Democratic Underground

Archives: January 31, 2004

How to Bring Down an Out-of-Control Budget Surplus -- Robert L. Park / APS

Even with no WMD, Iraq war had a point


Just saw John Kerry speak

Now I'm an atheist, and all for separation of Church and State, but...

Economic Growth Below Expectations

Lets end the gun control debate

I have a question about things around here

I have a did that happen?

Have you all ever considered a definitions section?

Israeli citizen held in nuclear weapon detonator case

Two Jewish extremists sentenced to 15 months

New timeline update, new video

CAMBODIANS being deported due to post-9/11 "W" paranoia?!

A fight song for progressives

Who would have thought: Kucinich and M. Savage Agree: Pull out of Iraq Now

Atlanta Superintendent trying to eliminate evolution from curriculum?

If the Democrat wins the election in November, how much credit goes to...

David Cay Johnston on NPR's "On Point"

i am poll leader for the SC primary

How republicans voted in NH

Real time polling

Just read the RABA report on the Diebold machines in Maryland

Dole/Bush Video Clip from 1988?

Jail4Bush Missing in Action

what "Gore states" does Bush have a realistic shot in?

Cheney/Scalia Problem NOW ? What about during the 2000 selection?

BBV: Diebold question

Ritter/Wolf transcript up

here's the petition to IMPEACH bush*.....

McCain vote for Independent Comission re WMD Intel

SCO Group: A High-Tech George W. Bush?

The Scarborough/Mariani/Berg transcript is up

Scott Ritter CSPAN rerun up next.......9:15PM CST

Has everyone read the RNC's Gillespie speech?

The Awesome Destructive Power of Corporate Power Media

Thielman on Aaron Brown Blowing it Wide Open

Flight 223 warning? 223? 223? 223? Get your tinfoil ready.

Michael Moore on Bill Maher (HBO) Now

"Dr." Kay, why should we believe ANYthing you say?

Getting closer to Osama? what will be the effect

BBV--Election boxes easy to mess with- In Annapolis, tales of trickery,

Our neighbor, the Republican, is fed up with *

"Bush Administration In Total Disarray"

And then you wonder why most minorities vote Democratic...

Do we have a possible Watergate scenario brewing here?

High-Ranking Officials Admit 9/11 Could've Been Prevented

CNN Poll...independent investigation...?

Why did Max Cleland never run for President?

3 million people join online group to pray for Bush

Tweety - Sharpton transcript re: election 2000 SCAB

"W" Impeachment: do they still Hang for Treason? Ask Ann Coulter

A Big "Thank You" To Our Troops For Catching Osama!

Best Bushism Sites

Did anyone notice that there is still a war going on?

Rush is getting a raw deal

Flame Away - "The World is Sick of the US talking about 9/11 and

Let's have our own press conference for George W Bush....

CBS punts for *

Your thoughts on Peter Singer?

Al Franken is setting himself up as the leader of the militant wing of the

The opening skit for 'Real Time' too hilarious!!!

This Photo of * is horrifying!

My letter to CBS . . .

Bush and his cronies

Bush and the Facts

New 9/11 Timeline update and new video

I'm afraid the classwar is coming...

Five allege abuse by priests | Philadelphia Inquirer

Somali leader 'ready to step down' | BBC

Hutton's echoes of No10 document (Kelly cover-up)

Cuba might be opening its doors (baseball)

CNN: White House open to independent probe of WMD data

To Cut Deficit, Bush Delays Tax Change, Iraq Funds

US officials 'to visit Tehran' | BBC

Mydoom virus really a spam tool? | MSNBC

Former French PM (Alain Juppe) found guilty of corruption | Guardian

Pakistan Adopting a Tough Old Tactic to Flush Out Qaeda | NY Times

Names of the Dead (NYT)

Navy Sends Out Layoff Notices To 67 Civilians

Hart Decides Not to Challenge Campell for Senate Seat

Ontario plans smoking ban by 2006 | National Post

Russia Said Planning Nuclear Exercise

Lawmaker Wants SUV Restrictions (truck routes only)

CNN: Military budget plan accidentally ends up on Internet

No Evidence CIA Slanted Iraq Data

New Medicare Numbers Were Known for Months

NY AG Spitzer Goes After 'Grand Theft Auto'

White House Holding Notes Taken by 9/11 Commission

U.S. repeatedly asked Taliban to expel bin Laden | CNN

US fears Afghan blast booby-trap

CNN BREAKING: WH may allow an indep. commission

Dean Vows to Be Kerry's Chief Rival

Rep. Dunn (R-WA) says she won't seek return to Congress

Video eyed for all school buses

Kerry Leads in Lobby Money -WP


Rush is still on dope!

We went ice-fishing today!

I appreciate the contributions of ALL DUers.

Ok, I Need Help - What Did This Dream Mean?

I didnt go to work because it was too cold....ask me anything.

When you relog on to DU after a very nasty night

Really dumb criminals

I'm eating General Tso's chicken combo ask me anything

once and current Trek fans - if you haven't heard already - Berman is out!

All polls should have an "other" option

Bids On Ebay for Mike Rowe's warning letter from Microsoft

Music Fans: The Worst Albums and Covers ever here!


Leader of the free world - Flash

It's friggin' cold here. Ask me anything!

Could this be a freeper with a brain?

Kentucky Fried Chicken closing in my town!!!

Wish me luck

What GWB can nickname Ken Mehlman: SLIMER!!

