Democratic Underground

Archives: December 19, 2003

Still no mass weapons, no ties to 9/11, no truth

Howard Kurtz on the Dean Campaign

Salon Article - Michelle Goldberg

Naomi Klein (The Nation): Risky Business

NY Times: Musicians Protesting Monopoly in Media

Our soldiers in desperate need....give till it hurts...

Scenes From an Endless War

The shocking facts about 9/11 that the media refuse to cover

NY Times: Cameras as Accomplices, Helping Race Divide America to itself

Pakistan offers to drop demand for Kashmir plebiscite

Judge Rejects Second Challenge to Concealed Weapons Law

Field and Stream Article on Politics (Guns)

is the 2004 dem poll archived somewhere?

Just a suggestion...

What happens to hidden profiles when tombstoned?

Question about the new primary forum

Why was my response deleted?

Just a heads up, there seem to be a lot of disruptors with very very low

Israel's Herzliya conference reporter states racism thriving...

Could 9/11 have been prevented?

gopusa email is worried about George Soros's momey! ???? !

Democrats glance warily at rise of 'security mom'

OC 4 Kucinich calls it quits and issues notice of disclaimer of liability

UPCOMING: Dennis Kucinich on TV at 10 p.m. EST

(AP) Kerry improves position in recent NH poll

Donna Brazile says on Inside Politics that Kerry is still in it in Iowa

There is no such thing as 'the anti-Dean'

Hunger and Homelessness Increase in U.S.

PBS news re enemy combatants

Less than 1,000 HOURS until the New Hampshire Primary

Definitions of liberal and conservative and voters ideas of.

Another Driving While Republican arrest, this time on Maui

Tweety with the 911 Widow coming up next...could 911 been prevented...!!

please post what the lead is tonight on news shows you watch

Wow! Look at all the new members after radio squawking heads discuss DU...

As I was about to say devilgrrl,

THE RAT TRAP: How Saddam may still nail Bush

I cordially invite you to the White House

Bush combined his WR hospital visit with care for his own sore knees.

Did Laura Bush really kill someone with her car?

Rhetoric vs. Reality.. great factual info on cuts under this cabal

This is how war should be declared - no other way

The Nation: The Death of Horatio Alger - By Paul Krugman

Heard Hannity attack Canada's National Healthcare system yesterday.....

pat robertson appreciation thread

The Uncompassionate Conservative ..Molly Ivins-great insight!

Valerie Plame's outing

David Drier just said something interesting on Insanity and colmes

Whoever gets this guys endorsement will probably win S.C.

Just for the DU

Sheila Jackson Lee does a great job on Insanity and Colmes

The shocking facts of 9/11 that the media won't address

Just got back from a Clark House Party

Wesley Clark will not take the heat off Bush...

Saw a good freeper bumper sticker today

Mike Malloy is on and is talking about 9/11

What States Can Dean Deliver that Gore Lost in 2004?

ANyone have Sirius?

HeroMiles: The best present I'm giving this year!

Whether you think you Can or you Can't, You are Right!!!

Tony Auth tells more truth in one cartoon

Keith Olbermann discussing 9-11 now!

Convicted Cocaine Traffickers/Hackers at Diebold

LIMBOsevic to "Fight Back" on SCARBOROUGH, 10 P.M., ET

Autographed Photo of Mayor Bloomberg (R-NY) Fetches $0.01 on Ebay

NY Times: Musicians Protesting Monopolgy in Media

LINK TV Begins Important New Series Tonight at 10 p.m. EST

If I were a freeper, I would be hostile too.

Brian is partying down with WSJ tomorrow AM on Washington Journal

The media is a bunch of whores.

I had John Loftus figured wrong, I think.

Sign of problems in the military ranks?

WOW, the General Discussion board has improved considerably

If bush is a liar

Just heard a live interview by Gary Hart on KHOW radio...

Is April Glaspie dead?

Media won't connect the dots...911 prevented = "Bush Knew" = can't trust

Who's more liberal, Catholics or Protestants" (churches I mean)

Do You Believe There Will Ever Be A Fully-Functioning Democracy In Iraq?

Doesn't anyone care about 9/11 anymore?

New talking point on WMD, Saddam doesn’t know where they are either!

Praise Be! I was out for awhile and came back and DU/GD looks like

Gotta watch the replay!! Tweety almost made Peggy Noonan cry!

Breaking: Kean backtracks on statements in tonights Nightline

9/11 Widow coming on Hardball in a few (Kristin?) He didn't give name.

Do you automatically assume everything from the Bush Admn. is a lie?

Republicans more likely to oppose interracial dating than Democrats

Death By a Thousand Cuts ... low down Job Cuts in SCarolina town

Drudge / O'Really Catfight Goes Nuclear!

Michael Stipe - REM

Drudge reader "longs for the day" when Canada suffers terrorist attack

Free Republic or Dante's Inferno Report

Can it happen here?

Clark supports buying drugs in Canada

Israel's Herzliya states racisim thriving there

Iraq's U.S. governor's (Bremer) convoy came under fire - NBC

Russia's Putin confirms bid for 2nd term - ( will Junior be happy ? )

State regulators approve PG&E bailout

Ontario may charge bottlers for water

Rumsfeld approves deployment of additional troops to Iraq: officials

No "smoking gun" to convict Saddam Hussein yet, say Iraqi experts

National Foreign Trade Council Lauds Senate Introduction of the U.S.-Cuba

Martin opposes death penalty for Saddam ( Oh-Oh )

The Reagans (Mini-Series) score multiple Golden Globe nods

Blow To German Investigators/FAZ--(Re 911)--New World Media Watch

Washington Post: Kay Plans to Leave Search for Iraqi Arms

Corporate reimbursement of political donations results in $168,000 in fine

High court: Utilities can be sued for dark streets (Florida)

Sept. 11 Panel: Bush, Clinton Not to Blame (new interview for Nightline)

Bush Warned Not to Push Israel: Christian conservatives (Bauer)

Bremer's Convoy Came Under Fire -NBC

Concerns surface about Iraq timetable (Bremer needs to double CPA size)

Iraq War Was Unjustified, Putin Says

Canada NOW!

