Democratic Underground

Archives: October 12, 2003

NYT Mag: Notion Building (Podesta forming Liberal think tank)

Dick Cheney Gone Wild

Thomas Friedman (New York Times): The Least Bad Option

Why in-fighting is losing Iraq and could cost Rumsfeld his job

The Audio-Animatronic Candidate (Ahnuld) -- by Frank Rich


Garrison Keillor on the Rush controversy

Thailand's natural fireball river

Why was I locked out twice?

Can somebody put in a Hugo Chavez avatar?

Inappropriate thread locking

Could a military coup be brewing inside Israel? (Refuniks)

Israeli web site declared as "terrorist"

When at a loss, escalate

Newsweek Poll: A Growing Dissatisfaction

How in the hell can Howard Dean co-sponsor HR 2038?

Destroying the village to save it? Can you say Vietnam?....

Shwarznegger the Assaulter to have mountain named after him

U.S. Soldiers signed letters they didn't write - made news across USA

What the hell happened to the Boondocks?

Check this propaganda out...can you say 21st century Creel Committee?

Liberals are always right...hehe...

Latest Poll After the Debate: Undecided Becomes Frontrunner... hasn't updated the presidental race stuff in awhile...

FReeper meltdown -- ex-fundraiser to out FR moderators, GimpRob's RV $$

I don't mind

Coma patient awakens after four years, asks "what'd I miss?" You say...

Read and rate this Yahoo story. Shameful TX repuke.

Every 2 to 4 years it's the same Goddamn thing...

My new response to right wingers

CSPAN2... 10:00 p.m. Eastern... Tune In.

What exactly do "Whistle Ass President" and "Crashcart Cheney" mean?

SNL hammers Rove and Coulter!

Novak knew...."Talking Points"

I know that it gets tossed around alot....

SNL starts out lampooning Ann Coulter and Karl Rove on HARDBALL

Has anyone met any of the canidates?

Meet the Godfathers of the Neoconservatism

My simple email to DIEBOLD

Plame story will not go away!

What is going on at the WAPO?

Leak of CIA officers leaves trail of damage - Plame betrayal won't go away

Question about the Teddy Roosevelt era...

FReepers arguing about JAIL for Pigboy. Its hilarious.

A college student's thoughtful views on the candidacy of Howard Dean

More fun and games at Free Republic; former fundraiser to blow whistle

Jesse Ventura's Dork of the Week

Dick Cheney Gone Wild

Conjoined Twins

Harrison Ford for governor of California!

Identical (fake) letters from 503rd in Iraq - links to letters

What should be done about Columbus Day?

The Democrats and Greens must set aside their differences.

BBV site back

$100 billion South African suit targets insurers

Council, coalition split over Turkish troops

Medicare Drug Bills Assailed by Senator Clinton

Manhunt Continues for Pa. Murder Suspect

Pakistan: India Arms Deal Threatens Regional Military Balance

NYT: States Risk Bigger Losses To Fund Pensions

Could Peta Become First Anglican Woman Bishop?

WP: Violence in Iraq Spreads to North

Israel has sub-launched, nuclear-tipped cruise missiles

Why in-fighting is losing Iraq and could cost Rumsfeld his job

41 jailed Taliban in tunnel escape

Rice Fails to Repair Rifts, Officials Say

Israeli IDF Planning to Attack Nuclear Sites in Iran

WP: Probe Focuses on Month Before Leak to Reporters

Chavez urges Columbus Day boycott

Stryker force loads gear for Iraq voyage

Clark's rise in military impressed and rankled observers

Tories overtake Labour in poll

Minorities Less Visible at Justice after Departures

Cubs score 4 runs in first inning!!! Woo hooo!!!!

spybot help

The Dems Should Nominate The Yankees

Louis my friend, the funeral.

ANy Edmonton Oiler fans here?

Just got back from a wine tasting

Ticket Scalpers can BITE ME

ever noticed that most 'born again' actors are washed up

Two Yankee Players to be charged with Assault!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't MLB be more like the NHL?

Boston College to join the ACC?