Heard this song yet? Down with ABB

What's the deal with "reference check" calls? Do they only do that for...

My first Friday night home alone in almost 5 years

For nostamj and other DUers having a tough time: A Cheesy Poem

the next Bush 2004 Meetup ...

What do you think happens next?

Beautiful song - Please help!

Ladies, let's settle this: Does size matter?

Song titles and lyrics you disagree with or think are wrong

I just moved my entire home office up two flights of stairs

Anybody got a suggestion for free anti virus software?

DUers in greater Hartford, CT: I'm in a bit of a bind.

It's in the single digits outside. What's you're weather like?

I have a separation of Church and State thread in the Meeting Room

How much TV/film do you watch on average?

What is your general opinion of Laura Bush?

Latest Connecticut poll shows Lieberman trailing in his own state.

Ya know what would be really frikkin' awesome???

Is Bush an a*shole? Decide for yourself

Donating to the best radio station EVER: What "gift" should I choose?

Look what I found while going through my old MS Word documents!

Fuzzy-wuzzy was a bear...

How optimistic/pessimistic are you, by nature?

Four brothers hanged from a tree

Idiots in Dualies, or Why I'll NEVER Again Order From Pizza Hut

What's your favorite complete waste of time?

Friday Night Chat anyone

Cold Pizza for Breakfast! Christine Lavin rocks!

Chili judging contest

Want to see my work?

All the ladies love my humongus, throbbing

It's Friday. Mr. Scorpio offers to serve you in your time of need

Two all beef patties.

I Made It!

DUers with a Bachelors 47% DUers working full time 47% Coincidence?

Does anyone here care about the Australain Open Women's Final

Help...Remember that golf game...9 holes, like putt putt

Favority Saturday Night Live political skit?

What are your favorite Pretenders songs?

When the Revolution comes, will you be stuck at home

I’ve been on tenterhooks...

look what happens if you don't go to Bob Jones University!

What's with the * ?

Friday Night Movie Thread

How many times has you heart been broken by a relationship in your life?

The Kerry Resurgence: Could it be the hair?!

Edwards/ Hootie & the Blowfish LIVE concert on C-SPAN at 8pm.

I guess Kerry didn't have time

Sharpton On Fire at the SC Forum

Anyone notice how much more polished all the candidates looked last night?

A CNN pundit compared Dean to Hitler after Iowa

If a Democrat wins in November, how much credit goes to...

Survey USA VA poll: Kerry-lead, Clark/Edwards tied for 2nd

Edwards Fundraiser/Live Hootie Concert on CSPAN NOW!!

PNAC's Not Exactly Keeping Themselves a Secret...

The Debate b- Moderate Independent's view

Rip Van Winkle Wakes Up To Find Kerry On Top

MSNBC commentary on Clark

Any Clark supporters going to the Clark Convoy in KCMO tomorrow?

Dennis Miller on CNBC

If, God forbid, there's another terrorist attack, * will still find a way

Kerry Dossier--picked up by CNN et al --

Polls for Tuesday's - "Crack for the weak"

Too Much Infield, Not Enough Tarp

If Al Gore Endorses Kerry This Year, Will Kerry Accept?

Four more days until Lieberman is sent home packing

Kerry Fans: Where does he stand on heath care?

Any DUer who is not for ABB should be banned from DU...

A couple of suggestions

Candidates need to take responsibility 4 faux pas

John Kerry scoops up key endorsements

Just one simple question...

Edwards supporters: is this anything??

Max Cleland coming up on Bill Maher, Michael Moore on now on HBO.

Why I will not support _______________ as the democratic nominee!

Kerry Slams Republican 'Attack Dogs'

I'm done with my discussion of John Kerry and Skull and Bones

Civil Rights Commission Chair weighs in on affirmative action dispute

Oops...posted in wrong forum

No more excuses!

The Tonight Show "Baby Kiss" video is up -- you decide

My strange dream I had about the NYC Repug convention

Kerry's views complicated, contradictory

After a nominee is chosen, I understand we are not allowed to criticize him.

Clark Should open all of his records!

Latest ARG Numbers on Bush...

CBS News South Carolina poll, Edwards- 30, Kerry- 18

Just wait until Kerry starts to be compared to Hitler, supporters

15% of republicans voters in NH voted for someone else!

ABB ought to be reserved until after the primaries.

Meet John Edwards the Corporate Man

Is there any room for uncommitted Independents here?

Two questions - Kerry on NY Ballot and Sharpton Campaign Finances

Proposed fallback plan for Dean

The General may get his kicks on Route 66

Leiberman gets a bad rap

Health Care Policy: What do our candidates say about the nursing shortage?

kucinich on travis smiley tonight

"The John Edwards Experience"

The People Have Turned the Ship Around

I am not a CLARK fan!

Clark may be the only "Anti-Kerry"

Oh, I Am Really Ticked Off Now!

Dean raised 600,000 in the last 48 hours

Media Admits Coverage of Clark is Unfair!?!

Why Isn't Dean Polling Well In South Carolina?

Kerry Got 5% Of GOP Vote In NH (Over 3,000 Write-Ins)

Bush, Kerry, Skull, Bones & Five Facts

Clark, Dean and Kucinich supporters, a proposal

Do you believe me now about Iowa and NH?

To all DUers

If nominated, John Kerry Will...

Botox - Botox - Botox ! All over the news !

