Democratic Underground

Archives: August 24, 2003

Our tragic, unwinnable war in Iraq

Hannity vs. Reality: The Cold War

Novak: Donald Advising Arnold

Dowd: Gotta Lotta Stigmata (Political Contest to be a "Real Man")

Phony to the Core

An OpEd that was published - about Bush and Moral Clarity

Friedman: Fighting 'The Big One'

Sign Up To Meet With Local Dean Supporters!

Meet and Greet Reception, Bob Graham in Albuquerque 8/27

Portland, Ore.: Rally for Dean Sun. 8/24

Petition to Oppose Corporate Agribiz Merger, help family farms

My great way to cure and prevent pimples

Larry Kudlow(sp) - Only bullish market data should be fully reported.

Fur flies over fashion

Police Dog Killed

Is there an easy way to sort the threads...

Can I ask for a front page spot for the Austin gathering Sept. 13?

WTC 7 Enlightens Sceptical Masses

4,000 attend Dean Rally in Falls Church, VA

"Dennis Day" at the Minnesota State Fair

Leave no child behind-- an epiphany

Doctor Dean and the NRA

Alabama Chief Justice Moore gets support from ...

Is it GOOD that "I Have A Dream" is Dr. King's most famous speech?

Meet the Ra-Ra Radicals....something to make you smile!

Man, Al Sharpton is a great speaker!

A question from up North about black box

If we ask Doctors about Cancer Terrorism and its cure, How would they

what does the bat used in Dean's fundraising drives symbolize?

Any news from the Bring Them Home rally

Hope springs eternal at the bookstore

Check out the top 25 books on amazon!!!!

Phase Three?" by Victor Davis Hanson

Sooo-What's the New Fall Lineup??--anything good??

Life Imitates Art

Check out Bush being "compassionate"

Just how low can Coulter go?

Ut seems that the really bad Priest John Geoghan was murdered in prison.

Journalists Find "Calm" When Only Palestinians Die

I was unaware of the extent of military privatization! 1 out of 10.

on the UN building bombed in Baghdad--thoughts?

Republican strategist: "Clark worries me the most"

Reporting from 'bushville' on the National Mall.....

Bustamante campaign now able to take online contributions...

Conspiracy Theories Thrive During Unprecedented Government Secrecy...

Hey! Vote on this small repub poll in town near me

DU Poll : How low will Bush fall in Zogby reelect %

Sunday Talk Show line-up - 8/24/03

Poll: How do you feel about WH lying about the air quality post 9.11?

Arianna is coming to the Bay Area on Wednesday.

Republicans are scared shitless about the recall....

New Data Shows Welfare Not Helping Neediest Families

Barnes & Noble (Big Store) here in NC says Franken book not out yet!

help, Does anyone remember an article about a man and a russian friend

Scientist (zoologist) calls gay people 'pinnacle of evolution'

Poll: US will be bogged down - Iraq - 70%

Poll question: DU Poll : How low will Bush fall in Zogby approval %

Don't normally read Editorials & Other? Read Ann Garrels's honest...

So now * needs riot police for fundraisers?

Memo: Blair Urged to Defend War in Iraq

U.S. officials concerned about North Korea's chemical weapons, border arti

Former UN chief: bomb was payback for collusion with US

'Climate of fear' in Rwanda

Dissolving Iraqi Army Was Costly Choice

Hundreds protest President Bush a day after his visit (Seattle)

'Millions' paid for (Sahara) hostages

Sergio Vieira de Mello nominated for Nobel peace prize

Second group claims UN bombing

U.S. Moves Enemy Combatant to S.C. Brig

Rumsfeld Seeking to Bolster Force Without New G.I.'s

NYT: Europe Reacts Coolly to Bush's Call to Freeze Charities' Assets

(Arnie's) Agent Won't Take Star's Call to Join Campaign

Anti-War protest in Chicago

WP: U.S. Recruiting Hussein's Spies

Has anyone read "Towing Jehovah" ?