Web Search: Don't you hate it when....

Google sucks and is getting suckier

Are you an aggressive pedestrian?!!!!!

Queer Eye for the Saddam Guy!

Salute to DPS

I get no kick from Coldplay (with apologies to the Chairman)

As I was about to say devilgrrl,

True or False:

Too PC when it comes to language?

Is it Zafe?

Why are there no ways to PROTECT the web browser history file?

I will not play with the trolls.

Lord of the Ring: Return of the King Soundtrack!

Who knew the Grinch's real name was Steven?

Geebuz...check out this new telescope

Has this ever been posted?? (Bush State Of The Union)

AOL question

I can't do my math homework

How baked is my noodle?

Ever had a really bad hangover? Not compared to this guy, you haven't.

My Wesley Willis style song about John Kerry

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" now on the WB (8PM EST)

Saw a good freeper bumper sticker today

A Sunday Kind of Love

SIMPLE LIFE 2: The Bush Twins

Christmas book list! Noam Chomsky?

Why do teachers insist on giving me things to do when I don't wanna do em?

What are the Admins giving the Mods for Xmas?

How's everyone doing?

Who had Free to Be You and Me when they were growing up...

My friend laughs last..

So did I mention my sewer line leaked into my basement today?

Top 10 (roughly) Most Influential BANDS of All Time

Check out LINK TV and Kucinich Tonight at 10

Ladies and Gentlemen...VelmaD ROCKS!!!!

Any Dead Can Dance fans here?

My Eyeore slippers are going to send me to Hell....

Any Ebay snipers here...

DU musicians, are you going to have a musical Christmas?

Favorite track from the PHIL SPECTOR CHRISTMAS ALBUM?

Owners of the original X-Men DVD, did you buy X-Men 1.5?

Fark Trek - TNG

His story to me: For Matcom.

What DVDs should I ask for for Xmas?

Update on Kitty

I'm off 'til after Jan. 5. Happy holidays everyone!

Best Stoner Movie

Stephen King released from hospital

Who would Elvis vote for?

Peach buffalo in squirming tub visiting hollow beverage.

Are Tobey Maguire and Elijah Wood Really the Same Person?

Need advice with a difficult problem.

So I looked at 6 HDTV sets today... DHTV sucks

ANyone have Sirius?

Didn't there used to be a bar here?

My attitude sucks today. Here goes:

OH MY GOSH, look what they found in Saddam's beard!

I just spent an hour on the phone with a fellow DUer. Ask me anything! commercials denouncing Bush

How will Dean unite the country if nominated?

Less than 1,000 HOURS until the New Hampshire Primary

The Story of an Anarchist who is running Kucinich's Rhode Island Campaign

Dean Fans should love this one.....

Poll: 'Dean Demolishes Rivals in NH'

TV ALERT Dennis Kucinich Will Be on TV Tonight! TV ALERT

Kucincih not even being listed in latest polls. How do we feel about that?

If you support the troops, then don't support Bush.

Wesley Clark will not take the heat off Bush...

A Great Show of Grassroots Power

heads-up: Dean on C-SPAN right NOW at NH town meeting

question for Kerry supporters regarding the $850,000 loan…

Zogby: Kerry polls last among Dem contenders.

Likeability factors

Who is going to emerge to compete with Dean for the nod...Clark or Kerry?

'The Lord Of The Right Wing' cartoon!

Just got back from a Clark House Party

Will someone please explain these quotes to me?

Republicans are donating to Kerry's campaign

What States Can Dean Deliver that Gore Lost in 2004?

The Impossibly Ridiculous, Wonderful, Miraculous Campaign of John Buchanan

I hung out with John Kerry today

How could General Clark secure the nomination?

Salon - In desperation, John Kerry goes too far

Assuming a Clark nomination, what are our chances of victory?

Herbert: Change the Channel

White House Covers Tracks by Removing Information

DOD says war requests won't be part of main budget

Dean celebrated in song

Saddam's Arrest Brings Humiliation Debate

Bush-campaign saboteur gets an unlikely olive branch

Why the resistance will increase

9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable

Iran wants Saddam to be tried for Iran-Iraq war

Jon Carroll today

Umm Qasr -- From National Pride to War Booty

san diego union|tribune - ltte - kerry can say what he wants

Pitts Jr. -- Saddam Capture Doesn't Justify War

Salon: Paris Hilton Bigger TV Draw than B*...

Once, the U.S. Was Cozy With the Reviled Hussein - LA TIMES letter

David Dunford: Stop hassling foreign students coming to U.S.

the Dubya Crisis Compass

** DU Exclusive** Interview With Saddam Hussein

Stars and Stripes letters (Thumbs up for Clark, Thumbs down for Fox News)

Lieberman charges that Dean is a divisive force among Democrats

Entire USA undergoes Stockholm syndrome

Krugman: Telling It Right

Bush Fatigue

Ashcoft Fined for Breaking Election Laws

An excellent LTTE in today's Las Vegas Sun, re: Bush haters

Remember 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'? For Bush, They Are a Nonissue

CANCEL THE PRIMARIES - Time for Democrats to Rally Around Dean

Help Convince Nader Not to run

Is there anybody on here right now?

