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(55,745 posts)
63. Truly a great American. Some of his accomplishments...
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:36 AM
May 2016

Last edited Sun May 15, 2016, 12:32 PM - Edit history (2)

At Duquesne, he remarked that after appearing on William Buckley's "Firing Line," a PBS show, US broadcasters never allowed him to be interviewed in a broadcast reaching more than one US city at a time. He said that it was when the CBC broadcast an interview from Toronto that reached all of Canada that people in US towns near the border were able to hear him talk about the assassination of President Kennedy.

Biography of Mark Lane

by Ken Rahn

Mark Lane is one of the best-known researchers of the JFK assassination. He is also one of the most outspoken and controversial. He is a New York defense lawyer with strong leftist leanings and a strong social conscience, having involved himself in many causes over the years, such as the unjust exclusion of Negroes and Puerto Ricans from the juries in New York, the effects of widespread pretrial publicity upon the rights of the defendants, and the mistreatment of mentally retarded children in a New York State school. In 1959, helped found the Reform Democratic Movement within the New York Democrat Party. In 1960, he was elected to the New York Legislature, where he served for one term with the support of Eleanor Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, who was a Presidential Candidate at the time. In the legislature, he worked to abolish capital punishment, exposed a scandal in the construction of fallout shelters, and worked with New York Mary Robert Wagner on its housing problem. Perhaps one of the reasons he has been so interested in the assassination is that he managed JFK’s 1960 presidential campaign in the New York City area.

After the JFK assassination, Lane founded the Citizens’ Committee of Inquiry in New York City, where he spoke virtually daily on the assassination (before the Warren Report had been issued). He discussed the assassination widely in Europe because he felt that practically the only way to inform the American people about the assassination was to speak about it over there. Those efforts brought him into contact with Bertrand Russell and his then aide, Ralph Schoenman. Lane’s influence on Russell led the latter to publish his famous (or infamous?) “16 Questions On The Assassination” in the U.S. in September 1964.

He volunteered to defend Lee Harvey Oswald before the Warren Commission, but they refused him. He was then retained in 1964 by Marguerite Oswald to defend her son's interests, and was the only witness to request an open hearing. These events made him persona non grata with the Commission. Later he worked with Jim Garrison in New Orleans on Clay Shaw case, which was featured in Oliver Stone’s famous movie JFK.

Lane has written widely on the assassination. His first book on the subject was Rush to Judgment, which appeared in the U.S. in August 1966, in Great Britain in September 1966 (in hardcover), and then in 1967 as the Paperback Penguin Edition in Britain. He then wrote A Citizen’s Dissent in 1968. He has two screenplays dealing with the assassination, Executive Action and Plausible Denial, the first of which became a movie. He has produced two documentary films on the assassination, Rush to Judgment and Two Men In Dallas. He has also written one play, The Trial Of James Earl Ray.

Mark Lane has also been active in trying to understand the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination. He was James Earl Ray’s lawyer, then later wrote (with Dick Gregory) a book on that assassination, entitled Murder in Memphis).

Lane was also a lawyer for Jim Jones’s “People’s Temple” in Guyana. Regarding that relationship, Michael Benson noted in Who’s Who In The JFK Assassination that “Lane’s role in the uncovering of a JFK conspiracy is made more intriguing by the fact that Lane was a lawyer for Jim Jones’s People’s Temple in Jonestown, Guyana, and managed to escape the bizarre community just before the massacre. According to researcher John Judge (Critique, Spring/Summer 1986), Jonestown was not a religious community at all, but rather a part of the CIA mind-control program known as MK/ULTRA”. Whew!

More recently, Lane has been a lawyer for the far-right Liberty Lobby, headed by Willis Carto. In 1985, he successfully defended that group’s publication The Spotlight. That case led to his writing the 1991 book Plausible Denial, which claims that the CIA killed Kennedy.