U.S. Army brings Internet to Saddam's hometown

Fun Facts

I have no balls. Ask me anything.

Favourite 90s Canadian rap group

rotating between "Dream Police" and "Everytime I see your picture I cry"

Does any station air Dukes of Hazzard reruns at this time?

If they make it where they get rid of the ten comandments statue...

I have an affirmation ball. Ask me anything.

One-third of Chinese Net users hit by virus

Freepers are a bunch of baffoons! Yeah, baffoons....

Just got back from Tuscon!

A death grip on his butt

Gas $2.48 in San Francisco but what is it in Canada?

"Mean Streets" is on IFC for all you cablers

I have a Union 76 Magic 8 Ball. Ask me anything.

Name change for a new pet?

Ok, what the heck does it mean when someone "pings" your firewall?

my cat has a hairball...don't ask me anything

Why are digital cameras so !&@^#%$ expensive?

This and that

What happens when Pedophile Priests go to prison?

Redskins show Ravens defense who's boss

Best Comfort Food?

No grotto, no problem...};>

What budget surplus??

What is your opinion of homeopathy?

It's official -- Saddam was not an imminent threat - Clare Short

Hyperreality TV: Political Fact Meets HBO Fiction

Healing the wounds of war (Report from Walter Reed Hospital)

Seattle PI editorial: Rumsfeld must go

The Lincoln Club of Orange County, CA

Recallapalooza: Davis Pleads for Sympathy

Star Trek or Star Wars... what will it be?

Bombers could cost Bush the White House

FT: Blair in spotlight as Hutton releases documents

Jimmy Breslin-Another Lie, One Among Many

Analysis: Is 'Perfect Storm' Brewing for Bush?

Elanger (NYT) on de Mello and Younes: "Pray for Me"

How paradise island became outcrop of hell

Left-leaning Hollywood: A myth dies

Eric Margolis (Toronto Sun): U.S. mired in a mess of its own making

The Groping Governor

U.S. mired in a mess of its own making

Groping In The Dark (Latest WH spin on Iraq - Newsweek)

The lads are glad he's bad, bad, bad (Arnold)

Part 1: The Shi'ite-Sunni divide

Jobs, Race and Felony Convictions: Not a Rosy Picture

Rumsfeld Seeking to Bolster Force Without New G.I.'s

Moore, a monument to wretched excess

Five Myths About the Recall

Concerning competence

Tangled Up In His Flight Suit (Fineman - Newsweek)

Ed Vulliamy (London Observer): Farewell America

Bu$h in Jacksonville Sept. 9

hunger strike by psychiatric survivors to oppose human rights violations

The Ski Anderson Show

Daily U.S. Casualties 8/24/2003

'Cultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory being pushed by the right

My Conservative Family thinks if you are not a

"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"

Open your mind and consider Unintelligent Design Theory

quit blaming mars.....

Internet vicar uses virtual religion to woo stayaway flock (cyber church)

2 amendments currently in congress..........

The Mail-Order House

Check the cubicle next to you - salary

Austin, Dallas felt downturn most

another reason not to waste electricity, water, Gas, or Bandwith

Iraq, Israel and Pakistan's interests

Liberian men, beware the Black Diamond

El Salvador--US Embassy warns voters

Bomb in Chechnya kills nine

Argentina Sees 6% Economic Growth This Year

A parent(?) answers questionsabout Iraq

PUSHING REGIONAL REFORM (Liz Cheney, O'Connor, Cherie Blair) in cahoots

Why UN was bombed: It is a "malignant force."

Teachers want to be armed - SA

Falling through the cracks-health care horror in the US

For some people no amount of punishment is enough

Report: Crime rate lowest since 1973

I own assualt rifles, ask me anything!

Is there a way to mark a thread as read and not the whole forum?

I alerted 4 different mods on this last night

Will DU be its own 700 Club?

Hey! I've got a shot at the number of donations contest!