What can we do to stop Wal-Mart/educate others?

Bonnie Raitt, Michelle Shocked, Tim Reynolds join Willie Nelson's KUCINICH

Dean Takes on Big Media, any other sites like this?

Evidence that Heritage Foundation is a corporate whore....

I'm interviewing for a "dream job" January 8.

The Simple Life, Saddam-style

A young man died on the mountain tonite...

Joe Pinizotto & the Curse of Santa Claus

Salon/Michelle Goldberg/Lost Liberties FTAA Story: "This is not America"

Georgia ready to make history with minority AD

Black gay advocacy group comes together

The New Unity Partnership (AFL-CIO power struggle)

Job outsourcing and the American middle class - political solutions?

Nothing virtual about global warming

NY Times: Brazil's President, Once a Dark Horse, Describes Bright Present

NY Times: Pakistan May Relent on Kashmir Demand

Canada’s Liberal government veers right

Gunship Free Enterprise

NY Times: Robert Stanfield, 89, a Tory Who Lost Twice to Trudeau, Dies

GUNS IN THE NEWS--December 19, 2003

Google phone map.

Official credits program for less gun crime

Snapshot of cannabis laws by National Review

Would you carry a concealed weapon if it was permitted

Nothing special..just

Have you seen the Wes Clark movie yet??

Where would a post on immigration go?

This post is somewhat troublesome

Where did my avatar go?

Erm, uh...Bob's article title had me confused on first reading

I leave for a day and look what happens

Is it possible to alert on yourself?

I'd appreciate an explanation about why this post was deleted

What is going on around here?

About my post that was recently deleted....

Admins: Wondering if the distinction between "Anti-War" and "Anti-Iraq

Why is this thread still open?

Why all the deleted messages?

Since we received all our free publicity there has been an

Question: can you only use "Alert" and "Ignore" if you have a star?

Can Someone Clue Me Into What Happened In My Lounge Thread

I'm sorry...

How is this not using RNC talking points and defending Bush?

Did somebody just delete a reply of mine from this thread?



Kudo's to al....for Splitting "GD" into two groups and we

Charedi Rabbis Rush To Disavow Anti-Gentile Book

EU thwarts PLO's anti-Israel move in UN

Rabbis issue prohibition against evacuating settlements

Book review: 'Resistance - My Life for Lebanon'

Killing Arafat

War-Weary Christians Seek Escape from Holy Land

NY Times: Sharon's Limited Vision

NY Times: U.S. Warns Israel Against Steps That Harm Peace Plan

IDF to probe razing of sheikh's tomb

C-Span: You must hear or see Clovis Maksoud. Hope for re-broadcast

Sharon's hopeless vision

Sharon's 'Unilateral Withdrawal' Strategy

Netanyahu: Israeli Arabs Pose Demographic Threat

Sharon Says Israel Might Use Wall to Create Palestinian Border

Sowing conflict and division

Do Mobile Phones work during flights? A Case Study

So whatever happened to that haiku thread?

FEC Chooses GOP's Smith As New Chairman In desperation, John Kerry goes too far

Edwards says he won't quit Senate

WV Dean backers gather

N.J. Governor McGreevey & Rep. Rush Holt Endorse Dean

Dean launches new site –

GOod challengers acometh

Clark Finally making Headway

Keep this in mind, folks

new Georgia poll - Dean holds double-digit lead

Help Convince Nader Not to run

African-American Republican Leadership Council remarks on Dean

If you don't want Nader to run, vote for Dennis Kucinich

Kerry's campaign sent Clark's campaign ZERO candy bars

The Dean People Are Desperately Trying To Smear Kerry For The Osama Ad

Israel's Herzliya conference reporter states racism thriving...

The Story of an Anarchist who is running Kucinich's Rhode Island Campaign

Dean Fans should love this one.....

KCET is rerunning the Frontline "A Class Divided"(Blue-eyed people)

thank you, thank you, AL, for your internet!

What do these people have in common?

Bob Barr to talk 911report tonight in 1st hr. of Coast to Coast,1:07am EST

Deaniacs converting to Kerry at MeetUp

Wanna learn about Faux News dems?

Favorite lines from "Pulp Fiction"

So America is safer b/c Hussein has been captured. Really?

Mike Webb's got Scott Ritter online NOW -- 1:32am ET

I just went to MSN chats, and

Clark's House Party

Lieberman Says Clark Misleads Voters

Question about the death penalty

I could have told you that Kean would backtrack on 9/11, but...

The term "fagot"

Why do people think that you have to be a Republican to love America?

Should Bill Clinton volunteer to testify before the 9/11 Commission?

Objective Book about Abortion?

NY Times Letters to the Editor on Bob Herbert's column

NY Times: 15,000 Laotian Hmong Refugees to Be Allowed to Resettle in U.S.

I am a loyal Democrat, and will support my party's nominee in 2004.

That Brit Hume show on Fox discussing Dean last night...

Gropenfuehrer cuts social services, as we expected

This may be a stupid question, but...

200 Years ago tomorrow

Nader's Online Survey: Should I run?

"Mis-use of Medical Technology"?

Latest hysterical fundraising email from GOP -- attacks MoveOn!

Addresses with senators’ names led to weed

World knows our foreign policy better than we do

Bill Clinton on Howard Dean

Connect the dots from Thomas Kean to Osama..

Why Iraq is still a liability to the US Government.

