport to watch of these 10

I don't like when people talk about food.

Email I just sent to the funeral home hosting Kef's guestbook

Question for Firefox Users . . .

OK Folks...What are you reading?...Current book and previous two

My swivel chair just attacked my cat!

Post a picture of your pest.

God, I feel like such a loser right now.


The Stop Ashlee Simpson Project

What are we all listening to now?

Should the year 2005 be proclaimed the Year of Ronald Reagan?

Feel really sick with cold/flu like symptoms, help!

Caption this!

I just took up the goofiest hobby of all time

On Aging

So, could Battlestar Galactica have kicked ass more?

Okay, Music Thread.. What Frank Zappa CDs do you suggest for me????

do you have family members on DU?

The most overrated General in US history was Robert E. Lee.

What North American cities REALLY stand out?

A message from Khephra's Uncle Tad...

It's January 1983. Where are you?

New Jersey residents, please take action against deer hunt

Organizations Opposing Compassion

Target selling rabbit fur purses. Please write them.

Bush to wear beaver fur hat at the inauguration - Please Write

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Prove to me that Jesus was the son of God

Christianity and Materialism

Some (contrary) Biblical views

Athiests: What's with the obsession with fundamentalists?

How much credence should a Christian pay to the

Where is the Christian centre?

Follow on poll to 'A Hypothetical Choice'

Alternative Poll to 'Hypothetical Choice'

I want to retire early but...

I can't @#$%ing believe I'm listening to sounds from Titan.

My first ever article was published on DU today!

So, what's it like to be transgendered?

Rothsberger may have a bad thumb, and John Abraham is a bum!

I Swear To God, Curtis Martin And Chad Pennington Need To Be Kissed

Week 2 NFL Playoff Schedule

The Steelers/Jets Game Thread

Top 100 High School Football Recruits

Youth served in MLS draft

Ft. Benning, GA soldiers' pets need fosters or adoptions

Question for cat owners

I got a digital camera for my birthday so.....

number 3 for a house to live in - is it good or what is its possible

Thais report seeing ghosts on beach after tsunami.

Western Esoterica

And a corollary.

At bottom.

These Pictures Tell It All!

Best Supporters Money Can Buy

Did you guys see that "Kerry talks to Syrian boy" thread?

John Kerry & feminism

Trip over, time to pahty!

The LLL forum will be up and running soon.

Any San Francisco photographers here??

photograghing museum items

the long term plan to 'get' Iraq......Mother Jones article

Michael Chertoff: Ashcroft's Top Gremlin (June 2003 op-ed)

ReDefeatBush Concludes, is Born

It is now legal to have sex in Virginia

Why is Kerry doing so much traveling?

It All Tracks Back....

Could someone briefly explain

Getting rid of Social Security

In spite of my bad performance the other night--

Attack of Zell Miller/Video

George W. Bush Has Inaugural Balls

Has anyone here done any research on Dominion PAC?

Ldotters think God made tsunami, mud slides & avalanches happen

The GOP hypocrites are at it again... no bias laws for them

Who in the hell is Simon Rosenberg ??

Anyone hear about the backbone campaign?

CIA Chiefs Quash Revealing Report

Hold the elections, then get out (Guardian)

"Give that Man a Medal"

Cars to be restricted for Iraqi election. (Ride a camel to the polls?!)

Here's a bunch of good anti-Bush videos and quotes

Please help, looking for video

Returning Servicemembers

SEPT04-Rush Limbaugh Becomes Official Unpaid Advisor to Bush-Cheney '04

dupe again, please delete

Are the Democrats vocal enough in their opposition to Bush's SS plan?

More companies may help prosecutor in Delay's case

AP: Bush Faces Many Challenges....

Red state freak kills daughter for losing virginity

President Bush admits guidance from Lucifer (quotes compared to Hitler's)

What? No Protest Signs???

Fear and Paranoia will get this Nation nowhere...... counter productive.

How come we are the only ones who can't manage to protest successfully??

2005: A Chimp Oddity!

So, right-wing hate radio thinks the tsunami is funny?????

Regressive taxation: You still pay S.S. taxes but don't get benefit.

How to help Ohio's Election's K. Blackwell is asking for help.

"Why My Brother Died"

I'm pissed off!

My take on the Zephyr/Kos/Armstrong thing

"Dear Mr. President" (CBSnews)

Wimpy chimpy sending Laura Bush to visit Iraq/Afghanistan in 2nd term

One Blog Party?

Renew the Fairness Doctrine - sign the petition

Will Progressives, Liberals, Greens, Democrats ever = Solidarity?

Why aren't Americans in the know about ALL of shrub's staged events?

How many 'Democrats' in Congress will cave on Social Security?

The Repugs are becoming masters of the Art of the Strawman.

Trippi weighs in on it.


Bush is pitching his snake oil on the Social Security 1-800 number ?

Help me define *'s optimism.

Barbara Walters and Bush

Is David Brooks trying to sell Bush's marriage promotion plan?

Gonzales as Attorney General and Graner looking at 15 years?

A Note About Our Liberal Media

The true meaning of liberal and liberalism...should we abandon the term?


Will you EVER forgive a Dem that doesn't fight to the death to protect SS?

Is it true? tickets required for coronation parade?

So, welfare reform. We're a little more than eight years beyond

David Brooks - 90% of "working journalists" voted Kerry?

Iowa wing nut blasts "leftist socialist piggies"

deficit vs. GDP

A couple of funny quotes from St. Louis today...DNC conference.

Original WSJ reporter on blogger story apologizes for her colleagues. DFA

Supply Side Economics...can we say it now, IT DOESN"T WORK

The Boxer Rebellion Part Deux

Screw you, America

I will NOT support any campaign that hires Zephyr Teachout. Anyone else?