Changing Israel equation sparks protracted debate in Pakistan

Israel's Right to Be Israel - Ayalon (DUPE, Sorry)

The Nightmare Continues in Palestine....

Israel to swap prisoners with Hizbollah

Qazi Hussain warns against recognising Israel

The Myth of the "Occupied" Territories

What Are The True Facts Concerning The Arab-Israeli Conflict?

Israeli attack kills four Hamas members


Israeli army to demolish Rachel Corrie Peace Center

Israel Rejects Palestine's Truce Proposal

I must ask


IOF Assassinate Palestinian Activist, Wound 16 Teenagers in Nablus

To achieve peace, all-out war on terrorism is only path in Middle East

A land without Arabs

Israel's Right to Be Israel

Human wrongs to rights - life imprisonment for talking

10,000 Turkish Troops May Go To Iraq--under Turkish Command

Turkey reports 2 trucks with bombs on streets of Baghdad (Unconfimed rpt)

PNAC Neo-Con Agenda and Evidence of 9/11 Pentagon Frame-Up

The Pentagon Thread: Part 3

Milwaukee JS: Dean keeping early energy with stop in Milwaukee

WV: Congressman's son (Rahall) arrested

A very good morning to you!!

Dean-Clark in 2004?

Howard Dean next up on Blitzer (CNN)

draft in 2004?

Davis fights back

Dean slideshow from yesterday...

I need direction to the Dean Rally in Seattle

Does the GOP subvert Democracy? Slate thinks so..

Clark Flirts, But Knows Decision Time Is Near

Stuff about Kerry that I doubt is true...can someone verify?

whopper of the week goes to Arianna Huffington

Poll:Mayor Tim Murphy's (D-Pittsburgh) standing plummets in city, suburbs

Kerry Books, Documentaries, CDs To Flood The Market

Bustamante Has Big Lead on Schwarzenegger (gop split 3 ways)

Watch The Kerry Video - "Courage"

the meetups ?

SC Sen: (Mayor Bob) Coble (D-Columbia) ready for race, but is his team?

3,500 rallying for Dean right now in Portland, Oregon!

16 year old Anthony Raymond gives Elizabeth Edwards advice about anger.

New Pro-Kerry Grassroots site

**New POll over at VOTE FOR A QUOTE

Newsday: Rep. Nadler endorses Howard Dean for president

Stop lying about my record

Gary Hart (D) may run for the Senate (Colorado)

Meeks: Kerry can beat Bush

List the Possible Vice Presidential Candidates

Great quotes from Arianna

Bremer crying to FOX

Clark Is The Democrats Powell....................?

Howard Dean - Classy and Gutsy

are there Gay DUrs here who do not support Gray Davis

12 attacks DAILY on US Convoys in Iraq

Rumsfeld Does Bogota

Which mediawhore do you despise the most?

New Pro-Kerry Grassroots Website:

Sally Baron's obit request spurs national outpouring (DU mentioned)

I hope Gary Hart ousts that traitor Campbell in Colorado

Conversation with an old friend re Clark

Limbaugh's 20 mil listeners and Hannity's 10 mil.....

Does anyone think this is a coincidence?

Coulter look-alike "Kim" something, bitch on Hardball.....GRRRRRRR

I feel like a dirty American (Bowling for Columbine)

A great letter regarding race and sports.

IS it me or have the GOP shifted tactics in CA Recall?

Why would a government regulate when a business may be open?

Dean's Portland rally: biggest crowd yet


Will the world celebrate on November 3, 2004?

I'm sorry...I can't get excited about Clark...

I say Clark won't run. He'll throw his support behind Dean.

More of Adam Yoshida (aka Yoshidiot)...

AF Museum Looted(?)

Okay, why would a Dean/Clark ticket be bad?

Where do conservatives get this from?

If Clark declares candidacy, will anyone drop out of the race?

I've just found the one thing worse than being Ann Coulter...

Do you know who owns the water you drink?

Rebuilding Iraq - Newsweek Poll - LOOK At The Disparity In Numbers...