Kerry camp angered by Botox questions

No matter who we nominate, bush* is in trouble. Here's proof:

Republicans ignore LIHOP; Democrats ignore Skull and Bones

If Kerry Had Voted AGAINST The IWR

FactCheck.Org: "Kerry Exaggerates Role in Some Key Legislative Battles"

I suspect these guys get along better than we really know?

Pledge for the Arts--info please

Kerry's latest endorsements

*'s plan to eradicate Kerry

How can Howard Dean say he is for the little guy? (Tort Reform)

Is anyone debunking Skull & Bones conspiracy?

Primary vs. GE turnout: Correlation?

Where is that Clark ad with the boy

Clark Supporters The Moderate Independent has the Real Story...

What can be done about "Sheeple bounces"

What is up with Fritz Hollings and his inappropriate racial comments?

More proof that the media are STILL biased against Dean.

Democrats owe a debt to Dean (Mark Shields)

Kerry Should Release His DD214

Kerry Leads in Lobby Money

Kerry won NH, Dean lost, fair and square, and by a large margin.

Dean is not going to let this be a quick nomination

OK, let's have the test now, who here refuses to vote for Kerry in Nov.?

Oops -- dupe -- remove

Will Iraq Stonewalling Ever End?

Ground Zero

How to Hack an Election

Deportation/torture case tests civil rights, free press, US/Canada ties

Where is ""? Site down... Why?

Patriot Games (Eleanor Clift on Bush - Kerry and Viet Nam)

Double Standards, Dubious Morality [...] of This Fight Against Terrorism

"This theatre of the absurd" - Thom Yorke (yes Radiohead fans, THAT one!)

Conason: Bush’s War Stories Simply Don’t Fly

AP analysis: Bush faces risks in supporting-or opposing-investigation

Ouch! Danziger Nails BushCo on Iraq Dead Buck-Passing!

Le Devoir: "Jack Layton or the Renaissance of a Party"

Workers back former BBC chief (new comments from Gilligan)


Chicago Tribune Editorial: Weapons and War (and my response)

Intelligence on the Eve of War: NYTimes editorial

DU Articles...."Not So Gay Times" and "The Great Divider"

Comedians and French bashing

Josh Marshall (TPM) on why we need an Iraq WMD investigation

Announcement for voters in Indiana 7th Congressional District

BBV - An Urgent Request for help in MAINE

California grocery chains in cahoots against workers

John Edwards visiting Kansas City Today (Sat. 1/31/2004)

Pro-military crap on front page of newspaper

Jim Braude in Boston

Phe's shared thought for the weekend 1/31 & 2/1/4

Kiss your rights GOODBYE: 2004, the anti-gay year

Bush budget has GOP on edge

How'd we ge here? A blast from the past -

The Budget Outlook: Updates and Implications

Africa's abhorrent abduction drama

Libyan government daily suspended

NY Times: French Ex-Premier Is Convicted of Graft

'The SABC had to be blown up' - SA

Thousands flee war in Sudan

Who are the Lord's Resistance Army?

Anti-Gun Zealots Ignore Reality of Street Crime

Second Amendment Liberal

You're on the jury...

A gun law to end all gun laws?

I have a dillema- RE 2004 election

So according to US vs. Miller

You wanna play? Its name that "Assault Weapon"

Can we have a DU demographics forum/spot/something?

What ??? ... :-) :-) did I do something wrong ? n/t

I accidentally hit hide this thread

I thought you might enjoy this

Admins, question about traffic...

Hey Skinner, I have a suggestion

Is my signature line acceptable? If not, how do I need to change it, but

Can an icon for the Rules be created so it shows up

So what's up with rule 8?

made donation, still not able to poll, buddy list

I would like a new DU board: "DU Articles"

Why is thread hijacking/disruption allowed?

Ha'aretz editorial (Friday): Leadership in twilight

Pain and relief as Israeli soldier's family bids final farewell

Israel attacks Annan's remarks

EDITORIAL: Middle East madness

Shalom expresses hope that ICJ won't hold fence hearing

My Mid-East Peace Plan / Space Proposal


Suicide Bomb Survivors Face Worlds Blown Apart

U.S. citizen attacked in Israel sues Arafat

Holding a cruel mirror up to Israel

Death toll of Jerusalem suicide attack rises to 11

Dershowitz makes case for Israel

There is greatness in courage (J-Post Op-Ed)

Technical Video question

White House withholds notes taken by Sept. 11 delegation

Clues Missed on 9/11 Plotters

Books Investigating 9/11

It's Working!!!

Media giving Clark the Kucinich treatment

Jennifer Dunn to retire from the House

Dennis in New Mexico - busy schedule

What's your list of 25 of Dennis Kucinich's most important policies?

What's with the * ?

What is up with "Real Time"...I can't tell who are the guys on the left

Best place to buy ABB buttons?

How angry are the Republicans whose arms were twisted by Delay

I goofed on the Watergate post

Danny Glover with Tavis

I just saw the CBS ad.

Eleanor Clift: Bush's Military Service

Anybody want to have some fun debating some right wingnut football fans?

Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges To Restore Honor to Whitehouse

Washington DUer's a Call to Action

It's my 100th post!

Bush should be impeached for bragging about sex in the Oval Office...

the dopiest picture ever!! my eyes, my eyes......

How long will the CIA take all the blame?

Charlie Rose, Pincus, Isikoff, Michael Ohanlon on Kay/WMDs

What does this DLC letter mean?

Lord Of The Right Wing

The Halliburton Shuffle

Does Bohemian Grove have anything to do with Skull&Bones?

