Democratic Underground

Archives: December 30, 2004

What Howard Dean May Bring to the DNC

Loose Lips Sink Ships - LTE to Mpls Star Tribune

US Businesses Overseas Threatened by Rising Anti-Americanism

Empty Pew: Why W Doesn't Go to Church

The Brainshrub's Morning News Scan is back on-line!

I heard of a national strike mentioned on RR. Any info on this?

Thom Hartmann

2004 Tsunamis - The most popular catastrophe?

the thread was locked

I just got a warning for "calling out" another DUer

I second mgdecombe post

what happened to this?

Where is the "Help" button?

Why was this locked?

Please please please reinstate RKZ

Another statement of support for Koolzip

Any specific place for

Jay Marvin 'happy to be out' as WLS talk show host

Contact Senator Byrd's office re challenging the electoral votes

Ohio's Govenor Taft states in Radio Interview he's "seen No Evidence

Buzz Flash and Minneapolis Star Tribune

Will DUers meet up somewhere on Jan.6

Someone explain please. The Moyer motion to preserve

Already down the memory hole? What happened to:

Clear Channel refuses to air Right to Vote ad, and 6 other ads

You don't need to steal an election

OK, I'm sick of playing nice

Mark Brickell is on Malloy. Malloy just mentioned DU! n/t

Electoral college: vote of major cities should have greater weight

When Blackwell Is Deposed Ask Why He Tried to Hinder Exit Polls In Ohio

Re-Exit Poll Ohio

Anyone up for a game of chance?

Make a Pledge: Fuck Bush and His Election Fraud Forever !

I think one good way to show dissent is to write

Ohio recount -- what sense does it make? Somebody help me please

I believe that the TRUTH always comes to light eventually

Another poll asking whether Rossi should concede (Please help)

An interesting thought, Enforcing Treaty Law: U.N. Committees and U.S. Cou

A rather heavy-handed, but good letter to send to our Senators

Go for the Gold! Ask them ALL to stand up on Jan. 6th!!!

Rossi to have news conference tonight (Wed) to say he won't concede--

Statistics are not good enough for the naysayers?

Countdown on

Does anyone remember a Robert Thurman radio show from last week?

Letter to Dino Rossi

January 6th is D-day for us Democrats.

"Unfreep" this poll

Kerry in Iraq :perfect timing

Questions about getting to Washington, D.C. on Jan 6th PLEASE HELP

SEQUOIA SEQUOIA, SEQUOIA did we investigate them?

"I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

Anyone have good sign ideas to take to D.C. on the 6th?

He saw the fraud before anyone else, and they called him a troll....

Jonathan D. Simon: Who Won The Popular Vote

Help from people in DC...

Did Arenbeck posture his case for consideration by SCOTUS?

I need a DUer' in Hocking County Ohio...

At least the California secession movement is getting air time....

Something Just Occurred To Me Re: DREs and Undervotes....

When is it time for a revolution?

Suspicion of Election Fraud: 2004 WA State Governor and Presidential Race

3rd Gathering To Save Our Democracy, Nashville, 1/2/05 -- be there!

"Never let them know what you are thinking"

Aren't these cases of obvious malfeasance or fraud? Florida

SF area action on 1/6?

Ugh, an SUV pulled in front of me on the way home tonight.

To Computer Help Group: Thanks , I have my PC back!

help/advice needed on bring AMD box with no system to life

Has anyone seen this on Yahoo?

New Study: Britains far less religious

Reminder: 9/11 fund, $9 billion, 3000 victims. Tsunami fund, 35mil...

A confluence of evil forces has undermined our Constitution.

Republican Boosters and Ohio State Football

IAC: U.S. Criminal Negligence on a Global Scale (Tsunami+corporate greed)

How much do we spend per hour in Iraq???

KO mentioned US aid offer...

Wow, British Columbia alone is now Donating 8 million dollars

Billionaires for Bush toot own horn in new book.

2 "U.S.Marine" predators troll for boys in WalMart today...the story...

Is the American Red Cross affiliated with the

Oh Irony, thy name is Dubya!

100,000 Iraqi's have died since the war began

KO speech to Cornell seniors in 1998 - makes me respect him even more!

Carlin beat the media

BION - A positive Christian story

I think I traded one hell for another. I am in the twilight zone

If Houston is so moral-values Red, why titty bar on every corner?

What if you want to adopt a child orphaned by the tsunami?

Seals Wife put abuse photos on the web!

Why did the world leaders offer help and we didn't,

Veterans and the halfmast flag for Reggie White

A Great Relief Oragnization for Tsunami Victims.

Clinton: I feel your pain Bush: I inflict your pain

More proof that this administration loves war more than anything

Here's an idea (not mine)

Video now up of Wes Clark on CNBC tonight, talking about

USA is donating 12 cents per resident to the tsunami relief effort

Please tell me that people are ditching the networks as sources

History and Politics of Pot on History Channel now

A different poll for WA Governor

The "stingy" talk should not be politicised right now.


Bush inauguration cost and donations to tsunami victims compared

Bush Man of the Year, Tucker Hosting Crossfire...

Mike Malloy says the $35 million for trsunami relief equals 8 hours of

So it's official...

Freeper hate mail pours in over Al Neuharth column

IMPORTANT TO AOL USERS!!! Big Fraud Scam Going Around!!

anyone notice new bushite term: "Weapons of Mass Effect" ?? WME !

Tsunami of Greed: poor count their dead, Wall Street basks in riches

Casino cocktails...forget makeup

The Evolution of 'moral values' in the last 10 years

What will the U.S. be like 4 years from now?

Is it a contradiction to be for increased penalties for cop killers...

Did Mary Cheney really attempt to be a human shield in Iraq?

LOL !!! GO Momma T !!! - E-Mail Exchange With The NYT !!!

Dead Soldier's Dad Finds No Enemy in Iraq

Muskogee, OK explosion last night may have been caused by bomb

OMFG Rossi Give it UP!

Putting a Disaster in Context

'In These Times' toon skewers Karl Rove ... bigtime!

Mosul fighting: pay attention to the line that says "weapons looted."

What is to become of all the orphans that are sure to surface?

Inauguration..why have one if you are already IN office.

Saddam Hussein killed between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqis from 1979

How I quieted the dinner table tonight.

Bush has it in for Mark Dayton and now he needs our help!

Halliburton, Brown & Root etc soon swooping in for the kill / US$250m

When you've donated to help the tsunami survivors in Asia, come here.

Clear Channel Won't Air Progressive Radio Ads (even at full $$ rates)


American diver underwater during catastrophe - Will Not Believe How

Daley's son enters Army (Dem Chicago Mayor)

Two car bombs hit Saudi capital

Bush Says Iraqi Election Marks Crossroads

Yushchenko may prosecute his opponents

Minister to abolish GM scrutiny body

Alleged Torture of Asylum-Seekers Must Be Investigated

A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq

Quake causes Earth axis to move 8 cm (german)

Man Accused of Persecuting Jews as Policeman in Poland During World War II

China spying on us: CSIS

Immigration Judge in Detroit Orders Deportation of Kurd Accused of Terrori

Commie Pinko Girliemen Pentagon fruitcakes calling for cuts in military

Aides: Hastert to remove House ethics leader

Sobs and Silence at Memorial for Soldiers at Washington Base

FBI Probes Laser Beam Directed at Cockpit

Canada increases tsunami aid to $40 million (how much for US inaugural?)