DU mentioned in my local paper (re: Sally Baron)

Can we do it?

Germany is introduced to Howard Dean.

Oh, the irony...

A walk down memory lane to remind us

What do the 9 Dem contenders think of separation of church and state?

Road to WH -- Bush, Lieberman and Kerry (CSPAN 6:30 PM ET SUN)

Poll: Would Dean be a good new head of the DNC?

Why Not Draft John Glenn for the VP Spot?

How many degrees of separation between most Murkins & a dead troop?

Ann Telnae's suggestion to create a "Bush Action Figure" set


1988 election

Autistic Boy Dies During Wis. Service

PNAC Neo-Con Agenda and Evidence of 9/11 Pentagon Frame-Up

Bestselling classic books of all time

Just saw Tweety interview Joe Conason

pics/video...Poor People's March in DC on Saturday 08/23/03

Do you think the "War" on Terror should be a law enforcement matter?

Which of the nine candidates will do a better job of leading this country?

How many of you heard Scott Ritter on the Guy James Show?


Gas Prices (US vs. Europe/Japan)

Great News!! Brit Hume on Faux Just said:

Franken's "LIE's" is a MUST READ!

Will vocal opposition to Bush stop me from getting a Top Secret clearance?

Kerry: Bush Chooses Special Interests Over the Public Interest

Good info about the do-not-call list!

When did repugs decide lying is good political technique?

2 More soldiers Died Today?!? Where is the media?

Did anyone catch the Cronkite bashing on Saturday's NewsWatch

So Bernard Kerik's work in Iraq is done? 3 months and out?

Could ten of you please make a donation to DU?

Voters Don't Want Bush Re-Elected - Poll

Need help for most current fatality count in Iraq War...

26 Soldiers Dead Since *Bush's Vacation

Schwartzenegger compared to Lincoln On MTP with Free Campaign Clips!

Let's review the week shall we?

Help me write book reviews of the great liberal books out now

Are Democrats being played like a fiddle?

IÕm very disappointed in the Democratic Zealots here on DU

Wes Clark on Face The Nation At 10:30 A M EST

Iraqi war Veteran almost died. Now she's homeless.

Dissatisfaction with bush* doesn't mean a win for us....

US troops may stay in Iraq indefinitely

Today' Clark and Dean interviews replayed on CSPAN Radio at 3PM & 4PM ET

Anyone else think that the GOP will support keeping Davis now?

Back to the future: Pentagon looks to blimps to fight terrorists

Whoa! Me and Dean are soulmates!! He loves Clark!

Dean needs to loosen up in interviews....


Experts Doubt US claims on Iraqi Drones (US experts, no less)

Fox might as well be on Bush's payroll

Why the hell does Bill Simon 'get it' but we don't?

Rumors are circulating that the United States has found WMD!

Clark Eclipses Kerry as #2 on Meetup Members

Bremer Just Put Me At Ease

Gray Davis is doing the whores' job for them

"Wolf Blitzer's about to say "Fear me" in Klingon."

On Meet the Press: McCain & Biden say "get other countries to help in Iraq

It *still* doesn't matter if they find a drum full of unusable chemicals.

Dean gets boost on 'Meet the Press'!

Blair is probably not having a good weekend

8/22 Crossfire transcript Garofalo - Wesley Clark - Carlson

You really don't want Ah-Nold in office...I just heard his trifecta

EPA cover-up of toxic air in NYC

Farewell America (you will be glad you read this)

I accidently pissed off a Kucinich supporter yesterday. . .

The City of Industry

Bush the UNITER has divided the world. Get the shrub outta there

The Internet in Baghdad

Clark gets boost on Meet the Press

Anybody just watch Edwards on

Drying up the Water:McCain's Iraq prophecy on Meet the Press this morning!