I was at the Red Sox /Yankees Game Tonight

WTF? Police may bring criminal charges against the Yanks?

Well, I'm turning down the new job

Screw Baseball--Notre Dame is beating Pitt--that's all that matters!

Game Freaks: How about Massive Multiplayer Online Pong?

Racists are irritating.

Anyone up for some!

I saw Bill Bradley on thursday, he's looking pretty good

Someone peed in my bed last night/early this morning

Will the Red Sox catch up?

Any Grotto-dwellers out there tonight?

Should I have sex tonight?


Watched In The Heat Of The Night--and I did it MY WAY!!!

Anyone done freelance sewing?

Pittsburgh Penguin fans

My Benny's not well. He's my kitty.

What's everyone drinking tonight?

Would you pay $125 to see KISS & Aerosmith?

Has anyone had laser eye surgery?

0mg l0053r5 3y3 p-0wn 4ll 0f j00- 1 4m 7h3 l337 h3r3

how did i get on Liberator Rev. and Nancy Skinners e-mails lists?

What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you?

Pics from Thursday's debate in Phoenix

So do any Red Sox fans wanna ask the long dead Salem Witches

Already, Schwarzenegger displays his ignorance of California state law

Paul Williams-Fenway Employee Attacked by Yankees-in Deaconness Hospital

Happy Anniversary Old and In the Way

to all the poker players

just got back from a wedding of a older woman and younger man

Anti-virus poll

My all-time favorite country artists

Do you have any sexual jokes?

Ohio State v.s. Wisconsin game thread

Zimmer/Martinez Video here


Does ANYONE? Remember the movie "Valley of the Dolls?" Do you think RUSH?

WTF!? I am working for the repukes!?!?!?!?!

Missouri Southern Lost Homecoming!

for those who watched Kill Bill, what was your favorite scene?

That "Kill Bill" movie sounds really gross/disgusting to me.....does

Stupidest Repuke poster:

Finally saw the latest Terminator flick, and I LOVED it.

Live, from New York, it's Saturday Night! Opening skit: Rove & the leak

The Kill Bill discussion thread.. (full of spoilers, beware)

Which Beatle Best Represents Your Personality?

Iraq in Review

Rich Procter: 'Are you a dangerous ultra-left wing partisan zealot?'

Close enough for government work (sleazeball attack on Arnold accuser)

When all else fails, send b.s. letters "From the Front"

GOP aide optimistic (Racicot Interview)

Is the USA Plotting to Murder Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez Frias?

FBI's Rowley pulls no punches in critique of Ashcroft

Broder bashes Bush borrowing -- but also points at some Dems

Life as a Prophet of Doom

Canada makes mega bucks selling to the US war machine

NYT: A New Kind Of Minority Is Challenging Louisiana's Racial Conventions

My letter published in Chi Suntimes

Maureen Dowd (NYT): A Tale of Two Fathers

Looks like the FCC is OK with saying the F-bomb on television

Rush, to Judgment

IRAQ: A Risky Strain on an Overstretched Army (Wash. Post)

America can't make Iraq's black gold flow

David Corn: How I broke the CIA-leak story, and why nobody noticed

Lower Expectations, Set a Date, and Leave -- Retired Army Col. Bacevich

US millionaire bankrolls crusade against gay Anglican priests

Editor of LA Times - The Story Behind the Story

MARY JO MELONE--Why on earth did female voters help elect Arnold?

Dumbing down U.S. Politics

Incurious George

Articles on "Americans Coming Together" org. for electoral mobilization

Voting machines and public awareness

Just how far ahead do these illegitmates plan???

Astrologers: Terminator lV, at Starlight News

Diabetes Thread: Slow Healing Wounds/Foot Problems

"Scary signs from GE" (On the Economy)

Good Loonie = hard times for exporters

Officers Say Bosnian Massacre Was Deliberate

Liquidation industry 'rife with corruption' - SA

Lee attacks China-centric ideology - Taiwan

Playing hardball gets Chen back in game

Janjalani’s lair bombarded - Philippines

RP ready for disruptions - Bush arrival

Nobel laureate urges radical reforms in Iran

Iran must have Secular government says Nobel Prize Winner

Zim journalist attacked over T-shirt message

Mourners Return to Site of Bali Bombing

What a maroon!