Bill Maher: Every Super Bowl ad is an advocacy ad.

Good news Atlanta DU'ers! (sarcasm alert)

Meet new NATO Sec. General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

It is "1984" -- "independent" now means "Cheney calls the shots"


Bush Calls for Abstinence, Defends the Empire, and Rallies the Rich headline war link . . . deplorable . . .

I've got a Probe for you, gb* . . .

Electronic bomb 'jammers' help protect convoys in Iraq

Georgia flag on primary ballot.

Irqi events we don't seem to hear from our media

So Basically Clinton Disarmed Iraq???

Should I cancel my Mastercard because of CBS?

Does the CBS logo creep you out?

In 2000, the Florida delegates were prepared to vote for Bush?

Why Republicans like keeping people in poverty

59 Years Ago Today

2005 Defence Budget

tell NY TIMES if you agree re CBS, MoveOn, and other non-profits

Image is reality, true or false?

What was before the "Big Bang"?

I'll vote for Bush* if he can prove God is on his side

Terror alerts follow bad press for bush*.....coincidence????

Not a shred of accountability in bush* administration.

If Bush Were to get re-elected, God Forbid

This campaign is about God!

Googleing "miserable failure" has changed...

Teachers Union Boss Sentenced- Art, Jewelry, Furs & Gun Siezed From Home

Drug money and the stock market

Can people opposing the secular state be jailed for treason?

How to Hack an Election

Biggest terror threat to America!

One month from Today, Leap Year in Iraq

President Carter responds to "evolution"

Fox Caption: Stocks perform 200% better if Bush Re-elected

CSpan2 - Ron Suskind about Price of Loyalty

Hutton Inquiry: British media warns of a Blair whitewash too far

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS

What effect would the FMA have on libertarians and constructionists...

Rush facing drug charges, Novak on the run!

Technology, the Internet, and Electoral Politics (Long)

Pot smokers support terrorism. Greens are responsible for Iraq.

Should we use RICO act to seize PNAC/Bush cabal's personal assetts?

If it is nothing but sex and adultery that gets the attention then I ask..

What are the job losses like in your community?


White House holding Notes Taken by 9/11 Commission

Washington State's Senior Republican, Jennifer Dunn, Retires

Who will end the war?

The Other Sexual Harassment Problem (Arnold)

MTP= Media Through Prostitution

Should the Fox NetworkNews Corp. be dismantled?

It's hard for me not to support Rush Limbaugh...

I need a new signature line. I want it to be a political statement, but

My Mother, GBLT Activist Extraordinaire

"There's fighting in the streets"

If you support the War on Drugs, you're a freeper...

Politic placement a natural extension of product placement?

Is there a website to Protest the GOP convention in NY?

A good site with info on the neoconservatives - "Right Web"

Predict: Who'll be Bush's VP candidate?

Conservatives, freepers, et. al. are losing it...

David Kay - CIA

Does anyone else think we'll blow it?

CAPTION-et Meeting

Need suggestions for puppy name

NYT list -- Top 5, Hardcover Nonfiction

Talking Points....What are the Talking Points to use this year?

I expect a "news" story to break tomorrow.

Enlighten this furrinah: is Feb 3 the famous "Super Tuesday"?

MSNBC/Newsweek Poll - DU

Kucinich Supporters: Has DK said anything about Peak Oil?

Can we vote some of these stories off the news?

How responsible is Joe Average Freeper?

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State.........

Do we want our party to become the party of DINOS?

When, oh when will the Democrats learn?????

Medicare bill even more screwed up than I realized

Swing state voters sound off.

Here's an idea to get Guy James' Show more widely heard

Thanks to CBS, its SuperBowl ad patrons are receiving horrible publicity

Who's behind Nour USA? (receiving huge Iraq security contract)

"Please Be More Scared!" - a Homeland Security entrainment video

Stryker Assault Vehicle: What were they thinking?

"The Guy James Show" coming up at 3pm please keep kicked

NYT: Globalism Minus Jobs Equals Campaign Issue

To all our repub lurkers out there

BC Govt may decriminalize drunk driving

Vote in this Poll-Were There WMDs?

Novak assault scene video - in the end he RUNS from the Camera

WMD....This is a MUST READ...right wingnuts fight back

Former Senator Torricelli is a Harken Energy representative

Why didn't Bush follow up on the USS Cole bombing ??

A Bush disciple admits Bush family connection to Bin Laden family!

Waxman & Conyers criticize Scalia's refusal to quit Cheney case

"The Intelligence Chain" OSP/PNAC Diagram from Mother Jones

Two US Soldiers ask: "When will we stop dying so senselessly?"

The Patriot Act at work: The Man Who Saw Too Much

David Kay's Shady Past-Fired From UN In 1992 For Unethical Behavior

Lets talk about the fractured left (with civility, if we can)

Prediction: Dem 60 million (54%); Bush 52 million (46%)

America is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome with Bush

Really stupid question - war for oil

Bush down to 49 percent approval in Newsweek poll

Should towns provide shelter for homeless when it's cold? Poll

Subjects I hate to get involved in

Has Bush "served in the military"?

Did Clinton's 1998 air strikes destroy Iraq WMD? Not ONE U.S. casualty

More causualties of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" act

The stupidity of the average person is astounding...

Do you support third-party empowerment?

Wow, soldiers dissing Halliburton, Bechtel big time!