Did Rumsfeld lie? "the secretary said what he said & I would go with that"

Governor Kean is helping us out

Gay marriage poll on right wing site

2003: A Year of Distortion for the American People

Illinois DUers... a MUST bookmark site!

Control of the Media: might be easier than you think

Hardworking Lib going back to College needs P/T work.

My, my, my. Those beligerent CSPAN callers

Suggestion for an anti-Bush ad...

Save Overtime Pay and Limit Fox's Media Power

Hey, look, we're famous again.

"Our country is blessed to have such a man at the helm at this time..."

America must invade Iraq to turn Saddam into a homeless man

Religious voting blocs shift allegiances

How hard is it to build a soccer field?

Online poll to help Nader decide on presidential bid

When has * been honest on a major issue while “President”?

"Establishment" Democrats and the Washington Consensus

Getting Our Troops ALL THE WAY HOME...

The Importance of Being Noonan - icky images from the heart of darkness

Why can't I find this stuff???

(Topic unrelated to Bball)On the NBA on TNT Postgame Show

Interview with Iraqis this AM on BBC World Today ...the real deal

Freddy Barnes SCARED of Dean

Your opinions please

Iraq War question...

Have you ever been polled by Gallup or Zogby or any other poll???

Gay Marriage - Please VOTE

Iraqi "Liberation"

My response to a BC (Blame Clinton) wingnut - RE: 9-11

Google phone map.

Latest Poll: 67% support Iraq war, 59% think Iraq war helps war on terror.

Time Passed By

230 days, and no WMD...

Do you read Right-Wing Newspapers?

America's Stupidest Congressman

Clovis Maksoud

Tanks roll into Tikrit

Had a little letter to the editor published

Excellent msnbc poll. Go vote!

"I just wish the people of Illinois could have known the truth"

Why I hate George W. Bush even more, if such a thing were possible.

Ann Coulter lauds Crazy Judge Moore for Man of the Year

Portland Oregonian Rallies Behind Bush

Can someone let me know why * is often used in place of Bush?

Great theatre marquee

If the U.S. had IRV voting

Cheney's Pheasantgate - who some of the shooters were

AFA Puts Out Gay Marriage Poll

BBC Story/Clark's Milosevic testimony--"extremely impt"-- prosecutors

Got my star!!! Hurray for me! George Bush is still a dweeb but I got my

Corrupt CT Governer in Direct Contact With God

Help Convince Nader Not to run

NBC NEWS: No imminent threat to NYC...

Move On Christmas ad was just on

Bush says "Saddam's a liar", don't believe anything SH says . . .

List of Companies exporting jobs...

US Missionaries in Iraq: "War for Souls"

What exactly did Matt Millen say to Johnnie Morton?

Email I received: "I wish I had terrorists like that on my side."

AFA's gay Marriage Poll

Request for food for the hungry leads to 10,000 pounds of it

Evil Walmart!

Demanding FBI Disclosure of Surveillance (links to petitions)

Kean 911 Report equivalent to JFK Warren Report -- rewrite history

Nightline Last Night - Feedback

Daily Howler Exposes Fox's Phony "Prog Dem" Bruce as Racist Trojan Horse

Orcas - 1, Bush Administration - 0.....

If it were the Dems who stole the election,would we have supported Gore?

another Victory coming up for the Peace Marchers (link)

Vanessa Kerry on CSpan now

If the Iraqis ever do get to vote - will Diebold equipment be installed?

Officials: WMD chief may quit

What if the situation in Iraq improves?

Iraq 5 Years From Now, Friend or Foe?

Speak English or get the f@#@ out!

Thesis: We knew all along Iran wasn't making nukes.

Some Refusing To Vote In NH Primary Over Gay Bishop

53% still believe Saddam Hussein connected to 9/11

a small Victory....from America to the U.S. Forest Service...(link)

what will you be doing for work in 10-15 years?

On election night who else will need a designated driver. . .

The Largest Issue Facing This Country ....... Not Sure what To Do.

BBV: NIST conference online

If You Haven't Seen This Yet...

Letter from Office of the VP in Newsweek

CAFTA -- A New NAFTA scam in the works

"Fence shitters?"

Al Franken or Michael Moore

The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2002-2003

Jose Padilla and GITMO...the "Magnificant" ruling

Liddy on Crossfire: Just because *'s commanding officer

I need some info about Utilities in Iraq

Hannity Just Told a Caller "You Need to Get a Life"

Choose Your Weapon Now - Influence Your Family & Friends.....

America, speak English or get out

Website buys armor for troops

Bush hurts troops with lack of oversight Halliburton and other contractors

CSPAN Saturday 12/20

Bush, the Bumbler (from Slate)

An Anti-Hillary PAC.....

9/11 Bush Knew !

Dow actually flat last 12 months !

If we were playing POKER, Texas Holdum? How do the Pubs play??

Non-misadministration reports on next likely terrorist attack in US?

The Al Jazeera Hack

Any demonstration against govt or coalition forces will be fired upon

Judge Denies Injunction To Halt Cal Domestic Partner Law

Lou Dobbs Poll.....unfreep? Please.

Slogans for 2004!


Libya dismantling WMD program

BBV:Ohio Voter Verified Paper Ballot Bill

Going on four years now when will tax revenues go up?

Holy horse pucky! I made it to News Max!

Give me you best reasons for the Progressive Income Tax.

Merry Christmas from the chimp and chimpette

On kosovo---how does one stop genocide?

If Al Qaida was going to strike, why a tape?