Museums warned on Bible-era relics

Texas company in Thailand to help retrieve bodies

Vatican Names New San Antonio Archbishop (Involved w/Kerry Abortion Flap)

NYT: In Ads, AARP Criticizes Plan on Privatizing

Republican seeks 'do-over' in Washington governor's race

Chesley donates $10,000 to Bush

Colo. Town Won't Name Street for Commander

Richest nations pledge more than US$250m tsunami victims

WP: On Nov. 2, GOP Got More Bang For Its Billion, Analysis Shows

U.S. state ban on gay foster parents ended

Ariz. pastor held in Fla. sex counts

Israel Charges 'Jesus Box' Relics Ring (Reuters)

Republicans Plan to Make Ethics Inquiries Harder to Begin -NYT

Rossi calls for a re-vote (Online poll: should Rossi concede? 57% No!)

Pentagon Said to Offer Cuts in the Billions -NYT

Court upholds brain-damaged woman's case (Schiavo)

Worst xmas gift ever...

I see the Sybil thread is still growing

Anyone here ever heard Smokey Robinson's song..

Are the waters at the Outer Banks, NC, swimmable in April?

Paging Wat Tyler....reality check.... Paging Wat Tyler

He is NOT mein Leader !! I just wanted to say that. n/t

Tsunami waves hit British Columbian Coast

I'm so wet!

Breaking: Tsunami in hiding. To release new videotape.

Who is your favorite health-related political figure?

Someone gave me Bob Dylan's 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert for Christmas

Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995? WTF?!?

Christmas Whine, Vintage 2004

Do you own or use a foghorn?

May I suggest a new nickname for Sen. Bill Frist? "Papa Doc"

Calling all (or some) DU backyard (and otherwise) mechanics.

Breaking: Clinton had chance to arrest Tsunami in 1996.

I think I have had too much merlot

You know what is so tasty?

*psychic* Sylvia Brown

My Crabs are KILLING Me! please distract me....ugh,,,

Damn if I eat anymore of these

Analyze this: All night I dreamed I was climbing Everest

Who left the goddam cake out in the rain?

Does anyone here suffer from pouting?

When this grey world crumbles like a cake, I'll be

Beer question-Chocolate Bock

Does anybody here suffer from goats?/

Who else here shaves their bush and mug?

Does anyone here suffer with gout?

Help! I'm really creeped out! Have I been brainwashed?

How come we don't have a Tsunami logo on CNN yet?

When was the last time you laughed?

ATA Suicides

Anyone get Holiday Cards from Elected Officials or Politicians?

Am I the only one having nightmares about drowning?

Superficial post time!

Techies: How can I verify the speed of my CPU using dos or

a question for anyone who was in the Lounge around 5:30 EST today

Juan Tripp Or Howard Hughes

Has "Neverland" (Depp) been done already? What did you think about it?

I'm nauseous and traumatized from all the horrible images on tv today

I've finally figured out my feelings on the Tsunami...

Richard Grieco

The *ONE* job you really don't want anyone to know you had......

My dog got into the holiday M&M's

Sinking Backyard???

Favorite 'Steel Magnolias' Character

Has anyone here ever had a tsunami dream?

Mmmmm I'm eating my shrimps and feeling good

Damn stupid basketball game

I am DUing on my Blackberry, ask me anything.

Song for East Cleveland: I'm GONNA....................

Curious just how "graphic" are the images on US news from SEA?

'Fellow' DU Gay men: What men find you smokin'hot?

Have you ever watched Scare Tactics?

Fellow DU Ladies: Which men come on to you?

I'm back!

My husband is a tool (a rant)

What "Psychic" is the most despicable?

Where can one create an avatar for an online journal?

My Cramps are KILLING Me! please distract me....ugh,,,

Music Fans: The Cure vs. 311

Democrat Party: A pet peeve

Anybody else having trouble with the AirAmerica stream?

If you won the lottery, do you have any friends, relatives, ex's...

Combine threads: What's your favorite lesbian toothpaste?

Magical Mystery Tour (the movie): Groovy or Grotty?

Do you sound like who you are?

CO Liberal is being mean to me!

Help please!! Pepsi Syndrome!

Can you help a newbie?

Hello DU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good GOP Attack Quotes?

Everyone's on a bloody song kick in the lounge. If you can't beat 'em...

Little 12 year old girls keep makin me cry

Okay I am stupid

Bad news if you want a second passport.....

2005 HAS to be a better year

Well, the telephone is ringing. Is that my mother on the phone?

RandomKoolzip has been Tombstoned

I ran into the Minority Whip today! Ask me anything!

who sells the stop bush now stop sign stickers? Anyone know?

Don't Ya Just Love 60's "Stereophonic" High-Fidelity Recordings??

Why do people wear perfume these days?

Computer question

So- is Gary Sinise a competent CSI cop?

Self delete

According to my friend, protesting just isn't 'in' anymore

I ate each and every ZombyWoof

Freeper reply to Kerry/Edwards signs not coming down in Ithica

This is my 500th post, the Buckeyes are winning, I have beer...

Who are you munching on this evening?

Damn it all!

Bumper Sticker Idea

The electricity just came on after being out for 19 hours !

If you could free just one person, who would it be?

Tell us your "destructively crabby" stories here.

Dammit shortbus. There was NO NEED to taste that wine!

This is a SEX THREAD!

I had Miracle Whip today! Ask me anything.

Kleeb's Music Center

DU ladies: which men come on you?

I'm in Downtown Beijing -- Ask Me Anything

What the hell is going on with this place?

This whole time I thought Tweety was Carville

Fellow DU Men: Which ladies come on to you?

I'm FINALLY back from off-line hell....

Take on me.....take on me...Take me on......take on me...

Got my 2005 Farmer's Almanac nailed above the john

Who else here shaves with a brush and mug?

I love fucking with this freeper

I couldn't resist and updated my website again. Is it too controversial?

A strange question, but did you have acorns this year?

DU Ladies: When a guy hits on you, what makes him successful and

What are munching on this evening?

Interesting T-Shirts (adult in nature)

Want to see my Christmas present?

You know you're getting old when___________

What food is a must serve for New Years because of good luck

Anyone else not yet have a date for New Year's Eve?

When Mel Tillis Sings... Where Does The Stutter Go?

seems to me this cat photo is meowing for a caption....

So I just picked up Brian Wilson's long-awaited SMILE album....

What did you have for dinner?

5 new kitty photos/may counterbalance (in some TINY way?) news of tsunami

Anybody own a bread machine? I'm dying to buy one, but am

When A British Pop Singer Sings... Where Does The Accent Go?

Happiness is a warm bird

ZombyWoof Check in (or have you been swept away?)

Goodbye DU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NetZero Hires The Bush Court Jester Dennis Miller

What song(s) are you embarrassed that you know all the words?

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is coming out 5/6/05

According to my friend, prostitution just isn't 'in' anymore

Firefox users here's how you can make pages load faster

So I'm Dancing, and this bitch is just WATCHING me!

What's the stupidest thing that you've experienced at work?

I may have an opportunity to transfer from California to NYC

Is anybody drinking anything worse than what I'm drinking?

Who is your favorite lesbian?

Do you look like who you are?

What's your New Year's resolution for 2005?

Favorite Ian Hunter album?

Does anyone here recall seeing "Hitler: the Rise of Evil"...

The modern corollary to Jesus

Spurs vs Suns

Planet and Sun Pix from NASA (very pic heavy)

Depleted Uranium? Family Seems to think so...