Im going to try and make one of these for fun!

HR 2038, Grandfathered "assault weapons" and 49 million magazines

If a user of illegal drugs without conviction loses their civil right

Can we get a "I'm Just Saying" Smilie?

A perfect example of a post where an exception should have been made


Accusation of plagiarism made in a thread

How do I take care of red x's when I post images

How can I post images?

Israelis, Palestinians meet in Jordan on draft peace proposal

Qassam fired at Sderot from Gaza; most IDF troops quit Rafah

PA television: Israel will be destroyed

Palestinian PM Qurei says will leave post

In Drive to Aid Israel, Lobby May Be Shifting Out of Neutral (AIPAC GOP?)

Israel subs go nuclear amid fears over Iran

A Binational Israel-Palestine

Dick Gephardt Builds on Solid Labor Ties

Bush in dilemma over Iraq

Dean has 6-point lead in Michigan

Bowles makes economy theme for Senate run

Kerry wins the award for best line of the day

Anybody catch Kerry on ThisWeek?

Feingold picks up WI Small Business group endorsement

Desperate, dishonest Dean bashers' despicable tactics on parade again

Congress, NAFTA, & WTO

More than 100 plan to attend Reno fundraiser for Howard Dean

The Wobblycrats - An excerpt from Jim Hightower's new book

Kucinich Announcement Tour

Ex-Military Leaders Speak of Clark Flaws

(Manchester Union Leader) Kerry visit wins Support in Warner

Kerry on MTV News (footage of him playing hockey)

Lieberman Pulls Ahead Of Bush In Connecticut Poll (53%-42%)

Debate helps cinch one Dem's status

Dean's support of Michigan Internet Voting=Soft Racism

Kerry voted to reduce Medicare spending.

Clark wins straw poll in Northfield

Kerry Says Bush, Cheney Must 'Apologize' Over Iraq

( Senator John Kerry Petitions For Disabled Veterans

Kerry On China (2001) Gives A Good Intimation Of His Way Of Thinking

Israeli web site declared as "terrorist"

Flu shots

Could a military coup be brewing inside Israel? (Refuniks)

What is 'embargoed material' on Yahoo?

Have you noticed the debates are a set up for the candidates?

Ann Geracimos from the Washington Times in C-Span 11:40 p.m. CT

possibly a stupid question...

Jesus Christ I hate the name "Indian Reserve"...

Anybody think Rush will totally fry his brain one day...

Fake-letters story discussion on KIRO (Seattle) now (midnight PT)

RW blogger completely misses point on faked soldier letters

can a naturalized citizen become speaker of the house?

Frightening Canadian Freeper site...

Sad comment in my college paper from someone in the Army

Nate Clay - the only live progressive radio online NOW

Google search results for the leading Democratic candidates

An excellent piece of analysis:


Springtime in Syria?

The repugs are toast in 2004

Something to think about re: 2004 Presidential election

Time's Joe Klein questions whether Bush has lost control of WH

Rush wins even on the day he admits(reposted from last night)

Missouri Concealed Weapon Law Unconstitutional!

Deleted message

dream this a.m. - 21st C Auschwitz

Michael Moore: The unholy alliance between the Bushes and the Saudis

Whistleass number below 50%

Michael Moore weekend

They don't need a WAR in 2004-- just the appearance of one

Who's On The Tube This Morning?

I suddenly find myself thinking that Kucinich is creepy


Please post this protest pic of Bush this little child has!

News Conference -----------9:30 AM ET --------- on Bombing


Your Dream Team 2004 Dem Admin!!!

Cartoon: why our government doesn't go after business corruption

So The Wizard of Ox (Rush) is forced to come out from behind the Curtain.

Pro-Israel PAC Contribution recipients

Hilarious NY Post headlines on Yankees-Red Sox

Today's administration talking point/LIE

Fake letters from soldiers in Iraq

face the nation

DU Comes Thru! Guy James will be back next week...