Office of Special Plans: the Skewing of intelligence (U.S./U.K/Aust)

Take it Back CD by local southern gal

Let's start a class action lawsuit against the media

Castro "Prepared For U.S. Invasion"

Do we have a possible Watergate scenario brewing here?

Karzai: U.S. Air Raid Killed 10 Afghans

Fire union faces Labour split calls

Thousands flee smoking Indonesian volcano

Much of Europe Is Derisive About Report on Iraqi Arms

UN Votes On Tough Terror Measures

Iran Guardians Ease Election Bans

Bush Seeks More Money for Missile Defense

Federal jury considers death penalty

Blast targets Iraq police station - (breaking on BBC)

Afghan president says Osama bin Laden still alive

Poll: Many Latinos adopt a wait,see position on 2004 presidential election

Delay Sought in Lawsuit From Anthrax Widow

Flights could be terror targets

Scientists Clamor to Save Hubble

Teachers Union Chief Sentenced in Scandal (No Theif Left Behind)

Afghan probe finds U.S. killed 10

In bid to save Siberian ibex, China clones one

No conflict in my new job, state environment chief says

At Least 12 Killed in Bombings in Northern Iraq

Kerry Leads Primary Polls in Three States

Outrage at Yakima (GOP) senator's racial slur

Khan removed from post in Pakistan

Hill probers fault Iraq intelligence (WP)

Billions Embezzled In China

British Airways and Air France cancel flights to Washington DC

U.S. Rebound Loses Its Momentum

Iraqi Council Bans Al-Jazeera From Offices

British Airways Cancels 3 U.S. Flights

Alex Trebek escapes injury in crash

Families Say Soldiers Need More Rest Time

Bush's migrant reform gets a defense

Shaken Daley says he's sorry (Chicago Mayor, Scandal)

BBC (Saturday): Iran poll crisis reaches deadlock

Bush Resists WMD Probe Calls

Candidates battle for support of black voters

Republicans Satisfied With Bush's Silence in Face of Criticism

Republicans try to save energy bill

Debate Begins on Structure of Transitional Government | LA Times

Illegal Music Downloader in Super Bowl Ad

Dutch Embassy in Baghdad Hit by Rockets

Seattle Judge tosses ticket-scalping cases, cites M's Internet sales

Comcast Limits Broadband Usage

DOD: 4th Soldier Dies From Attack In Khalidiyah

Blast Kills at Least Two in Baghdad Neighborhood

Leader Of Barrow's Ten Commandments Fight Hospitalized (heart stopped)

Pakistan's nuclear hero throws open Pandora's box

Pakistan Fires Top Nuclear Scientist

Proposed Mercury Rules Bear Industry Mark (EPA copies exact words)

NASA's Opportunity rover rolls off lander and onto Mars surface | SF Chron

Store for medical pot opens in Roseville CA | Sacramento Bee

dupe sorry

Saddam to be handed over to Governing Council court: Bremer

Car Bomb Rips Through Iraqi City

9/11 inquiry could become election embarrassment for Bush

When, oh When will the Democratic candidates say what

Top offices fail to entice Republicans to enter fray (Oregon) | Oregonian

DOD: Soldier Dies of Wounds ( not a dupe ) the 45th this month

Cruel and unusual: Madison County MT sued over jail conditions, treatment

Baucus (D-MT): Bush budget shorts rural schools | Billings Gazette


1st caller to claim to be highway shooter is disconnected | Plain-Dealer

Same-sex marriage questions debated | New Orleans Times-Picayune

US Troops Take Possibility of al Q`aida Attack on Guantanamo Seriously

Boxer's GOP Rivals Under the Radar - LAT

(California attorney general) Lockyer to sue grocery chains

Georgia cuts all ties to Matrix database (compare to yesterday) | AJC

Liberal Donors Back Anti-Bush Groups

Lieberman to pull plug Feb 3rd - SunTimes gossip

California lawmaker wants building officials to consider feng shui

Democrats Assail, and Tap, 'Special Interests'

Bush May Back Iraq Intelligence Panel

Bush proposes legal block on Congress spending

Financial services give large sums to Bush

Opportunity Mars rover crawled off its lander ! Pics inside...

BBV: Security measures urged for voting machines - Baltimore Sun

Teen's 17-year sentence for gay sex upheld

Sebelius (D-KS) urges gaming growth | KC Star

Democrats Seek to Change Medicare Law

Bush Slips--Among Republicans

(California) cancer treatments cut

'Dismayed' BBC staff back Dyke

Evolution furor heats up (new) | Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Russia to test nuclear forces

Pair of Stryker vehicles come under fire in Iraq

AP 1/31 Wolfowitz says Iraq war justified because Saddam ignored

Breaking news, 3 soldiers killed, Northern Iraq, attack on convoy,

Dozens of Iranian lawmakers resign in response to blacklist

Neil Bush's Fiancee's Son Ordered to Provide DNA Sample

Saddam to be handed over to special court: Bremer

Wisconsin vote could make or break Dean - AP

Bush plan would kill overtime for many veterans

Blair fears being hung out to dry by Bush over WMD

Sound of silence (Yellowstone snowmobile ban) | Missoulian

Ooey-Gooey was a worm

$51,000 Price For Sidewalk Space In Peterson Trial

Peasants! You fail to amuse me

Am I in the lounge?

If I say "I'm lying" am I lying or telling the truth?

official alone on friday night thread.

"I don't know but I've been told..."

Hey I just found out Vancouver got the 2006 world juniors!

"Let's get down to brass tax. How much for the ape?"

anybody want to Yahoo chat ?