We feature here Lane's article "Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer's Brief." that appeared in the National Guardian of 19 December 1963, or just four weeks after the assassination. As far as I can find, this is the first American reaction of a critical nature. It was an enormously influential article, and set the stage for Lane's years of intense activity regarding the case. Lane tells how the article came to be in the first chapter of his 1968 book A Citizen's Dissent: Mark Lane Replies. It seems that The New York Times had published on November 26th the text of Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade's press conference of the 24th, shortly after Oswald's death had been announced, in which Wade presented fifteen assertions concerning the sole guilt of Lee Harvey Oswald. Lane began to study the charges and compare them with what was then known about the case, and found many contradictions. He rapidly produced a ten-thousand-word article (the equivalent of twenty single-spaced pages) and started to shop it around. In his words, he offered it "gratis, to almost every periodical in the United States," including The Nation, Fact, The Reporter, Look, Life, the Saturday Evening Post, The New Republic, and The Progressive. Eventually James Aronson agreed to publish it in the leftist National Guardian, where it occupied five tabloid-size pages. Lane states that so many additional press runs were needed to keep the newsstands supplied that the Guardian reprinted it as a special pamphlet. Other publishers reacted in mixed ways. The New York Times published a long story on Lane's points, but to the best of Lane's knowledge no other paper in the country touched it. Lanes notes that the Guardian later reported that "Abroad the reaction was quite different. In Rome the Lane brief was scheduled to be printed in full in Paese Sera, the largest in the evening field, and in Liberation in Paris. Oggi, an Italian magazine with a circulation of one million, sought permission to reprint. The Japanese press and news agencies also were on top of the story. Several Mexican papers picked it up, too."