Why is this Sunday IRAQ rhetoric : "next couple of months"...key time

Face the nation host - "sorry atheists if I offended you"

Sort of random question (snarky answers OK too)

Foes of war confront lawmakers at meeting (Denver)

Bremer is a goddamn lying bastard. On Steph, just claimed "there was

Doonesbury must be really good today

Tweety grilling Richard Myers, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff

VOA reporing Newsweek poll on Bush re-election numbers

McCain for VP?

if Davis survives the recall

John McCain on MTP said we need morey money to pour into Iraq...

Wow! What a diverse group on McLaughlin Report.....

Cruz's Favorable/unfavorable rating much better than Arnold's

More Non-accountability for voucher programs

How will 9-11 anniversary affect the nation this year?

What we should do now (Plan B for Iraq)

Poll: Most See U.S. Bogged Down in Iraq

Brazen Corruption of Every American Ideal/speech by Cynthia McKinney

poll numbers - job approval 53% - vote for bush the NO's have it

Today's Topic


john edwards on george steph's this week abc

Check this out

Just came back from Dean Rally here in Milwaukee - WOW!

who watches those TV preachers on Sunday Morning?

Joe Conason is my new hero!

Daily U.S. Casualties 8/24/2003

Complete list of all 273 (as of 8/23) Americans killed in Iraq war

Hillary Clinton in 2004 or 2008 when dose everyone think she is running

It's Oct. 2004. Still no paper trail. What now?

FYI.......The "Talk Show" line-up for Sunday........

The Dumbest Complaint I have ever seen

another persecuted Christian in a public school

Exchange I had with a really sick freeper.

another reason not to waste electricity, water, Gas, or Bandwith

Bill Bennett sticks his toe out of the woodwork

yet another SUV thread

Die Zeit's report leaves in tatters the "evidence" cited by Secretary of S

no new fall lineup this year

Ashcroft and the ten comandment statue

Anyone know the answer

Forest or Against Us by Jeffrey St. Clair

Dead Presidents

Nate Clay streaming now. It's all about lies and Iraq.

The Patriot Act

Graham's White House run worrying Florida Democrats

American Neo-Nazis now recruiting via "Euro-Fests"

CSPAN now rebroadcasting Saturday's D.C. even 12 a.m. CST

LOL. These morons are trying to freep Faux News

Who or what influenced your political beliefs

Guys could you name me some of the third party people who ran against FDR

History Channel's Propaganda Lineup-Unbelievable

Why Does CSPAN Hate Us So? (Gertz, Grover, DLC, ACU on Monday)

Kucinich was DRAFTED too! PLUS - Prayer For America VIDEO

Dean sealed his records. What's in there?

Am I Still A Democrat????

*** Firsthand report on Aug. 23 protest in Chicago with pictures ***

Anybody Know How Long WhiteRoseSociety Has Been Down ???

The Iraq Hawks are fighting among themselves…

The American Media Will 'Elect' The Next President...

What is your reason to be on this board ?

if lieberman wins the nomination....

Freepers laugh at dying French elderly

Will be canceling NYTimes subscription -- too much pro-Arnold articles and

"Atop the tower of babble sits Rush Limbaugh"


EPA to Ease Plants' Air Pollution Rules

Take Back the Media is offering Whistles to get Whistle Ass REMOVED

TBTM Radio #7: 'Bad Week for Whistle Ass'

Face the Nation - "no strategy in Iraq"..........

Good or bad move by Kerry?

Dose religon shape anyone's Political Beliefs

Warriors For Peace (Kucinich speaks to Veterans For Peace)

PGA Tournament to pre-empt three hours of MDA Telethon.