Why 150,000 soldiers? Why $87 billion?

Should social change be swift or should it come slowly?

Kerry on "This Week"

Bush is such a putz! Remember the UN speech, slave trade?

The relevance of Gov.-elect Pinchbottom

Media Pukes want to pick the Democratic Presidential Canidate for us.

This is how Canadian News is covering the "good news" push...

MSNBC keeps saying that the security measures worked in baghdad?

The new WH LeakGate spin: It was nepotism, not revenge...

I think Phelps has been hacked again..hahaha

"Deleting the Flag"

How to argue with a right wing Christian.

Let's talk about all the "good things" that are happening in Iraq...

A mom, a volunteer and a top-notch CIA spy

Oh golly gee this bombing today will ruin the WH rosey Iraq pr campaign

FBI's Rowley pulls no punches in critique (Remember this brave young lady

Frank Rich says Arnold campaign Disney-like: sterile, fake, paternalistic

Why Rush Will Get Off Easy

I want Dick Cheney's head!

Sic transit... (cartoon)

A dangerous illusion for the Repubs...

Lawmakers break ranks in Bush slide

Rumor - Arnie on dialysis

Interesting note (John Podesta, Wash. Post)

Cuba will be the way Bush* gains the Presidency in 2004

I am a freeper

DNC offers autographed Franken Book

Mantra du jour: Remarkable Progess in Iraq!

Bosses exercising virtual veto over right to form a union

Just heard on CNN,,the IRAQI Governing Council members moved out

Byron York on CSPAN: Bush* never said Iraq was 'imminent' threat

Fox NFL Pregame Show Whoring For Arnold

WTF is this??: U.S. data mining investigated - Latin America

Explain and convert please

Mt Schwarzenegger looms into view

Pakistani people should logically be called Paks...

Does Rove remind anyone else but me of Rush?

Italian Protestors don't pull their punches, take a look at this photo!

At last, the media have been fully programmed ...

Bush admin Fakes letters to editor from US troops in Iraq

Why the Dems win BIG if the WH leakers are NOT revealed ..

Non Sequitur is particularly good today...

Why doesn' the media ask Arnie about supporting the $9B trial vs energy?

Gore should have called Tabitha from Passions

What would society be like if Kennedy was not killed yet Reagan was?

How badly do you want a Democratic president in 2004?

The best reasons for replacing Bush 2?

Salt Lake's Democratic power grab - will it stay left, or move center?

caption this pic of Dean, Kerry & Gephardt

Great article on Limbaugh here -

ed meese just on faux telling his plan to save american jobs

If you thought the Left Behind series was wacko!!!

Major Bomb Blast Hits Baghdad Hotel-Will Iraq Be America's

Don't let the current news stories get to your heads!

Heads up! Reported RPC Hack in the wild

Rush will probably not be arrested

US soldiers bulldoze farmers' crops (trying to make them talk)

Dukakis-ize this...History shows Dean is no Dukakis!

The Dem argument about lack of Bush Post-war planning sucks...

Jackson County Democrats

Sunday talk shows

Oh, Drat. Bob Scheiffer said Hillary might run

The solution to the Iraq problem is obvious!

Why Rush is an addict: it's his name...

Why all this WH infighting is a huge deal

You must remember this: Bush was considered a MORON just prior to 9/11

Newsweek on Rush: "a childless, twice-divorced, thrice-married schlub"

Is the The Library of Congress backed up ?

Phoenix Debate on C-Span tonight

If Limbaugh owns a firearm, he has committed a felony, 10 years prison

Are we 100% sure we want a special prosecutor?

My fantasy re Rush Limbotomy

If the Democratic party were to nominate John Kerry...

Friends recall Howard Dean’s intensity, worldly ways

If the Democratic party were to nominate Wesley Clark...

William Greider on C-Span2 Now

Iraq is fine, progress is being made, be happy. Consume.

US destroys Iraqi homes as punishment for pro-Saddam yard signs

Eugenics - Hitler - the bushgang

If the Green party were to endorse the Democratic nominee...