John Kerry - Committee Assignments

John Kerry - The Worker And Achiever So Many Don't Know And Need To

My new response to the naysayers

Sweet GaJeebus, it's about time (Warning, boring travel pictures)

Senator Byrd should be the Senator who stands up for the minority voters

Could advertising for select books be politically effective?

Fritz Hollings on Rove, Hillary, Edwards, Bob Jones, etc.

WSJ and Wa Times pulled quite the CON; the UN never called US "stingy"

Finally! A plan to take Florida back from the Bush cartel

Now on CSPAN2 - - Religion and the Presidency

Cutting thru the Propaganda Fog (former republican spills the beans)

If in my lifetime we regain congress,,,,,,

Mebbe Bush didn't speak about tsunami earlier bc he was on bender?!

After the Shi'ite's "win"

The Church of Reality

Does Right to Life apply to Asians?

bush, as usual, misses another opportunity.

Seattle Post has poll

WaPo- GOP Got More Bang For Its Billion, Analysis Shows

$40 million for the inauguration...

Strange advice from the bloated one

GOP's Soft Sell Swayed the Amish

How Can We Give So Little to Help, But Spend More to Hurt?

I haven't been to Drudge's website in four months

Congressman Tim Ryan's Speech to the house

WHY is Tucker hosting NEWSNIGHT

Critique of Bush/Repug Policies using Teachings of Jesus (please add more)

Cursed Be His Name (How I Cope Lately)

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog at Spin Alley

DU This Poll on Washington Gov Race

Saddam Hussein killed between 150,000 and 340,000 Iraqis from 1979

George W. Bush Is Most Admired Man in 2004

Who is your political idol?

Should 527s Run Ads to Educate the Electorate on Progressive Politics

The Most Admired Democrat of 2004!

[PINR]: The Erosion of Political Institutions in Turkmenistan

Why the war in Iraq is an integral part of the war on terror

Independent Online: Pius XII barred Jewish children returning home

LAT: FIVE ROADBLOCKS A Camera's View of the Mideast Conflict (need Flash)

LAT: A Thirsty World (Bush decision needed on role of Gov and water)

Robert Scheer: A Devil's Island for our times

Conduct Unbecoming

Inflicting Discredited Market Fundamentalism on Iraq

Are We Stingy? Yes

Money, Money, Money

NY Times calls U.S. aid for tsunami 'miserly'


Top 10 Conspiracy Theories of 2003-2004

Shred the Roadmap to Salmon Extinction (Bruce Babbitt on Bush plan)

The Material Basis of Accumulation or Why Iraq and now Iran?

Editorial: The stingy U.S. An appalling performance

How Iran will fight back

Frank Rich: Washington's New Year War Cry: Party On!

Blumenthal: A State of Chaos

Q: Why do they call them "red states"?

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from Thailand: the Crisis Corps needs you.

Call for these 55 California electors to contest OH votes (contact info):

Last call for CBS NYC protests now till Jan 6th

BlackLightPower ?

Up To 4 More Years For US Firm To Clean Up Toxic Peruvian Andes Town - AP

Molecule Harvests Water's Hydrogen

Glaciers, Marine Species, Salmon - Sweeping Changes Throughout The NW

Unalaska Spill Approaches 335K Gallons - Wildlife Toll Rising Sharply

Time To Prepare For Global Oil Peak - Fairbanks News-Miner

Snow Falls In UAE For First Time In Living Memory - BBC

Never mind

Thank you for what you do.

Elad, you probably are aware of this already but just checking

I'd like to offer my support for the reinstatement of RandomKoolzip

Yet another plea for the reinstatement of RandomKoolZip.

I would also like to offer support for RandomKoolZip, should he

Since I am no longer able to post anywhere but ATA at this time

Plea To Moderators: Can You Please Un-Tombstone Truth Is All?

Support for Organism's suggestion about troll headstones

Not a question, an appology, sincerly

since I can't post

it's just a shame

Please Untombstone TruthIsAll...

My mia culpa in the form of email to BigMcLargeHuge

International media at the top of the national list, or the bottom

Please let TIA post. Thank you.

Please reinstate TIA. To err is human, to forgive is Dem Underground.

TruthisAll should be reinstated

Reinstate TIA for the CAUSE

could someone tell me why this thread was locked

Please consider reinstating TIA

I'm in tears over TIA's banning.

Another post in support of RandomKoolZip

Cancellation Request

TIA was being provoked!

Several TIA post where being kicked and commented on

bring back grovelbot!

Just another ATA post

Regarding TIA's banning...

Admin and Mods- two issues I'd like to address

What was wrong with the thread on the "NULL" thingie?

Little suggestion to make mods' lives easier

I briefly saw a freeper unmasking post earlier this afternoon.

What's the procedure for donating a star to another DUer.

Please forgive me... I am about to do something I never do

what is the difference between

Please allow TIA to post; thank you (n/t)

In Gaza City, graffiti artists take up democracy's cause

A parade of charlatans

BBC (Thursday): Sharon seals new Israel coalition

B’Tselem: “Army killed 182 minors in 2004”

Israel stops Palestinians voting in Jerusalem

World Trade Center 7 - The true target of flight 93?

Dade Co. Florida-- minority precincts-- is this voter suppression??

Dade Co. Florida-- Are these malfeasance?

Does anyone else think we need to form a new Party?

MoveOn enters the Ohio Rally activity!

Please DU SeattleTimes poll

Have there been any theories regarding redistricting of Ohio...

I finally have my answer to all this

Whatever happened to Diebold and ES&S?

2004 Presidential Election: Who Won The Popular Vote? (Free Press-12/29)

This Is Long But A Very Interesting Read Assassins Of Democracy

Rossi calls for a revote

Plea To Moderators: Can You Please Un-Tombstone Truth Is All?

Should Washington get a revote?

Will Durst Has Our Answer

Need a pic of Blackwell? Get it here. High res files available

Ohio officials claimed that it cost $1.5million to have that lousy....

NetZero Hires The Bush Court Jester Dennis Miller

Jon Stewart in 2008 (if we still have a country).

Check out this 2002 news story on Feeney/ Yang

For everyone going to D.C. take this for your back

WashPost: GOP Got More Bang for its Billion

This may wind up getting locked

Arnebeck, Kerry - friends?

Who is our real enemy?

Something we can do NOW: contact state electors to follow VT's example

Contact Sen. Byrd re challenging electoral vote

getting on Good Morning America?!?

This is a sad time to be alive.

Moyers shows his true color........ RED

This photo will answer ALL questions about how the election was stolen...

A black flag

Going to Washington DC for the Jan. 6th Rally in Defense of Democracy?

Just got this email from Bev...

Media Alert: Whitewash in progress! Call in now!

Great PICS - marches in Ohio, California, North Carolina,

l i z z i e f o r k e r r y - call God Bush and Cheney right away

Zzine News: Vo Supporters Going to Austin Jan. 11

Progressive Majority's Official Site Telling Rossi To Concede--Please Sign

Washington State Democrats re: governor

12/28: New report on NATIONAL exit polls and POPULAR VOTE

What will it take to get the majority of Americans into the streets?

The Nashua Advocate: Team Bush Lied About Accuracy of Ukraine Exit Polls

Phila. Daily News quiz -- it's starting to seep in

Bev Harris Update, BBV Charity Better Business Bureau

Why Are These People Allowed To Flaunt The Law And Snub

Get ready to smile

too pass the minutes til WRP's smile... fantasy event

It's 5:03 and I'm not smiling yet.....