Riverside Co.(CA) bans hiring of sherrif deputies who smoke(Poll)

World hunger report: 842 million starve in the midst of plenty

Anti-Gentile-ism is on the rise too.

Freepers laud illegal harassment of man who outed Bush.

David Kay will be home for the holidays. Why not the troops too?

Are you ready for the Revolution?

New TBTM Flash: 'Blood And Treasure'

PETA and fur and factory farms and

I am LIBERAL and proud of it!!

Most convincing 9-11 "Pentagon Jet Lie " yet

911 Bush Knew ....3 confrontations in one car trip

Al Franken or Michael Moore

Embezzler programmed system to connect ballot to voter

Wow, Ashcroft's gestapo "arresting, detaining, deporting journalists"

What's More Effective?

NY Times: Picture of Menorah that will placed on one of Iraq's palaces

"They're just going to keep killing us until we leave"

Why do so many think Chomsky is an unimpeachable source?

Pataki wants new WTC tower under construction before the RNC

MoveOn Bush in 30 Seconds Ad Contest

Do we live in a Democracy?

Gunship Free Enterprise

More Light!: Plaidder's 2001st Post

Harold, in the wings:Politics could someday see a very new President Ford

On Losing Faith

This week's Bill Moyers NOW: Wal-Mart, Samantha Power, ICC, more...

Clinton impeachment anniversary

Rumsfeld OK'd Saddam's use of chemical weapons in March 1984

US Secret Service airbrushes aerial photos

What made you become a Democrat/Leftist once and for all?

Photo Tricks Betray the 'Saddam' Psyop

Global Warming Thread: Recent Articles: BIG Trouble Ahead

Justice Dept. Finds Evidence of Abuse of Sept. 11 Detainees

Senator Says Halliburton's Auditors Saw Problems

Judge Rules for Orca Listing

Army reinstates bonus for active-duty GIs who re-enlist while in war zones

Kerry Mortgages Home to Keep Campaign Afloat

Travelers can expect delays, hassles at S. Florida airports

India test fires surface-to-air Trishul missile

Tapes Show Abuse of 9/11 Detainees [hate-based culture at work]

Japanese consortium to bid for Iraq gas project

Sudan shuts down Aljazeera bureau

truck blast wounds two soldiers in Iraq

Court Rulings Slam Bush's Terror Strategy

Remember 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'? For Bush, They Are a Nonissue

Iraq blast hits main Shia group

Tapes Show Beatings of 9/11 Detainees

CBS: Wounded Troops Denied Benefits?

9/11 Widow coming on Hardball in a few (Kristin?) He didn't give name.

Democrats' new campaign funding groups may face regulation

PM hopes to rule at age 75 - (Cdn PM Paul Martin) - Globe and Mail

Security plans for July emerge (Boston Convention)

Iran's Rafsanjani wants U.S. and Saddam on trial

PM set to overrule court if it forces gay marriage on churches (Canada)

Iraqi Vice (pills, porn, prostitution and booze)

U.S. links al Qaeda to Persian Gulf drug boat

Appeals court rejects subpoenas to identify music downloaders

Man (Bush buddy) Who Shot Reagan Allowed to Visit Parents Unsupervised

'Emissary of death' sentenced to life (Green River Killer) | Seattle Times

Agents seize computers in probe of Lottery | Denver Post

Rumsfeld okays more US troops for Iraq

Japan plans missile shield with US

Goshute (tribal) leaders indicted by feds | Salt Lake Tribune

Texas RE-redistricting likely heading to Supreme Court

Judges: Redistricting OK in mid-decade

Record Industry May Not Subpoena Providers

Rowland Partner Got (State) Contracts

U.S. Administrator Escaped Ambush in Iraq Two Weeks Ago

Audit shows Oliphant left office $427,515 short | Miami Herald

Man sentenced to three years for role in gay-bashing death | Seattle P-I

Gay couples win retroactive CPP benefits | Globe and Mail

CDC Activates Center to Deal With Flu

Beagle 2 separates from mother ship | Guardian

Judges: Redistricting OK in mid-decade

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday December 19.....(#1)

Russia Links Iraq Debt Relief, Companies (more Baker results)

Zimbabwe police block newspaper | BBC

U.S. Intelligence Learn of Suicide Bombing Threat to New York (ABC)

World leaders should take stand in Saddam trial: lawyer

US troops find hidden danger behind Iraqi shopfront

New Jersey Governor Endorses Dean

RealNetworks sues Microsoft | Seattle P-I

Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 460 U.S. service members have died

Diebold e-voting machines not yet approved by feds

Gallup: "Approval for Handling of War in Iraq Jumps"

Castro looks to cash in with foreign franchises

UN appeals to Australia over Nauru crisis | ABC (Australia)

Biotech seeds shipped in error | Sacramento Bee

Witnesses: Iraq Tanker Blast Kills Two (Friday)

U.S. Intelligence Learn of Possible Threats to New York and Ot

Governor Opens Door For More Cottage Questions

Ex-POW Shoshana Johnson to launch ball in Times Sq.

Alaska Senator Defends Public Record

ABC: Gold Mine Saddam Hussein’s Loyalists Infiltrated U.S. Operations in I

Schwarzenegger doles out cash

W.Va. taxpayers covered Lynch homecoming celebrations

Suit Spotlights Gay Domestic Violence & Police Indifference

New academic rules should satisfy critics, Yecke says | MSP Star-Trib

Corporate-backed fund-raiser said she solicited money for (GOP) campaigns

RIAA File-Sharing Crusade Hits Major Stumbling Block

Bush to Visit Mexico for Summit

Janklow Wants New Trial

Ex-U.S. Rep. Gary Condit sues tabloids over Chandra Levy stories

Pope Says Gibson's 'Passion' Realistic

Rumsfeld visited Baghdad in 1984 to reassure iraqis....