Deleted Political Cartoons From al Jazeera (animated)

If the Democratic Party were to nominate Organism...

WP 9/11/01: President, Republicans Try to Ease Fears About Economy

Pat Robertson's Comments Re: State Department

Have Freepers invaded DU boards?

US Officials claim Sryia is hiding $3B of Iraq's cash......(Time Magazine)

429 posts as of right now on outting a representative???

Should We Report Freepers Whenever they try "Freeping" polls?

I'm sure the people over at Free-republic would like to thank you

Josh Marshall: Kerry isn't waffling; the others are being simplistic

Is it time to quit kidding ourselves about the Greens?

And a housekeeper shall lead them...?

ABC just reported .."WE the US taxpayers" are underwriting Merchant

Poll: The Best Way to Keep Social Security Solvent

60 Minutes (10/12/03) Cooking the books, SUV MPG, too many Saints?

Questions on the Democratic debate on CNN

S&P assigns Halliburton $300 mln debt 'BBB' rating

Hidden Wounds (Date Rape)

Conservatives vs. Bush - CATO, the American Conservative, ...

Jeb is tired and cranky, two full-time jobs. Heh heh.

Cuba deal opens new opportunity for Montana By Sen. MAX BAUCUS (D)

Is this event open for ordinary people or not?

The results of my polls so far...

Does BBC TV news emanate from 10 Downing St. or White Hse?

Al Franken beats Bill O'Reilly in top 10 New York Times list

Wille Brown part of the transition

DU this poll

Did anyone read this Clark speech from last week?

Israel has ability to launch nuclear weapons from submarines

2004 Senate Races: A golden opportunity for Democrats?

Will Zell Miller endorse the nominee

Who is Smarter? Who Out Foxed Who? Bush/Osama??

Who Do You Think Will Win The Iowa Caucus?

I found this stomach-churning graphic on - question

The Sins of September 11

Limbaugh Stories don't jive! He was a good Celebrity Golfer or a Recluse?

Advocate Article: The anti-gay industry

SIGN OF THE TIMES: This woman is in charge of US security and IRAQ!

Clark: I'm no rabbi's son

Suggestions and Ideas Needed (Please Help Me !!!) Bring The Soldiers Home

BBV: Holt Bill (HR 2239) again. PLEASE PROVIDE INPUT

Why Dennis Kucinich is the Best Candidate

John Kerry, the anti-war, pro-war candidate

The candidate I am looking for will DUMP "no child left behind"

This is not a "leak"; this is treason...

My Top Ten Pet Issues

How can we win over ex-Naderites AND "Nascar dads" without conflict?

Anybody for Lieberman?

What I DON'T like about Dennis Kucinich

Does Kudloe have a history of Drug addiction?

I am a socialist

Bill Clinton Voted For The IWR

Possible reason why something is rotten in America

If the Democratic party were to nominate Dennis Kucinich...

Help: I need a cite for a Ks. Dem msg board I am moderating . . .

ABC: Kerry stepped back from Kennedy's "fraud" remarks on Iraq today

Will gun control help us or hurt us in 2004?

Shouldn't Pat Robertson be in jail or GITMO?

Blame for loss in the 2000 election

What do YOU believe in? THAT should be the patform.

Stupid Sheeple

Does majority support for something that is wrong

The Name DICK CHENEY Finally Being Mentioned In Leak Investigation

If the Democratic party were to nominate Dick Gephardt...

If the Democratic party were to nominate John Edwards...

If the Democratic party were to nominate Al Sharpton...

If the Democratic party were to nominate Carol Mosely-Braun...

Is Columbus the perfect representative of America today?

It's time we stopped kidding ourselves about centrist independents.

If the Democratic party were to nominate Joe Lieberman...

If the Democratic party were to nominate Howard Dean...

What is wrong with being a left-leaning progressive?