Does anyone have a pre-election day Kerry vs. Bush flyer?

Why Why Why, do they need us...

We MUST convert the Military Industrial Complex players into public works

Desmond Tutu Speaks about Bush, God and America

What is it that we need to do with this guy???

How we are going to defeat George Bush and the extreme right-wing agenda.

Electile Dysfunction got you down? Try Verifygra!

"John Kerry to visit the region next month" Haaretz News

Rossi and the Repugs are so f'd up I have to SCREEEEAM!!!

KO has Conyer's letter to Boxer on his blog

So won't the Senate just vote down the objection?

Online poll for WA Revote

This afternoon's mail brought a positive letter from my Rep.

Is there any way to find out if my own voted counted?

I have to share about Jan. 6th. My hubby said ,Kerry was going to be in

Question about Ohio Recount

"... many of which appear to violate both federal and state law.."

Sorry, Duplicate...

TV Networks Officially Refuse to Release Exit Poll Raw Data

New KO blog mentions Conyers

Forgive me, I screwed-up. Warren County

If you can not be In DC on the 6th....

Where's news on the Kerry motion at U.S. District Court in Ohio??

Link of Tsunami Help Orgs

Just watched a Documentary on the 2000 Election

What happens if a Senator objects on January 6?

Maurice Blackwell + J.Kenneth Blackwell CONNECTIONS?

URGENT request for help regarding Jan. 6 challenge of election.

Dems will dress in blue on January 6 to protest election fraud

NEWSWEEK ! -- Jesse Jackson on why he thinks Kerry WON THE ELECTION

Be honest: how have you handled the past two months on a personal level?

A slap of reality ; How it is : all legal recourse are in Repug Courts

DUers! Urgent help needed in Warren County OH Jan. 3 at BoE

You're probably going to want to watch Olbermann tonight

Playing Russian Roulette with Ohio's 3% recount rule

Is Theresa Heinz Kerry involved

Ignorance is a very powerful tool

The "Not Me!" Campaign

Voter suppression and official malfeasance in S. Florida counties

Florida precinct receipts? Anyone??

My letter to Senator Levin

Did Conyers get a reply by the 29th from Triad?

Wait...I forgot...we're doomed and all is darkness...

2 questions for everyone...

John Kerry For president 2008?

Exclusive Club



URGENT: Don't ask Senators to contest just OHIO!!!

Email 'Contradicts' Feeney Statements to 'Florida Commission on Ethics'!

Anyone who can think there wasnt fraud in the 2004 election

2002 Florida Govenors Race: S. Fl. touchscreens default to "Jeb Bush"

The Election Fraud 2004 protest flag...

Thursday 12/30 Election/Fraud/Recount thread

In which states did voting straight ticket Dem result in no vote for Kerry

is there a better link to these Ohio voter suppression videos?


No Holiday for Vote Thieves - great article here

How many people predicted Nov 2nd and were told they were being negative?

So it's January 7th and the election has been officially contested by

BREAKING: Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies

is the fight over?

My Opinion on Bev Harris & BBV (Warning: Harsh Language)


You guys know this, right?

Ohio Precincts compared to Registered Voters -- please review

New nationwide exit poll at

Regular Features of blog by a Minnesotan (me)

Mark Dayton could use a buck or two.

Dayton is running for reelection!

Tons of FireFox and Thunderbird extensions HERE:

Is it possible to hate AOL any more than I already do?

FireFox link problems


Need a pic of Blackwell's face for your signs, get them here

DUers! Urgent help needed in Warren County OH Jan. 3 at BoE

Vo Supporters Go to Austin Jan. 11

Dallas Dinner Table - Jan 17th - Improving Race Relations

Ronnie Earle settles with Sears in TRMPAC.

State gets F on reproductive rights

Should AG Lautenschlager stay or go

US Foreign Aid. Is Aid the right word? Not really.

Be in DC on the 6th!

Tsunami Kills Few Animals in Sri Lanka

Bush Continues to Embarrass

Karel: Churches should donate prop tax exemp to tsunami relief

OMG According to "ChooseTheBlue.Com" is

India Issues a Tsunami Alert.

Wouldn't this be cool re the tsunami calamity in SE Asia

Who is the WORST conservative politician?

Surprise, surprise... GOP defines *itself* as unethical...

Couple diving during tsunami are appalled at treatment from US officials

Anyone here tried those genealogy webservices?...

Bush asks congress for 2 BILLION in disaster relief with more

Vacationing Bush hardly a compassionate conservative...

How much of the $15B promise for AIDS programs in Africa

Low-lifes already using the Asian tragedy to scam

Pardon my crazy "tinfoil hattish" notion re OBL and "earthquake machines,"

"Doing on the Cheap" - did they believe their own BS?

Aceh tsunami toll alone could be 80,000 - hundreds of Aussies missing.

Death is all around, but the band plays on for the tourist horde

anyone else notice?

U.S. Officials to Tsunami Victims: Pay Up

The Bush family loves war and death.

I got through to Washington Journal, but the subject had changed

Does anyone have a url for the "Not Me"

How can ANYONE in their right mind say the US is stingy?

Former first lady tops current one in admired list

In regards to the tsunamis ...

The Real Enemy?

Has the wikipedia been hacked?????? Susan Sontags page...

Condid-it - a trip down horse apple lane

Keeping peace in a land of despair

Judge strikes down ban on placing children in homes with a gay person

MSNBC question of of the day....

Must read

Does * think that terrorists caused the tsunami?

The fortune, the death of an Italian countess and claims of foul play

Army Seeks to Save War-Torn Marriages

did I hallucinate or was there a thread about TIA being tombstoned?

Tsunami aid from USG, $35Million; Lobbying Costs $172million/month

Has the first "tranch of aid" reached Sri Lanka yet?

UAE gets first ever snow fall

Earth Anthem

120,000 dead in Asia, that is like losing the city of Sioux Falls, SD

Summing the Right's Game Plan in a Paragraph

Web Site - opinions

Is it just me or did "The Western White House" sign behind Idioticus

Need a tax break Ohio? Donate to Blackwell

Conservative Students v. Liberal Profs (CNN) (Lib profs get death threats)

FINALLY. Colin Powell makes a condolence call >>>

is * blaming Asian deaths on "Sue Nami"?

Jonah Goldberg uses tsunami tragedy as excuse for petty UN bashing

We do not want the contagion of sympathy for tsunami victims spreading.

I am on with Cspan. Caller from Cincinnati!!!...

Lipstick on the stable hands

A Teacher Would Like Your Suggestions...

WE have seen Bush in action on 9/ will he act if some

Collection of Tsunami Videos

Oh No! My Priest is in Big Trouble - Local News...

Indian Express questions CNN/BBC coverage of Tsunami

Doctors Without Borders has posted an emergency update

Iraq Front News available

Bush was re-reading 'My Pet Goat' for three days. What Tsunami?

The MOVELEFT.COM Progressive Person-of-the-Week is... "John Kerry, Our 44th President" available to order.

Last election between candidates who would've both been good president?

Democracy Now!'s 2004 Year-In-Review * (great show)

"backstage betrayals, plots and pathologies"

Wow, Canadian Red Cross has raised 8.5 million in three days

Sexual Abuse in the Amish Community

"Asia is not a Red State. Sorry."

Winning (or losing) the war on terror.