Freedom Tower to rise from ashes at 1,776 feet

'Family state' (Utah) high in abuse? | Salt Lake Tribune

US pours more troops into Iraq

Wal-Mart takes on iTunes, others with online music site

Wolfowitz Calls Spread of Terror Weapons 'Urgent Threat'

Lieberman Calls Dean a 'Divisive Leader'

Nader may pass on '04 run if Dean is nominee

Clark takes command of snowbank extraction effort

Libya 'to give up WMD'

Freeh: Iranians behind Khobar towers bombing

Poll shows Dean is No. 1 with Georgia Democrats

Connecticut governor says he was called by God

Should HEyHEY sample the local......opposite sex?

I need a corporate sleuth (is there such a thing?)

I want a cute little kitty like WillBowden's Dot!

I did real good today!

I've finally finished making my Bourbon Balls

Revolt of the machines and the emergence of superbaby

In the doghouse

James Carville is on Leno tonight....

LOTR spoilers....

Burglars mistake unmarked patrol car for their getaway car. OOPS!

The trinity ...

Nightline: 9/11 could it have been prevented

Coming soon: Dubya-Laura grainy nightvision sex tape

Polar Bowler and other shockwave games

We have a well-disguised freeper trolling.

Who would Fritz the Cat vote for?

what's with this Michael Jackson and the penile code?

Trust us George...

Yesterday I realized why the Democrats will fail in 2004...

In the whole vast configuration of things, you're a scurvy little spider.

If I had one wish that I could wish this holiday season...

BBC: Record opening for Lord of the Rings finale

Favorite number between one and ten?

Another trophy for Rumsfeld

Congratulations UK, successful Beagle separation.

Anybody ever heard of this vocal jazz group?

We're Playing Those Mind Games Together

Some funny posts and some of my favourite posts


My last day at work

An hysterical wingnut site

NYT's Bestseller: Prayer For America...Add it to your holiday gift list!

I wanted to hug the old man.


we just heard a mans voice through our heater vent...

So I Wake Up This Morning And Find I Have An Asskicking Awaiting Me

Going to bow out for awhile...

Soup for the Hungry

Check my local papers ediotrial cartoon about Strom Thurmond

Good (FRIDAY) Mornin' DU!!

Who would Kurt Cobain vote for??

Great Belgian X-Max Bell concert

Time to go home....

I confess. I put myself on Ignore

Some of our DUers must be posting on the AOL boards.

Short short story thread

Are you a Neocon??? Take the Neocon Quiz!

Need musical help for a friend

12 Days of Christmas with Shrub

So then the Mortician says "Ok just pay what you want to pay"

Ball from Cubs' playoff loss auctioned for $106(K)

Gay marriage poll on neocon site.

Welcome boilerbabe to the 700 Club!

Why blaming Clinton for 9-11 is nonsense

The best Christmas cookies ever - free recipe.

Jack White of The White Stripes gets in fight at bar - and evidently wins

The greatest week in rock history

What else will be found in Saddam's briefcase?

Verizon internet or local wireless?

Best Rapper Ever?

Which metaphor best describes politics

Am I the only one who thinks the Capitol Steps aren't funny?

steve breen toon - time men of the year|special hypocrisy issue

Who is the Worst wingnut musician?

A website everyone needs to see

LOTR "Return of the King" question- (no spoilers here)

Santa Asked To RESIGN !

Anybody here own a Toyota Prius that could share personal experience?

The Night Before Christmas in Legalese!

What Will Go Down As The Happiest Day Of Your Life

(Topic unrelated to Bball)On the NBA on TNT Postgame Show

Favorite lines from "Pulp Fiction"

Google phone map.

Going to Carolina Panthers game Sunday -- so excited!!

Sean Astin - not a republican (an apology)

I really need to get a grip

The Twelve Days of Procurement

I am 38 and have a crush on Weather Channel's P. Allen Smith

A Christmas Carroll, one of the better ones, is on tv tonight

Saddams next project

Will John Hinkley be upset when learns that * is schtuping Jody Foster?

Ever wonder where right wing assholes come from? (Rated R - Graphic)

My teenager got a cover by-line on RB Developer mag!


HP ink cartridges and refill kits

Just learned some interesting X-mas family history.

Golden Age of Techno to present - which do you prefer?

Favorite porn star?

Princton wallops Duke in basketball

I'm serving Chicken tonight: What part of the bird do you want

A Happy Holidays Thread! Salut!

How WILD Are Your Windows Colors?

True or False: The Roddy Piper Jimmy Snuka interview

just received my grade report.....

Of names, neocons, and nazis

Replacement for WTC: Freedom Tower

Quid pro quo; Do U DU?

Soccer: Brazil kicks ass (so what else is new?)

rule 1 - fly the plane

275-Pound Prostitute Strips Attacker

"crimino" by Chris Duarte

I confess. I finally put someone on ignore.

Why bullfighting is inhumane. OUCH!

Dang it Laura, I told you not to let Dubya pick his own clothes!

Hooters Air?? This Is A Joke, Right?

Help Convince Nader Not to run

What should I cook for dinner tonight?

Men Steal Jewelry From Home, Jump In Sheriff's 'Getaway' Car

Who is Appasionata Von Climax?

Milwood accepts arbitration, stays with Phillies

Christmas Tree: Live or fake

"The Last Party" right now on IFC at 2:36 EST with Robert Downey, Jr.