Novel Idea: Dems could Earn votes by actually representing their base

Policeman dies in attack near Karbala

States Risk Bigger Losses to Fund Pensions

Hoffa: Gephardt must take Iowa

Window of Opportunity (escaped mass-murderer)

Unclear Danger: Inside the Lackawanna Terror Case

Missing Sea Elegance crewman feared dead

Taylor wants to go home - Nigeria/Liberia

Straw Attacks ID Cards

US trade deficit with China surges to a record high

Taliban kill eight policemen in Afghan attack

News Conference -----------9:30 AM ET --------- on Bombing

Death of the common man

Rice Fails to Repair Rifts, Officials Say

100 missing in ferry sinking - Nigeria

Kerry Criticizes Dean's '02 Gambit

Ex-Ill. Gov. Joins Pa. Execution Protest

Shiites on pilgrimage as police come under fresh attack (Suicide bomber)

Narco News to Stop Publishing Oct. 18 (Say it ain't so, Al!)

Nigeria in talks with Swiss to recover Abacha loot

Bush and Blair Continue to Lose Votes

Spilled oil set ablaze at Iraq pipeline -U.S. Army

U.S. Soldier Wounded in Firefight with Rebels Near Kabul

Pakistan Denounces Indian Deal to Buy Advanced Radar Systems

Shia cleric's 'government' finds support

Rumsfeld 'Roller Coaster' Ride Takes Downward Turn

NAACP president says Bush should meet with minority leaders

Bush launches PR salvo on Iraq

Manilla Kills Terrorist (Al-Ghozi) prior to Bush visit

Standards urged for Internet politics

Many soldiers, same letter (form letters from Iraq touting success...)

U.S. plan to relax species policy. Hunters, pet industry, circuses could

Uneasy bedfellows in investigation of CIA leak

Twin Boys Stable As Separation Continues

Willie Shoemaker has died.

News Corp says James Murdoch best pick for BSkyB CEO

Palestinian prime minister intends to give up job soon

OIC demands eviction of all foreign forces from Iraq

Utah Medical Neglect Case Opens New Front

Attack on Syria Approved by Washington Warmongers

Democrats’ spirits remain up at retreat

NYT: Working To Spin Distrust Of Media Into Votes

Rumsfeld Bares His Fangs [MSNBC]

Primate Expert (Goodall) Blasts Bush

Breaking: Baghdad Hotel bombed.

Campaign Critics See All Sizzle, No Steak

Has Rumsfeld Been Demoted?

Republicans Run From Risk in Some Senate Fights

‘I Am Addicted to Prescription Pain Medication' [NEWSWEEK SLAMS RUSH]

Roadside bomb wounds three U.S. soldiers in Iraq

Grocery Clerks in California Go on Strike

Industry Spends $8M to Thwart Drug Bill


Senators Denounce Bush's War Performance

Saddam's loot stashed in Syria?

Apple powers college supercomputer

Musharraf's Four Years in Power

Official: al-Qaida Attacks Were Planned, U.S. Uncovers Plans, More attacks


Martinez Actions: Break the Curse, or Seriously Bad Juju?

Wow - if the last cast of SNL lowered the bar...

The Terminator (as in movie dude, not Arnald) a rep. or a DEM!

crazy college football saturday

I'm going to Borders Books and Music now

Why am I so damned tired?

All Lowermainland Duers check in with HEyHEY

Okay..enough's enough..Vancouver Duer's check in

Some Late Night Humor

The perfect hat to wear when you go hunting ;-)

PC picture Q for XP users

Any Zonies here tonight?

So did everybody know about the coming Bewitched movie but me?

Speakin' of "What's everyone drinkinf

New Spyware Products Crossing Line of Privacy

I have answers you give me questions, well I will try

Just saw "Bubba Ho-Tep" - ask me anything

Really cool flash to watch.............

new Hannity advertiser Smoke Away

Life, as seen by Cynical - Flash

Today in history - 1916, the Red Sox won the World Series

Taiwan takes top prize at South Korean film festival

Si hablas espanol

I just watched an old W.C. Fields movie

For all you dance-freaks out there...

Traveling with a laptop

Ever read King in Yellow

Sox fans should be listening to sports talk radio tonight......

Get your John Ashcroft Halloween Mask!