Please stop saying the BA's mean to "brown skinned people".

The replacement of quality by quantity.

Gregoire is Gov. Elect of Washington!!

Republican Dictionary - Part3

Remember John Rocker?

Fortune-tellers calm nerves of Tokyo's Bridget Joneses

Wal-Mart Employees Charged With Killing Cat

Democracy Now : Year in Review

Winger Seeks Red Cross Donations to Pay for His Bandwidth

It really pisses me off the way Bushbots think.

Need Help with Argument. How much of the 15 million we

Why Not Teach Maya Creation Story, Too?


This is a sad time to be alive.

Gotta love these responses to the Tsunami aid requests

What can you tell me about "Earthtones" cell phone co?

Websites w/ tsunami video and survivor blogs/needs/donation links,etc...

They are not wet blankets or freepers or whatnot

Marines to practice invading/killing in downtown Toledo

what is the story with Lynn Samuels?

What's the WHOLE story regarding the US and foreign aid?

Emails from people missing family members in SE Asia (Sad)

Nixon or Bush II which one would you rather have as president?

"An Army of US reporters, but still no US aid present"

Does anyone have a link to video of the Tsunami?

Navy Seals sue AP over torture pics - what arrogance

The way the twenty first century has started out, I am afraid it is going

Stocks give better return than Social Security? Not necessarily...

Anyone listening to Thom Hartmann?

President Bush said that he has formed an international coalition

When will Falwell & Robertson officially blame SE Asians for the tsunami?

I am considering a boycott....

Military Lab Proposed Gay-Aphrodisiac Chemical Weapon

N.A.P Nominates Bush for Award

Oregon man's warning prompts thousands to flee in India

Flash tribute to Kerry...........We Had a Dream.

George Buxh's recipe for disaster...Sid Blumenthal:

Bush has purged last of his father's senior advisers..Cheney in control..

LMAO! Just got a handwritten thank you letter from the chimp

Will you help air these ads? Pledge here. Be the media.

Owning a home is better then renting, right? Maybe not...

now they are beating up France...again...

Does anyone really expect there to be a Compassionate Conservatism?

Canada Eases up debt to affected nations

Does Wal-Mart Get A Bad Rap?

Which aid agency is the best one to donate to?

"In private, Baker is scathing about the current occupant of the WH"

where can I find a list of GOP members that voted for delay's rule change?

WORLD DEPOPULATION IS TOP NSA AGENDA: The Haig-Kissinger depopulation poli

American Inst. of Architects coordinating a response for tsunami relief

The Christmas spirit sure died awful fast.

Think setting up an Everbank Euro account is a good idea

And you think you know a Freeper? Check out this one I know.

History Will Show US Lusted After Oil

China's angry young focus their hatred on old enemy

Senator Leahy's Idea re Tsunami Relief

scientists, meteorologists, etc. a tinfoilhat question about the lasers...

I think that Islamic Rebels have a misconception of American Democracy

Really, really stupid bumper sticker spotted in Southern Louisiana:

Cam someone explain a wonkette post to me?

We've been called to arms!

Tsunami Aid - polls

Our downward spiral a direct result of inferior education systems

Sirius radio 143...Young Turks blasting Bush's lack of compassion.

Origami cranes to greet troops

Earthquake 'off the chart' even in Ohio

Dont sneeze ----- - - - web site

Have You Donated Money To Tsunami Relief Efforts?

Reagan or Bush II, which one would rather have as President?

Privatization Of Social Security Just A Scam

Which is worse? 100,000 dead in an illegal war.....

Someone please explain this to me

smirk wants pro-homosexual drama banned

The Eastern Coast of North America may be next

Fundies vs. Fundies: Iraq Election Showdown

This ought to send the Freeps into meltdown: France #1 aid donor?

Pat Robertson reveals what Political Correctness is really all about

CBS News, world tsunami pledge "HALF A BILLION" help

No fireworks for our New Years - out of respect

Could someone pls help me with some resources on Iraq, Saudi Arabia

GEORGE BUSH: Donate your Inaugural Funds to Disaster Relief

Freeperland is happy about the Tsunami deaths.

Burton (and Jefferson) on FOX News

Has anybody here read Philip Roth's

Was racism factored into the decision not to warn Asia of the Tsunamis?

dennis miller hawking netzero.....puke

$5 billion per month for Iraq =

I can Finally listen to this tune without cringing!

Non-Monetary Aid Donations?

before & after satellite images show Aceh...unbelieveable horror

Let's play the - How much I hate bush game -

BLUMENTHAL: "Words like 'incoherent' come to mind"

Anyone experiencing weird weather since the earth quake?

Catholic Relief Services: Internet donations for tsunami relief $100K/hr.

Indonesia Needs Help! WHERE is the PRESIDENT?

Who's your favorite progressive politician?

1998: Hurricane Mitch: US provided $988 million in relief aid.

Bush=Dumb Fuck....Defending Chevy Chase:

Why doesn't the UN move from NYC?

Let's start a Movement!The Humanity Movement-Pledge to Global Non-Violence

good ole boy jeb bush being sent to tsunami region

"Move to higher ground, morons."

Earthquake: Coincidence or a Corporate Oil Tragedy?

Why we're stingy

Bush, so YOU want the elections to go forward, well I have a challenge

Is Homosexuality a sin? Show this to ANYONE who says it is

PEAK OIL - Solution: Thermal Depolymerization

For the next ten minutes, I will answer any questions about Peak Oil.

COBRA cancellation

Does anyone have experience getting healthcare coverage..

Just saw something chilling on CNN

Please Help.... seeking a specific video.....

Why do you suppose India is turning down relief/help from the outside?

Let's call it what it is

Fannie Mae exec gets $116,000 a MONTH pension.

"Have You Forgotten?"

Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies


Cheese Enchiladas?

Penzey's spices - support your fellow Dems

Ontario pledges $5M in tsunami aid

Pius XII told churches not to return Holocaust war babies

Saudi forces kill insurgents after blasts

Cheyenne assesses history lost in fire

WP-Test Ban Network Probably Detected Quake But Did Not Warn of Tsunami

Economic investment between Israel and Venezuela on the rise

Indictment a victory for international law

Blair ally warns of Labour splits

Lobbyists Study Bush's Cabinet Nominees

U.S. Soldiers Kill 25 Insurgents in Iraq

delete - dupe

U.S. Soldier, 25 Insurgents Killed in Mosul Battle

Washington State....Rossi Calls For A Revote

Clarke: Sri Lanka Needs Warning System (Arthur C. Clarke)

Python snake saves tsunami victims from drowning.

CNN: Tsunami death toll tops 115,000

Balkan Oil Pipeline Agreement Moves Project Closer to Reality

HSBC chief executive to add role of UK chairman

FBI Probes Laser Beam Directed at Cockpit

Iraq Says Senior Zarqawi Aide Captured in Baghdad

G.O.P. to Make Ethics Inquiries Harder to Begin

Israeli dealers accused of antiquity fraud

Sharon, Peres Reach Deal on Israel Unity Government

Navy Seals sue over 'abuse' pictures

Group plans to seek Nevada benefits for hosting Yucca Mountain

NYT: Report Finds (FBI, DHS, State Dept.) Infighting Over Fingerprints

Iraq Heartens Lieberman - Most Of Country Stable, He Says

NYT: Internet Use Said to Cut Into TV Viewing and Socializing

NYT, pg1: It's About Aid and an Image (Bush perception: America first)

Militants destroy telephone exchange in Mosul

Head Scarves Now a Protective Accessory in Iraq

Bomb threat outside NAB Norfolk, VA...unfolding right now

False Tsunami Alarm Sparks Panic in India

UK: £1m given every hour (by Brits for quake/tsunami victims)

Group formed to oppose gay marriage ban

WP: GOP's Soft Sell Swayed the Amish: Unlikely Voters Cast Lot with Bush

Democracy Now : Year in Review

To add insult to injury, volcano erupts in India due to quake

Congress to Work on Tsunami Victims' Aid

Gas shortage fuels resentment in Iraq

Musharraf Tells Pakistan He Will Keep Army Post

NYT: Bush Takes Rare Step of Debating bin Laden

Breaking: FBI Responds To Threat Involving Bus at Naval Station

Tsunami: 400,000 Dead In Indonesia?