Can anyone suggest a good book about Watergate?

Need a little help here from all you guys.


My girlfriends cat is shedding.

Where Do You Choose To Sit In A Movie Theater?

Int'l Long Distance Calling - any good deals?

everyone loves snow globes!

How many OTHER message boards you frequent?

What's for dinner?

I found the gallery

CONFESS!!! Books you LOVED but you HATED the movie!

Any neurologists on DU?

How Dare Bush DO THIS?

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night

Twyla Tharp and the Creative Bubble

Friday Questions

Can I sue movie theater chains for running commercials before movies?

New at DU

Dick Cheney, age 6 - teh funnay

So, then the veterinarian says, "Just pay what you want to pay."

OK, FAUX News is bad,

anyone in here that watches south park?

A Rant: My company is so friggin cheap

Poll for Married Folks

GREAT thread in the GD 2004 Primary forum!

Question on Christmas and work

Why do so many think Chomsky is an unimpeachable source?

Do You Hold Grudges? Or Is It Easy For You Forgive?

UK Trade Union Council advice on avoiding Office Party trauma (Guardian)

Right-wingers disgust me.

A mighty wind fan check in

Anyone here doing a New Years Resolution?

I don't know about you, but Chris Jansing is a hottie

Hardworking Lib going back to College needs P/T work.

bush will win by landslide in 2004 according to new poll

gridlock level 30

My Holiday gift to DU

What does Crimson and Clover refer to?

Any neurotics on DU?

Did I miss the big news out of Clarks camp today?

Happy holidays DUers

Moron Right Winger

funniest jokes in the world

Your house is burning down....

I have some Sponge Bob Square Pants Christmas socks.

What's Paul Bremer's secret?

Has someone unleashed another computer virus?

Best portrayal of Scrooge?

Silver Cars Found to be Safest

I'm in the market for a new computer...

Where The Action Is

It's all so simple!

I love their politics but their music is crap!

I love my puppy!

Ladies, please help...


The interracial dating thread in GD reminded me of this story

Geezzzz,who gets that idiot Glenn Beck on the radio?

Did you know......

OK DU nutritionists - talk to me about...


Run Ronnie Run

The perfect gift for the car loving gun owner in your life

Online math problems?

Has anybody here read the book "Z for Zachariah?"

Your hometown

True or false: cybersex is HILARIOUS

Why are so many deleted messages on the celebrity thread?

Are radar/laser detectors worth the money?

Demman's rant made me curious re: everyone's employment perks

New rant in my LiveJournal

Girls, how many crossdresser friends do you have?

Leaving in 15 minutes for Middle-Earth - give me a Tolkienesque farewell

Which is cooler: Supreme Court or Law Lords?

Your NUMBER ONE album of all time

I love my kitten!

What should I get my dad for Christmas?

What cheers character am I?

Post # 1000....... Do I get a prize or something?

New Year's Eve food

What are you greatful for in 2003


That controversial baseball that was caught during the series

Things are looking up! How 'bout you?

Are You a Lawyer-Basher?

Official LOTR Boycott Thread Boycott Thread

Dean campaign announces

First images from new (infrared) Spitzer Space Telescope released

true or false cybersex is cheating

Pabaah's movie of they year choices

Mom's Latke Recipe - Rucky's Hanukkah Gift to DU:

Official LOTR boycott thread

Who would like to CAPTION this one?

What if Ann Coulter and Mr. T had a conversation

I don't like Keanu Reeves...but

NO LINE at the Post Office!!! Xmas Shopping/Shipping is OVER!

What should you do if you find an Atheist?

I Lost My Car Yesterday... I Could Not Remember Where I Parked

Has anybody here read the book "Z for ZombyWoof?"

Give a Hummer the finger ... (not that finger!)

Who Are You Most Likely To Vote For On A DU Poll?

I rarely swear but what the hell is a video card?

George Bush in "It's A Wonderful Life..."


Do you have one foot that is longer than the other?

Happy Chanukah, Jewish DU-ers!

A Elbereth Gilthoniel


Here is a nose NOT to pick

A long time ago, when the earth was still green,

Is Your Best Friend In The World Of The Same or Oppsite Sex As You?

What will you be serving for Christmas dinner?

Update on my "ratdog"

For over-40's...How cool we were!

Which Lord of the Rings Character are you?

Counting Our Blessings

i have NO "Xmas spirit" this year....

I'm listening to Victory at Sea

How tall are you?

True or False: Going to a strip club is cheating

Post A Photo Of Yourself And The Celebrity You Most Resemble (me first)

How do you feel about the LotR extended edition releases?

Anyone wanna help a poor bastard out (I am sad)

On This First Night Of Chanukah --- Who Is The Funniest Jew Of All-Time?

10 Ass-Kicking Random Questions

Palace 'ghost' caught on camera (with pic)

Is anyone in a position to help rescue German Shepherds?

Man Sets World Drinking Record

My cousin is wanted for attempting to blow up a police station.

Suppose the phone rang at your house....

Most extraordinary name of a person you've met?

"she ruined the greatest moment in US history in Iraq for the rest of us"

Who's up for a DU get together in San Diego Jan. 9 or 10?

Best little-known song by a famous band?

Confess! Which films did you like better than the book?

What do these people have in common?

Kerry knows the History of Saddam, Reagan-Bush and the BFEE.

Enough with this Dem on Dem violence! Say something bad about Bush!

Has Carrot Top endorsed anyone?

Questions about the primary polling...

Lieberman has perfectly positioned himself as the "Un-Dean" candidate

has Natalie Portman endorsed anyone?