Graham's White House Run Worrying State Democrats

Reject freeze, Hamas leader urges

New Kind of Electricity Market Strains Old Wires Beyond Limits

Growth at base shows firm stand on military detention (Guantanamo)

'Blast hits' U.S. vehicle in Iraq

Bogged down in Iraq, US encounters limits to military power

Ansar al-Islam denies role in U.N. bombing-paper

Gloomy Portraits of State's Job Market Are Misleading

Sky boss attacks the BBC

Military Update: Rumsfeld team stumbles over pay issue (Stars N' Stripes)

Palestinians bury cameraman

Poll: Most See U.S. Bogged Down in Iraq

National Conservative Groups Warm Up to Schwarzenegger

Bogged down in Iraq, US encounters limits to military power

Cairo paper blames Baghdad bombing on Annan


U.S. Marines Return to Ships Off Liberia


Ethnic Fighting Spreads in Northern Iraq

Turkey watching situation in Kirkuk after Turkmen killings

Taliban Attack Kills at Least Five Troops

Red Cross to Reduce Staff in Iraq After U.N. Blast

U.S. Recruiting Hussein's Spies

Bank site shut down after hackers attack (ANTI-Bush Message)

Bush Made Osama Deal With Musharraf

Calif.'s Davis Lacked Legal Ability to Solve Energy Crisis

With help from troops, Iraqis surf Web

Military Experts: Bush admin. misleading about Iraq drones

As State Colleges Cut Classes, Students Struggle to Finish

Davis Lacked Legal Ability to Solve Energy Crisis

Newsweek Poll shows waning political support for Smirk

CNN Breaking: Israel Rocket Attack in Gaza City; 4 Dead

Anti-war campaigners in US start to make their voices heard

Al-Qaeda to turn on Britain

S.C. Democrats to host second presidential primary debate

Autopsy Set for Priest Killed in Prison

Hunt for Saddam turns into a nightmare

Poll results fuel call for Republican unity around Schwarzenegger

Turkmen Rep. On Iraqi Council Wants Kirkuk Police Disarmed/New WMW

2002 Crime Rate Lowest Since Records Kept

Suspected N. Korean chemicals worry U.S.

Wall Street Seeks Clearer Deficit Signal (want Bush to address it)

Iraqis killed in holy city bomb (Najaf)

World balks at growing Iraq perils

A tally of US taxpayers' tab for Iraq

Voters Don't Want Bush Re-Elected - Poll

Colorado Democrats Urge Hart to Consider Senate Bid

President Bush to Visit Minnesota (Tuesday)

Many Feared Killed in Liberia Massacre - Radio

British Aim to Defuse Tensions With Iraqis

Democrat Dean Gets 'In Your Face' with Bush

US military "stretched thin" admits top general

Some in South Dakota think accident will end Janklow's political career

CNN: Dean says would consider Clark as Runningmate

Iraqi women kidnapped, raped

Blair deceived us on threat, Britons tell pollster

Police shock sniper suspect at hospital(stun belt for not wanting tests)

U.S. Troops Use Confiscated Iraqi AK-47s

Two US soldiers die in Iraq

U.S. Recruiting Hussein's Spies

Recruits giving Taliban muscle for comeback

Analysis: Is 'Perfect Storm' Brewing for Bush? (PNAC panicking)

LATimes: Times Poll Shows Bustamante Leads Schwarzenegger in Recall Race

Revealed: Blair role in naming Kelly (The Guardian\Observer) 8\24\03


McCain: More Troops for Iraq

U.S. military may be needed for Israel- Palestinian stability, (Lugar R-In

Feds Issue Terror Warning For Bay Area Oil Refineries

Experts Doubt U.S. Claim on Iraqi Drones

Protesters near Bush ranch demand withdrawal of troops from Iraq

Baptism in the Tigris for U.S. Christian soldiers

Records: Schwarzenegger's father was member of Nazi storm troops

What would you rather see me NOT do:

Okay, Microsoft has done some dumb things - but this one wins a Darwin!

Bush* calendars, cards, and condoms - does his image get compensated for?

Invalid TCP source port attack

Best Non-US TV Theme Song

Frozen yogurt rules!!

PGA Tournament to pre-empt three hours of MDA Telethon.

Watching this Access Media Moguls show on NBC right now

Does anyone go to pogo?

What is "New Age"?

Looking for...

I am back ask me anything well if you want to

Can anyone recommend an NYC Hotel?

Announcing the Chapel Hill Pitt-stop POOL PARTY!!!