Indonesia Needs Help, Death Toll Expected To Exceed 400,000

Teen dies after Taser is used on him

Russia to charge for space trips

Jobless Claims Drop (5,000 to 326,000)

Two former employees of Miami Chamber of Commerce arrested

Microsoft to Curtail Passport Service

Belarus Imprisons Opposition Politician (Mikhail Marinich)

Deadly Year in Iraq Has Grown Worse as Military Struggles to Adjust Tactics

Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies

U.S., Syria to Discuss Iraq Infiltration (Armitage Abroad)

U.S. Acts to Take Over Faltering Pilots' Pension Plan at United

26 Dead After Attack on U.S. Post in Mosul

Pentagon mulls cutbacks to include F-22 fighter, Navy carrier

Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition'

Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition'

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday 30 December

White House to send Jeb Bush to tsunami areas

Indonesia Needs Help, Death Toll Expected To Exceed 400,000

China Emerges as Contender for Yukos Stake -NYT

World Bank offers $250 million in tsunami aid

Relatives of US servicemen killed in Iraq to hold vigil on Jordan border

Failed Senate candidate tapped by Pataki for insurance post (Howard Mills)

Md. Lawmakers OK Medical Malpractice Bill

Bush's 'Healthy Forests' plan more bad news for California

Inside Falluja: 'Nothing to come back to'

AP: India says no to outside tsunami relief

Mont. Court: Gays Due Benefits Others Get

Volcano erupts in Andaman Islands

Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition'

Spain Takes Step Toward Approving Gay Marriage

Bush Supports Conference for Tsunami Aid (Thousands Of U.S. Missing)

Russia Joins Iran in Fighting UFO’s

Senator seeks privacy for his finances

Conyers Asks Senators to Object to Certification of Election (letter)

Lieberman: Iraq Election Must Go Forward

Entire Iraqi Election Commission resigns following death threats

France Doubles Aid for Asian Disaster

Dollar Hits Record Low Vs Euro

Powell and Jeb Bush to tour devastated region

New mad cow case detected in Canada

Sorrowful Beslan Will Skip New Year's

Wal-Mart workers charged in cat shooting (Evansville, Indiana)

Pennsylvania House furniture plant closes, with 425 laid off

Freedom Tower gets the bird

New Tsunami Alert

Judge rules that canal documents should be released (Nixon Defence Used)

Fox News: Iraq Moving Ahead (Libraries! Women’s centers!)

Army Officer Explains How Armor Adds Costs

Tsunami Death Toll Jumps Over 120,000 Yahoo(Reuters)

Democrat Declared Wash. Governor-Elect

Propose a DU Holiday

Shameless Vanity Post



This is an ORGAN THREAD!

This is a needlin' thread!


whew, that was fun.

Woodland Critter Christmas on Comedy Central now!

To all my friends from the locked thread, I sing this song for you!

Malloy caller on the Yellowstone's some info

A fractal unlike any you've seen before (picture)

Smack, Blow or Crank?

It's finally locked!

BMcLH is a SAINT, I tell you! A SAINT!!!


Before I go to bed, here's tonight's message for lurking right-wingers.


Here's a little spell you can do New Year's

What if we had a show called "Democrat Idol" instead of primaries?

Floating Mattress saves Malaysian baby ...

Did you ever lie?

So is this a good news sorce?

I'm watching Jeff Foxworthy on Comedy Central...You should tune in!

Did you ever rye?

DU Good Vibes Army: Update on My Friend.

So. Apparently, I'm on the No-Fly list. (And other airport adventures!)

Did you ever buy?

Am I the only one who promptly craps on his own threads?

Am i the only one that copy cats his own threads?

Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Steak sauce: yea or nay?


Bucketloads of Tsunami Videos

can someone get me oliver clothesoff? please?

Don't you HATE it when

Did you ever die?

Does anyone have Vonage?

My cats just use me as a bed.

A song for how I am feeling right now.

i just love these bouncie dudes!!!!!!

aqua teen is on right now!

That's what I get for answering the phone at this hour.

Ellen Forradalom's photoshop of 2 people kissing in a casket:

I hate my life.

I've been screwing all day!

Does anyone else ever just lie in bed and watch

Anyone Else With Snow???

What movie had a very drunk guy in it who only said,

jewish and single????

any fellow clarkies still up??????

keep your chin up...just remember were all behind you........

smoke time....

anyone care to sign a petion to redraft wesley clark ????????

coffee anyone????????

ok fine ....

any blog angels here...

g'night all.........

stackhouse roasting anyone?

Lets see, what is safe to post now, hmmmmm

Most annoying poll that's posted over and over again.

NEW Rule: No "DEEP" questions before I go to sleep

Anyone here tried those genealogy webservices?...

Anyone here tried those genealogy webservices?...

What is your favourite bread for sandwiches?


Anyone know about Directbuy? Is it like Sams, BJ's or.......

any fellow Goreys still up????

My hilarious dream last involved a couple of DUers

Greatest Metallica Bassist

What the fuck!


Conservative values cartoon

The right word for Rove

Going on a little weekend vacation, (about five days) in April. Any ideas?

Good morning, DUers!

Sunshine go away today

Woman Follows Giant Snake To Safety (Tsunami)

Good "Out of the Gene Pool" on 2004 election

Kissing you is not what I had planned

wanna grow up to be a debaser

First EVER Snowfall In UAE - Remember: Mother Nature ALWAYS Bat's Last

What if Paris Ran the World?

This is a TEST

Trail Of Pine Cones Lead Police To Christmas Tree Thief

And I meant, every word I said-When I said that I love you I meant

So what's the deal with Vietnamese Pho soup?

Only 510 short minutes left until the weekend starts

Valves, plugs, pump to erase

It's time to bring this ship into the shore,

What Fassbinder film is it where the one armed man comes into

If you want to love me, then darlin' don't refrain...

Poker king fights off attackers


troll infestation is getting out of hand

Should the Mad Floating Underpants be reinstated?

Zappaphiliacs unite!

So if you're tired of the same old story turn some pages

I pray that 2005 is a better year for all of us.

Man Bites Off Other Man's Finger During Bar Brawl - And SWALLOWS IT

Doll Poll

My first locked thread, I am instructed to post in ATA

Happy 350 birthday to the Taj Mahal

Tech question?

How many people have ever lived in the history of mankind?

Bang! Kapow! Superheroes battle it out over burgers

Should the Monkees ever be inducted in to The Rock Hall of fame?

A new Pink Panther movie with Steve Martin

For those who have seen the extended DVD version of ROFL...

Gift Card For Wrong Store? Swap It Online

Today's stupid criminal story!