Clark Responds To Governor Dean's Comments On The Economy

A lot of people are polling for "Undecided" and "Not Sure"

Deaniacs converting to Kerry at MeetUp

what taste has the primary season left in your mouth so far?

Dean Campaign Blasts Bush for lying about Grassroots Power

Clark & Kerry supporters shown tasting Dean's elixir (KA) on CSPAN

Clark's House Party

If you have any doubts about Clark, read this article!

Kerry "Zeros" In On Clark

Wes Clark's "American Son" is now available in it's entirety

Favor from the Clark people

new Georgia poll - Dean holds double-digit lead

Howard Fineman whoring for Bush again

Nader will announce decision next month

N.J. Governor McGreevey & Rep. Rush Holt Endorse Dean

Clark calls for 'New Progressive Era' in campaign finance reform.

Latest Poll: 67% support Iraq war, 59% think Iraq war helps war on terror.

Iowa Political Stock Market: Putting money where your mouth is.

No wonder Kerry needs mortgage...expects $4 million TOTAL this quarter

Gov. McGreevey endorses Dean and brings along much of NJ Dem establishment

Bigger government: Dean picks up where FDR left off - Dean bashing ahead

Vermont: The New Bermuda

Deanie's - Why do you trust him?

As governor, Dean signed bill that aided offshore insurers

John Kerry Campaigns By Telling Lies...

44/50 democratic insiders pick Dean to win nomination

Clawing for Second Place: Worth it today, but how about tomorrow?

Dean continues to have highest favorability rating in NH

Will there even be one debate?

Poll: Karl Rove. evil genius or hopeless incompetant?

Another DU snapshot

Clark Biopic, Made by Clinton Pal, Premiers at Fundraisers

Who has done better in the debates so far? Clark or Dean?

Deleted message

DLC leader Reed on WaPo discussion now

A challenge to all ABB DUers

Clark Responds To Governor Dean's Comments On The Economy

Kucinich on "reform"

What if Lieberman comes in second in New Hampshire?

Ralph Nader would like to know if you want him to run for president.

The general is holding his fire.

If Biden-Lugar were really the same as IWR...

I want Dean somewhere in the next administration no matter what...

Letter to writing to Iowa/NH voters. . .good or bad?

Anyone who thinks Kerry is dropping out anytime soon...

How many primaries will Clark have to lose before he drops out?

Bill Clinton on Howard Dean

Dean quote: people on welfare "don't have any self esteem..."

Rumor has it Nader won't run if Dean wins the Dem nomination

'Voters Hesitate to Pick Leader of the Pack in Iowa", Des Moines Register

All-purpose "GD 2004 Primary" Reference Thread.

Bush is a tax and spender--Dean on the bush tax

At the debates vs. Bush, if Dean acts like he did last night,

Hypothetical Poll about Dean and the 2008 election.

I'm switching from Dean

about both Dean and Clark.....

Libya dismantling WMD program

What the hell is an insider or outsider?

Listened to Kerry's children today on C-Span. But the best program

Regarding Dean and Clark

My letter to the editor of a newspaper editorial against Dean

Counting Down Bush's 13 New Years Resolutions-From Edwards For President

Clark Sat. 9 a.m. C-Span.

As rest of field steps up criticism of Dean, so do press

Beyond the Mainstream (re: Howard Dean)

Some Democrats Uneasy About Dean as Nominee

You're off the VP Short List: Dems Attacking Dean

Why do you oppose Dean?

From on Inside Politics now

Clark hits the road to stake his claim to the South

Did I miss the big news out of Clarks camp today?

General Wesley Clark Launches "True Grits" Tour of the South

I'm now convinced: Bush is the only candidate who can beat Bush.

What's with the asterisk next to Dean's name?

Why I take this so personally

I'll be honest about Clark. ...I fear he is an "insider outsider."

Clark Finally Making Headway

Dean snubs the center, Clinton - NH Union Leader -

Clark or Dean? Who would do better in debate with Bush?

Latest Poll: 67% support Iraq war, 59% think Iraq war helps war on terror.

Kerry's supporters exit his campaign...

Dumb question: did Clark and Dean have a falling out?

Dean sealed the deal for me last night!

Entire state of New Jersey endorses Dean

Dean launches new site –

Hannity's Vowing to "Stop The Madness of Howard Dean"

CNN: Clark vs. Kerry: The ... fight for No. 2

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Dennis Kucinich

Dean's Right: Getting Saddam No Panacea

The Presidency Poll.

Warning! Dean slam - Diary of a Dean-o-Phobe

Clark on CSpan, Sat. 12/20 9 am Nashua, NH. doing a

Sharpton, Ahead in Polls, Offers Kerry VP Post

Who is most honest?

Vanessa Kerry & Chris Heinz Live cspan at 1 pm eastern

Vanessa Kerry (daughter) post on Kerry blog

Dems and Pukes both think Dean's Clinton comment is a laughable.

It's beginning to look a lot like ... Dennis

AP: "Dean has Record of Raising Property Taxes"

American Son: Wesley Clark Movie Online

Clark's Bastion: The South? Dean trumps Clark 3-1 in Georgia

Anybody see Dean's NH Town Hall Meeting Last Night?

Lets be honest. Dean is and always has been a part of the establishment.

The power of the Incumbency and choice of candidate=Clark

Hussein remark Dean's idea

My biggest problems with Clark and Kerry

Daily Democrat: A positive discussion about Howard Dean

THE Iraq question: Why wasn't Kucinich "misled by George Bush"?

Which politician would you most like to have endorse your candidate?