Maybe it's just me, but I just don't get "Last Tango in Paris"

Stay Puff Marshmallow Man!

The Perfect Dating Couple Is Dweezil And Lisa Loeb. The Are So Cute

Update on Salem, my black cat.

My LiveJournal has been updated

Any Rocket Scientists on the DU ?

For thoses seeking a return Msg

I've been really lucky so far at this job

always worth a laugh - the number of the beast

Thanks to forum, posters and moderators.


Anyone from the Bay Area?

Would you go on a one-way trip to Mars?

Favorite living British Royal?

Today's Boonedocks--good for a big laugh!

TV Alert: The last MST3K is on now.

What Do You Think Your *Lurking To Posting* Ratio Is In The Lounge?

I have officially resigned...

Happy Birthday, Dick Gephardt!

A what Time are you from, Thread

Cartoon: The Stages of Intelligence Failure

So. Have You Pushed The Hot Button Yet.

Rubber band man commercial

I've done this

It's my 100th post!

Any PHP gurus out there?

Im gonna go polish off my King Arthur Book

Texas Surgeons

What's the Highest Level of Education You've Dropped Out Of?

Does the CBS logo creep you out?

I need advice from lesbian members of DU

Second Annual Dubya Quote Quiz.

WRC fans: Rallye Monte Carlo

Mystery Act To Appear At Superbowl

Cant even to to without encountering a ditto head.....

Marketing men's magazines..

Radiohead fans, check out my latest post at the Editorials section

Googleing "miserable failure" has changed...

Warning: Toxic memes in the body of this message!

new Oxyrush advertiser NTB

Tonight in Hartford, CT: an evening of political satire!

Reading Habits (Boring Poll, sorry, but I need to know...)

NFL Hall Of Fame Is Joke

Prediction: My friend Megan will be the local NDP candidate within 5 years

Sorry, wrong forum.

I am like so releived my Moderator Warnings have been "accidentally"


Did someone say mad cow?

What was before the "Big Bang"?

Silly songs you learned as a kid

Macs & PCs

Bush: "Saddam sent his WMDs to Loch Ness" (humor??)

The Origin of Faeces

Reports: Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez , Tigers have a deal

Who's going to win the Australian Men's Open Tennis Tournament?

Drive By Truckers - Decoration Day - Great Music

Farscape fans MUST READ THIS!!!

Are these the Americans we love?

Cat people or dog people

We are seriously considering moving to New Orleans.

I need a new signature line. I want it to be a political statement, but

Vegas casinos cancel Super Bowl parties (profit, not terrorism)


I just got 700 posts!!

Best ever Saturday morning educational programming

I want a children's fable like THAT:

Exploding Whale

CNN must be monitoring us.. *waves*..Hi CNN


Its getting hard to get signed on to DU

Check This Site Out.

You Idle (your car), You Lose

CAPTION-et Meeting

Asshat kids charged with torturing cats.

Test post...morning sunrise

Wow! There are more black people than I thought in New York!

El Presidente un la ninnas .................... CAPTION

Shelter Dogs, HBO Undercover,

Anybody remember "Things of Science"? Star Trek Changes Due? Rumor of overhaul in the works...

Fellow DU Scifi geeks: Battlestar Galactica greenlit for series!

Progress on the Dan Savage-inspired google bomb

Super Bowl bloopers and urban myths

YaaaaYYYYYYY!!!!! It's my birthday!!!!!

Computer question: What is Sonic Update Manager

I give!! I give!!

Why did Satan create Dinosaur fossils?

Caption this photo of Bush

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Trivia

Hasselhoff claims he had hand in Berlin Wall falling [arghh]

Hey YOU doin'?

Email Received: Paris CD (Sonic Jijad) Released from Guerrilla Funk!!

Need suggestions for puppy name

Star Trek Trivia Thread

Ever get the feeling that everybody has you on Ignore?

NY State Jail employee busted for stealing prisoners' underwear

Fish avoids fish fry....saves Minnesota school

Bull riding: What do you think about it?

The State of Denial

Can another Pats Super Bowl win assuage the Red Sox Curse?

Emergency, Emergency.. Everyone to get from street! CAPTION

I'm not the first one to get these three guys confused, am I?

Computer heads - I'm drowning in files, HELP please!

Yoda backs Wesley Clark

Best Carrot Dip EVER!

What was the last great Star Trek Show?

have you done a 180 in religious beliefs?

I'm jealous...Abbie is cheating on me....with Ramsey

NyQuil makes you feel like your in a coma

What is your favorite tea?

Best movie chase scene ever (not a poll, for once)



Was Sherlock Holmes gay? What about Frodo? Certainly not Batman...

I'm going to Tennessee see you all in a while

Which Democratic candidate most likely reads DU?:


Fave QUANTUM LEAP episode ever?

How do you prevent the flu from coming on?

Do you miss your Mom when you get sick?

Who's doing their taxes?

Pere Ubu, Anyone?

I love Eddie Izzard

I've gotta get out of this cold! I can't take it anymore!

Your prayers are urgently needed!

For those boycotting the Super Bowl

Who's the best NFL quarterback?

A good pic to caption

Survivor: All-Stars

Favorite JIM CROCE song

Favorite non political SnL skit


What's to eat for the Super Bowl ?

To my fellow DU music lovers....

So I was buyin a beer tonight and got to tell a guy about DU.....

Any DU Hams out there?

Seabiscuit - Just Cried Like A Baby Over A F*cking HORSE Movie?