Let me have one of those porno magazines

Saddam and Dennis Miller... Separated At Birth?

Can You Say The Word "Specific" Without It Winding Up "Pacific"

Dole Pole

ARRGGHHH!!!! ##@#%@^**#$^#^ hearing aids!!!

Also by request - I hereby complain about mitten pics

Also by request - I hereby complain about skittles' nose picks.

Family Dog Ends Drunken Family Fight - By Biting Family Members

For those who have seen the extended DVD version of ROTK...

A Peaceful and Happy 2005 to All of You

Hey! The My Posts page has just been extended to 48 hours!

Also by request - I hereby complain about kitten pics.

By request- tiger feasting on prey pics! (not too graphic, don't worry)

you guys are totaLLy bumming me out

OMG, I just realized that I have 3004 posts !

Caption: Vatican UFO watch latest

SIRIUS SIR-ALP1 satellite radio hardware?

the 'sweatpant boners' appreciation thread

Is Sonny Von Bulow still alive?

Ladies and Germs, I give you "My Pet Goat....

Would that we could post emoticons in subject lines!

Depp, Lohan Top Off IMDb's Celeb Rankings

overhearing conversation at work -- someone just called Hastert a senator

out on the tar plains.... the glides are moving

How does the Gamera theme songs stack up against songs from yesteryear?

Also by request - I hereby complain about smitten pics.

Chocolate Watchband Appreciation Thread

It appears the USA lost more people in the Tsunami than on 9/11

DU men: what turns you on to a certain squirrel?

The Guided by Voices appreciation thread!


Right-wing nutjob Laura Ingraham's search for freeper love on ""

Someone at this store had a sense of humor

the boston jerk (since 1976)

Yes, you may touch my monkey

I'm watching the "Ellen" show today and I have a question.

Paint Shop Pro 9 - yea or nay?

my seventeen-year-old niece Nairs her arms -- her forearms

Bitten pics (graphic)

Well, Folks. I'm Goin' Home Early

Strawberry Alarm Clock Appreciation Thread

Post your New Year's Restitutions Here

stupid dupe


Post your New Year's Retributions Here

Post your New Year's Presstitues Here

Gratuitous post of the day... It's my anniversary today!

MOVELEFT.COM articles for Dec. 30, 2004

That didn't come out quite right... ;-)

The Best Liberal/Progressive Talk Radio Audio Archive

Post your New Year's Resolutions Here

Blog of the Year!

Walmart Employees Charged With Shooting Cat - On Manager's Orders

money .. who needs it?

A little humor: Unlikely Military Equipment

Anyone drinking their 'election champagne' on New Year's Eve?

Have you ever lost a thread and got really pissed off about it?

Who's working tomorrow

If you are following a diet or about to start one - what is it?

I have to sell my Ranger...

Anyone like the Korn cover of Floyd's

By popular Demand: Planet of the Apes "redux"...the final choices:

Favourite "Planet of the Apes" movie:

What will Operation Blessing send to the tsunami victims?

What do you sleep with?

Hey, 2004, why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut?

Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man

Is satellite tv for cars on the horizon? Tivo type device for sat radio?

Blue wine!!!

Keeping peace in a land of despair

"Allah is the Anti-Christ" and other end of the year Freeper classics!

How can anyone live in a land locked state? (don't get all Tsunami on me)

Boy, the way the Bee Gees played

Hey. How's it going?

My workload has doubled, and all I want to do is goof off.

Johnny Depp and Lindsay Lohan #1 and #2 in IMDB's 2004 Web Searches

Does anyone else forget to drink?

Lock this thread, I don't care. You people suck..

I saw Maceo Parker in concert last night--ask me anything!!

Did anyone else see CBS news at noon?

I want to donate baby clothes. Who takes them?

A headhunter contacted me... should I inquire?

Canadian Military to get pants

Who is your favorite thespian?

my husband brought home _another_ new pet last night... ask me anything

DU Drag Queens: What turns you into a certain girl?

Should there be an anti-Viagra? A pill that lets you forget sex

He's a Barbie Girl

Okay, I must have this (DU cooks will find this of interest).

Open the box! Open the box! Open the GODDAM BOX!

I love when underpants' and sniffa's posts end up one on top of the other

My Fiancée just got a job with the CT dems at the Capitol!

Whoever posted that letter supporting California secession–check this out


Everything's going to be just fine.

The Google Year End Zeitgeist

bye everybuddy

who else likes to cower at home on New Years Eve?

Ok, here's a real stumper.

Reason #1 to stay home on New Year's Eve: Drunks with guns.

the steeLers are the "boston bruins" of the NFL

FReeper---"Do not give any money to relief aid---they take our jobs!"

DVD authoring with a secondary audio track

Anyone else think that,

Post "I am bored to tears" in other languages.

*My* pick for DU Lounge Person of the Year goes to....

Breakfast with a cat:

Minor annoyance for the day

Last night I had a horrible dream -- I dreamed that my Male died

I am sick, I will just play martyr at work, coworkers abandoned me

I neeeeeed chocolate................................


I think that the only reason we die

The "Western White House" CAPTION

does Fed-Ex deliver on non-holiday Saturdays?

why wont my temp break 100

ost-pay omething-say n-iay ig-pay atin-lay!

Post F#$@ you and anyone who looks like you in other languages

Wow check out the birthdays today-Diddley,LeBron, Tiger PLUS...

Talk about SAFE SEX!!!

Meeting in 30 minutes. Help me think of happy places!

Boy the way Glen Miller played,

How Many Kids Is "Too Many"?

New Year's Eve Plans!

dope- delete

Attention Firefox & Netscape 7.xx Users

Gaaaa the Mac can be a wonderful thing and all BUT

Is anyone here a police officer or know about this kind of stuff?

Bow down before me for I am the Master Thread Killer!!!

Please ignore...just testing something

You say it's your anniversary...

Any Foxfire fans here?

snot snot snot

Who is facing jury duty ?


Insights on mating

Well, its official..

Did you choose to follow in someone's footsteps?

"I want to rub Chicken's ugly punk rock face on the concrete"

Will I never learn---Reality can be so disappointing

The Fockers are a GREAT liberal couple & I love them!



Do you prefer to live in the country, the suburbs, the city?

Insights on Dating

time for another NAME SOMETHING YOU WOULD NEVER DO thread

94 Year Old Lottery Winner Wants Winnings NOW (NOT Over 20 Years)

Have you ever wondered how to make plasticine oranges?

Capitalism for Dummies

If you are from NY State

Breakfast with a dog:

Computer Pros re: Med Network

Faith No More appreciation thread!!!!

Since its official,

Okay what is your New Year's Resolution?

I have received a picture of me standing with the next senator from Colo.


Who is your favorite Brady?

Tylenol are Dangerous!

Dear Semi-elected Smirking Coward,

I'm 996,205 posts away from 1,000,000

Time to bring this poster/t-shirt back (huge img, sorry)

I'm 34 posts away from an unbelievable number of posts.

Were you in a band in Highschool?

I'm 42 posts away from being 69 posts short of something! QED.


REAL Fundamentalist fun: "Fast for George W. Bush's Holiness"

Another techie question: Unusual problem... (IE/Mozilla browser wont work)


Anyone seen the crazy sounding 1968 movie "Mr. Freedom" ?

Official ET Awful and Not_Giving_Up appreciation thread !!!

Pump - Pump Pump It Up!!!