He came to speak in Detroit in 1993. I was unable to attend, but heard him interviewed on the radio. Caller after caller -- filtered by the station, of course -- all came on to criticize and slam him for daring to say CIA was involved. He asked the host if there was anybody in Detroit who'd read his books?
Mark Lane opened our eyes, breaking the myths of democracy and freedom our government was meant to Kip Humphrey May 2016 #1
He made an outstanding presentation at the Duquesne conference... Octafish May 2016 #14
The original paperback edition of Mark Lane's "Rush To Judgement " is still on my bookshelf. hedda_foil May 2016 #15
Oh, how I WISHED I had taken the extra day to see him at that conference, Octafish... MrMickeysMom May 2016 #42
Thank you, MrMickeysMom! The People in Pittsburgh are amazing. Octafish May 2016 #58
One of my early hero's... CanSocDem May 2016 #2
Yours is a great memory. Octafish May 2016 #17
Assuredly... CanSocDem May 2016 #23
Mark Lane, Thank You for your contribution, CRH May 2016 #3
A Great Democrat Octafish May 2016 #18
The Mafia-CIA-Cubans-FBI finally got him Freddie Stubbs May 2016 #4
I suspect the real story was he was traveling in a small airplane Major Nikon May 2016 #9
Yeah! Like Paul Wellstone and JFK, Jr. Octafish May 2016 #21
More like like chemtrails and UFOs Major Nikon May 2016 #22
No, more like Nixon and Dulles and Bush. Octafish May 2016 #24
Must be the crop circles Major Nikon May 2016 #25
I admire people who tell the truth. That's why I have a problem with you, Major Nikon. Octafish May 2016 #30
You'll have to excuse my momentary lapses of reason Major Nikon May 2016 #34
No need for disinformation. Octafish May 2016 #101
Then why bring it up? Major Nikon May 2016 #103
DISINFORMATION Part 2: How Trolls Control an Internet Forum Octafish May 2016 #110
Here's your alien abduction post... Major Nikon May 2016 #111
No where do I mention aliens, though. Octafish May 2016 #113
True Major Nikon May 2016 #117
So why do you need to imply I said that? Octafish May 2016 #120
Fair enough Major Nikon May 2016 #122
Never had known this and see it's completely consistant with RN's character. Judi Lynn May 2016 #36
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #29
No. What's ''loony left'' is siding with Karl Rove over Don Siegelman. Octafish May 2016 #41
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #45
After two judges tossed the case, they found a Rove appointee. Octafish May 2016 #77
Lane didn't even mention CIA in ''Rush to Judgement'' Octafish May 2016 #19
Aha, so only 50 years after coming up with his theory, tptb found a way to silence Mr. Lane. FSogol May 2016 #5
Time runs out for all human beings. Octafish May 2016 #20
Excellent book. He refused to believe that a dim-witted former commie, with poor marksmanship, Doctor_J May 2016 #6
I've tried to recreate the shots in christx30 May 2016 #7
Lane said J Edgar Hoover naming Oswald the lone assassin within hours was a sign of cover-up. Octafish May 2016 #31
I bought his book on the assassination and for many years jwirr May 2016 #8
Thank you for sharing that, jwirr. Octafish May 2016 #37
Being homeless is still a problem but finally my daughter has jwirr May 2016 #44
... 2naSalit May 2016 #10
Truly a great American. Some of his accomplishments... Octafish May 2016 #63
Citizen Lane: freedom rider, screenwriter... MinM May 2016 #11
Thanks to his efforts, MinM, we KNOW. Octafish May 2016 #72
Sad Day Mark 750 May 2016 #12
It was a sad day! Octafish May 2016 #78
Rush to Judgment (1966) Youtube complete Ichingcarpenter May 2016 #13
Those are the Stories. Octafish May 2016 #81
Cross gently, Mark. Cooley Hurd May 2016 #16
Thank you, Cooley Hurd. Octafish May 2016 #83
I am now conviinced the kill shot came from the car behind, the agent with the gun that Jackie Wilson Said May 2016 #26
There is a movie about it on Netflix? longship May 2016 #27
Pretty clear what happened... Jackie Wilson Said May 2016 #61
I know. Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. longship May 2016 #68
He was shot from the car behind him? Are you serious? Bucky May 2016 #33
This is the gun that killed him Jackie Wilson Said May 2016 #62
Mark Lane reported the truth. He did not add noise. Octafish May 2016 #48
Only 89? hmmm...sounds suspicious to me Adenoid_Hynkel May 2016 #28
Actually, it took Mark Lane years to document the CIA - MAFIA Murder Inc. relationship. Octafish May 2016 #84
Can GHWBush account for his whereabouts when these alleged "natural causes" occurred? Bucky May 2016 #32
You have the right idea, just the wrong suspects Major Nikon May 2016 #35
Here's who to suspect: Those who've spent the last 52 years covering it up, the BFEE. Octafish May 2016 #38
That's actually a pretty brilliant plan Major Nikon May 2016 #39
But that's not what the post was about. Here's something else to know, Dude... Octafish May 2016 #40
Yep, nothing like a dose of John Hankey Major Nikon May 2016 #43
Is that why John McAdams archived that thread? Octafish May 2016 #46
I have no idea why a wingnut would "archive" one of your unrelated posts Major Nikon May 2016 #47
I posted fact. You post straw men and ad hominem. Octafish May 2016 #49
No, what you posted came from John Hankey who is an anti-Semite Major Nikon May 2016 #50
Appeal to authority now. Octafish May 2016 #53
WTF are you even talking about? Major Nikon May 2016 #55
Your smears, threats and distortions. Octafish May 2016 #57
Diversion noted Major Nikon May 2016 #59
That is a despicable thing to write. Octafish May 2016 #60
Promoting the LaRouche movement is pretty fucking despicable Major Nikon May 2016 #64
Don't get all frothy, Major Nikon. Those are the FBI documents. Octafish May 2016 #65
You have such patience. CanSocDem May 2016 #66
CIA is still up to its old shenanigans. Octafish May 2016 #70
Why don't you just say "my dog ate my proof"? Major Nikon May 2016 #67
Because it wouldn't be true. Octafish May 2016 #69
By all means keep on promoting the work of anti-Semites if that's what does it for you Major Nikon May 2016 #71
Nice smear. If I was an ''anti-Semite" interested in ''butthurt" I'd be long gone from DU. Octafish May 2016 #73
I didn't claim you were an anti-Semite Major Nikon May 2016 #74
You also defend Bush & Cheney Octafish May 2016 #75
Bullshit Major Nikon May 2016 #76
Be sure to put this in your memoire. Octafish May 2016 #82
You flatter yourself Major Nikon May 2016 #85
How droll. Octafish May 2016 #86
I think you're worried about how close I'm getting to what you're really about Major Nikon May 2016 #92
Smears all up and down this thread, but what bothers me most... Octafish May 2016 #99
I tell you what Major Nikon May 2016 #102
What do you think you've been doing up and down this thread? Octafish May 2016 #115
Your post was alereted on! cleanhippie May 2016 #87
His journal is filled with him parroting out one of the founders of the LaRouche movement Major Nikon May 2016 #90
Smear by association. Octafish May 2016 #93
217 results Major Nikon May 2016 #96
So those who chronicle the crimes of the Bush family are a problem for you. Nice. Octafish May 2016 #98
For those that don't know, Webster Tarpley was involved in the LaRouche movement for decades Major Nikon May 2016 #104
Please do. The defenders of the Warren Report say, "Case closed." I don't. Octafish May 2016 #91
Lol. It was only because of the silly alert that I was drug into this. cleanhippie May 2016 #94
Laugh all you want. Octafish May 2016 #97
Why do you keep parroting out works from LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review? Major Nikon May 2016 #105
Show where I'm ''a fan'' or link to anything of that. Octafish May 2016 #107
You didn't answer the question Major Nikon May 2016 #108
I don't have to do anything you demand, on DU or anywhere. Octafish May 2016 #118
True, you don't have to provide evidence of any of your smears Major Nikon May 2016 #124
Jury results cleanhippie May 2016 #95
Evidence of Octafish's fondness for LaRouche Major Nikon May 2016 #100
My reputation matters to me. Octafish May 2016 #106
So why do you keep parroting out works from LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review? Major Nikon May 2016 #109
You are so right. 14 years on DU. Octafish May 2016 #112
So I'm smearing you with the very material you are posting yourself Major Nikon May 2016 #114
You smear me and I'm supposed to do what you demand? Octafish May 2016 #116
I've yet to see you post the slightest proof I've ever expressed fondness for Bush or Cheney Major Nikon May 2016 #119
Defend. Octafish May 2016 #121
And you've done both Major Nikon May 2016 #123
Call me names or a Larouchie, I don't care. Octafish May 2016 #125
Obviously you do care Major Nikon May 2016 #126
Not really. I side with Mark Lane. You side with Bush and Cheney, Major Nikon. Octafish May 2016 #127
No, really Major Nikon May 2016 #128
Like self-referential posts. Octafish May 2016 #129
Sure, I'm smearing you with your own posts Major Nikon May 2016 #130
Actually, that shows me using the truth to slam the BFEE. Octafish May 2016 #131
If your "truth" was as rock solid as you claim, why go to LaRouche to get it? Major Nikon May 2016 #132
Why do you spend so much time smearing me and defending Bush, Major Nikon? Octafish May 2016 #134
Pointing out that LaRouche is a batshit crazy anti-Semite = "defending Bush" Major Nikon May 2016 #135
But you were calling me an anti-Semite Larouche supporter all over upthread. Octafish May 2016 #136
Bullshit Major Nikon May 2016 #137
Maybe not a good time to mention it, but you're repeating yourself. Octafish May 2016 #138
You stole my line! Major Nikon May 2016 #139
No. I've used alert probably six or seven times in 55,000 posts or whatever it is. Octafish May 2016 #142
There should be a warning before posting the Cheney/Rumsfeld photo! Judi Lynn May 2016 #52
Sorry about that photo. It connects evil from 1963 to 2016. Octafish May 2016 #54
I remember listening to him when I was quite young gopiscrap May 2016 #51
Thank you for sharing those memories, gopiscrap. Octafish May 2016 #88
thanks for posting this gopiscrap May 2016 #141
I heard him speak at the University of Minnesota at least 40 years ago. dflprincess May 2016 #56
Thank you for sharing those memories, dflprincess. Octafish May 2016 #89
And thank you for all your research dflprincess May 2016 #140
NYT calls Lane a "conspiracy theorist?" KansDem May 2016 #79
Thank you for pointing that out, KansDem. Octafish May 2016 #80
The effects of propaganda on display. CanSocDem May 2016 #133
Message auto-removed Name removed Mar 2020 #143
Latest Discussions»Latest Breaking News»Mark Lane, Early Kennedy ...»Reply #63