Do we like new people at DU?? Runu2DU??

Give me a one, two, three, four.... what are Captioning for?

Bribe money.... CAPTION...

Whatever happened to Susan Powter?

Religious zealot cousin of mine

What are you looking forward to most on Super Bowl Sunday?

Does anyone else find "The Lion King" offensive

I say, it is good to be the king of Canada..... CAPTION

I proclaim: Women who love Science-Fiction

Correct Mispronunciations Here!

Dumbest screen name you've ever had?



Bo Knows ________.....Caption!

Have you guys seen BartCop's SOTU contest winners?

"Things not to do while watching The Lord of the Rings."

Anyone's cat undergone perineal urethrostomy?

Wanted: The Perfect Candidate

Dean and the media redux

The Southern Strategy again, but with a tactical twang (New! Improved!)

Who here is voting on Super Tuesday?

In Clark's Campaign, a Brother-in-Law as Sounding Board

Kerry gets lawmaker endorsements; Clark telemarketing dispute settled

Wesley Clark and Howard Dean 2 candidates:of the people,by the people

Kerry got more lobbying $ than ANY other Senator in last 15 years

Words to Kerry Supporters from a Deanie

Under Attack by Rivals, Kerry Keeps His Focus on Bush

I'm not committed, but wouldn't Edwards be cool?

Election 2004 = Cakewalk. Relax.

What happens if Kerry wins 5 primaries, but Edwards wins SC, and Clark OK

Gore Vidal opines on George Soros (relevant due to his Kerry comments)

It's Done, who has the fork? Ok, stick it in

What is the real story on Dean's military service?

Candidates play nice for Democrat nomination

Either prove that Kerry had Botox treatment or shut up about it!

Kerry lying about botox shouldn't be shocking, he's lied before

Kerry Supporters...Are We Pompus & Arrogant?

Kerry could find himself in a pickle

BREAKING: 3rd poll shows kerry ahead of bush

Changed mind, I don't think I can vote for Kerry (Maybe not)

Favorite Kerry Quote

Dean Focuses on Winning Michigan Primary

VA poll puts Kerry on top by +14% margin over all rivals

Convince me kerry is an improvement re: the drugs war.

Kerry sends Kendrick Meek to SC, names Cong. Meek FL Campaign Chair

Ex-Sen. Carnahan backs Kerry, but her family is divided

Kerry, Dems should junk "special interest" term

Recent photo of John Kerry on January 28th following NH win...

Kerry Leads Primary Polls in Three States

Lets say Dean drops out with 2 or 3 candidates still in the race after

MO and Clark. What's the deal?

Kerry Has Edge in 5 of 7 Primary States

when are senate/congressional primaries?

Clark's sweater on E-Bay

Kerry's successful media imagery manipulation has put him in the lead

EDWARDS leads KERRY in SC. CLARK leads in OK

Gert Clark talking

Petition for Clark

For better or for worse, is Dean angry on purpose?

AP: "Kerry Awaits Michigan Governor's Endorsement...late this afternoon

Incredible results from NH republican primary

Safest Prediction for the Outcome in North Dakota's Primary Is 'Cold'

Gert Clark coming up on CSPAN, 9:00am Central time

Kerry Leads Primary Polls in Three States

New national poll numbers: Kerry 45, Dean 14, Edwards 11, Clark 5

Absentee Ballots Cast in each Feb. 3rd state?

Got off the phone with a Bush freak.

The Zogby numbers, 1/31

Can you say "corporate media?"

Clark Supporters, Check in. Talking point of the day...

Dean Supporters -- Neel lays out the strategy ....2 man race/people decide

If John Kerry Were Elected President, How Good Of A President Would He Be?

Is Kerry still using the phrase "average Americans"?

Kerry's war service undercuts some GOP attacks

Candidate best able to press/benefit from the brewing wmd scandal?

Kerry in OKC this afternoon at 4:00 pm

Kerry under fire...Rivals assail remarks on abortion, South

About Media Brainwashing

Pit bulls, Rottweilers and the fiercest Chihuahuas won't deter volunteers!

What an Extended Race Can Do...

Kerry Among TOP Recipients From Special Interests

"Angry" outsiders. How conveeeeeenient.

Deleted message

New NBC SC Poll looks good for Edwards 11pt. Lead

American Research Group Numbers:

Clark supporters, and others,

What was up with Edwards getting booed at the candidates forum?

Edwards: "I benefited from the American Dream they're trying to slam shut

Viewer alert: Dean will be on tomorrow's MTP for the full hour

We have only had 2 primaries

Breaking News.........Salt Lake City Mayor to Endorse Dean

Howard Dean slipped in the polls immediately after Sharpton's question

dean campaigners

Re: The Kucinich WMD Report - Major press conference on Saturday a.m.

Debate on Monday???

Lieberman to leave race February 3rd?

An Amazing Numbers South Carolina: Bush-45% Dem Nominee-43%

Dean gets full hour on Russert Sunday

U.S. Rep. Meek to endorse Kerry

I doubt Dean and Clark will unite

Clark People: Why doesn't your guy team up with Howard Dean?

Edwards "Clark comes from a different place"

Dem's' Race Ain't Over Yet - a moderate (Clark or Edwards) will emerge

Chris Matthews praises temperment of Cheney as better than Howard Dean

Deleted message


Yet another of my wacko friends...

Flashback news: Dean leading Gephardt in Iowa with 2 weeks to caucus

Good job, Bill Richardson: "The next president of the United States..."