Does anyone Check if you DO NOT wish to use emotion icons in your message

I'm trying to reach 1000 posts today

Techies: Is there any program that will detect network cards

I'm really bored!

Joy and Pain (Pump - Pump Pump it up) Sunshine and Rain

Our friends love us!

My friend told me of the BEST 'Star Trek Nemesis' review ever made!

Ack! I've lost it. Once I was good - no, GREAT - now I suck.

Some of you didn't need me to post the Top 10 Paranormal Events of 2004...


Times Square for New Year's Eve - Anyone?

My music request list! (Attention RKZ)



Are you depressed? Look at this and not be.....

$15 Million for Tsunami Relief vs. Celebrity Salaries

I'm headed off to a party in 10 mins. Hit me with your best parting shot.

Hey, Firefox fans!

Stop driving up my driveway - call the Realtor first!!

Moody Bluegrass

Jon Stewart named Entertainer of the Year in Entertainment Weekly

Did anyone else just say no?

By request: Kitten Photos! (please add your own) (dialup warning)

Patrick had a Glue Dream

Been Playing Halo2 For 3 Hours Now

OMG...A mother chose to save one son and let the other one go

So Labron James was elbowed in the face last night

Who wants to play - Why did we REALLY name our dog *peanut*??

Just got an e-mail from Dallas PD

Which "J" middle initial?

Does anyone else still have their Kerry yard sign out?


I'll be back in a bit to post something earth shattering

I have to sell my Night Ranger...

What Sealab: 2021 character are you?

I've been reading about Peak Oil for two hours.

How Do You Make a Martini?

69 more posts to go!

Viva Chavez!

Linkin Park Donates $100, 000 to Tsunami Relief

Grateful Dead song sequence

How the mighty have fallen: A recent Britney Spears photo says "it's over"

Some interesting population-related math about the tsunami death rate

So debt collectrols are threatening my parents if they file bankrupcty!

Those displaying DU stickers on their vehicles...

Best TV 'Preacher?'

DU'ers, when do expect the world to end?

What if Parrots Ran the World?

Britta (or equivalent) pitchers:

Good God, I see myself in the (age 17-24 ) Adolf Hitler!

Looking for creative input -

Thread Killers---UNITE... Please let me know who you are so I

I hate people who light firecrackers to ring in the new year!

Freeper 'HUAC' accuses Democrats of having sex with pets

does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

If you have any "un-shed" tears, and have some time.....

Weird confession: unshaven women

If the RW trolls knew how much pleasure we derive from seeing them pizza'd

Breast cancer 90 year old mother.

Is it just me, or is Google really starting to suck?

Is it just me, or is John Basedow an absolute FREAK?

Most annoying commercials of 2004...

Eliza Dushku turns 24 today

Your first concert?

7th Meets the boy king (long read) by MEEEE

DU men: what turns you on to a certain girl?

Rate how 2004 has been for you PERSONALLY

Sexual Identity Revealed According to First Name....

Security hole in Fla Lottery system revealed!

DOGMA - Who's your favorite character?

So, I had a big argument with my 19th century sexist co-worker

Regular Features of my blog...

Knitting Retreat

Best Veg*n websites?

How many non-catholics are aware of just how biblically based Catholicism

A question for reincarnation experts/believers

Should Christians be allowed to try to convert non-Christians?

Ride the snake - Seismic watch

Magnitude 9.0 OFF W COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA; Subduction Event

Quake shook Earth to core, say scientists

New Refugee Agreement Could Harm Gay Asylum Seekers

Most Mass. Companies Refuse Gay Spousal Retirement Benefits

Drive By Shooting Targets Gay Days Office

Walt Whitman: "When I Heard at the Close of the Day"

Nice sermon about Homosexuality and sin

"Marine Suspected in Slaying Is Fatally Shot After Pursuit" - WTF?

SF Judge Is Not Allowing Discredited Anti-Gay Evidence To Be Challenged

From the anti-gay Article 8 Alliance

Team Canada is possesed, 7-0 over Finland in second period

Eagles 20-7 loss to Rams -- Owens' loss

NEW RULE - No DEEP questions before I go to sleep....

How did you learn Tarot?

How did you learn astrology?

Agnosticism/atheism is now the most common view among British men

John Kerry - Small Business & Entrepreneuship "Hearings"

John Kerry - Building A Stronger Economy

John Kerry - Making A Safer America

Is CounterPunch to be believed...

John Kerry - Senate Committee of Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Unsustainable Casualty Rate in Iraq; Iraq 2004 = Vietnam 1966

Be in DC on the 6th!!

Do we have some sort of logo for a poster that we can put up around towns?

MOY-2008 George W. Bush

any clarkies still up??

Is there any group out there

What's this I hear about a CSPAN style network on cable?


DU this poll (interersting)

All the lying liers...

Homeless Russians find Uranium in trash

We have to protect people' Bush wants 'pro-homosexual' drama banned

*** Send a 'charity-rocket' on New Years eve! ***

Declaration of War

Amazing Trend to Exploit Into the New Year

State of Chaos (Guardian UK)

Ramsey Clark joins Saddam's defence team

Advice for Christine Gregoire

Bush purges his administration of those who advised caution in Iraq

Two words no longer heard in this world: "American prestige".

Ark. court overrules ban on gay foster parents

I don't believe I need to make a comment..just read it.

Ann Coulter: "To the people of Islam." (A must read)

There is no "Democratic" party to speak of

Recommend a good political message board without left/right affiliation?

George Lakoff would be a great DNC chair.

If the Democratic Party goes Right(More Center) what will you

US deaths, injuries in Iraq are Rising

American News Network (ANN) - an honest, left-er CNN

Help support Howard Dean as the next Chairman of the DNC

Why No Pix of Bush Biking, Relaxing, Clearing Brush on his "Ranch"?

Scarborough: "Dems more suited to star in “Lost” than to regain power"

Florida Hurricanes&Bush vs. Tsunami&Bush

Bush is AWOL while 5 million lives are at risk

A conversation with my Aunt ; the progressive era was one to be remembered

I ask people with SUPPORT THE TROOPS stickers - what are you doing

My letter to editor about our compassionate prez

Bush's heart problem?

Has anyone heard a Republican support Tsunami aid yet?

War-Torn Marriages

Does anybody remember CNN and Army PsyOps ? Redeux ?

Is the Chimp still at Crawford?

Who is our real enemy?

I wiped the cobwebs off my "remote" and tuned into Conyers Report

Rossi on Faux News wants a "do over"

LOL what's left to name after Bush Jr. .... not much

Keep your cool, just like this guy. We will win!!!

Media Alert: Whitewash in progress! Call in now

When politics drives judicial decisions where does Democracy come in?

We should all fly a black flag on our flag pole, car. house or apt.

Gee Dubya lacks any sense of irony

When Bush clears brush at Crawdad...what iron does he use??

Democrats need to focus less on George W Bush...

We ARE stingy.

Montana State Senator: disabled children = vegetables

400,000! At what number will Bush leave the ranch?

Why isn't Noam Chomsky hired by the Dem. Party?

James Earl Jones....Is a Republican True or False?

Tsunami: Scrhoeder cuts vacation short. Bush & Blair stay & have fun!!

Best/Worst US Senate Delegation

There is a troubling thought about Cheney....

Shouldn't we determine our destination before we choose a 'driver'?

IMHO - Talk Radio ALONE is killing the Democratic party.

Dean: "They can tag us with liberal or whatever they want..."