And nowwwwww....the end is nearrrrrr

We're on a streak of BAD luck

Does DU have a feature to send sounds? I just had a 'ha ha' sound

To all the OSU fans

Since when did the Yankees become such Prima Donna's?

What's up with bushwatch, buzzflash, APJ, and bartcop?

Does anyone happen to know how the OU- Texas game came out?

My Question

Andy Reid loses first battle of Brains against Parcells

Great Political Humor on SNL Last Night!


Latest advertisers on Rush Limbaugh show, MERCK Pharmaceuticals

Anybody like "Being John Malkovich" ?


Devil's Den

New Anti-drug commercial!

You'all comeon over to my house

Yankee and Red Sox fans - STFU, already

Don Zimmer can kiss my arse

chargers vs. bye week

Al Green: a tremendous talent

Dog washing advice!

I am a freeper


I just shaved all my facial hair off. Ask me anything.

I just washed my merkin, ask me anything

Join the Cubs Fans! We're mellow and civilized!

Do you view DU forums with collapsed or expanded threads???

God is about to strike me down...

Bears v Saints

california is royally screwed.

Really good Animated cartoon TROOTH

Funny Yahoo headline

Redskins Fans: Lets look at the Remaing Schedule

October 12th in music history

My cat HATES toilet paper.

Don't forget to stick it to Echelon on the 21st of October...

The (apparently) official Cubs-Marlins thread for game 5!


The School of Rock

Need a link to the laughing Kitty ((found--thanks))

My favortie poster on DU is...

Show your desktop! (Picture)

My main reason for disliking Lieberman is

North Korean Propaganda on Japanese TV video link...

I am a strange and disturbing man!

Herbal medicine

Hey it's me El Rushbo!

OMG The Jets are winning

This is my 1,500 post!

Rant Alert - An Indiana Teacher Gets My Vote

Magic? Mysticism? Beuller?

I'm going to eat green chili enchiladas

Oh how my Jets suck

Just saw Shonen Knife - ask me anything

Browns vs Raiders thread

I'd like to dedicate this song to Rush

DU chat

I may be cheering for the Broncos now, but I love Bill Cowher's snarl.

Lesser-known signs of the Apocalypse

Ice Ice Baby is back on

What are the odds of a DU chat room (or two)?

My favorite baseball heckle is

TV shows you really hate, past or present

Are there ANY Marlins fans out there???

How Badly Do The Raiders Suck?

Kill your TV! Why?

I am not the Popes son...

Favorite Monster Cereal

I'm ready for my closeup...

I'm declaring myself the Official DU Threadkiller

I read "Lying Liars" in less than 12 hours, ask me anything

Popular culture drain during Republican administrations


Crap: Crappity Crap and the Crap that Crappity Craps

Favourite song off "More Hot Rocks"

Have you ever had to pee

Okay, let's look at the milk discussion again! And a bumper sticker!

Freeperville pulling all threads that are critical of Rush

What magazines were under your mattress as a teenager?

Rainout in Boston

If the Democratic Party were to nominate Organism...

The decline of music in today's marketed world?

new GFP marketing idea... whaddaya think?

I need some hip late 60s music to groove to. Anyone have suggestions?

I could have had sex last night but did not because the guy

Help, my computer is freaking out

Techies: how do I defrag in safe-mode?

Day 5 of the NSMA vigil...

REDSKINS vs BUC's thread

Why would a 72 year old man pick a fight with a pro athlete?

What magazines were on your coffee table as a kid?

What should happen to OSU linebacker Robert Reynolds?

William Pitt in London ( with some bragging rights )

quick: any ideas/recipes for a tasty egg salad?

Do you prefer alcohol or pot?

WHy do we even need pot or booze

short hair or long hair?

Way to go Marlins... Make em sweat another 48 hours...

Best pic so far of Thomas Jane as THE PUNISHER

34-0 at the end of the first quarter

I have an interview coming up

KC Chiefs! Six and zeeero!!!

Clear Channel DJ's call for car ASSAULTS on cyclists

How does your cat drink water?

The Official Yankees - Red Sox Game Four Thread

Does this ever happen to you?

Student blatantly plagiarizes paper -- what to do?