What are the policy differences between Clark and Kerry?

Are Newbies Welcome on this Site ?

Didn't Kerry once make an anti-Italian comment?

GOP Increasingly Wary Of Democratic Challenge (Meaning Kerry)

What poetic justice it would be if Kerry picked Cleeland as VP

Massachusetts Resident for Clark

Are you as impressed with Kerry's rapid response to criticism as I am

Something to think about

2500-3000 people turn out for Dean in Tucson, AZ

Do you support any kind of special interest money in campaigns?

Edwards or Clark has to drop out after Feb. 3rd

Michigan teachers endorse Kerry.

Why Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich need to stay in the Debates

OK, I'll admit it...I don't respect John Kerry as a man.

another terrific add made by a Dean supporter

Does it bother anyone else here that Kerry accepted campaign donations

Has Kerry been the frontrunner all along?

On CSPAN~ replay of MSNBC Debate from SC~ 5:30pm nt

Bank accounts running low for all Dem hopefuls

Who is the most liberal --==*MAJOR*==-- candidate?

Which of these (Kucinich & Sharpton) should drop out now?

This is why polls and the Media can be counter-productive to Democracy:

Are you addicted to this danged forum?


Which candidate would do the best job in office?

If you want to talk racist remarks/actions by the candidates...

I've been a Dean supporter, but this kills it for me...

Granholm, Cherry, Sandy Levin endorse Kerry

Clark Recommended war resolution

Kerry's push for higher fuel-efficiency standards may hurt him in Michigan

Republicans Increasingly Wary of Challenge From Kerry

Clark Steps Up His Criticism of Bush

Deleted message

Brokered convention: Who gets the Nom?

Dio Campaign Scrambles to Explain Priest Tossing

dupe (by 1 minute!!)

Bush raised $132.7 million last year. And he still ain't spent a dime of it

Does DU have any influence on the Presidential primaries?

Outsider: " Corporate America decided Dean must be savaged"

Has anyone seen these Weekly Standard Flash ads?

Did Dean put all his eggs in one basket ?

Contact your favorite candidate and ask him to demand keeping debates

Is it better for the primaries to drag out to the convention or not?

Wow, look at all the attacks on Kerry

Which State Will End Up Being The 'Florida' Of 2004

If your candidate loses the primaries, will you watch his concession......

Is FreeTrade more less or the same size issue as IWR and why

Clark people: Pics of the General from NM

Democratic presidential candidates' comments on fuel efficiency

This is why dean will not win

Clark MUST stay in the running until Mississippi's Democratic Primary!

NCLB is a liberal's bill, so why do people hate Kerry for it?

Kerry Blasts Bush, Runs Strong in Missouri

Shouldn't you trust Vermont's judgement of politicians?

Will Kerry get the gun owner vote that abandoned Al Gore in 2000?

Kerry Adds Momentum With Endorsements

Poll: Kerry/Clark or Kerry/Edwards

Are polls without Kucinich or Sharpton biased?

Fellow Dean Supporters: Here's why there's only one smart move left now. is launched.

Which candidates have commented on NYT call to bar DK, AS from debates?

Clark: Candidate woos minorities

Just Based On Pure Looks, Who Does Rolled-Up Sleeves Better?

Edward's anti-Hispanic comments (link included)

ABC and Diane Sawyer admit culpability re: Dean Iowa Speech

Andrew Sullivan goes Joementum!!

Kerry's anti-Italian comment on Don Imus's show (link included)

Washigton Post and the Kerry "special interests" promise

Curious remarks from John Zogby....

You Know What Gets My Goat About Dean And His "I'm A Doer" Stuff

This is why I like Dean......

Kerry's Lobbyist Money -- The Actual NUMBERS

Check Out and Take the MSNBC Poll

If/when Kucinich leaves the primary, who would he endorse?

Photos of Arizona Rally for Dean Supporters and Well-Wishers

Double-checking: Kerry voted for NCLeft Behind, Patriot Act, and Iraq?

Lets Jam the NYtimes

Just got back from the Tucson Dean rally.

Are we fooling ourselves?

Kerry spokesman David Wade hits back at Dean

Another war hero endorses Wes Clark!

Dean's brilliant new strategy: skip thirteen primaries and caucuses

What will Kerry do with Bush tax cuts this year

the Globe~Bush's service record criticized

No mention of Clark on ABC news today and only passing mention on NBC

Listen. If Dean can't even win over Democrat/Independent voters...

Weekend Democratic Primary Poll

John Kerry, the IWR, and the movie Fargo: a short analogy has caught in web traffic

North Carolina Might Have Caucus Not Primary

If Bush's poll numbers dropped dramatically

For those of you that don't like Howard Dean

Is Bush in a public opnion free-fall?

Dean Campaign-why we're in it until the convention

I don't buy Kerry's excuse.

Make a case for your candidate: I'm undecided; AZ primary is Tuesday

What every candidate needs to do at every appearance

Would you support a candidate for prez who made an ethnic or racial joke?

Is the NYT position on removing Sharpton racist?

Whopper: Howard Dean: Roy Neel, the lobbyist who never … lobbied?

Soros Backs Kerry & Battles Bush,: GOP Calls For Ban on Big 527 Donations

George McGovern proposes Clark/Kerry - Kerry/Clark ticket

New York Times calls for exclusion of Kucinich and Sharpton from debates

powerful Kucinich flash video- "Do You Feel Safer Now?"

How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam